The Great Silencing

Today (August 27th), I had a conversation with my doctor who has been my doctor for 30 years. He called to give me the lab results of the blood test I had to determine if I had had a previous Covid-19 infection. The test was negative; I showed no antibodies of prior infection. I was hoping I did. He asked if I was going to get vaccinated and that “it was his duty” to recommend the vaccination. I told him, “no, I had no plans to.”

He asked if I had any more questions. I was going to leave it there. But then the following conversation ensued.

ME: Can I ask you a question? I’ve been following the Covid data in the UK and Israel as they are ahead of us here in Canada and I don’t understand why if 80% of the population is fully vaccinated why Covid cases and deaths are now exploding again and that 70% of all deaths are in the vaccinated? What is going on?

DOCTOR: How many deaths are now happening in the UK?

ME: The rolling daily average is now 100.

DOCTOR: It was below 10 per day just two months ago. There is definitely something strange going on. I am watching those countries closely too. I got both doses because I had to. I had to to save my job. I’m 65 and thought with my age I would do it. We really didn’t have a choice if we wanted to continue to practise. But I will tell you, if they mandate a 3rd dose, I will retire.

ME: Why’s that?

DOCTOR: Because they will keep moving the goal posts on us like they’ve done this whole time. They are pushing vaccines as a blanket solution for everyone and any doctor will tell you that that never works because everyone is different. I have seen the effects of Covid and it’s not good. I’ve seen real suffering; but mostly in the elderly and overweight. I’ve also seen the adverse affects of the mRNA vaccines and something isn’t right either. There are far too many things going wrong after the shots are given. And these come from companies that can’t be sued. The whole system is messed up. Don’t get me wrong, the vaccines can certainly be helpful to a certain number of people; just not everyone.

ME: Is there any alternative for those of us that don’t want the mRNA vaccines?

DOCTOR: I wanted to get the Novavax vaccine. It’s a traditional vaccine. But for some reason Health Canada and the FDA are really slow approving it when all the trials show it has the same efficacy rate and its adverse affects profile is a lot safer. That’s what I wish I could have taken. Because no one knows what this mRNA is doing to us. No one. No one can tell you the long term affects. Spike proteins are toxic to the body. Public Health has dropped the ball here.

ME: Are there conversations going on around this fact? Are other doctors talking about it?

DOCTOR: There are a number of us who talk about it but we can’t publicly. We are mandated not to talk about it. The College of Physicians will strip our licenses. It’s really troubling when you can’t have an open discussion about a topic like this.

ME: Well that’s not the nature of science. The whole point is to question.

DOCTOR: Exactly. We are being told to act in a way that is the exact opposite of what we were taught in Med School. Every patient is different and has different needs. Something isn’t right. And these proposed mandates are really troubling. There are a lot of people who have legitimate reasons not to get vaccinated for both medical and personal reasons. I have patients that I would recommend not get it. I’ve given tens of thousands of vaccines and flu shots in my career but I refuse to give even one of these. And I haven’t. That’s why my voicemail tells my patients to go to the pharmacy to get their shot if they want it. I don’t want to have to live with the results of what might happen. And I say that as someone who has gotten both shots.

A lot of the rest of the conversation was discussing the various stats we knew, along with talking about the recent trend to see children hospitalized and the concern that causes. But this was the meat of the conversation.

Something is really wrong. Our health officials have been wrong about everything so far and most follow along as if they actually care about us. In any other business these people would have been fired long ago for sheer incompetence. They are clearly still there because they are doing exactly what the government wants them to do. Government has never cared about us. They will take our freedoms away in a heartbeat with no concern over the lives they ruin with their horrible policy decisions. To trust the government with your health is suicide. Let’s list a few of the known lies so far:

  • the virus came from a wet market in China: LIE.
  • the virus is naturally occurring: LIE
  • 15 days to flatten the curve: LIE
  • masks are useless, then wear your mask: LIE
  • the asymptomatic carrier can spread the virus: LIE
  • lockdowns will work: LIE
  • PCR tests are accurate: LIE
  • we won’t mandate vaccines: LIE
  • get your two vaccines to get back to normal: LIE
  • these vaccines are safe and effective: LIE
  • vaccines provide better immunity than a previous infection: LIE
  • the unvaccinated are responsible for the continued spread: LIE

At every step along the way they have lied to us. Every one of these points has been proven to be untrue. Government, and the men behind this, are the most obvious manifestation of evil in the world today. They promise to bring you safety, but ask for your liberty and freedom in return. They promise you that they are concerned for your health, while perpetrating crimes against humanity. This will not end well. For those who are not historically illiterate, it is easy to see the slow march of evil as it once again ramps up against our civil and peaceful way of life. Things are never going back to normal because too many have succumbed to the fear they’ve been infected with. If only there was a vaccine for that.

This was the most beautiful sunset I have ever seen. I couldn’t click the shutter fast enough that night as the sky changed continually. I’ve been back to that place many times since hoping to relive that moment. But moments like that aren’t repeatable for if they were, they wouldn’t leave the same impression on your senses. My father captured this image of me up on the rock trying to get a better angle of the boulders in the foreground.

It happened almost a decade ago now, but every time I see the photos from that night it’s as if I’m immediately there again. I feel the dampness of the sea spray. I can smell the ocean and hear the waves crash. I can feel the wonder of the colours as they changed; as if an artist was painting a masterpiece right in front of me. I can hear the gulls as they begin to settle down for the night. I can still feel the heaviness of the dying light that night, and the creeping darkness of that time sometimes rushes back.

Fear not. I have to tell myself that at times. With every sunset, we know that with a little patience, the sun will rise again to wash the darkness away. The light of morning signals a new day, and new beginning, full of hope and goodness.

And I was told
That the streets were paved with gold
And there’d be no time for getting old when we were young
But it’s alright
If you dance with me tonight
We’ll fight the dying of the light and we’ll catch the sun

-Noel Gallagher

Covid Vaccine

So a few days ago the Biden Administration recommended a third covid vaccine 8 months after the second shot, apparently because of waning immunity from the earlier shots. In other words, these vaccines, which aren’t vaccines at all because they do not sterilize the virus like traditional vaccines do, are failing at a massive rate. They are not doing what people were told they would do. “Just get the shot so you can get your regular life back,” they were falsely told. But those in charge cannot now admit the failure since billions of dollars are at stake and the fearful are so wedded to the idea of their vaccine security blanket.

Some studies have shown the efficacy of the vaccines has fallen sharply. That is massive vaccine failure. You cannot spin it any other way. 

Young people in their teens and twenties are being blackmailed into getting the shots if they want to enjoy life like they once did. Covid now poses less statistical risk to these young people than drinking alcohol, driving cars, or socializing in dangerous neighbourhoods. And I don’t see governments attempting to eliminate any of those things because ultimately they are revenue sources, health be damned. This has never been about the health of the population. Not once have you heard the government recommend a healthy immune system: eat better, stop smoking, stop drinking, take Vitamin D, etc. Their only recommendation has been to get inoculated with a drug that we now see, clearly is not working. Pfizer knew this from the beginning. From a study they commissioned:

The highly-anticipated Pfizer’s safety and efficacy study of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine is finally out. After six months of monitoring over 45,000 patients, the study found that there were 15 deaths in the vaccine group and 14 deaths in the unvaccinated placebo group.

In other words, more vaccinated people died from the virus than the unvaccinated. According to the study, there were no deaths among 12‒15-year-old participants. The study not only demonstrates the lack of efficacy in the most important group but also highlights the extremely low fatality rate of Covid-19 in most of the 45,000 participants.

What does this mean? In essence, the Pfizer vaccine doesn’t even reduce the risk of death, despite the claims to the contrary.

New York City has instituted vaccine passports for every day activities and many places here in Canada are about to do the same. This has never been about public health and for those with eyes to see through this, it is clearer now than ever before.

A friend sent me an article about the largest financial institution in Canada introducing a vaccine mandate for all employees. This was my response:


These elites step over people sleeping on subway grates as they go to their gilded offices. They’ve watched people die every day from a lack of healthcare, homelessness, crime, drugs, etc. Every single day. For decades. And they never batted an eye. And now they want you to think they care deeply about people dying from a flu with a fatality rate less than 0.5%? Come on. That’s the real joke of it all. They don’t care at all. 
And now you have to get your third shot, and why? Because of massive vaccine failure. I told you it was happening. These vaccines, which are not vaccines, but therapeutics, are harming people and not protecting them. You can still get covid, spread covid, and die from covid. How many shots until you say enough? 6? 7? Unlimited? Because they will keep pushing them. This is evil. We can now deal with this like the flu. Keep the vulnerable safe and restore our freedoms and liberties. This is like telling everyone to get chemo because they might get cancer.
Quarantine camps are coming. The modern day concentration camps will come. They are building one now in Australia for those like me who will not comply with their tyranny. The Nazi’s began by telling everyone that the Jews carried typhus and they needed to be segregated for public health concerns. Those pushing vaccine mandates are Nazi’s. They are authoritarian and are looking to kill even more. 
Keep this email for future reference and let’s see who’s right. This really should be alarming to any reasonable person.

And what does Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA vaccines, have to say about these Covid-19 vaccines:

“There’s pretty clear evidence that the spike protein expressed from vaccines is causing toxicity in a small subset of patients. The question is how big is that subset and how bad and broad are those toxicities? The honest truth is we don’t know and furthermore there is a lot of signs that that information is being withheld from us… I have colleagues in the government who were aware and knew months before the toxicity was disclosed that the toxicity was an issue… They are finding that the CDC is grossly underreporting these key adverse events… My senior colleagues at the FDA have known that this was the case for months… we have multiple signs that the CDC is editing this data in support of this noble lie.”

Edmund Burke famously said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Evil requires your submission and compliance, not your support or your full mental acquiescence. Therefore, a refusal to submit and comply, whatever the cost, is the only moral imperative. We cannot allow this to continue. But only time will tell who is right. We have to give no other reason for our refusal to take their needle than, “I am a free person and I can choose to do what I want and make my own medical decisions.” We do not owe anyone an explanation.

Choose Wisely

Always make wise choices. We as humans, are an accumulation of the decisions we make and the thoughts we think, for good and for ill. Some of our bad choices we never recover from.

Be diligent in guarding your life, and choose wisely.


Causing Division

Imagine for a moment that you secretly read the posts here. And imagine that you don’t like most of what you read, or believe the author is wrong, in spite of the research he uses to corroborate much of what he writes about. You don’t take the time to comment or point out his supposed “errors”, but keep coming back to read the next “outrageous” thing written.

Then imagine, that you rip something written out of context and use it to drive a wedge between a father and daughter because you are in some small way, offended by it. Was it way off base? Or did it hit too close to home? Imagine never addressing the point with the author or asking for clarity on the point in question. Imagine being so offended by an opinion (backed up with hard data), that you felt compelled to undermine his relationships, and not once sought to understand the point being made. Disagreeing with someone’s “tone” is not an argument.

This is gossip aimed to harm. It is childish. It is wrong. For 10 years you’ve never once reached out to hear another side of a sad, sordid story. I am always available. 

Unfortunately, none of this is hard imagine at all.

Spirit Island in front of the Hall of the Gods in Jasper Alberta.

No one is allowed to set foot on the island for it is an Indigenous sacred site. All the trees are now dead from a pine beetle infestation in the area. The beetle had no concern for its sacredness. There is nothing new under the sun: the unbelieving man will always worship the powerless creation and deny its Creator. Nature is not a god, but rather, the visual handiwork of God. Modern pop culture pantheism has enthralled a new generation. There is nothing new under the sun.

A Father

My Dad and I, 1990.

This has always been my favourite photo of my dad and I, taken by my brother, the day before we ascended to the top of Mount Rainier, standing immovable before us. I have been incredibly blessed by a father who loves me, cares for me, cries for me, cheers for me, prays for me, and wants only the best for me in this life.

A father leads his son through life; over many ominous mountains, and through some pretty difficult valleys. This photo symbolizes to me that there is nothing unsurmountable with a strong father to lead you, and a loving Father above to guide you.

Happy Father’s Day, Dad. There is nothing I could ever say or do to adequately thank you for all that you’ve meant to me. I love you.

“…and keep your powder dry.”

Oliver’s Advice is a poem written by William Blacker in 1834, memorializing the words of Oliver Cromwell to his men before he led them into battle in the English Civil War (1642-1651).

Cromwell’s admonition was succinct: “Put your trust in God, but keep your powder dry.” It’s a simple maxim to remember and encourage us as the vileness of the world weighs on us.

Too many people are weak and cowardly and turn a blind eye to the objective evils in our midst and fail to speak out boldly against them for fear of being “cancelled,” or shunned, or mocked. We should not fear from standing up for those things that are good, beautiful, and true. Cromwell echoed the message of Proverbs 21:31 (“The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory rests with the Lord”), in that God will ultimately prevail, but we are to actively fight and oppose those things that are vile and corrupt. From abortion to the trans movement; from sex-trafficking to porn; from the racist BLM campaign, to ineffective government shutdowns. There is so much evil in this world and as the saying by Edmund Burke goes, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

I encourage you to read Blacker’s poem linked above. It opens thusly:

The night is gathering gloomily, the day is closing fast—
The tempest flaps his raven wings in loud and angry blast;
The thunder clouds are driving athwart the lurid sky—
But, “put your trust in God, my boys, and keep your powder dry.”

Covid-19 Math

One of the most common refrains we hear these days is this: “you need to follow the science,” even though it is often uttered by the scientifically uninformed or illiterate. Science is not, and never has been, the utopian answer for every problem, and in fact is often wrong, misused, or abused, to push forward a favoured narrative. Sadly, science can’t be trusted as it once was as political ideologies have infiltrated and polluted the once noble discipline. The Covid-19 pandemic has been a prime example of the bastardization and outright abuse of science. Instead of following the science, we need to follow or look at the math.

No government has had a great response to the Covid19 pandemic. Admittedly, there have been many unknowns that could not have been anticipated. Yet these useless “public servants” made policy decisions in direct contradiction to the “science” they triumphed and greatly diminished the freedoms of their citizens. And when they were presented with new data that should have made them change course, they didn’t. They were never following the science; that much is now known.

Let’s look at the math and assess their policy decisions from the facts. The following data comes from the Canadian Government Covid-19 database found here, as of April 30th, 2021 (Similar numbers can be calculated from the current date on the site). I challenge the panic-stricken to visit this government site and look at the numbers for themselves. Do the math, and then tell me the destruction our leaders have caused was worth it.

As of April 30th, here are the total numbers for all ages across Canada:

Total Cases: 1,219,425
Total Cases Resolved: 1,111,887
Total Deaths: 24,219
Survival Rate: 99.98%

When drilling down further into the numbers we see that, 52.4% of all positive cases were in those under 40, yet that same demographic accounted for only 0.024% of all Covid deaths. Conversely, 9.9% of all positive cases were found in those 70 and over yet that demographic accounted for 86.4% of deaths. When you run the numbers for those under 60, (998,590 cases, 1277 deaths) that brings the survival rate for those under 60 to 99.9987%, which means 13 people will die for every 100,000 positive cases. In 2018, Canada had 23 deaths per 100,000 from influenza and in 2019 it was 18.4 deaths per 100,000 according to the official statistics. We should never have locked down anyone. We should have protected the elderly and infirm and let everyone else go about their business as usual for the numbers show that this is not the plague they have led us to believe.

Now, any death at any time for any reason is a tragedy. Life is precious and a tremendous gift. But let’s remember that more than half the deaths from Covid-19 occurred in people over the age of 85 in a country where the average life expectancy is just under 82. This is a disease that attacks the elderly and infirm and is relatively innocuous to the young and healthy.

When you do the math, it can’t be any clearer. What we are dealing with here is a very contagious flu-like virus that is not the least bit dangerous to those under 60, despite the rare anecdotal stories that make the headlines to scare us. Covid-19 is a repackaged flu pandemic that has allowed governments to more easily exert influence over our lives and make us more dependent on their benevolent handouts. The longer term implications of the money-printing and debt accumulated to “fight” this scourge with be economically devastating to our nation in the next decade.

To further illustrate, the NYTimes showed that flu cases in the US dropped to about 1% of what they usually are on an annual basis. Scientists have chimed in with fanciful explanations to try and explain this away; but do the math. In 2019-2020, the US cases of influenza were around 38 million, but as of this writing the total influenza cases for the 2020-2021 flu season are less than 100,000 and Covid cases total 33 million. It seems that Covid has made the flu magically disappear. Their science is wrong; do the math.

A Manitoba microbiologist recently did some extensive testing on the PCR test used to detect the Covid virus and found that 56% of all tests were false positives. The unreliability of this testing method has been known for quite some time but they keep using it; most likely to keep the case numbers inflated. In Vermont, it was found that almost 94% of tests done were false positives. We have been pounded relentlessly by the media and government authorities with high case numbers in an effort to keep the fear narrative active as it is the only way to keep people compliant and irrationally fearful of a virus that is benign to an overwhelming majority of the population. There is no other conclusion to reach: they are knowingly lying to us. It is not about the science at all.

They are lying to you about the many variants and the need for further lockdowns because of them. They are lying to you about the efficacy of the lockdowns when 70% of all transmissions happen in the home. The unscientific mask fetishists are lying to you about the efficacy of wearing a mask. From the CDC:

During March 1–December 31, 2020, state-issued mask mandates applied in 2,313 (73.6%) of the 3,142 U.S. counties. Mask mandates were associated with a 0.5 percentage point decrease (p = 0.02) in daily COVID-19 case growth rates 1–20 days after implementation and decreases of 1.1, 1.5, 1.7, and 1.8 percentage points 21–40, 41–60, 61–80, and 81–100 days, respectively, after implementation (p<0.01 for all). Mask mandates were associated with a 0.7 percentage point decrease (p = 0.03) in daily COVID-19 death growth rates 1–20 days after implementation and decreases of 1.0, 1.4, 1.6, and 1.9 percentage points 21–40, 41–60, 61–80, and 81–100 days, respectively, after implementation (p<0.01 for all). Daily case and death growth rates before implementation of mask mandates were not statistically different from the reference period.

At best, masks have helped to decrease spread by about 1.6% overall. That’s it. They are lying to you when they tell you to be afraid of passing people on the street. “There is not a single documented Covid infection anywhere in the world from casual outdoor interactions, such as walking past someone on a street or eating at a nearby table,” reports the NYTimes.

The Pfizer CEO, Albert Bourla, essentially admitted that Covid-19 was a variation of the flu when he told a panel that it looks like people will have to get a Covid shot every year. Covid is closer to a flu virus than it is say, a polio virus, that only needs one shot for complete protection. The Covid shot will become a yearly flu shot replacement; endangering thousands and thousands of people and making the pharmaceutical companies billions and billions; all for a disease that has a survival rate of 99.98%. (According to the US vaccination database VAERS, more people have died from the Covid-19 vaccines in its 6 months of use, then from every other vaccine administered in the US over the last 15 years combined. Furthermore, if the vaccines were so effective, why is the most vaccinated place on earth experiencing a tremendous surge in cases? Also, why are 50% of CDC and FDA workers refusing to take the vaccine?)

Our governments and medical authorities have lied to us since the beginning of this pandemic and I’ve barely scratched the surface of the falsities they’ve perpetuated to keep us living in fear. (We now know that Dr. Teresa Tam lied to us about human to human transmission early on, to name just one). They are now pushing untested vaccines (which scientifically speaking really aren’t vaccines at all) on us as a way to regain our God-given freedoms that should never have been taken in the first place. We are watching authoritarians at work slowly curtailing our freedoms and most people robotically listen and comply. They are the frogs in the slow boiling pot.

The Covid-19 fear narrative has permitted governments to expand their powers over our lives like few things in history. They have destroyed the economy in the process; amassing obscene amounts of debt and causing runaway inflation which in turn will make life unaffordable and unliveable for many. They have used the term “science” as a bludgeon to control people and have not changed their actions when the “science” changed. What was the first thing we were told about Covid-19 and its origins? We were told that it came from a man eating a bat in a Chinese wet market. Anyone with any sense knew immediately that it was a lie and that the truth was anything but that. Throughout this whole ordeal the “official story” our leaders have told us has almost always been a lie. “Masks are useless…wear your mask” and so on. Don’t rely on their “science” and don’t believe anything they tell you. Look at the data and do the math. They’ve lied to you from the beginning, and they’ll keep lying to maintain their control.

White Pocket, Arizona

Cities obscure the glory of the world all around us and turn men inward to focus on themselves. Only in nature, can we look outward and get a glimpse of God’s handiwork, which is our playground and medicine for our souls.

“Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.” ~ John Muir

“I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in.” ~ George Washington Carver

They’re Just Like Us…Apparently

He was a person of authority: a county court judge. He was the president of an organization that organized the interaction of mentally ill drag queens and children. He is a gay man and an adoptive father. He is a pedophile. This is the story of Brett Blomme and it is disgusting on so many levels.  It occurs far more often than we are led to believe. (Planned Parenthood also endorsed Blomme for his position on the court; not surprising that another child-hating organization pushed this man on society).

The media and gay lobby groups hide the facts: homosexual men abuse children at an astronomically higher rate than heterosexual men do. And it’s sad that as a society we allow it to continue under the guise of progressive ideals. As Vox Day has noted from the research, “homosexual pedophiles are 14 times more likely to be caught abusing boys than heterosexual pedophiles are caught abusing girls.” And this is why traditional societies have always sought to keep homosexuals away from children: because they actually cared about their well-being. Now we allow gay parents to adopt and drag queens to read to them all in the name of “wokeness,” degeneracy, and a desire to destroy the foundational mores of Western civilization.

Child abuse is horrific. It is almost axiomatic that abused children become the next generation of abusers. It is a sad and alarming part of humanity that child sexual abuse even exists; but this is the nature of man. Statistics show that those who turn out to be gay or lesbian were 3 times more likely to be abused as children. The sickness is perpetuated generation after generation and supposed “good people” stand by and cheer it on; whether as visible bystanders at a vile “pride parade” or as those who passively embrace the new sexual orthodoxy for fear of appearing intolerant. Tolerance of evil has never been a virtue in a strong and prosperous society.

No, this does not mean that all those who call themselves gay or lesbian will mistreat children or have a propensity towards pedophilia. But a greater number of them do and that should frighten us when considering the well-being of children in society. As they continue to seek positions of power, like judgeships, we will see a once strong society erode, while perversions are celebrated.

Covid19 And Government Incompetence

Ronald Reagan once quipped, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.” As a man who valued personal liberty over government interference in our lives, Reagan’s joke is funny because it’s true. There has not been a more revealing period in modern history that exposes the utter ineptitude of the monstrous, bureaucratic government, that seeks to rule over every facet of our lives, and their absolute disregard for the well-being of those they govern.

Justin Trudeau is easily the worst leader in Canadian history and it’s hard to determine if it’s just sheer incompetence that defines him, or an evil lust for power. His inexplicable handling, rather bungling, of the Covid19 pandemic has destroyed the lives and livelihoods of millions of Canadians. He and his government have spread fear and panic across a nation and used lockdowns to destroy the Canadian economy; and most of the destruction has yet to be felt. He has burdened future generations with his blunders.

The face of incompetence? Or evil? Or both?

Some may feel this criticism is too harsh; that Trudeau was just trying to protect the citizens under his charge. Only someone incredibly naive or ill-informed could believe this. Over and over Trudeau said he was following the “science”; the favourite slogan of those who neither understand science, nor care about what it actually is. Let’s be clear: those that “followed the science” during this pandemic were wrong at every turn and used the word “science” to silence dissent against their arcane decisions. Dr. Anthony Fauci in the US was so wrong that I think he should be criminally charged for negligence and dereliction of duty. We can’t have men cause so much harm and go unpunished. Our leaders should have followed the math: the numbers that revealed the true state of the emergency and the exaggerated response to a virus that really isn’t that deadly at all.

Let’s look at the official 2020 Canadian statistics regarding Covid19: click here for the data. What do they reveal? Here are the highlights:

Canadian population: 37,742,154
Total Covid deaths: 19,328
LTC covid deaths: 15,849
Gen. Pop. covid deaths: 3,479

The most revealing stat of all: out of a population of over 37 million people, 3,479 people died of Covid19 who were not in long-term care facilities. We knew from the beginning that the elderly (over 80) were the most vulnerable to this virus. Yes, every death is tragic and a painful loss for someone. But only 3,479 people (outside of long-term care facilities) died from a virus that has been portrayed by the government and the media as the modern day Black Death. Our government officials shut down the entire Canadian economy, destroyed businesses, caused massive unemployment, ruined industries, depleted billions in individual savings, and ballooned the national debt, for a disease with a death rate amongst a non-LTC population of 0.00922%. This is so infinitesimally small that it’s hard to understand how these governmental decisions could be viewed as anything other than diabolical; as decisions meant to harm most of us. The end result of all this will be more reliance on government resources by a greater number of people and a greater dependence on their “benevolence” for our well-being. The Chinese Virus has made government more powerful, more necessary for many, and an evermore presence in our lives.

Governments are the enemy of freedom and liberty, by definition. What they have perpetuated on their citizenries through their response to Covid19 is nothing short of evil; and that’s being kind. We should have protected the elderly and vulnerable amongst us and let the young and healthy go to work, go to school, run their businesses, and live their lives as normal. Our leaders lied to us about the spread of the virus, about the deadliness of the virus, and are now foisting upon us an untested vaccine as the only way to return to normal. It can’t be any more clear how much they hate us, how much they hate the greatness of Western civilization, and despise the thought of personal liberty and freedom.

As the last light of day disappears in Monument Valley, Arizona.

Darkness is coming. Cultural, institutional, and moral decay can be seen everywhere. The progressive mind virus is infecting, and adversely affecting, almost everyone and everything. We can only hope to withstand the terror that comes with the darkness of night, so that we may see the first light of morning. Only Light and Truth can save us from what’s coming.


If the year 2020 has taught us anything, it is that evil is real, and everywhere. It no longer hides in the shadows pulling strings from afar, but has been exposed by the light and been laid bare for all to see. Evil is indeed everywhere, and it resides resolutely in the hearts of wicked men. We have seen evil exposed and our way of life has begun to collapse under the weight of it.

We saw the Chinese Communist Party release a virus onto the world, most likely on purpose, that killed millions, and crushed the world economy. This was an act of war in order to secure world dominance; and it is working as the US, and other Western nations, collapse economically because of it. They did not care to alert the world to the problem, but hid it and let it spread. They lied, and thousands died.

We have seen the evil of the worlds’ Central Banks and the policies they have implemented to devalue our assets and make life harder for 99% of the population. The US Federal Reserve has printed 35% of all US money in circulation in the last year alone. This serves to enrich the elite and impoverish the middle class. They have created financial problems that they cannot solve and by devaluing all assets through the printing of more money they ensure the eventual collapse of the economy and incredible coming hardships that will be felt by all. They have refused to do what is right and in the best interests of the people, and have guaranteed an economic disaster in the near future.

We have seen people use the word “science” as if they know what they’re talking about and give their point of view an air of authority. Science that works is called engineering. What is purported to be science in our day is scientism; more akin to a religious belief system than a truthful and fact-based enterprise, used to keep people subservient and in line. Covid19 and the universal Climate Change hoax are two such uses of bad science to scare people and strip the wealth of nations for the benefit of the very few. It is not even debatable at this point as the evidence is everywhere.

We have seen the evil of “scientists” and medical professionals as they make proclamation after proclamation about Covid19 that ended up being anything but scientific, and dead wrong. The advice they have given and the recommendations they have made have destroyed the lives of millions of people; both emotionally through fear, and financially through the elimination of jobs and businesses. Doctors should be our most trusted professionals and yet when politics enters the arena it corrupts everything it touches. The World Health Organization personified this corruption in the early stages of the pandemic when they ran cover for the Communist Chinese Party and told us there was very little to worry about. Their mouthpiece in the US, Dr. Anthony Fauci, has been wrong about almost everything. It is evil to play with the lives of those that trust you. And it’s just as evil not to hold these men accountable for their actions.

We have seen the continued promotion of diversity as some great virtue when in reality it helps to destroy social cohesion, trust in populations, and Western civilization as a whole. The greater the diversity in a population, the greater the conflict in that population. This is an axiomatic truth with the evidence plainly seen. Basing decisions on the immutable characteristics of a person like skin colour, gender, or orientation, rather than on merit or the character of the individual, will serve to promote mediocrity and the slow disintegration of our nations. A house divided against itself by diversity and her proponents, cannot stand.

We have seen the rise of the “woke leftist” that is without a doubt the dumbest, the ugliest, and the most delusional demographic in society today. They are embodied by BLM, Antifa, the Vegan movement, and 20+ year old females who cry about the many faux injustices they perceive in the world. They are lazy malcontents who blame the unhappiness in their own lives on a host of externalities around them rather than on their many, and continuing, poor life choices. Their evil manifests itself in the narcissism of blaming others for their circumstances and not taking any personal responsibility for making the world better on an individual basis. They are selfish and ungrateful and they live miserable lives because of it and want those around them to suffer as well.

We have seen the evil of censorship by the media and big tech companies. The concept of “free speech” has always been a lie and I can no longer support the notion. The Berkeley liberals of the 1960’s agitated on campuses for free speech and all we got for that was ubiquitous porn and the development of hate speech laws which are antithetical to free speech and used as a bludgeon to silence the opinions of those with whom they disagree. Free speech in society is a myth and we have seen the evil of the big tech companies shutting down and de-platforming those who do not adhere to the approved narrative. When the open public square is no longer a place where people can express themselves freely, or where good opinions can act as a disinfectant for the bad, then we have created an environment in which evil can flourish and multiply.

2020 is a year that everyone is ready to forget. Sadly, 2020 is only the beginning in what may be a long decline and the end to our freedoms and independent way of life. We have allowed evil to percolate below the surface for far too long and we are now reaping what we have sown. We have allowed sex-trafficking, drug abuse, alcoholism, abortion, porn, greed, to name but a few, to proceed unabated over the past decades so no one should be surprised as we watch the walls of society crumble around us. It will not be long before all that we knew and loved will be in ruin. 

People are living lives of loneliness and despair. They have lost hope in a world that is leaving them behind. They have been betrayed by those entrusted to care for them. They have been vilified for wanting to raise families and live simple lives. We have watched as the evil and ugly has replaced the virtuous and beautiful. There is only one sure Hope in this world that provides solace amongst the turmoil, and only by trusting that Hope can one be free from the prolific evil and tyranny of men. Evil is here, but it is not eternal. Thank God for that.

Declining Female Happiness

An interesting paper was published a few years ago that outlines what appears to be a long and sullen trend tracking alongside many female advancements: a marked decline in overall female happiness. If we look at the data and the lives of women all around us, we have to ask if Feminism has helped or hurt women over the past few decades. The answer is not as clear cut as many would have us believe. The whole paper can be read here but I will extract the salient point. Stevenson and Wolfers write:

By  most  objective  measures  the  lives  of  women  in  the  United  States  have  improved dramatically  over  the  past  35  years.    Moreover,  women  believe  that  their  lives  are  better;  in  recent polls  asking  about  changes  in  the  status  of  women  over  the  past  25  or  50  years,  around  four  in  five adults  state  that  the  overall  status  of  women  in  the  U.S.  has  gotten  better  (and  the  remaining respondents  break  two-for-one  towards “stayed  the  same” over “worse”). Additionally,  the  1999 Virginia  Slims  Poll  found  that  72%  of  women  believe  that “women  having  more  choices  in  society today  gives  women  more  opportunities  to  be  happy” while  only  39%  thought  that  having  more  choices “makes  life  more  complicated  for  women.”   Finally,  women  today  are  more  likely  than  men  to  believe that  their  opportunities  to  succeed  exceed  those  of  their  parents.

Yet  trends  in  self-reported  subjective  well-being  indicate  that  women  are  less  happy  today than  they  were  in  the  1970s.    This  finding  of  a  decline  in  women’s  well-being,  both  absolutely  and relatively  to  that  of  men,  raises  questions  about  whether  modern  social  constructs  have  made  women worse  off,  or  alternatively  about  the  interpretability  of  subjective  well-being  data  analyzed  over  long-time  periods.    In  1974,  Richard  Easterlin  pointed  to  a  related  puzzle—as  countries  got  wealthier  there was  little  evidence  that  their  populations  got  happier,  despite  the  existence  of  a  robust  relationship between  income  and  well-being  in  both  individual  data  and  across  countries.

The panacea that Feminism promised, while being socially rewarding for some, has not manifested itself in a broad increase in female happiness over time, but rather, a decline; and a decline that has seen a massive increase in the use of antidepressants and alcohol to cope with all the “promised benefits” of this new “equality.” Men and women are different, despite that the social engineers tell us otherwise. Men and women have complementary roles and dispositions yet the egalitarians will continue to experiment with the lives of women until their relative happiness pales in comparison to what it once was. It has almost become axiomatic that if an academic posits great improvements through radical changes, they will almost always be proven wrong over time. Let this decline in female happiness serve as Exhibit A, and it should be laid at the feet of Feminists the world over who have made women more miserable than they once were.

Random Thoughts #8

1) It would appear that another study shows the link between having tattoos and mental illness in those who ink themselves. As I said here, for many (not all), it is an outside sign of inner turmoil.

2) Women are now heavier drinkers than men. Feminism has served to masculinize women. Women are now suffering greater rates of depression than ever before (around 20%) and they are entertaining themselves with a depressant (alcohol) at an ever greater rate. Their “fun” is hurting them. Modern society is breaking women.

3) The barbarians who work in abortion clinics carry out almost a satanic level of evil, including this doctor who use to cut the vocal chords of the “fetus” so she wouldn’t have to hear the baby scream. We are nearing civilizational collapse when the pro-abortion crowd is callous and unmoved by the gruesome horror they support and champion.

4) The progressive cult has enacted a new law in order to protect pedophiles. Evil never happens all at once. It creeps in slowly and decays a society over time. They’re now brazenly open about it. Never, and I mean never, believe a liberal or progressive when they talk about protecting children. The exact opposite is always true. Why do they want to normalize pedophilia? Watch. Progressives never want to protect children.

5) Just when you thought progressives couldn’t get any more depraved, “celebrity” Ali Wentworth thinks it’s a great idea to watch porn with your kids; even though study after study shows that watching porn leads to less enjoyment of real sex. No, it’s not about perverting or indoctrinating our children at all; no, they “care” about kids too much for that to be true!

6) This cannot be overstated or simply stated enough: leftists, progressives, and social justice warriors or advocates, are mentally ill, and suffer from mental problems at a far greater rate than conservatives. Oh gosh, I wonder why? It’s almost like the things they stand for and advocate have a tremendous negative effect on their psyches and souls.

7) The Climate Change hoax is exactly that. It is a way for governments to control people and extract their resources after engineering a doomsday scenario into the minds of the population. Leftist Michael Moore took a lot of heat for exposing the hypocrisy within this movement. This documentary is well worth watching to learn about what is actually happening and being perpetuated by the climate cult.

(Leftists got the whole documentary removed because of an 8 second copyright infringement but here is a lengthy overview).


8) The US election is just 5 days away. America is broken and cannot be fixed. In the end, it matters not who wins. It has been financially ruined and will not recover. It is no longer a discussion between left and right, but viewing the other side as evil, and that they must be crushed by gaining power over them at all costs. In 5 days, America will descend into chaos taking the world with it. A house divided cannot stand; America is finished.

Coming Predictions

As the 2020 US Presidential nears, here are a few predictions as to what I think will unfold over the next several months.

1) The Presidential Debates will not happen. There are three scheduled debates with the first one two weeks away. The Democrats cannot let Biden wander outside his written notes and teleprompters. They will come up with an excuse. There will be no debates.

2) Trump will win re-election on Nov 3rd in a landslide; by a huge margin. The Democrats will not concede and drag this through the courts until they “win”; or find enough fake votes to declare victory. If there is no decision by Jan 20th, Nancy Pelosi becomes President. It will be litigated and the Democrats will not accept a loss under any circumstances.

3) On Nov 4th, the US will descend into chaos. Rioters will hit the streets unlike anything the US has seen so far. It will be calamity and chaos. That’s what the Dems/Marxists want. This will continue the destruction of the US as a nation.

4) The ultimate goal is the destruction of the United States as a land of liberty and personal freedom. This will happen. There will be war in the next decade and continued unrest. Eventually the US will be forced to break up into 5-10 smaller regions.

I hope I’m wrong on some of these. We’ll revisit these down the road.

An Evil World

Listen to this 3 minute audio clip. It is called Evil by Barry Michels (with the backing music by Buckethead).


Here is the poem referenced by William Butler Yeats called The Second Coming.

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

Yeats wrote this at the end of WWI during the Spanish Flu pandemic in which his pregnant wife was taken gravely ill. He lamented the world he saw around him, as many of us do today, and the evil that pervades so much of it. Look at how things have changed so rapidly over the past year or two and how evil has flourished:

We have a Chinese Virus pandemic, unleashed on the world, that has people living in crippling fear while the government closes down businesses and causes mass unemployment; making people more reliant on the State for their wellbeing. We have the race hustlers and domestic terrorist group, Black Lives Matter, running rampant through streets burning down businesses, beating and killing people, and spreading lies that the gullible and unintelligent help spread. We have progressives trying to ‘cancel’ people for ‘thought crimes’ when they do not share their wretched view of the world.

You are no longer allowed to have a different opinion. They will come for you. They will come for anyone who does not believe the way they do. They are the fascists and we are watching the tyranny of the left wash over the Western world; the same tyranny that made the 20th century the most bloody in human history. Evil takes many forms, but none more heinous than those forms which seek to dehumanize others. Evil is on the march, and is approaching ever so quickly.

We have a finite time here. Stand up to evil; do not fear it. Abhor those who seek to control you and your thoughts. Turn off the media. Don’t allow your mind to be taken captive. Don’t fall for things like ‘climate change’, ‘pandemics’, ‘racism’, or a host of other shams that seek to control peoples’ lives on a massive scale. The purveyors of these schemes are evil. As Michels says at the end, “We must learn to respond to evil, without becoming evil.” It’s also been said, ‘See that you walk prudently through this life, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, for the days are evil.’ Seek to be the light in a dark place; walk prudently, yet firmly; and do not compromise with evil.

🤡 Welcome To Clown World 🤡

We no longer live in a rational world. The progressive mind virus has spread and made people believe and advocate for irrational things. The clowns have taken over the circus. The logical, strong, and sane, that built a civilization that raised more people out of poverty than any other before it, have been replaced by the unstable, weak, and violent societal misfits who look to destroy all that is good, beautiful, and virtuous.

Over the past couple of weeks these are some of the things I’ve stumbled across. We are a society that elevates the mentally ill as innovative and edgy, and the perverse as empowered and normal. We now call evil, good; and good, evil. To wit:

Exhibit A – They want us to lift up the ugly and mentally unstable as beautiful and powerful. They have inverted what is good, beautiful, and true. They call those things that are ugly and grotesque, beautiful. They are trying to normalize those things that are hideous and monstrous.

Exhibit B – They blur the lines; every line. They try and tell us that gender is a social construct; that the categories of male and female no longer exist. Men are women and women are men. They normalize a lie and celebrate weak, ill, effete men; men who are not men in any meaningful sense at all. The lesbian writer and intellectual, Camille Paglia, has pointed out that the societal acceptance of androgyny (transgenderism) has historically been one of the final signs of a civilization on the verge of collapse. We are witnessing the collapse in real time.

Exhibit C – Transpeople are mentally ill. This is not normal. The literature for decades has shown as much. They are not stable or rational enough to wield power as this person’s decision above shows. We need to advocate for mental health services for transpeople to help them. If we truly cared about them we would try to help them, not reinforce their mental illness.

Exhibit D – The ultimate goal of the Leftists is the sexualization of children in order to normalize certain types of pedo behaviour. No child needs to hear that a certain character is gay; kids don’t watch cartoons with any thought towards sexuality. But the perverts in charge need to introduce sexuality at younger and younger ages in order to groom children for earlier and earlier sexual activity. This goes on in almost every sphere of life, with Sex-Ed curriculums being one of the first entry points in the sexual grooming of children.

Exhibit E – If you can control the words people say, you can control their thoughts and actions. Removing the word ‘master’ as a descriptor from words like ‘sommelier’ and ‘bedroom’ is just another incremental move in controlling what people can say and think. Calling someone a Master in a certain activity is to laud their achievement; it does not invoke the imagery of slavery. Do not allow your thoughts to be controlled.

Exhibit F – They further push to normalize the absurd; the biologically impossible. They do not want what’s best for children. For if they did, they would wholly reject same sex adoption because of the far poorer outcomes for children in these arrangements. If we really cared about children we would protect them from this. Society does not care. At all.

Exhibit G – The racism game is a lucrative one. Shake down corporations unless they bend to your every whim. It’s now racist to want whiter teeth. There isn’t a person on the planet who ever thought that whitening their teeth had sinister undertones; until 2020 of course. This will do nothing; less than nothing, to solve the fictitious problem of racism.

Exhibit H – Why does one need to celebrate their sexuality if it is a normal disposition? Why can’t they just go about their lives and live quietly and peacefully the way they want? Heterosexuals do not celebrate their heterosexuality because it is the biological default position of humanity. Only when you try and normalize the aberrant do you have to celebrate it as if it was normal. Do not be fooled. (They want allies; an ally. Put those words together, it’s no coincidence that they chose those words).

Exhibit I – They are not the future. They are fragile, weak, and a reproductive dead end. Hard times will come and this mind virus will die. This is the result of a decadent society that fails to keep boundaries around people and society that will prosper them. They have tried to normalize this. No civilization will survive with people who are so inwardly destructive.

They are Leftists, Progressives, Marxists. They are driven by a deep self-loathing and a lust to destroy that which is good and beautiful and true. They see themselves as defective and do their best to normalize their perverse desires and destroy that which is normal. They hate that others are happy and live productive lives so they set about to make others as miserable as they are. These people are evil; and we should never apologize or bow to the mob.

Sadly, civil war along ideological lines is coming. I just hope there are enough strong men able to do what is necessary.

Oh Canada…

The once great nation of Canada is finished. It is over. It will never again flourish like it once did. Our politicians are corrupt. Our laws are evil. Most of our citizens are vapid and useless. Most of our non-citizens care nothing for this country and seek to take without giving back. We celebrate evil and denigrate the good. Those things that once made us great are forgotten by most, and ridiculed by the new ruling class. The decline is now accelerating rapidly. Our eventual fall cannot be undone. We are financially and morally bankrupt. Canada is a nation that is dead, and the next of kin have not yet been notified.

When a nation does not abide its heritage and tradition, it ceases to be great.

When a nation does not uphold that which is good, beautiful, and true, it becomes irrelevant, ugly, and grotesque.

When a nation imports the Third World, it becomes the Third World.

When a nation loathes itself, its citizens loathe it too.

When a nation favours some inhabitants over those that built her, it will falter and fail.

When a nation tolerates evil in its midst, it cannot stand.

We have a Prime Minister who defines the word incompetency. Justin Trudeau declared Canada the world’s first “postnational nation” with no core identity back in 2015. By that he means we have no culture worth defending; that the traditions that made us great are not worth preserving. He is hell-bent on the dismantling of this country and its heritage. It is 2020 and the destruction is well under way. Canada is finished.

Happy Canada Day to all.