Tag Archives: feminism

Declining Female Happiness

An interesting paper was published a few years ago that outlines what appears to be a long and sullen trend tracking alongside many female advancements: a marked decline in overall female happiness. If we look at the data and the lives of women all around us, we have to ask if Feminism has helped or hurt women over the past few decades. The answer is not as clear cut as many would have us believe. The whole paper can be read here but I will extract the salient point. Stevenson and Wolfers write:

By  most  objective  measures  the  lives  of  women  in  the  United  States  have  improved dramatically  over  the  past  35  years.    Moreover,  women  believe  that  their  lives  are  better;  in  recent polls  asking  about  changes  in  the  status  of  women  over  the  past  25  or  50  years,  around  four  in  five adults  state  that  the  overall  status  of  women  in  the  U.S.  has  gotten  better  (and  the  remaining respondents  break  two-for-one  towards “stayed  the  same” over “worse”). Additionally,  the  1999 Virginia  Slims  Poll  found  that  72%  of  women  believe  that “women  having  more  choices  in  society today  gives  women  more  opportunities  to  be  happy” while  only  39%  thought  that  having  more  choices “makes  life  more  complicated  for  women.”   Finally,  women  today  are  more  likely  than  men  to  believe that  their  opportunities  to  succeed  exceed  those  of  their  parents.

Yet  trends  in  self-reported  subjective  well-being  indicate  that  women  are  less  happy  today than  they  were  in  the  1970s.    This  finding  of  a  decline  in  women’s  well-being,  both  absolutely  and relatively  to  that  of  men,  raises  questions  about  whether  modern  social  constructs  have  made  women worse  off,  or  alternatively  about  the  interpretability  of  subjective  well-being  data  analyzed  over  long-time  periods.    In  1974,  Richard  Easterlin  pointed  to  a  related  puzzle—as  countries  got  wealthier  there was  little  evidence  that  their  populations  got  happier,  despite  the  existence  of  a  robust  relationship between  income  and  well-being  in  both  individual  data  and  across  countries.

The panacea that Feminism promised, while being socially rewarding for some, has not manifested itself in a broad increase in female happiness over time, but rather, a decline; and a decline that has seen a massive increase in the use of antidepressants and alcohol to cope with all the “promised benefits” of this new “equality.” Men and women are different, despite that the social engineers tell us otherwise. Men and women have complementary roles and dispositions yet the egalitarians will continue to experiment with the lives of women until their relative happiness pales in comparison to what it once was. It has almost become axiomatic that if an academic posits great improvements through radical changes, they will almost always be proven wrong over time. Let this decline in female happiness serve as Exhibit A, and it should be laid at the feet of Feminists the world over who have made women more miserable than they once were.

Random Thoughts #6

1) A new study highlights an illness linked to marijuana use. Stories like this will become all the more commonplace as people become more reliant on a substance that is damaging to their physical health and mental well-being. The only real freedoms our government will allow are those that will help destroy the population.

2) We are a society growing ever more dependent upon substances to cope with the difficulties of life. This study highlights how almost 60% of smokers and drinkers would not give up their vices even if it meant adding an extra 10 years to their lives. Imagine that. Giving up the most precious thing we possess: time, for cigarettes and/or alcohol. I can’t think of anything that highlights the power of addiction better than that.

3) As if we needed a study to tell us this as the carnage of the sexual revolution is visible everywhere, but the more sex partners a person has, the unhappier they are. Promiscuity, counterintuitively, leads to a lower level of happiness. People will put their short term gratification over their long term well-being almost every single time.

4) For those that followed the Brett Kavanaugh hearings earlier this year, and the unsupported accusations of a 36 year old sexual assault allegation against him, it appears that now even Christine Blasey Ford’s own father supported Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court and didn’t believe his own daughter. Ford was never credible. I have heard more believable lies from kids with cookie crumbs smeared across their face.

5) Just when you think the social engineers and trans-activists can’t appear any more ridiculous than they already are, animal handlers at a London zoo have vowed to raise the “adopted chick” of two “lesbian penguins” as “gender neutral.” Read that again. These people are ideologues and mentally ill. Our biology is hard-coded into our DNA, and despite the best efforts of the social justice movement to manufacture their monstrous and disastrous outcomes, our chromosomes dictate what we are.

6) To continue on a theme, the very nature of the social justice movement is evil at its core. They care not for people, but for power and control, and this story exemplifies how diabolical and wretched the trans movement is. There is a new show out called Drag Syndrome. Choreographer Daniel Vais has assembled six individuals with Down Syndrome, dressed them in drag, and parades them around as a freak show to enrich himself and normalize deviancy. In a normal society this would be viewed as abusive and exploitive, but in our clown world it’s “empowering” and “liberating.”

7) Why are marriage rates down? It’s a multi-faceted answer but one of the main reasons is the lack of “economically attractive” men. This is what happens in a society that pushes women out into the workforce. Feminism has not only made women unhappier, it’s also helped to create a shortage of marriageable men because studies show that women do not want to marry men that are economically beneath them.

8) And if anyone needed any more evidence as to things making women even more unhappy, this article cites a study from 2011 that said the profile of the person that was most unhappy in society was, “a 42 year old woman who was unmarried, had no children, and was a professional.” Is it any wonder that the rejection of traditional roles and mores has led women down such a bitter path of discontent?

9) The Sexual Revolution was started by men, for men, to the detriment of women. Men could now have greater access to sex with no expectation of marriage. Abortion on demand could absolve them from future financial burdens. What did women get?  A greater chance of contracting STD’s and a much lesser chance of finding a stable, committed relationship. Welcome to the world of 2019. But yeah, “traditional values” are for the “losers”. This video is one of the best explanations I’ve seen on what has happened to modern relationships.

Random Thoughts #3

1) A study came out that showed women experience more rudeness from other women, rather than men, in the workplace. This is something I’ve said for far too long. Women complaining about how men treat them, or the oppression of some fictitious patriarchy, is small in comparison to how poorly women treat each other. Women are fiercely competitive with one another and they’d rather see themselves succeed than women as a whole get ahead.

2) We are a nation of addicts. From drugs and alcohol, to sex and porn, we are a people of very little self-control. We can now add smartphone addiction to the list as researchers now believe that this addiction has similar effects to those suffering under substance abuse. The more time one spends on their phone, the more isolated and lonely they feel. There will be a surge in mental disorders in the coming decades from the effects of this new addiction.

3) I’ve always maintained that cities are soul-crushing places and a breeding ground for unhappiness because of the busyness and the crowds of people. A new Canadian study has just concluded the same thing. The greater the population density of a community the unhappier people are. Nature and the outdoors are a respite from the chaos of cities. People continually surrounded by concrete will necessarily lead more dreary lives.

4) This past week, Rene Genest, or Zombie Boy, committed suicide at the age of 32. Social media was full of platitudes and condolences and calls for mental illness to be taken more seriously. Suicide is always horrible and a grotesque act of selfishness; we should feel intense sorrow for those left behind. But let’s be clear about one thing: Zombie Boy wore his mental illness for all to see in the tattoos that covered his face and body. So those shocked and saddened, shouldn’t be, for we know that tattoos are an outward indicator of inner problems. Rather than lauding his disfigured appearance, friends should have come alongside him and recognized these symbols of pain scarring his skin.

5) Hip Hop is to music as pornography is to film. It is a cheap imitation of the form. Hip Hop is a genre of the far less talented that put comparatively little effort into honing their craft with a reliance on overt sexuality and vulgarity to sell. It places greater emphasis on money and fame through a disposable product as the end goal, rather than a time-tested work of art. Hip Hop is highly derivative with no place to grow or change. Hip Hop and porn will converge over time until they are indistinguishable from each other.

Random Thoughts #2

1) Why is it that the most ardent animal rights activists are also the most pro choice when it comes to abortion? There is something fundamentally wrong in a society when people value the well-being of animals over human lives.

2) I think one of my favourite things is to hear someone say, “I’m such a health nut”, or “I live a really healthy lifestyle”, or “my body is really important to me” only then to find out that they consume alcohol on a regular basis. They’ll spend all week meal planning and going to the gym only to fill their body with a toxin, and yes, alcohol is a toxin. People will never give up their substances or addictions that cause them harm. They aren’t really health nuts after all.

3) I recently read that women view 85% of the men they see on dating sites as “beneath them” whereas men view 50% of the women the same way. Clearly, women have too high an opinion of themselves when viewing potential mates. This will only lead to a future with an epidemic of crazy, single cat ladies.

4) We call everything “art” these days. From manufactured pop music and hip hop, to tattoos and graffiti. If everything is art, then nothing is. That is why there needs to be an element of time added to the definition of art. True art will stand the test of time as it is a sifter of the wheat from the chaff. People still listen to Led Zeppelin almost 50 years later while no one will remember Katy Perry or Migos in another decade. People still line up to see the works of Monet, Rembrandt and Picasso, while no one will ever remember any tattooist who could ink a butterfly or cobra. Not everything is art and we need to stop calling disposable entertainment or doodles on the skin as such.

5) There is no more vocal group against guns and for gun control than the liberals in Hollywood. But what percentage of their movies have guns in them and portray violence and death? How many of their bodyguards carry guns with them to protect these precious Celebri’tards? Do not ever listen to actors or actresses on any issue. At all. Ever. They play make believe for a living and don’t live in the real world. And on this issue, as with many others, they are moronic hypocrites.

Tattoos: A Disfiguring Epidemic

It is undeniable that there is a tattoo problem in the world. While it affects almost every age group, millennials in particular have taken to the pseudo art form and scarred themselves, in many instances, irreparably (it’s as artistic as cartoons or notebook doodles; we’ve lost the meaning of the word ‘art’). Is there any surprise that tattoo removal is now a booming business? I, like most, have noticed the trend towards tattooing by a generation that is known as impulsive, lacking in foresight, and narcissistic while demonstrating it openly with a poor aesthetic sensibility for all to see. Where once tattoos were historically the marks of pagans and tribal warriors, and then appropriated by military servicemen and violent gangs, they have now become the fashion statements of the short-sighted and impulsive, and in some cases the mentally ill. Multiple studies are starting to emerge that give us some insight into the tattooed in our midst. Just look at the #facetattoo hashtag on Instagram and see the mental illness of many people on full display.

At their very core, tattoos seek to modify not only one’s body, but the self-esteem of the recipient as well. It is a way for many people to envision a more perfect self, and in so doing, admitting their un-tattooed self is imperfect. Rather than working on the inner self and dealing with the esteem and body-image issues, many people have taken to scarring themselves as a bandaid solution for the greater internal problems not dealt with. An article in Psychology Today put it like this:

Today, tattoos have proliferated. While rationales can be as varied as the designs, all tattoos modify self-esteem as well as bodies. Like cosmetics, tattoos are prosthetic, since like an artificial limb they make up for something felt to be missing or inadequate. We’re always devising ways to enhance parts of our bodies, from diets and wigs to a Michael Jackson makeover. Once we’re self-aware, there’s really no such thing as a wholly “natural” body. We compete with others and ourselves to envision a more perfect us.

It should not surprise us that many people, especially millennials, feel lost in the world and are almost begging to be noticed. They feel unnoticed by the masses around them and tattoos, it is thought, will get one the needed attention and make them stand out as an individual. It is thought to be a method by which to improve one’s status in the world, albeit a shallow one.

Tattoos promise to make you attractive, as if you have a personal force akin to gravity. Notice me. The more attraction you command, the more attention you get, and the more life you have—as we see in the public’s devotion to celebrities and leaders. As the name says, hero-worship, too, has a religious character, and if you’re the hero, you’re superhuman. The more people you have thinking about you, the more of you there seems to be. In the wisdom of slang, you can be, if not godlike, at least a “bigshot.”

Sadly, what was once seen as rebellious to societal norms has become the norm as we’ve witnessed the inversion of virtue on a grand scale. It is no longer individualistic and daring to do exactly what everyone else is doing, yet this seems lost on the many who think they are exactly that.

While the statistics about men tattooing themselves are interesting, and do somewhat mirror the statistics pertaining to women, the stats that emerge about tattooed females tell a much bleaker tale of our cultural drift towards the nihilistic and banal. The most highly tattooed demographic is women in their 20’s (several studies conclude close to 40%) which indicates a massive rejection of classically feminine traits. Women of today have traded in their feminine power of natural beauty for trite and meaningless “girl power individualism” by adding the outward ink markings. The true power of the feminine has been abandoned for the traditionally masculine procedure; and this has been to the detriment of tattooed women and how they are viewed. (And any society that allows their men to be feminized and their women to be masculinized will not survive more than two generations. We are in the last stages of final decline). Studies have shown that men assess tattooed women negatively.

The few studies that have focused on men’s perceptions of tattooed women have found that these women are seen in a generally negative light. One study, for example, asked men to rate a 24-year old woman seen in a photograph on a range of personal characteristics. Some men were shown the photo with a black dragon tattoo on the woman’s upper left arm; others were shown the photo without the tattoo. When men saw the woman with the tattoo, they judged her as less athletic, less motivated, less honest, less generous, less religious, less intelligent and less artistic than when she displayed no tattoo. But Guéguen noticed one curious set of findings in this thin research area: While men see tattooed women as less attractive, they also see them as more promiscuous.

There exists a healthy body of research that indicates men exalt beauty in both long-term and in short-term mating, and in every one of them a women with tattoos is predominantly seen as a short-term partner; ie. not a quality long-term partner or responsible parent. This is why tattoos are considered “sexy” by men. Tattoos don’t make women any more attractive (in fact, in scarring herself she becomes less so), they simply provide an easy method of quickly identifying that she is more readily accessible sexually than her un-tattooed counterpart. Studies also show that various aspects of female appearance are used to evaluate their “mating value” and tattoos are always seen as a decrease in that value as women with tattoos generally engage in riskier behaviours.

After adjusting for all other variables, women who currently used tobacco and those who had used cannabis in the last 12 months were more likely to have been tattooed than women who did not use tobacco or cannabis. Increasing number of lifetime sex partners was also associated with a greater likelihood of being tattooed: 3% of women who reported one sex partner or none reported being tattooed compared to 30% of women with 11 or more lifetime sex partners.

And this comports similarly with the behaviours found in men that were associated with tattoos:

A number of behaviors were associated with having a tattoo for men. Men who smoked had twice the odds of having been tattooed. Men with more lifetime sexual partners were more likely to have a tattoo, eg, 1 in 25 men who reported one sex partner or none reported a tattoo compared to 1 in 4 men who reported 11 or more lifetime sexual partners. Men who reported ever being told by a doctor they have depression had 1.3 times the odds of having a tattoo after adjusting for all other variables.

In other words, tattoos are a marker for riskier and more unhealthy behaviours (in both men and women) and correlate highly with those who are impulsive and value short-term gratification over the lost virtue of self-control; who have a greater chance at having an unskilled job and lower level of education; who smoke; who do drugs (4 times the likelihood); who have 3 to 5 times higher the number of sexual partners than average; who have more than double the likelihood of having had an STD; who are more likely to identify as non-heterosexual; and who suffer from depression or other mental disorders. Tattoos are a window into the psyche and makeup of people, and if looked through clearly, reveals something underneath that is an unpleasant reality for many.

I don’t disagree that one persons “body art” is another persons tramp stamp; that on the surface tattoos can be viewed differently as perspectives can change over time. BUT, the research is pretty clear that across the board, tattoos are generally markers of deeper problems. I do feel some sympathy for early childhood sex abuse victims who are prone to tattooing themselves as a way of coping with their inner pain. But again, as mentioned previously, this just confirms that it is an outward sign of something mentally or emotionally wrong within.

It was found that women with tattoos were more likely to be younger, to drink more alcohol, to have more psychiatric symptoms and to show borderline personality features than were the non tattooed women.  They were also more likely to report child sexual abuse and the conclusion is that tattoos in women are statistically linked to child sexual abuse, and to later psychopathology in some women (Archives Of Women’s Mental Health).

These criticisms do not come from a misunderstanding of different generations; it is not a generational difference that allows tattoos to be viewed differently. Millennial’s, overwhelmingly, are a broken generation and they use tattoos as a band-aid for their brokenness as the data so clearly illustrates. In fact, Generation Z, which follows the Millennials, by and large, have a much greater disdain for tattoos than their predecessors which means this trend is already lessening.

I fully support the freedom for people to ink themselves as they please, but not without judgement. We all make judgements every minute of every day and the research is clear that tattoos outwardly tell a story and reveal the inner psyche of the person who has purposely scarred themselves. The pendulum will eventually swing back, as fashion trends so often do, and many will be left with permanent reminders of their impulsiveness and poor choices in the blurred ink covering their body parts.

We should reject modern tattoo culture and the short-sighted view of life it embodies. Tattoos aren’t edgy anymore; they are a clichè. We should yearn for those things that are good and pure and look first to fix our problems from within, rather than mask them from without. The naysayers will say, “I love tattoos and will continue to get more!” That is their choice. But the studies and evidence are overwhelmingly clear that the tattooed reveal far more about themselves and their instability than merely their taste in “art” so-called.

(Sebastian Maniscalco, capturing as nearly as perfect as one can, the modern day mentality around tattoos):

The Empty Rhetoric of Social Justice Feminism


Without question, this 29 minute “interview” by Cathy Newman of Dr. Jordan Peterson from the University of Toronto is one of the most instructive demonstrations of the emptiness of modern day neo-Marxist, feminist, post-modern, authoritarian liberalism I have seen. It was a complete destruction of both Cathy Newman and the horrid ideology she embraces; on every single point. Newman was ideologically and intellectually over her head from the outset.

It is highly instructive in two ways:

1) Truth will always win out. Logic, reason, and the facts will always trump an emotive and effete world view. Do not be ashamed of an “unpopular” opinion merely because a topic is the prevalent cultural narrative of the time. The leftist authoritarians are rarely concerned with the truth. Do not cede any ground if your argument is sound and factual.

2) When in debate, always keep calm, keep your language precise, and constantly correct your opponent when they knowingly try and twist your words. Refuse to be bullied and never back down, and if need be, punch back twice as hard as your opponent. Never apologize for holding an unpopular opinion unless it is shown to be factually wrong. Never. There were almost a dozen occasions where Newman misrepresented Peterson’s position immediately after he plainly stated it. She did so in an attempt to discredit him and maintain the narrative. The degree of incompetence in listening and understanding was laughable.

Watch and learn.

Randon Thoughts #1

1) The fitness and body building craze, for both men and women, is the opposite of what it tries to portray; it may actually be one of the unhealthiest industries that exists. It is just a different form of body dysmorphic disorder. We ask anorexics to seek help for extreme eating habits and an unhealthy obsession with their appearance yet we don’t ask the same of those who treat their bodies the same.

2) There is a shocking level of effeminacy in men these days. From the clothes they wear, to the music they listen to, and to what they spend their time doing; men are no longer men. Our culture has been greatly feminized and there are too many men pursuing worthless things.

3) If a woman claims to be a feminist yet spends money on, and listens to, hip hop music, she is a hypocrite. Hip hop music and culture, outside of Islam, is the most misogynistic of enterprises on the planet. You cannot be a feminist and listen to that which degrades women so virulently.

4) I believe that the level of societal celebrity worship is inversely proportional to the amount of personal unhappiness in the lives of those who follow the empty, selfish lives of the famous. Following the lives of celebrities is one of today’s most useless and shallow pursuits.

5) The explosion of women in their 20’s obsessed with dogs is the natural offshoot of delayed marriage and child-bearing. A woman’s peak fertility occurs between 18 and 26 years old when biology tells us it is the optimal time to have children. And they aren’t. The maternal instinct cannot be repressed so that natural love and nurturing is showered upon animals instead. Disney has turned people into idiots when they think that love and devotion towards a pet is on par with that of raising children; they’ve humanized animals and people view them as such. Look at the staggering number of women who would fight for animal rights while also fighting for the right to abort human babies. It’s irrational to its core. An emotional attachment to an animal, while a wonderful thing on some level, is but a surrogate for what nature intended. Women with little furry child substitutes is not a sign of a healthy society. It is laziness; it is anti-civilizational, and it is a sign of moral decline.

What Feminism Has Wrought: A Cautionary Tale

She turned 29 last week, and Marcy enjoyed an almost week long birthday celebration with friends. Long gone are the days of just one get together, as it’s important to keep the party going as long as possible. Dinners, drinks, and countless selfies posted to Instagram preserved the memory of the partying urban girl whose life appears, on the outside, to be the envy of many.

Next year she’ll turn 30 so she knows it’s almost time to get serious about life. Turning 29 has led to a couple weeks of honest reflection. “It’s time to get my personal life in order and settle down,” she has thought to herself in those lucid, lonely moments. But the thought of going out to nice restaurants and drinks 3 or 4 nights a week is hard to give up for the toils and traumas of a serious relationship, marriage, and kids.

She consumes too much alcohol, as most women now do, but doesn’t seem to think it’s an issue, despite the fact that alcohol consumption is a leading cause of depression and 25% of women are now on some sort of anti-depressant medication. Marcy partied her way through university and all of her twenties. It was a good life of fun but now she supplements her day with Prozac so she can cope with modern life. She has dabbled with cocaine and ecstasy, as they were common on the club scene, and she didn’t want to appear as someone not down for a good time with little thought towards the lasting effects it would have on her. Her life was a roller coaster of highs and lows. After her drug phase waned, alcohol became her numbing agent of choice. Sacrificing the immediate fun and pleasure of her carefree 20’s is hard now that her fast life has caught up to her and her once youthful beauty has begun to fade. She’d be lying if she didn’t admit she was anxious about her future.

Marcy wants to have children, “hopefully before 35” she says, but has put that off because she hasn’t found the right man to settle down with. A woman’s peak fertility is between 18-26 years of age but most women have used that prime mating period as party years and have bought into the lie that you can always have the family one day in the future, with the big house and the hedge fund manager husband who adores you; and the baggage accumulated along the way will have no lasting impact. If only someone had told her. Marcy has her own “fur baby” anyways. She showers her love upon a little dog that means the world to her. It serves as a surrogate child until she has time for the real deal. And besides, a dog doesn’t really impede upon her social life like a child would and its presence helps dispel the cloud of loneliness that seems ever-present in her apartment. And motherhood is hard. She’s not ready for that kind of work just yet.

She wouldn’t describe herself as a feminist per se, but Marcy has imbibed and lived by every insidious feminist doctrine that has been covertly sold to young girls over the past 50 years. While feminists appear to be the angry, overweight, unattractive women with grating personalities, there is not a female left on the planet who hasn’t been adversely affected by feminism’s destructive tenets; and Marcy was not immune. For all its enviable outward appearances, her life is a tragic one.

She’s been dating her boyfriend for a couple years now but he told her from the beginning he doesn’t want children. It was a “dead end” relationship from the start but she pursued it anyways. He owns a nightclub in one of the hot neighbourhoods downtown so it’s an exciting life for her. He takes her on great vacations and buys her nice things; so it works for now even though it’s not what she ultimately wants. She doesn’t want to be lonely and likes the excitement it provides until she gets her life together. She’s always getting her life in order, but that can wait til tomorrow.

She’s had sex with 32 men so far, almost 5 times the national average. A bunch of those were one night stands, and a lot of those in a drunken stupor; but Marcy doesn’t really count those when discussing the topic with friends. She had an abortion when she was 24 and didn’t want to have the baby because her live-in boyfriend at the time had a tendency to be abusive. She was into bad boys back then and hopes to now find the stable “good guy” with which to settle down. Liberated and all, she still likes to think of her “number” as lower than it really is; every girl wants to be seen as a good girl after all. She’s only had one STD but thankfully it was the treatable kind. About 25% of her friend group hasn’t been so lucky.

Marcy also discretely sees an older man at the accounting firm where she works as a receptionist. It’s easy because he’s married. The city is an expensive place to live and he provides her with help for her rent and other expenses in exchange for secretive meetings once or twice a week. Her boyfriend has no idea about her side activities but with modern relationships it’s only important to be truthful as long as it doesn’t impact your lifestyle. It’s really quite harmless, she thinks, and it allows her to afford those shoes and bags she needs to fit in with that chic, downtown culture.

She’s attractive but feels the constant pressure to maintain a certain style amid the endless stream of younger and prettier girls that fill the clubs and restaurants nightly. She was once one of those younger bartenders that her club-owner boyfriend had an eye for, and she was the fortunate one to land a relationship with him. She doesn’t want to lose her boyfriend to a newer, younger, prettier girl, at least not until she’s ready to find her future husband. She’s hoping her “sugar daddy” will pay for the new boobs she needs that will help her stand out in an ever more competitive dating market. The four tattoos she’s added over the years made her seem “edgy” at the time, but they are all too common now among millennial women and of little competitive value in signalling her availability and appetite for riskier behaviours.

This has been Marcy’s life so far. One lived for the thrill of the moment with no real forethought on how to prepare for her future. And no one told her that the future doesn’t look that great for her even though in her head she sees it all working out as it did for the Disney princesses and Sex in the City characters she emulated. But that was fiction. Her future will not be so kind.

Looking around her, Marcy sees most of her friends starting to marry, most settling below their expectations because all the good men were already taken. At 30, Marcy’s chances of getting married are 81%; at 33 they are 72%; and at 36 an even worse 61%. For her own sake and sanity she had better not wait until 40 because the chances at 38% are downright dreadful; not to mention that at 40 her chances of conceiving a child naturally are slightly less than 5%.

Thirty came, and with it a small panic that she was still in the same place she was a year ago. She started dating with a more serious intent as her now on again off again relationship was proving less stable. She knew he was seeing other girls on the side but there was little she could do to stop it without risking the loss of all the nights out and the vacations she so enjoyed. She met some men, a couple she really liked, but would never hear from them again after she slept with them on the second or third date. The pill, and feminist doctrine, had liberated her body from the oppressive, puritanical strictures of times past. Liberation was supposed to make her feel good, not used up and disposable.

Thirty-two came and she found she had to be in the gym more to keep her body in better shape to even remotely resemble the younger competition that now seemed to haunt her every time she went out. How could she compete with girls five to 10 years younger for the same men? The wall, which comes at you fast and is unavoidable, was quickly approaching and she didn’t want to be the girl left standing when the music stopped.

Thirty-four came and during an “on-again” phase with her old boyfriend he asked her what she thought about getting married. He was now 44 and after a life of partying was finally ready to settle down. They got married in Italy on her 35th birthday. It was more a feeling of relief than excitement. She had made it. Little did she know that because of her past, the numbers were against her marriage lasting.

She gave up her dream of having kids. It was easier to travel without them, she thought, and her two little pups brought her all the happiness she needed. Over time, her husband started to spend more nights at the club and although she had a hunch what was going on, she tried not to think about it. He had just bought her a nice Rolex for her 40th birthday and she had all the stuff she needed for a happier, more comfortable life. Love was overrated anyways.

A few years later, she wasn’t overly shocked when the marriage ended. They hadn’t had sex in almost a year. He got tired of her criticisms and nagging and couldn’t stand being around her. The club provided him the escape he had needed. She moved into a small apartment and rejoined all the dating apps she thought she’d never need again. It was hard being single in her 40’s. Scrolling through the available men was like showing up to the buffet after a bus load of tourists had ravaged it: there was nothing edible left. But single, and in her 40’s, she was no catch now either. While still somewhat attractive, no one looked at her like they did 20 years earlier. She had lived a hard life and time, being the cruel task master, had not been kind.

She lived alone with only her dogs for company. The memories of old flames she thought were never good enough, made her lament and wonder what had become of them. Looking them up on Facebook and seeing their families left her feeling that much more empty. Had they married well? Were they happy? She was inexplicably sad and couldn’t figure out where she had gone wrong when all she did was live like everyone else was back then in the pursuit of a good time.

There are thousands and thousands of Marcy’s everywhere. They pursued the feminist ideals of pleasure over family, with no thought to what would make one truly happy in the long run, thinking that one day they could still have it all. No one taught them. Many would never have subscribed to the tenets of “militant feminism” but they lived according to its ideals because they had been surreptitiously spoon fed them from an early age.

They lived freely with no constraints and any talk of moral restraint would be mocked as the ancient shackles of a patriarchal society. They were liberated and would no longer conduct themselves according to the old rules. They lived as if they had it all, and one day would. They traded future stability and happiness for the fleeting, temporary pleasures of the day. “Everyone lives like this in their 20’s!” they say, not realizing everyone suffers the consequences of poor choices that could have easily been avoided. Women have been lied to and those that figure it out sooner and put their lives on the trajectory towards marriage and motherhood are always happier and healthier for it.

Marcy’s memories of good times past were no longer a comfort, but rather, a reminder of poor choices, squandered opportunities, and a life lived for temporary pleasure over the long-lasting joy of a life lived with purpose and direction.

Irrational Ideology

The liberal/progressive/leftist world view is riddled with logical inconsistencies. To wit:

1) Progressives continue to parrot the false narrative of a gender pay gap that exists between men and women where women earn 78 cents for every 1 dollar a man earns. Several studies have shown this to be conclusively false. We are also told by these same people that gender is merely a social construct and exists on a spectrum which is fluid from person to person and at times within the same person; against all scientific data to the contrary.

Now, if there is a real wage gap between men and women, wouldn’t that entail that gender must be fixed and not fluid in order to make such an assertion? And if gender is fluid, then isn’t any discussion regarding a wage gap between men and women meaningless because of the multiplicity of alleged genders? You cannot in one breath speak of a gender pay gap with binary gender points and in the next tell us there is no such thing as binary gender points! To assert both propositions is both contradictory and false. Progressives need to pick one.

2) It has been near 50 years that progressives have championed gay rights and freedom for those with minority sexualities to live openly as they please. They have become the most protected class of citizens on the planet because of it. Yet liberals continue to clamour for open borders and the free movement of people; in particular, those from Muslim nations, that would seek to undo these rights.

Now, many of these Muslim immigrants come from one of the 13 Islamic countries that still put homosexuals to death. 52% of current British Muslims believe that homosexuality should be illegal and that number would certainly be higher in the Islamic nations from which the migrants come. Their belief system would not grant equal rights to gay people and in many cases would criminalize their behaviour and endanger their lives. How can progressives champion gay rights in one instance, and in another support the mass immigration of a people group into the West who would like to distinguish those rights and go so far as to punish same-sex behaviours? Would this not set the gay rights movement back decades? Why champion the influx of Muslim immigrants that are directly opposed to Western ideals of freedom and would necessarily seek to have those freedoms taken away? These groups, by definition, cannot live in harmony and it is foolish and dangerous to think otherwise.

There is a reason why progressives unwittingly hold to wildly contradictory positions. Their battle is against traditional Western values and they will say or do anything to advance their cause; logic be damned. They care not for the objective reality of the world we observe that is both quantifiable and measurable. It is the narrative, the ideology, that must be advanced above all evidence to the contrary.

The battle today is first and foremost along ideological lines; between left and right. Ideology trumps all else. If you are a gay conservative you will be outed and rejected; your homosexuality will no longer be useful because of its secondary status to the “evil of conservatism” that mars it. Similarly, if you are a black conservative you will be marginalized and told you are a traitor to your race as if skin colour is somehow magically linked to a like set of ideas. The task we have is to point out these irrationalities at every turn; to expose the rot of a progressive liberalism that seeks to undermine the stability of Western societies and the pillars on which they stand.


The Equality Myth

Equality may perhaps be a right, but no power on earth can ever turn it into a fact. –Honoré de Balzac, French playwright

Tennis great John McEnroe recently got in trouble when he would not agree in an interview that Serena Williams was the greatest tennis player of all time. He called her the greatest women’s player ever but would not capitulate under the obvious pressure. He clarified what he meant in the same interview when he said, “Well because if she was in, if she played the men’s circuit, she’d be like 700 in the world.” And, as if on cue, the feminists went crazy. Or should I say crazier than they already are.

There is a reason men and women do not compete against one another. Each sex (and yes, I am using the word by its scientific definition) fulfills different biological roles and are compliments of one another, not equals. Men are stronger and faster and the builders of civilization. Women are gentler and kinder and the nurturers of the next generation. They fulfill certain biological roles in order to propagate the species and what one lacks, the other makes up for.

Equality does not exist, and never will exist; nor can it ever be socially engineered to be a reality. This should be a fact so obvious to common sense that it need not be discussed. All men and women are equal in value, but not equal in ability. No man is greater than another, and no man is equal to another. Equality does not exist in nature, for if it did, it would not have to be manufactured by governments, HR departments, or a host of other social justice movements trying to achieve the impossible.

Rather than take any mention of the differences between the sexes as a slight, the feminists and egalitarians need to embrace the unique attributes that both men and women possess as complimentary and not equal. If we were all the same the world would be boring. If all had equal abilities there would be no marveling at great works of art or a new world record in sports. There would be no great accomplishments or any weaknesses to overcome. The egalitarians cry out for a world full of diversity, yet lose their minds when that diversity results in a naturally occurring inequality. Enjoy Roger Federer and Serena Williams and marvel at their accomplishments, but refrain from the inane comparison that just invites further division and animosity.