For some time now I’ve carried Field Notes notebooks with me to write down and record various thoughts when I have them. It is something I wanted to become habit-forming and enjoyable over time. I like to write and sometimes jotting down a quick note is enough. I think that in the computer age many people’s hand-writing has suffered, mine included. I’ve always thought there was something more beneficial to writing things down.
I am not claiming there is anything wonderful, or original, or ground-breaking, in any of these thoughts and musings. On the contrary, sometimes they are the product of those boring moments when the mind wanders. There is no organization to them although the themes at times seem common. I will record them here in the way they were first written, only correcting any grammatical and punctuation errors.
-In a world that places people’s gender, sexual preferences, ethnicity, and race, above their ability, productivity, confidence, and character; it is a world that cannot last and will necessarily collapse in on itself.
-Bad theology is responsible for the sides taken in the Israeli/Palestinian war. This is an ethnic war, not a religious one. Poor theology has turned it into a religious one.
-The peer review process in science is now the preferred way to “game the system“ and keep the funds flowing. It has little to do with science.
-If a vaccine is safe and effective, why are the makers of that vaccine shielded from liability? That should always be the first tip off of the “safe and effective“ lie. The rational person questions the safety claim. The irrational person trusts the proven liars.
-When borders are protected, and immigration numbers are kept low, inequality in a population is also low. It has now been shown that inequality flourishes when immigration controls are removed. Those who want open borders are the ones responsible for greater levels of inequality in a population.
-Is there anything more personally demoralizing than knowing you are a DEI hire and not a meritorious one?
-The military industrial complex is real. War is profit. The US has dropped more bombs than any nation on earth and hasn’t won a war since 1945. Winning is not the modern objective of war, profit is.
-The eventual destruction of America will be blamed on the 1965 Immigration Act and the 1986 Immigration Amnesty. Both served to unmoor America from its historic roots and create divisions that cannot be healed.
-As a society we have stopped asking one another, and requiring of our government, that which is best for human flourishing. We have become technology-reliant and obsessed with efficiency; no matter the cost. We think money and possessions are the ultimate measure of satisfaction when they have led to record levels of depression and loneliness. We need to recapture those traditional things which have led to human fulfilment in times past. Sometimes the older, the traditional, and the tested, is indeed better.
-The philosophies of the so-called Enlightenment have created the foundation for a new dark age to come. When a civilization becomes unmoored from the truth, darkness will necessarily follow.
-The leadership of Western nations is made up of a ruling class that is hostile to the men who made it great, and to the culture that was once envied by all. There is now outward animus to the faith on which it was based, and to those who still value it above all else.
-Just as we would not invite cancer into our bodies, we should not allow leftists any places of influence in society. Mockery and discrimination should be the “radiation treatment“ we use to eradicate the societal diseases they bring.
-Leftists are not interested in creating their own socialist utopia far away from the rest of us. No, they want to destroy the current system, which values personal choice and freedom. Leftists never create anything, ever. Their purpose is to destroy those things that are good, beautiful, and true.
-The moral bedrock of the West, that is to say, Christianity, while not perfect in its application by many, is the foundation for the most free and prosperous nations in the history of the world. Those that would want to do away with it, are those who wish for societal collapse.
-I’ve seen recent headlines that the “US economy is booming.“ We have lost all sense of how a real economy functions. The US government accounts for 42% of its GDP figure, which was similar to the Soviet Union in the late 80’s before its collapse. We are living in an economic house of cards; another problem our governments have saddled us with.
-Christian nationalism is not a “nation of Christians.“ All it means is that it is a society that has ordered itself in accordance with Christian principles, with the primary job of its leaders to put the national interest ahead of everything else, and facilitate human flourishing in all its forms.
-No one, not one people group on earth, has an historic claim to land. The only claim they have, as every other group has, is the right to possess the land they are now on through past conquest. Every historic claim is based on invasion and genocide of a lands inhabitants. Only the right of conquest is a valid claim and history teaches us that the history of humanity is the history of war and the conquering of others.
-The US is no longer a representative democracy as the Constitution dictates. The will of the people is ignored as the politicians represent the lobbyists and corporate interests; the entire system is anti-democratic. Until Americans wake up to the fact that their nation has been captured, gutted, and used, the corpse of the once greatest nation on earth will not be revived.
-The 1986 Immigration Amnesty Act signed by Reagan, along with the NAFTA free trade agreement signed by Clinton, set America upon a course of eventual demise to which they will never recover. The first insured societal breakdown and mistrust between people while the second began the financial ruination and debt slavery most now live under. And both have helped to widen the wealth gap from each end of the distribution curve.
-“Correlation is not causation“ is usually the rebuttal uttered by the person with no good answer left to them. You don’t always need a scientific study to observe a causal relationship because the strength of the correlation is so obvious that there is no other credible option. Correlation is not causation, in the strictest sense. But a strong correlation is a pretty good indication that you will find causation if you take the trouble to look for it.
-How is it that St. Patrick’s Day has become a celebration of drunken losers? Is there nothing humans won’t pervert and destroy?
-My prayer is that I will no longer live a wasteful, aimless life.
-Hardship comes when our life pursuit becomes comfort and ease. We flourish when purpose and meaning is our aim.
-No one else can claim to have parents as supportive, generous, and as prayerful, than I have had. I will never meet the standard they have set. “Blessed” does not begin to describe how fortunate I am.
-I am Mephibosheth.
-St. Patrick’s Day has turned into Halloween for drunkards. It’s a worthless celebration detached from who Saint Patrick was and what he did. Just another day and excuse for the simpletons to get drunk.
-The goal of the drinker should not be merely sobriety. The goal is to see yourself and the wonder of life in such a way that you do not need a drink to enjoy yourself. The goal is to detest the altered state and the fake world it creates.
-Why do we insist that the 99% must change to “include“ the 1%? We owe nothing to the banal clamouring of the mentally ill.
-How to destroy a society:
Make God irrelevant
Denigrate life and motherhood
Make fatherhood optional
Make men and women compete
Brainwash children on gender
Promote homosexuality
Add chemicals to food
Make porn ubiquitous and free
Make people hate their heritage
Make Art ugly
Elect evil men
Justify every war
Give bankers total financial control
Build ugly buildings
Open up a nations borders to all
Continually devalue assets
Divide everyone…
…In other words, continue to do what they are doing.
-Intelligence is not a prophylactic that will guard someone against believing nonsense. It only means they will come up with better reasons to believe nonsense.
-The atheist says, “I don’t believe in God because there’s so much evil and suffering in the world.” OK, then, I will grant you that there is no God. But evil and suffering still exist. Who then is responsible for it? Man is.
-If works of art do not have a sense of timelessness to them; if they have not been sifted by time; it’s hard to deem them with any lasting significance.
-Time is the sifter of greatness. Art. Books. Music. Only those that have stood the test of time can be considered “great.“ In this transient internet era, hardly anything modern can be deemed great; more often than not it is disposable. Only time can bequeath greatness.
-It’s sad to see what St. Patrick’s Day has become. Almost all festivities take place in a bar and it is a celebration of alcohol and drunkenness. No one knows who Saint Patrick was, or what he did for Ireland. It is now a day celebrated by losers getting drunk; a microcosm of society as a whole.
-If history has taught us anything, it’s that a flourishing society can only be built on common blood and culture.
-Both the kindnesses we do, and the evils we commit, in some form, will live on long after us; for good or for ill.
-There is no way the concert attack in Moscow was done by ISIS. Without question NATO was involved. We know the truth is anything other than that which the media reports. The depths of Western evil, like all evil, will one day be exposed.
-I have become more convinced that “gender dysphoria“ is demon possession. The clinicians merely wanted to give it a more sanitary name.
-St. Patrick’s Day is for drinkers, what 420 is for potheads. None of them know who Saint Patrick was or what he did. It’s just another one of many excuses to get drunk.
-The only compromise I will make on abortion is that trans women can have one during any point in their pregnancy. After all, transwomen are women, apparently.
-Of all the prevailing myths, the existence of Bigfoot is the one I’d most like to be true.
-Oftentimes the world’s criticisms of Christians is accurate, because unlike them, we should know better.
-The seasons were given to us as a yearly reminder of our own mortality and the brevity of life.
-The modern-day Roman Catholic Church is the embodiment of the old Pharisaical religion: all form, no substance.
-The decades long financialization of the economy can only lead to its ultimate collapse. It is now as close to a mathematical certainty as you can get.
-An unassailable proof that the Bible is the divinely inspired word of God is this: the nature of man. There is not a more accurate philosophical explanation for the state of the world.
-Things that are counter to human nature, and in opposition to natural law will always fail; without a doubt and without question. Oppose the created order and failure is the only possible outcome.
-Is there any greater taste of heaven here on earth than being a part of vibrant and alive congregation singing John Newton’s Amazing Grace with full heartfelt conviction?
-Do not make peace with evil. Oppose it. Expose it. Mock it. Despise it. Destroy it.
-Only those with a proper view of the world, and their place in it, can truly be humble.
-“Modern art” is the great deception of the talentless; those who lack the real gift of creativity.
-This life is a series of daily disappointments that should serve to point our eyes upward continually.
-The evil of the current regime should be readily apparent to all. Remember, it’s all about the “rule of law“ and “saving democracy.“ Oh, and fighting antisemitism, don’t forget that. And of course, transgendering any child who managed to avoid getting aborted; and vaxxing those who avoided getting transed. Evil is abundant in everything they say and do.
-Everyone who rides the black horse, will be thrown from it.
-My most fervent prayer is that my life is not a stumbling block for my children; that they see a sinner saved by grace and the miracle that that is.
-To the hung over, the sound of birds chirping in the morning is an irritant. To the sober, it is a beautiful sound of the goodness of life. Alcohol wrecks everything good.
-Diversity kills communities. Diversity in any population leads to weakness. Diversity within a family leads to incredible dysfunction, so why would we think it be beneficial elsewhere? In no realm does diversity lead to strength.
-If you import the Third World, you will become the Third World. The dirt is not magic. It never was. If the quality of a population changes, the quality of life in that land will inevitably change over time in line with the new demographic’s culture, traditions, and standards. Immigration is invasion and what we are witnessing now is an act of war perpetrated by the government on its own people.
-In the choice between evils, we need not choose. Both choices must be opposed. “The lesser of two evils“ is not the choice of a wise man.
-Central banks are an enemy of the people and a means by which wealth can flow upwards from the poor and middle class to the wealthy. The Fed has aided and abetted the greatest theft in human history.
-Minorities don’t need DEI if they are actually qualified for the job. The profit motive for companies will ensure they hire the best. DEI merely creates a landscape where companies are bullied into hiring the average.
-Immigration is invasion and war. It’s coming and so you see it.
-Assisted suicide for the terminally ill, which was meant to be rare, has turned into MAID (medical assistance in dying) for any reason for those over 12 years old. At the time, many of us were mocked for opposing it and told this “slippery slope“ would never happen. And yet here we are. In a way, we were wrong. Rather than a “slippery slope,” it has become an elevator shaft.
-When American politicians make others “mount the red horse and ride;” rest assured that the sword will eventually come for them. Evil gets repaid.
-War is coming to the world and America is solely to blame. The once blessed nation has turned away from God and embraced war and evil at every turn.
-One of the few differences between the USSR and the USA is the body count. Just give it time.
-Crime data released in Germany for 2023 shows that 41% of all crime is now committed by migrants and foreigners; up 18% in one year. This is what diversity brings; this is what strength looks like.
-Islam is a religion of aggression, oppression, submission, and regression.
-We are the only society in history that believes there is nothing beyond ourselves. We have erased the power of purpose and meaning and something higher than ourselves. And we wonder why people are miserable and depressed?
-The Right has the better and more workable moral positions to run a society. All the Left has is better slogans; they offer nothing of substance. They hide behind their trite little aphorisms.
-The US election is on the horizon. With an increasingly dull and retarded populous, it is no longer about convincing one side you have the better arguments. Whoever can count the most pieces of paper, real or not, wins.
-This is no longer about differences between left and right. This isn’t even class warfare. We are in a battle between good and evil. The lines have been clearly drawn. Government is evil. Abortion is evil. War is evil. Open borders are evil. Theft is evil. Pick your side.
-You cannot import the Third World into western nations at this rate and not expect the quality of life to decline. We are watching the de-evolution of society occur at a breathtaking pace. As it is said, import the Third World, become the Third World. We are watching civilizational decline.
-Should Christians fall into the world’s trap of discussing race at every turn, or proclaim the gospel to all men equally? There is no greater distraction to society than discussing race.
-The hallmark of any cult is the control over the minds of its adherence and belief in things that are verifiably false. This is why labelling people as members of the “climate cult“ is not only accurate, but should be encouraged.
-There was a time when a man dressed as an ugly woman reading to children would’ve had the masses screaming for the death penalty. Now society applauds it.
-Support for American hegemon is waining. People have seen behind the curtain and realize it has never been in the citizen’s best interests.
-We have lived through many decades of peace and prosperity in the West. Humans tend to think the future will be like the past and we will continue on as we are now. Generally, the past can be a good indicator of the future, unless your civilization is on the verge of collapse.
-Civilizational collapse goes hand-in-hand with the inability of most not to see the collapse coming; with the inability to stop it once it starts; and not able to survive it once it’s happened.
-Society cannot last when liars are rewarded, and honest people are punished for speaking the truth.
-Democracy in its death throes is in distinguishable from socialism. The will of the people comes to mean nothing in either.
-What does it say about a society where most have an unrealistic fantasy of what they hope their life should be, rather than a solid plan to create a fulfilling and prosperous life in reality.
-From a purely utilitarian perspective, ‘religion’ is necessary for society. It is good in declaring things good and evil. It maintains balance. An irreligious society will always drift towards evil.
-Christianity was a pre-condition for Western civilization. It was and is an immense force for good in the world. It laid the groundwork for all the modern technologies and conveniences we now enjoy. It allowed for a peaceful society that produced human flourishing on a scale never before seen.
-They had “bread and circuses” in Rome. We have “fast food and pride parades” today. The same decadence, different time.
-Climate science is not science. It is pseudoscience. It is a tool of fear and control.
-What sort of psychosis must you have as a parent to sacrifice your child to the rainbow demon on the trans altar of genital mutilation?
-There is a good reason why the first of the 10 Commandments is “you shall have no other gods before me.” For if you keep this one, it makes it far less likely you will break the next nine. A proper view of God makes the whole of life better.
-Can you think of any other modern disciplines that are more demonstrably false and absurd than Keynesian economics and Darwinian evolution?
-Pharmaceutical execs, lawyers, and environmentalists; who is the most dishonest?
-Skyscrapers and the monuments of man in cities, obscure our view of God.
-Almost every leader in the world is useless; there is a mass crisis of confidence. It’s as if the world is being run by demons steering us towards eventual destruction. Maybe that’s hyperbole, but it certainly seems true.
-Once you observe the verifiable evil of those who lead us, you can’t unsee how demonic some of them are. The Spirit will quickly inoculate you against their globalist virus.
-The best thing a father can do is to raise strong, independent men who will stand for truth and honor; and daughters who will raise lots of children in service to the Lord.
-A company adopting DEI and ESG as strategic initiatives is like a person giving themselves turbo cancer to prolong their life.
-It has become increasingly apparent that as the interests of a nations citizens diverge from the interest of its elites, that the form of government they have is inconsequential. The interest of the elites will always prevail.
-Why do so many people love travelling to Europe? Because the buildings and cities are beautiful. This is the direct result of Christianity‘s influence upon parts of the world where it flourished. It’s another reason why cities in post-Christian America are ugly and decaying. Christianity is a source of beauty; and God, the source of all beauty.
-37% of the women in India between the ages of 15 and 49 are sterilized. Is there a better indication of a culture and people that hates itself more than that?
-The only explanation for anyone to support a “net zero” future is a sub-80 IQ. It is a genocidal policy proposal.
-If God dies, then science dies. For science to exist, there must be such a thing as truth, and truth (the objective) can only exist if God exists. A pre-condition for all that we know is the existence of God.
-Because physicists through math are often right and hold up the mantle of “science,“ we get evolutionary biologists (better known as butterfly collectors), coming along and using “science“ to claim all that they say is accurate. This is just false. Certain “sciences“ rest on the same premises as some religious beliefs.
-Climate scientist —> weatherman
Evolutionary biologist —> butterfly collector
Doctor —> drug dealer
-The great mistake of many is their confusing of science with scientism. For many, their beliefs are religious in nature.
-Private equity firms and the complete financial system is set up to strip the wealth from nations and its citizens. To call what we now operate under “capitalism” is to not understand the theft and strip-mining of assets that is occurring.
-Regret is an awful thing. Live in such a way as to minimize it.
-People who lie are allowed a platform. It’s the truth tellers who are silenced. The truth is dangerous.
-The only way to live in this world now is to assume every headline you read is a lie. You can take nothing at face value. The truth lies somewhere, but it is never contained in the things they want you to know and think are true.
-The sole reason the Pride movement exists is so that broken people can cover their brokenness; we put a rainbow coloured bandage on a soul-rotting disease.
-You cannot find any true earthly sense of purpose or happiness outside of having and raising children.
-Complete sobriety is frightening for most. It requires them to admit weakness and face things without their crutch. It requires honesty and admitting who you really are and why you need a drug to manage your life.