Notes From The Field – Book 3:1

For some time now I’ve carried Field Notes notebooks with me to write down and record various thoughts when I have them. It is something I wanted to become habit-forming and enjoyable over time. I like to write and sometimes jotting down a quick note is enough. I think that in the computer age many people’s hand-writing has suffered, mine included. I’ve always thought there was something more beneficial to writing things down.

I am not claiming there is anything wonderful, or original, or ground-breaking, in any of these thoughts and musings. On the contrary, sometimes they are the product of those boring moments when the mind wanders. There is no organization to them although the themes at times seem common. I will record them here in the way they were first written, only correcting any grammatical and punctuation errors.

Each completed book of notes is too much for one blog post, so most notebooks, once filled, will be broken up into two or three parts and posted over time.

-I try and be a hard critic of myself first. That being said, it in no way invalidates the cultural criticisms and truth claims I make towards the issues I discuss. Objective truth exists independent of the person asserting it.

-People today try and undo centuries of progress out of envy and bitterness.

-If you think paying a carbon tax to your government is a good way to change the weather, then you are exactly the type of gullible citizen they love to manipulate and extort.

-Concerts and live music can really bring joy and be uplifting. Music is food for the soul.

-I no longer can believe in the principle of free speech because no one truly does. Speech laws just becomes a different set of revolving “blasphemy laws” enforced by whoever is in power. If God believed in free speech, why was blasphemy a sin?

-Many people choose, and are responsible for, their own misery through the choices they make. It usually comes cloaked as “fun and enjoyable” and leaves them in despair.

-The Left is a death cult. Everything they advocate for is to lessen human flourishing.

-Freedom is becoming unafraid and fearless of the consequences in an age of weakness and gullibility.

-Tolerance is the virtue of the weak. It’s really no virtue at all, and is usually the means by which evil is embraced and celebrated.

-Poor life choices often lead to loneliness and despair.

-We as a society have allowed the court jesters to ascend to the throne. Our politicians really are the least qualified people to lead us.

-The first song I heard today was Beautiful Day by U2. It’s impossible not to smile while listening to that song. As gloomy and down as my spirits can be at times, music can lift me up when I need it.

-Tattoos are an outward sign of narcissism. They scream “look at me.”

-The world is not horrible because of some fictitious, white male patriarchy, or some absurd notion of Christian or religious oppression. These nonsensical ideas are observably false. The world is horrible because people have embraced leftist ideologies that are destroying the hearts and minds of decent people. Evil often creeps in unaware.

-Look at the art a culture produces and you will see what it values.

-The global pandemic response, and those who fell for it, serves as a great filter to determine who will make it; which humans are strong enough to resist the evil before them.

-The West is in the decadence, degeneracy, deviancy, and decline stage of Empire. The open embrace of evil always leads to collapse.

-There are few things more pure than the love of a dog for his or her master.

-There are few things more fundamentally important to society than the distinction between male and female; men and women. The trans movement is dyscivilizational and an evil that needs to be opposed at every opportunity.

-People want to be entertained, not educated. Global IQ is dropping at a time when more information than ever is available to us. They mindlessly scroll and take in this information without really thinking deeply about what they are being shown or manipulated to believe.

-The Pride movement has been the most successful psyop in history. They’ve gotten the majority of the world to fall in line and believe that which is observationally false with the ultimate goal of sexualizing children. That is what the rainbow flag is now a symbol of: the sexual objectification and grooming of children; the very real symbol of evil.

-I write, and say out loud, what many others think, but are afraid to say. It’s not done to offend, but to give a voice to truth. I do not care what others think of me and the views I hold.

-Tolerance is a pretend virtue. It’s about signalling the goodness of the tolerant with no real heartfelt concern for the object of tolerance they purport to care about.

-If Covid taught us anything, it’s that doctors can now be equated to lawyers when it comes to trustworthiness. Are there good ones? Sure. But most fell in line and advocated for vaccines that had no credible testing or studies behind them and that we now know are causing higher mortality and lower fertility in those who received them. They can no longer be trusted if they merely act on what they’re told. It’s against the very oath they took.

-All alcohol does is reveal how weak the person is who relies on it.

-I long for the day when the battle is over. I do not fear death. I welcome it. All to be in His presence.

-Those that deny the concept of sin need only take a few moments of quiet reflection on their own hearts to understand the reality of it and how deep it runs. Evaluating yourself can be painful.

-I’ve spent many years reading the prominent atheists: Dawkins, Dennett, Harris, and Hitchens to name a few. They are remedial thinkers, and only impressive to those with average intelligence. If someone speaks of them favorably, you can almost immediately determine everything they believe.

-“So will I choose their delusions.” Isaiah 66:4.  It’s hard to think of words any more self-evident in the days in which we live. Delusions abound.

-The men worthy of admiration are those who have given up much and sacrificed comfort. The modern world idolizes the worst people society has to offer.

-Fear God, do not fear men. That is the true basis of freedom.

-Men will believe anything, no matter how ridiculous or absurd, in order to reject the truth, and justify their own depravity.

-If there is nothing you’d die for, you live a life without passion and meaning. What a pathetic way to live.

-One of life’s great pleasures is sitting down and listening to the sound of music on vinyl.

-It is hard to forgive those that wish you harm or hate you. But I have found this most freeing. Forgiveness is a beautiful thing.

-If Darwinian evolution is true, then homosexuality is a choice, not a genetic disposition. Because of its non-procreative nature, the gene would have been selected out of existence almost from its initial appearance.

-I need to be more gracious.

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