Tag Archives: science

Covid-19 Math

One of the most common refrains we hear these days is this: “you need to follow the science,” even though it is often uttered by the scientifically uninformed or illiterate. Science is not, and never has been, the utopian answer for every problem, and in fact is often wrong, misused, or abused, to push forward a favoured narrative. Sadly, science can’t be trusted as it once was as political ideologies have infiltrated and polluted the once noble discipline. The Covid-19 pandemic has been a prime example of the bastardization and outright abuse of science. Instead of following the science, we need to follow or look at the math.

No government has had a great response to the Covid19 pandemic. Admittedly, there have been many unknowns that could not have been anticipated. Yet these useless “public servants” made policy decisions in direct contradiction to the “science” they triumphed and greatly diminished the freedoms of their citizens. And when they were presented with new data that should have made them change course, they didn’t. They were never following the science; that much is now known.

Let’s look at the math and assess their policy decisions from the facts. The following data comes from the Canadian Government Covid-19 database found here, as of April 30th, 2021 (Similar numbers can be calculated from the current date on the site). I challenge the panic-stricken to visit this government site and look at the numbers for themselves. Do the math, and then tell me the destruction our leaders have caused was worth it.

As of April 30th, here are the total numbers for all ages across Canada:

Total Cases: 1,219,425
Total Cases Resolved: 1,111,887
Total Deaths: 24,219
Survival Rate: 99.98%

When drilling down further into the numbers we see that, 52.4% of all positive cases were in those under 40, yet that same demographic accounted for only 0.024% of all Covid deaths. Conversely, 9.9% of all positive cases were found in those 70 and over yet that demographic accounted for 86.4% of deaths. When you run the numbers for those under 60, (998,590 cases, 1277 deaths) that brings the survival rate for those under 60 to 99.9987%, which means 13 people will die for every 100,000 positive cases. In 2018, Canada had 23 deaths per 100,000 from influenza and in 2019 it was 18.4 deaths per 100,000 according to the official statistics. We should never have locked down anyone. We should have protected the elderly and infirm and let everyone else go about their business as usual for the numbers show that this is not the plague they have led us to believe.

Now, any death at any time for any reason is a tragedy. Life is precious and a tremendous gift. But let’s remember that more than half the deaths from Covid-19 occurred in people over the age of 85 in a country where the average life expectancy is just under 82. This is a disease that attacks the elderly and infirm and is relatively innocuous to the young and healthy.

When you do the math, it can’t be any clearer. What we are dealing with here is a very contagious flu-like virus that is not the least bit dangerous to those under 60, despite the rare anecdotal stories that make the headlines to scare us. Covid-19 is a repackaged flu pandemic that has allowed governments to more easily exert influence over our lives and make us more dependent on their benevolent handouts. The longer term implications of the money-printing and debt accumulated to “fight” this scourge with be economically devastating to our nation in the next decade.

To further illustrate, the NYTimes showed that flu cases in the US dropped to about 1% of what they usually are on an annual basis. Scientists have chimed in with fanciful explanations to try and explain this away; but do the math. In 2019-2020, the US cases of influenza were around 38 million, but as of this writing the total influenza cases for the 2020-2021 flu season are less than 100,000 and Covid cases total 33 million. It seems that Covid has made the flu magically disappear. Their science is wrong; do the math.

A Manitoba microbiologist recently did some extensive testing on the PCR test used to detect the Covid virus and found that 56% of all tests were false positives. The unreliability of this testing method has been known for quite some time but they keep using it; most likely to keep the case numbers inflated. In Vermont, it was found that almost 94% of tests done were false positives. We have been pounded relentlessly by the media and government authorities with high case numbers in an effort to keep the fear narrative active as it is the only way to keep people compliant and irrationally fearful of a virus that is benign to an overwhelming majority of the population. There is no other conclusion to reach: they are knowingly lying to us. It is not about the science at all.

They are lying to you about the many variants and the need for further lockdowns because of them. They are lying to you about the efficacy of the lockdowns when 70% of all transmissions happen in the home. The unscientific mask fetishists are lying to you about the efficacy of wearing a mask. From the CDC:

During March 1–December 31, 2020, state-issued mask mandates applied in 2,313 (73.6%) of the 3,142 U.S. counties. Mask mandates were associated with a 0.5 percentage point decrease (p = 0.02) in daily COVID-19 case growth rates 1–20 days after implementation and decreases of 1.1, 1.5, 1.7, and 1.8 percentage points 21–40, 41–60, 61–80, and 81–100 days, respectively, after implementation (p<0.01 for all). Mask mandates were associated with a 0.7 percentage point decrease (p = 0.03) in daily COVID-19 death growth rates 1–20 days after implementation and decreases of 1.0, 1.4, 1.6, and 1.9 percentage points 21–40, 41–60, 61–80, and 81–100 days, respectively, after implementation (p<0.01 for all). Daily case and death growth rates before implementation of mask mandates were not statistically different from the reference period.

At best, masks have helped to decrease spread by about 1.6% overall. That’s it. They are lying to you when they tell you to be afraid of passing people on the street. “There is not a single documented Covid infection anywhere in the world from casual outdoor interactions, such as walking past someone on a street or eating at a nearby table,” reports the NYTimes.

The Pfizer CEO, Albert Bourla, essentially admitted that Covid-19 was a variation of the flu when he told a panel that it looks like people will have to get a Covid shot every year. Covid is closer to a flu virus than it is say, a polio virus, that only needs one shot for complete protection. The Covid shot will become a yearly flu shot replacement; endangering thousands and thousands of people and making the pharmaceutical companies billions and billions; all for a disease that has a survival rate of 99.98%. (According to the US vaccination database VAERS, more people have died from the Covid-19 vaccines in its 6 months of use, then from every other vaccine administered in the US over the last 15 years combined. Furthermore, if the vaccines were so effective, why is the most vaccinated place on earth experiencing a tremendous surge in cases? Also, why are 50% of CDC and FDA workers refusing to take the vaccine?)

Our governments and medical authorities have lied to us since the beginning of this pandemic and I’ve barely scratched the surface of the falsities they’ve perpetuated to keep us living in fear. (We now know that Dr. Teresa Tam lied to us about human to human transmission early on, to name just one). They are now pushing untested vaccines (which scientifically speaking really aren’t vaccines at all) on us as a way to regain our God-given freedoms that should never have been taken in the first place. We are watching authoritarians at work slowly curtailing our freedoms and most people robotically listen and comply. They are the frogs in the slow boiling pot.

The Covid-19 fear narrative has permitted governments to expand their powers over our lives like few things in history. They have destroyed the economy in the process; amassing obscene amounts of debt and causing runaway inflation which in turn will make life unaffordable and unliveable for many. They have used the term “science” as a bludgeon to control people and have not changed their actions when the “science” changed. What was the first thing we were told about Covid-19 and its origins? We were told that it came from a man eating a bat in a Chinese wet market. Anyone with any sense knew immediately that it was a lie and that the truth was anything but that. Throughout this whole ordeal the “official story” our leaders have told us has almost always been a lie. “Masks are useless…wear your mask” and so on. Don’t rely on their “science” and don’t believe anything they tell you. Look at the data and do the math. They’ve lied to you from the beginning, and they’ll keep lying to maintain their control.