Notes From The Field – Book 2:2

-It is now plain to any rational observer, that the government and those in authority, prefer people to be physically weak and mentally ill. Society certainly has an abundance of both.

-“I drink just to have a good time with my friends,” they say. This is a tacit admission that they need a drug to enjoy themselves, even with friends. Sober moments are not enough for many.

-What am I doing with the time I’ve been given?

-Climate change is modern day pantheism. Old heresies are made new again. Conflating the material with the divine is nonsensical on its face.

-Cancel culture exists solely to try and ban people who have devoted themselves to objective reality. They can’t tolerate those who do not bow the knee to scientific absurdity.

-Homogenous nations arise out of the rubble of failed, heterogeneous empires. Immigration, if left unchecked, will most assuredly destroy a nation from within. Out of that destruction, a new nation (homogeneous people group) will emerge, and the cycle of history will repeat.

-Governments, especially local ones, have adopted a revenue model of governing. They are not concerned with improving the quality of life of people. In fact, the exact opposite seems to be the goal.

-Recent studies reveal that more and more people do not want to have children. Kids are work, but work that produces one of the greatest pleasures of life.

-Cities are soulless. Man was not meant to live in shoebox sized condos. Our souls are deadened by the concrete structures of man, rather than uplifted by the creations of a loving God, in nature.

-Every man needs a great watch, and a sharp knife; one for contemplation, and the other, for preparedness. And both for utility.

-The fundamental premise of freedom is one’s ability to defend themselves. In Canada, it is illegal to carry anything for the purpose of self-defense. Canada is not a free country, nor does it value the freedom of its citizens.

-Those who claim an adherence to “science” still must do so on the basis of faith. Every first principle is asserted and unprovable; it can only be falsified. Both religious and scientific claims have “faith” at their foundation.

-The observable existence of evil is not a proof that a good God does not exist. Rather, it proves the need for a robust Christianity, as the only means to defeat such evil.

-Europe and North America have yet to realize they are at war. The gates have been thrown open, and they have been invaded. The fighting has yet to begin. Homogeneous nations rise from the ashes of fallen heterogeneous empires. No nation has stood for long after such a vast movement of people groups from one nation to another. Prepare for the fall of the west.

-The notion of hate speech is a weapon to silence unapproved words and ideas. Those in charge are purveyors of hate, and are not really opposed to hateful rhetoric. They merely pronounce what kinds of hate are permissible, and what groups can be freely targeted.

-The “best” critics of the Bible are always those who have never read it.

-If everyone were to examine the darkness in their own hearts, the world would be a kinder place.

-‘Sound of Freedom’ is a spectacular film. Everyone needs to see it in order to understand the magnitude of the child sex-trafficking problem around the globe. It’s hard to comprehend this level of evil.

-How is it that evil flourishes in a world that boasts it is more enlightened than ever?

-America is but an ugly shadow of what it once was. As Christianity fades, evil ideologies rush in to fill the void and hollow out what’s left of the corpse of a fallen nation.

-Every aspect of society is degrading. In short order, we will lose all that we love and cherish, to the point where indoor plumbing may be considered a luxury for only the wealthy. A new ‘dark ages’ is dawning and few see it coming.

-The promotion and celebration of homosexuality has made it a lot harder for men to form meaningful relationships with other men.

-One of the main ills of our day is cowardice.

-Drag queens who want to be around children are pedophiles. Drag is overtly sexual. Don’t be fooled by them. Call them what they are. Shame them. They are pedos.

-Drag queens are demons in lipstick.

-People will treat you the same way they feel about you.

-Why do we worry about things beyond our control?

-People do not value life. They harm themselves with drugs and alcohol and proudly champion abortion. Life to many is worthless, and holds no meaning.

-The problem with much of the left is that they are certain about what they hate, but barely coherent about what they love. They do not create; they only destroy and tear down.

-If an atheist honestly searches for truth, he will invariably be led to God; the Truth. Atheism is never an honest quest for truth, but rather, a justification for one’s rejection of what is true.

-Gratitude is a lost virtue.

-Rise early, even if only to enjoy the quiet of the morning. This habit is restorative to the soul.

-The best way to destroy people is to get them to disbelieve things that are obviously true. Get them to believe lies, or fear telling the truth, and you’ve eviscerated their soul.

-Walking through life, you gather a collection of scars; wounds that heal, but leave a mark. For some of us, it feels as if we are limping towards heaven.

-The collective intelligence of Western nations is plummeting, and voting is now an IQ test. Our leaders become dumber and more corrupt as a reflection of the people they govern.

-Endurance in life and endurance in death; it is not ours to give up. Fight till your last breath.

-There is something profoundly ungrateful in giving up your life, suffering aside, before your ordained time.

-The modern mind would rather be entertained, than think.

-The American experiment is over. It could only function with a virtuous people, and that is no longer the case.

-There is no such thing as a trans person. No one is trapped in the wrong body. That people believe this is testimony to the power of brainwashing, and the ability of people to believe utter nonsense in the face of public coercion and pressure.

-The truth doesn’t mind being questioned, for it can withstand the scrutiny. It’s the lies and liars that must cower, hide, and censor any prodding or challenge to their dishonesty.

-A fully converged and captured organization (woke) is, by definition, incapable of performing its primary function.

-There are so many things I’d do differently; so many wrongs I’d right.

-The Pride flag is the flag of the LGBT “nation. They hang them on buildings like “colonizers” of the past to signify this place has been conquered (by the ideology). They think of themselves as a nation, set on “colonizing” the minds of the “natives” with their perverse morality.

-Liberals are more apt to abort their kids. Conservatives more apt to raise and teach their children. The future belongs to those who value it, and raise the next generation.

-The dying light of the sunset,
Is a beauty forever lost.
The departing soul of a loved one,
Is a beauty forever lost…
…until heaven.

-The current generation is awash in the vulgar. They consume it. They revel in it. They celebrate it. They have lost all admiration for the good, the beautiful, and the true. They are “as dogs returning to its own vomit; as fools glorifying their own folly.” As they think and act, so will they be: vulgar.

-300,000 to 400,000 Ukrainians killed in a war that didn’t need to happen; one started by the US and NATO as a proxy war against Russia. Pure evil.

-In other gay news, a Florida school board has allowed a kids book with two “penguin dads,” but banned Shakespeare’s, Romeo and Juliet, because of “sexual content.” They are allowed to read excerpts from the play, but some parts must be omitted. The whole world is fake and gay, and wants nothing more than to devour and pollute the minds of children.

-People have too many worthless friends and acquaintances in their lives. Drinking buddies, gossips, partiers, and the intellectually vacuous; to name just a few. These types of friends will always keep you from becoming a better person, as you walk the wide, lazy path of life alongside them.

-Homosexuals can’t have children. In order to “multiply” they need to target and sexualize the children of others. Grooming children is their procreative act.

-Most paedophiles hide in the shadow of the LGBT community and cloak themselves in the safety of the Pride flag. Henceforth I will only use the acronym LGBTP as a more accurate descriptor of this group until they purge themselves of the cancer in their body.

-Leftist’s want us to believe that people are born gay; that their sexual orientation is fixed at birth. Yet the same people also want us to believe that our sexual identity is fluid and can be different every day. Their world is incompatible with science, reason, and logic. It is contradictory nonsense.

-First it was mandatory toleration. Then it was mandatory acceptance. Now it’s mandatory celebration. How long before they demand mandatory participation?

-Women stop drinking when they’re pregnant so their babies don’t get foetal alcohol syndrome, which retards their brain development. So why would anyone continue to drink and damage their own brains? The drug of alcohol has such a strong pull on most drinkers that they just don’t care.

-The proliferation of alcohol in every aspect of peoples lives is a certain sign of their inability to enjoy themselves naturally, as well as an indication of how much they’ve created a dependency in their brain for substance-induced enjoyment.

-Is it any wonder that in a society that loves and promotes abortion, which is the dehumanization of the most vulnerable amongst us, that these same people do not care about the child sex-trafficking that goes on everywhere?

-A man can murder and cause such immense pain in the loved ones of the victim, that they can decide to have their lives taken by the state (MAID) because of their pain and depression. Yet, the murderer’s life is spared and often can go free. Is that not a sign of the insanity of modern society?

-What if I asked you to eat a particular food because you would find it delicious and it would make you feel happy for a couple hours? I’m sure you would try it. But then what if I told you that this food was a known carcinogen; that it causes heart disease, strokes, and liver disease; that it’s a depressant that will leave you feeling down and gloomy afterwards; that it is something that shrinks your brain and weakens your immune system and takes nearly 7 days to fully leave your system after eating it. Would you still eat it? No? Then why do you drink it?

-I read today that California Democrats blocked a bill to make child sex trafficking a felony. This is what happens when you remove boundaries around sex. This is the slippery slope of passing gay marriage legislation. The deviants come out and keep pushing the boundaries. The full sexualization of children and removal of age of consent laws is the ultimate goal and endgame. The paedophiles will keep pushing to normalize their evil proclivities.

-It was the so-called conservatives who sold out the American middle class, and sent almost all their manufacturing to Mexico and China in the name of capitalism and profits. It was the conservatives who gutted American prosperity and turned them into a consumer and service economy. America is a hollowed out corpse compared to what she once was. Conservatism cannot revive her. Only a strong nationalism can.

-Capitalism cannot work across borders with different laws and economic systems. This is the failure of globalism.

-Once Western nations become unmoored from their historic Christian roots, all manner of evils can flourish. It’s as if Lady Liberty has grown horns.

-For all those still looking at the numbers and following the excess mortality stats, it is now clear that the Covid vaccine was a bio weapon designed to kill hundreds of thousands of people, and make those behind it, rich. The next one will be even deadlier as this test run showed them how gullible and pliable the population is.

-The same people who forced vaccines on us because they cared about our ‘health and well-being,’ are the same ones who do nothing to stop the flow of fentanyl over the borders. They cared not one whit. Never believe them. They are evil.

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