Causing Division

Imagine for a moment that you secretly read the posts here. And imagine that you don’t like most of what you read, or believe the author is wrong, in spite of the research he uses to corroborate much of what he writes about. You don’t take the time to comment or point out his supposed “errors”, but keep coming back to read the next “outrageous” thing written.

Then imagine, that you rip something written out of context and use it to drive a wedge between a father and daughter because you are in some small way, offended by it. Was it way off base? Or did it hit too close to home? Imagine never addressing the point with the author or asking for clarity on the point in question. Imagine being so offended by an opinion (backed up with hard data), that you felt compelled to undermine his relationships, and not once sought to understand the point being made. Disagreeing with someone’s “tone” is not an argument.

This is gossip aimed to harm. It is childish. It is wrong. For 10 years you’ve never once reached out to hear another side of a sad, sordid story. I am always available. 

Unfortunately, none of this is hard imagine at all.

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