Tag Archives: climate change

Don’t Look Up – A Review

Don’t Look Up is a new movie on Netflix whose purpose is to ramp up the climate change alarmism; the next catastrophic pivot point now that Covid-19 is waning. Climate Change is the religion of the secular left and Hollywood mouthpieces are its prophets, announcing the “end is near” and “repentance through taxation and lifestyle change” is necessary for “salvation from the coming doom.” It’s all quite cliche.

Of course this movie is up for the Best Picture Oscar in what is now the woke, and meaningless Academy Awards; where brilliance is no longer awarded, but rather, your strict adherence to the new woke religious orthodoxy is. As far as a film goes, it was banal and trite, which sadly describes almost everything Hollywood releases these days. The dialogue and performances were uninteresting. There was nothing brilliant about this movie and the satirical gimmick of a comet on track to hit the earth didn’t really work at all. The true believers in climate change are, of course, the good people, while those pesky right-wing, Trump-voting, MAGA-hat-wearing nincompoops are the bad ones. Are there any original thinkers left in Hollywood? Can we please have more beautiful and compelling stories that let us escape, rather than those whose sole purpose is to indoctrinate?

The title of the movie is somewhat ironic. Leftists and progressives, the largest demographic of atheistic non belief in God, have been the ones “looking down” for decades now. They refuse to look up and acknowledge God as Creator and Sustainer of the universe. They have put themselves on the throne and only they now can save the world from the crisis that is upon us; all we have to do is pay higher taxes and recycle our plastics and the “comet” can be destroyed. In reality, we are to be good stewards of the created order and take care of the planet. We should look for ways to live cleaner; but not at the cost of throttling the poor and middle class for the sake of the elites who are the major contributors to, by their own admission, this impending “disaster.”

I did like the juxtaposition of the shots of nature, the hippos and hummingbirds, against the backdrop of the littered and filthy cities. It shows the beauty of God’s created order next to the sinful waste and crumbling man-made facades. It is interesting to note that every big city in Canada and the US, for decades now, has been run by liberals. They have overseen the flourishing of filth and decay. New York, LA, Chicago, Boston, SF, Toronto, Vancouver; all of them have been wrecked over decades by liberal policies and greed. This is just an indisputable fact. They have looked to themselves as the saviour of the world and have failed. They have refused to look up and acknowledge the One to whom they owe everything. Conservation on the part of every individual is the only answer left to reverse the damage mankind has caused. Higher taxes and govt debt will not solve anything. Trillions have been spent, and nothing has changed.

Climate change alarmists like to envision themselves as the superheroes in a catastrophic story unfolding before us. They have invented a crisis and they get to save the day through their own virtue. For these heroes there is one thing we know is true: for the last 100 years, apocalyptic climate predictions have been made decade after decade and none of them, none of them, have come true. The track record of the climate alarmists and their models is appallingly awful, yet they keep screaming “look up at the comet, there it is”. But it hasn’t hit earth when any of them have said it would. They have given us no reason to believe their alarmism will be correct now.

“Trust the science” is a religious phrase, not an empirical or data-driven one. We have been told over and over that “the science is settled;” which is perhaps the most unscientific thing anyone can say. This movie does nothing to further an honest conversation around the purported science of climate change. It just asks us to genuflect before those good people who know more than anyone else, and obey what they’ve commanded. No thank you, I’ll take my chances.

Random Thoughts #8

1) It would appear that another study shows the link between having tattoos and mental illness in those who ink themselves. As I said here, for many (not all), it is an outside sign of inner turmoil.

2) Women are now heavier drinkers than men. Feminism has served to masculinize women. Women are now suffering greater rates of depression than ever before (around 20%) and they are entertaining themselves with a depressant (alcohol) at an ever greater rate. Their “fun” is hurting them. Modern society is breaking women.

3) The barbarians who work in abortion clinics carry out almost a satanic level of evil, including this doctor who use to cut the vocal chords of the “fetus” so she wouldn’t have to hear the baby scream. We are nearing civilizational collapse when the pro-abortion crowd is callous and unmoved by the gruesome horror they support and champion.

4) The progressive cult has enacted a new law in order to protect pedophiles. Evil never happens all at once. It creeps in slowly and decays a society over time. They’re now brazenly open about it. Never, and I mean never, believe a liberal or progressive when they talk about protecting children. The exact opposite is always true. Why do they want to normalize pedophilia? Watch. Progressives never want to protect children.

5) Just when you thought progressives couldn’t get any more depraved, “celebrity” Ali Wentworth thinks it’s a great idea to watch porn with your kids; even though study after study shows that watching porn leads to less enjoyment of real sex. No, it’s not about perverting or indoctrinating our children at all; no, they “care” about kids too much for that to be true!

6) This cannot be overstated or simply stated enough: leftists, progressives, and social justice warriors or advocates, are mentally ill, and suffer from mental problems at a far greater rate than conservatives. Oh gosh, I wonder why? It’s almost like the things they stand for and advocate have a tremendous negative effect on their psyches and souls.

7) The Climate Change hoax is exactly that. It is a way for governments to control people and extract their resources after engineering a doomsday scenario into the minds of the population. Leftist Michael Moore took a lot of heat for exposing the hypocrisy within this movement. This documentary is well worth watching to learn about what is actually happening and being perpetuated by the climate cult.

(Leftists got the whole documentary removed because of an 8 second copyright infringement but here is a lengthy overview).


8) The US election is just 5 days away. America is broken and cannot be fixed. In the end, it matters not who wins. It has been financially ruined and will not recover. It is no longer a discussion between left and right, but viewing the other side as evil, and that they must be crushed by gaining power over them at all costs. In 5 days, America will descend into chaos taking the world with it. A house divided cannot stand; America is finished.

The Paris Accord and Climate Change

Last week, President Donald Trump pulled the U.S. out of the Paris Accord on Climate Change. And predictably, the left lost their minds. The Accord, an economic disaster by almost any measure, made sure that Western nations paid billions and billions in “carbon taxes” while other developing nations, including major powers like China and India, paid nothing. It was a scheme, cloaked in “science,” by which to redistribute the wealth of the West, and nothing more. It was the right decision, at the right time, by a leader who put his nations interests above those which relied solely on a future unknown.

If the reports about the Accord are accurate, the changes made to emissions by the signatories would decrease global temperatures by 0.17 degrees by the year 2100. It would cost untold trillions of dollars to do so over that time; dollars that would be taken from the prosperous nations and given to the poorest in the form of a Carbon Tax. Notice they do not even try and hide this fact:

A group of 14 economists published a report Tuesday claiming that the world needs a $4 trillion tax on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions to stop global warming.

The study suggests that a tax should be levied on fossil fuel use, taxing between $50 to $100 per ton of CO2 emitted. Proceeds could support green energy, given out as aid to poor countries, or be redistributed back to the population. The World Bank and French government financed the study.

Is the earth warming? Sure, but almost negligibly; and the dire predictions made over the last few decades haven’t been close to coming true. Should we do what we can to reduce CO2 emissions? Yes, it certainly sounds like it would be good for the environment. Should we stand for the globalists extracting wealth from certain nations and giving it to others as a means to help “solve” the problem? Absolutely not. The US is a sovereign nation and should never enter into any agreements to its detriment; it would be economic suicide. A nation, first and foremost, should have the prosperity of its own citizens as its goal, not the world.

Climate science, as a science, has an abysmal track record of accuracy. As a predictive model, it is a failure. Science is about repeatable, predictable results and climate science models to date have given us anything but accurate results.

Human CO2 emission is such a small part of the overall climate picture that we should not cripple nations from economic advancements. But at the same time, we should also be encouraging them to adopt strategies to reduce harmful environmental agents. That seems sensible. The science around climate change could be more right than wrong; time will tell. Until it is, it hardly seems worth the alarmist proclamations we often read.

The problem really lies in the economic models put forward to tackle this problem. It should never be used  as a reason for one nation to fund another. At best, they are unworkable. At worst, they are a Marxist redistribution of wealth between nations.

Bowing to the histrionics of those for whom the topic of Climate Change has become an immutable religious doctrine is not the solution for a countries economic prosperity, nor is it the right way to affect change for the good of the planet. Why is it that celebrities and the wealthy want to lecture us on what must be done, yet live with carbon footprints 10 to 20 times that of the average person? Actions are the best indication of what one truly believes, not words. At times, humanity thinks a little too much of itself and its ability to do what is right.