If the year 2020 has taught us anything, it is that evil is real, and everywhere. It no longer hides in the shadows pulling strings from afar, but has been exposed by the light and been laid bare for all to see. Evil is indeed everywhere, and it resides resolutely in the hearts of wicked men. We have seen evil exposed and our way of life has begun to collapse under the weight of it.

We saw the Chinese Communist Party release a virus onto the world, most likely on purpose, that killed millions, and crushed the world economy. This was an act of war in order to secure world dominance; and it is working as the US, and other Western nations, collapse economically because of it. They did not care to alert the world to the problem, but hid it and let it spread. They lied, and thousands died.

We have seen the evil of the worlds’ Central Banks and the policies they have implemented to devalue our assets and make life harder for 99% of the population. The US Federal Reserve has printed 35% of all US money in circulation in the last year alone. This serves to enrich the elite and impoverish the middle class. They have created financial problems that they cannot solve and by devaluing all assets through the printing of more money they ensure the eventual collapse of the economy and incredible coming hardships that will be felt by all. They have refused to do what is right and in the best interests of the people, and have guaranteed an economic disaster in the near future.

We have seen people use the word “science” as if they know what they’re talking about and give their point of view an air of authority. Science that works is called engineering. What is purported to be science in our day is scientism; more akin to a religious belief system than a truthful and fact-based enterprise, used to keep people subservient and in line. Covid19 and the universal Climate Change hoax are two such uses of bad science to scare people and strip the wealth of nations for the benefit of the very few. It is not even debatable at this point as the evidence is everywhere.

We have seen the evil of “scientists” and medical professionals as they make proclamation after proclamation about Covid19 that ended up being anything but scientific, and dead wrong. The advice they have given and the recommendations they have made have destroyed the lives of millions of people; both emotionally through fear, and financially through the elimination of jobs and businesses. Doctors should be our most trusted professionals and yet when politics enters the arena it corrupts everything it touches. The World Health Organization personified this corruption in the early stages of the pandemic when they ran cover for the Communist Chinese Party and told us there was very little to worry about. Their mouthpiece in the US, Dr. Anthony Fauci, has been wrong about almost everything. It is evil to play with the lives of those that trust you. And it’s just as evil not to hold these men accountable for their actions.

We have seen the continued promotion of diversity as some great virtue when in reality it helps to destroy social cohesion, trust in populations, and Western civilization as a whole. The greater the diversity in a population, the greater the conflict in that population. This is an axiomatic truth with the evidence plainly seen. Basing decisions on the immutable characteristics of a person like skin colour, gender, or orientation, rather than on merit or the character of the individual, will serve to promote mediocrity and the slow disintegration of our nations. A house divided against itself by diversity and her proponents, cannot stand.

We have seen the rise of the “woke leftist” that is without a doubt the dumbest, the ugliest, and the most delusional demographic in society today. They are embodied by BLM, Antifa, the Vegan movement, and 20+ year old females who cry about the many faux injustices they perceive in the world. They are lazy malcontents who blame the unhappiness in their own lives on a host of externalities around them rather than on their many, and continuing, poor life choices. Their evil manifests itself in the narcissism of blaming others for their circumstances and not taking any personal responsibility for making the world better on an individual basis. They are selfish and ungrateful and they live miserable lives because of it and want those around them to suffer as well.

We have seen the evil of censorship by the media and big tech companies. The concept of “free speech” has always been a lie and I can no longer support the notion. The Berkeley liberals of the 1960’s agitated on campuses for free speech and all we got for that was ubiquitous porn and the development of hate speech laws which are antithetical to free speech and used as a bludgeon to silence the opinions of those with whom they disagree. Free speech in society is a myth and we have seen the evil of the big tech companies shutting down and de-platforming those who do not adhere to the approved narrative. When the open public square is no longer a place where people can express themselves freely, or where good opinions can act as a disinfectant for the bad, then we have created an environment in which evil can flourish and multiply.

2020 is a year that everyone is ready to forget. Sadly, 2020 is only the beginning in what may be a long decline and the end to our freedoms and independent way of life. We have allowed evil to percolate below the surface for far too long and we are now reaping what we have sown. We have allowed sex-trafficking, drug abuse, alcoholism, abortion, porn, greed, to name but a few, to proceed unabated over the past decades so no one should be surprised as we watch the walls of society crumble around us. It will not be long before all that we knew and loved will be in ruin. 

People are living lives of loneliness and despair. They have lost hope in a world that is leaving them behind. They have been betrayed by those entrusted to care for them. They have been vilified for wanting to raise families and live simple lives. We have watched as the evil and ugly has replaced the virtuous and beautiful. There is only one sure Hope in this world that provides solace amongst the turmoil, and only by trusting that Hope can one be free from the prolific evil and tyranny of men. Evil is here, but it is not eternal. Thank God for that.

2 thoughts on “2020

  1. Douglass Holmes

    2020 was a fine year for those of us who could work from home or could travel to areas of the country that were free enough. It was a fine year for people without underlying health issues that turned a bad virus into a deadly one. Perhaps the downtrodden who have borne the brunt of the pandemic will wake up to the fact that their saviors are actually their oppressors. Perhaps they will open their eyes to the corruption of the media/entertainment/education complex. When enough people open their eyes, perhaps we can achieve real change. Of course, given the new federal government, we may look back on 2020 as a great year in comparison. Here’s to 2022 when we get a chance to take the House.

    1. dbro Post author

      “…their saviors are actually their oppressors…” Very true. When they are no longer useful they will be cast aside.


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