Tag Archives: tyranny

Covid Vaccine

So a few days ago the Biden Administration recommended a third covid vaccine 8 months after the second shot, apparently because of waning immunity from the earlier shots. In other words, these vaccines, which aren’t vaccines at all because they do not sterilize the virus like traditional vaccines do, are failing at a massive rate. They are not doing what people were told they would do. “Just get the shot so you can get your regular life back,” they were falsely told. But those in charge cannot now admit the failure since billions of dollars are at stake and the fearful are so wedded to the idea of their vaccine security blanket.

Some studies have shown the efficacy of the vaccines has fallen sharply. That is massive vaccine failure. You cannot spin it any other way. 

Young people in their teens and twenties are being blackmailed into getting the shots if they want to enjoy life like they once did. Covid now poses less statistical risk to these young people than drinking alcohol, driving cars, or socializing in dangerous neighbourhoods. And I don’t see governments attempting to eliminate any of those things because ultimately they are revenue sources, health be damned. This has never been about the health of the population. Not once have you heard the government recommend a healthy immune system: eat better, stop smoking, stop drinking, take Vitamin D, etc. Their only recommendation has been to get inoculated with a drug that we now see, clearly is not working. Pfizer knew this from the beginning. From a study they commissioned:

The highly-anticipated Pfizer’s safety and efficacy study of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine is finally out. After six months of monitoring over 45,000 patients, the study found that there were 15 deaths in the vaccine group and 14 deaths in the unvaccinated placebo group.

In other words, more vaccinated people died from the virus than the unvaccinated. According to the study, there were no deaths among 12‒15-year-old participants. The study not only demonstrates the lack of efficacy in the most important group but also highlights the extremely low fatality rate of Covid-19 in most of the 45,000 participants.

What does this mean? In essence, the Pfizer vaccine doesn’t even reduce the risk of death, despite the claims to the contrary.

New York City has instituted vaccine passports for every day activities and many places here in Canada are about to do the same. This has never been about public health and for those with eyes to see through this, it is clearer now than ever before.

A friend sent me an article about the largest financial institution in Canada introducing a vaccine mandate for all employees. This was my response:


These elites step over people sleeping on subway grates as they go to their gilded offices. They’ve watched people die every day from a lack of healthcare, homelessness, crime, drugs, etc. Every single day. For decades. And they never batted an eye. And now they want you to think they care deeply about people dying from a flu with a fatality rate less than 0.5%? Come on. That’s the real joke of it all. They don’t care at all. 
And now you have to get your third shot, and why? Because of massive vaccine failure. I told you it was happening. These vaccines, which are not vaccines, but therapeutics, are harming people and not protecting them. You can still get covid, spread covid, and die from covid. How many shots until you say enough? 6? 7? Unlimited? Because they will keep pushing them. This is evil. We can now deal with this like the flu. Keep the vulnerable safe and restore our freedoms and liberties. This is like telling everyone to get chemo because they might get cancer.
Quarantine camps are coming. The modern day concentration camps will come. They are building one now in Australia for those like me who will not comply with their tyranny. The Nazi’s began by telling everyone that the Jews carried typhus and they needed to be segregated for public health concerns. Those pushing vaccine mandates are Nazi’s. They are authoritarian and are looking to kill even more. 
Keep this email for future reference and let’s see who’s right. This really should be alarming to any reasonable person.

And what does Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA vaccines, have to say about these Covid-19 vaccines:

“There’s pretty clear evidence that the spike protein expressed from vaccines is causing toxicity in a small subset of patients. The question is how big is that subset and how bad and broad are those toxicities? The honest truth is we don’t know and furthermore there is a lot of signs that that information is being withheld from us… I have colleagues in the government who were aware and knew months before the toxicity was disclosed that the toxicity was an issue… They are finding that the CDC is grossly underreporting these key adverse events… My senior colleagues at the FDA have known that this was the case for months… we have multiple signs that the CDC is editing this data in support of this noble lie.”

Edmund Burke famously said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Evil requires your submission and compliance, not your support or your full mental acquiescence. Therefore, a refusal to submit and comply, whatever the cost, is the only moral imperative. We cannot allow this to continue. But only time will tell who is right. We have to give no other reason for our refusal to take their needle than, “I am a free person and I can choose to do what I want and make my own medical decisions.” We do not owe anyone an explanation.