Birds Of Prey

Majestic in appearance, silent in flight, unmoved and stalwart as they command their surroundings from high above, birds remind us of our own limitations and the glorious creative mind of their Creator.

“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” -Isaiah 40:31

Roe v. Wade Has Been Overturned

-On June 24th, 2022, Roe v. Wade, the 1973 US Supreme Court decision that magically invented a constitutional right to abortion, was overturned. It was bad law from the beginning (even Ruth Bader Ginsburg has admitted this) and most who understand how a constitutional republic operates, know this. Yet that didn’t stop abortion advocates from crying about having their “rights” taken from them, which did not occur.

-Abortion is the single greatest evil in society today, by far. A culture that tells mothers they can purposely kill their children and rid themselves of the “burden” they have created, will eventually fall; it cannot survive such willful, ongoing barbarism. Human life starts at conception; this is an undeniable scientific fact. The belief that a human is just a “clump of cells” until mysteriously turning into a human at some random point in pregnancy is the one based on pseudo-religious superstition. Ask any pro-abortion advocate to define a “person” and watch them twist and contort normal words into a pile of meaningless nonsense.

-It is difficult listening to the vapid arguments of the pro-abortion crowd. They will say anything, no matter how silly or dishonest, to state the case for “choice” being all that matters. They are not truthful in the least bit. Everything they say is meant to frighten women, obscure the truth, or denigrate life. Very few can be open and honest about what they are advocating for. I heard one woman in a recent protest video say, “Yes it’s a baby, and yes I’m OK with killing it. I don’t care.” At least she had the fortitude to state the obvious truth that they all really believe. Her words were evil and inhumane, but also a rare moment of truth.

-Great evil can only be overcome when strong men and women stand up and fight against the darkness that has engulfed the hearts and minds of those who would advocate and champion the murder of the unborn. A good society cannot stand if it tolerates such unfettered evil to persist. Even in the face of death threats, the stalwarts of the US Supreme Court should be lauded for their bold stand against injustice towards society’s weakest and most vulnerable.

-A principled Clarence Thomas puts it this way:


-What few understand is that abortion is big business and it is the money behind this industry that fuels the protests, demonstrations, and riots. Hundreds of millions of dollars are made every year from the promotion of abortion for the harvest of organs for resale, and to help with population control; mostly in the communities of the “undesirable.” Those who fight on the side of life profit nothing from abortion, nor from abortion being made illegal. They receive nothing for their tireless work other than the knowledge that they saved lives and did what was morally right. As is the case with most things, if you follow the money, you can usually uncover the motivations of those pulling the strings.

-The weekend following the Roe reversal, twenty-one Crisis Pregnancy Centres were vandalized and attacked, so don’t for one second think these people care about women and their healthcare decisions. They attacked the very people trying to help women through a difficult time when they chose life. If you don’t advocate for abortion on demand for all nine months, they have no interest in you. 

-It’s hard to fathom that we live in a world where someone would rather kill their baby than not have sex. I do support the concept of choice for one’s own person and there are many choices along the chain of events in this debate. I support the choice of abstinence, of contraception, of motherhood, and of adoption. I just have to draw the line where some would rather choose the convenience of murder. If someone says they are “pro-choice,” yet also stand for gun control or vaccine mandates like many leftists on that side do, they are not pro-choice at all, but rather, pro-abortion and anti-choice. We need to point out to them this inconsistency and make them own the fact that they advocate the killing of babies according to the whim of the mother.

-The line between good and evil when it comes to abortion can’t be any clearer. History will look at the overturning of Roe much like it looks now at the abolition of slavery or the liberation of Jews from the Nazi concentration camps. History will look back on the pro-abortion side as the bad guys; they will look back on them with scorn and derision for what they perpetrated on the weakest and most vulnerable in society. Black slaves were considered 3/5ths a person, while the unborn baby is considered no person at all. Dehumanize the target, and it becomes far easier to mistreat or exterminate.

-At its heart, abortion is a war against women. It tells women not to fulfill their highest calling. It tells women that with a simple procedure they can allow men to walk free from responsibility. It tells women that a life of casual sex is more fulfilling than motherhood. It tells women that their young party years are something of value. It tells women that life is meaningless if they decide it’s meaningless. It tells women their sole political power in this world rests in their ability to kill their children. Women become the victims under the strong hand of the abortion lobby, yet are told they are strong, liberated, and free. Just another lie they are brainwashed to believe.

-When we consider the magnitude of the lives lost over the decades to the abortionists syringe and scalpel, this might just be the greatest victory for human rights in the history of the world. So June 24th was a good day, but it is only the beginning. The war is not over. Until abortion is ended and looked upon with disgust, there is still much to do. We need to pray for a revival of decency and changed hearts, to view life as something beautiful and worthy of protection. Perhaps it might be easier for some to understand what happened this way: Roe v. Wade was just a clump of words that got aborted on June 24th, 2022.

Abortion: National Divorce Or Civil War

The US has one of two choices facing them: national divorce or civil war. We are already in the midst of an ideological cold war between left and right and have been for decades, and the divide is only growing wider. If we don’t start the process of separation soon, the only inevitable outcome before us is a real civil war. I know this seems radical to even suggest, but it has become abundantly clear that the left and right can no longer co-exist together. There is no longer any common ground between them. There is no mild language I can use to write about this, for evil must be boldly opposed.

This past week we learned of the leak from the US Supreme Court (in and of itself a criminal act of insurrection against the courts) that they are on the verge of overturning the Roe v. Wade decision of 1973 that found the “right to an abortion” within the constitutional Right to Privacy. It was always seen as bad case law but no one had the political will to do anything about it. Overturning Roe v. Wade will not ban abortion in the US, like many of the leftist, blue-haired banshees are screeching about, but rather it will send the issue back to the states to decide for themselves. This is how democracy is suppose to function, allowing the people to decide the laws that will govern them. But leftists hate another’s freedom and do not want a functional democracy where their power is diminished. Summer leftist riot season is now upon us and things are about to turn ugly.

We talk of a “mental health crisis” in this country yet no one is willing to name it: it is modern liberalism or leftism; the ideology of the mentally unwell whose beliefs are anti-human, dyscivilizational, and destructive of all that is good, beautiful, and true. It is a sickness of the heart and minds of these people fuelled by self-loathing, divisiveness, hatred, and cruelty, which they cloak in fake virtue. These are the people that want to laugh, cheer, and celebrate when a baby is ripped from the womb, yet cry at the thought of someone not using their make believe pronouns. These are not good people. They are a dangerous combination of weak and evil, like most tyrants throughout history.

In this latest round of the abortion debate, we have seen the most grotesque the left has to offer. Just today they bombed a crisis pregnancy centre in Wisconsin, and many online praised it. Everything they stand for is anti-human. They champion the murder of babies in utero while trying to save every animal or insect; and yet the irony is lost on them. They want to expand the bounds of assisted-suicide to include the homeless and mentally ill. They want to stop the use of fossil fuels which has lifted more people out of poverty than anything else in history. They want to “protect the earth” through their fake science of “climate change” which will bankrupt nations and kill millions. They want to give drug addicts needles to kill themselves slowly rather than give them the real help they need. They want to let criminals out of jail so they can offend again and again. They want strict population controls that take away the choice of others to procreate. And as the Covid pandemic has clearly shown us, they want to take away your informed consent as to what medications you can and cannot take. They have become a cult that wants control over everything you do. They want the “right” to abort babies up to and including the moment of birth when they are fully formed and viable. This is the depth of depravity we are dealing with.

The Romans use to let babies die from exposure (leaving them in a field to die from the elements) and other ancient cultures use to sacrifice their babies to the god Moloch. The modern left today has returned to a more sanitized version of baby sacrifice to the same god, on the altar of convenience and ease. Abortion is now a sacrament in this new secular religion; a rite that is celebrated by the godless. They despise hardship or the thought of their lives having any unnecessary discomfort. They want to bear no consequences for their own irresponsible behaviours. They want the easy way out. We are no better than the Ancients if we permit this modern version of barbarism to happen to our most vulnerable.

The time has come for a national divorce; the left and right can no longer live together when their views on life, liberty, and virtue are diametrically opposed to one another. We must separate for the sake of peace for we cannot continue down this road of constant division, for it will inevitably result in war. If history teaches us anything it’s that evil will always lead to death and destruction. Without question, abortion is the purest form of evil in society today. We need to geographically separate. We need to allow the leftist death cult to live in the world they desire where life is devoid of meaning and pleasure is the only worthy pursuit. And when their nihilism leads them into such despair that they will do anything to escape it, only then can we let them over the wall to where the light shines. Until then, we can “have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness,” and we “must expose them.” There can be no compromise on abortion. Ever.

On this Mother’s Day we lament what the left has made of motherhood; of womanhood. We feel the pain of many mother’s whose only child became “medical waste.” We sorrow over the millions exterminated for convenience. And we long for a time when a future generation will look back on abortion as the heinous and immoral crime that it is, much like we view slavery today. We can only hope.

Vaccine Failure

It needs to be said: it is now scientifically accurate to say that all these Covid19 vaccines have been a colossal failure. Here is a look at this morning’s data in Ontario:

Before Covid, if someone had gotten vaccinated for the measles and then contracted the disease, almost everyone would have agreed that their vaccine had failed. People were once honest and rational. But we are living in times now when you are not to believe what your eyes plainly see. Our governments and medical leaders have failed us, lied to us, and killed many of us. 

It is clear from the data above that the fully vaccinated and boosted have two times the likelihood of catching Covid (per 100k people) than the unvaccinated. Would this not mean that it’s a “pandemic of the vaccinated” who are keeping the virus alive and spreading? Ever wondered why the phrase “pandemic of the unvaccinated” has disappeared from every media outlet and government official’s vernacular? Because it was, and is, false. They lied in order to get people to comply. Yet here in Canada, we are the only country in the world who will not permit the unvaccinated to board a plane or train.  We are led by evil and incompetent people who are doing their best to destroy our way of life over what is now a cold virus. There is now no other explanation than this is on purpose and according to plan.

Only the scientifically illiterate would agree that these vaccines should continue. They are harming our immune systems in such a way as those who have taken them now more easily catch the virus; their immune systems are compromised and can’t fight it off as effectively. The more shots one takes, the greater their chance of illness and death. We are seeing massive rises in all-cause mortality in 2021 since the vaccine mandates have started. This will go down as the greatest crime against humanity in history. They know, and they do not care to stop it.

Watch Edward Dowd explain the massive rise in all cause mortality here. The “evil genius” behind these mRNA vaccines is that they destroy your natural immune system and allow other diseases to flourish and kill you. We have never seen evil on this scale.


The Progress Of Evil

I found this letter to the editor I wrote from April of 1994, 28 years ago. It sounds like I could have written it yesterday. I haven’t changed much since then, but clearly the overt evil in the world has become more bold and prolific with each passing year.

The one thing we can be certain of is this: that the entropy of this world is towards evil, continually. It takes an effort to withstand it. Our politicians have adopted evil practices in every sphere of life and we are overwhelmed by the decline as they boldly proliferate the trans nonsense and the sexual grooming of children, the authoritarian Covid policies now in place, crippling national financial debt, and the restrictions on speech and ideas, just to name a few. The old saying holds true, that “the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

The Death Of A Dream

I’ve always enjoyed road trips, especially those that have taken me through small town America. Many of these places seem suspended in time and cause one to wish for the simpler times of decades past. There is something melancholy about them, with outdated signs and buildings that have become ugly eyesores on the landscape from lack of upkeep. The world has left many of these places behind. For me, the saddest of all is seeing the collapsing remains of old wooden homes and barns. They were once a dream that signified a new beginning and exciting time for someone. I’m not sure when it started but at some point every time I passed one of these dilapidated structures I would say to myself, “there’s another dream that died.”

I’ve been to a few ghost towns in the US over the years and this same feeling envelopes these places as you try to imagine what they were like during their bustling peak years. Two of my favourite towns were gold rush era mining towns in California called Bodie and Cerro Gordo. These places are how you would imagine them to be: isolated and forgotten. But there is a ghostly beauty to them as you wander through their streets and read tales of gun fights, gold, fires,  lawlessness, and every other now cliche wild west trope.

There’s a sense of wonder that comes along with the eerie sight of abandoned buildings that were once erected as someone’s dream; their home, their business, their hope of making their life better. These places were once their “American Dream.” This photo above was of the American Hotel in Cerro Gordo where the blood stains of a gun fight in the poker room were still visible on the floor more than 100 years after the incident. Men worked tirelessly, fought hard, and many died in pursuit of their fortunes. (Sadly, this hotel burned to the ground within a year of my visit). 

These buildings outlived their builders and serve only as a temporary marker of a once hopeful dream. You can’t walk past them without wondering about the stories of the people that came here to find fortune and build new lives in a time of great hardship. Many of us today, use to our comforts, would not last a week in these places if time were to transport us back.

These places have a way of reminding us of our own mortality; that we too are only here for a time. Our youthful exuberance gives way to sensible middle age and finally to those twilight years of reflection and memory. We all love the progress of time and the innovations that it brings, until it inevitably leaves us behind to be forgotten. What was once alive and vibrant in these towns, now sits in ruin and is but a reminder that time is forever moving forward.

We live now in a time where everything is overly manufactured and curated for our enjoyment, an enjoyment that is often short-lived in this consumer culture, until the next fleeting thing grabs us and briefly holds our attention. Much like listening to an old song or watching an old movie, and the way they conjure up feelings and emotions from another time, these towns and buildings seem to illicit those same nostalgic sentiments that yearn for something that has long faded away; something good, something beautiful, from a simpler, yet harder time.

You cannot walk these streets without feeling something; you cannot look on emotionless and not be moved in some way. It’s hard to not look back upon the past, stopping for a moment to wonder, without a gaze towards the future with dreams yet undreamed and hopes still unfulfilled; imagining what the world will be like once our bodies have been returned to dust. All of us will carry regrets; all of us will leave certain hopes and dreams behind unfulfilled, for that is the very nature of life in a fallen world.

As for man, his days are like grass;
As a flower of the field, so he flourishes.
For the wind passes over it, and it is gone,
And its place remembers it no more.

-Psalm 103:15-16

Dopesick – The Evil Of Big Pharma

I recently watched the 8-part docu-drama series from 2021 called Dopesick, which tells the story of the American opioid crisis and the role of the Sackler Family and Purdue Pharma to purposely destroy families through addiction and death for profit. I’ve watched quite a few documentaries over the past several years on this topic, but this is the first one that really dove deep into how a malevolent pharmaceutical company operated to maximize profits with little to no concern for who they hurt. 

While this story starts in the early 1990’s, it recently concluded with the Sackler family having to pay more than $8 billion in fines of their $14 billion family fortune; not nearly enough for what they knowingly did and the human carnage they caused. Today, America is still caught in the grip of an ever-growing opioid addiction epidemic which now claims over 100,000 lives per year from overdose. The absolute evil of Big Pharma and the tragedy of this cannot be overstated.

Being able to look back on the actions of Purdue while still in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, it’s hard to miss the striking similarities. To wit: when the effectiveness of Oxycontin, the opioid-based painkiller of Purdue Pharma, started to wane, they had to come up with a solution to stem the loss of sales. They invented a new term called “breakthrough pain” and got a few doctors on board to buy in, write papers and articles, and promote this new concept to others. When the medication lost its effectiveness (as the repeated use of almost all drugs tends to do), and the patient’s pain started to increase, they were told this was “breakthrough pain,” but thankfully there was a “cure.” And yes, you guessed it: higher doses of Oxycontin; the same drug that was failing to combat their current levels of pain. And thus began the cycle of addiction.

In the same way, Pfizer and Moderna ran this exact playbook. When people were still catching Covid-19 after having one or two, and now even three or four, doses of their mRNA vaccines, they called this phenomenon, “breakthrough cases” of Covid-19, with the solution being, of course, more boosters of the same failed vaccine! More boosters, more profits. And sadly, more cases of Covid-19 and deaths.

Big Pharma and the members of the medical community they have paid off to push their snake oil in its varying forms, are observably evil as they destroy the lives of millions for the sake of their bottom lines. It is only a matter of time before the fraud of these mRNA “vaccines” is exposed and the level of lying and deceit in the medical community, those entrusted to protect us and our health, is shown for what it is. Already we are seeing ballooning rates of all cause mortality of between 25%-40% in the heavily vaccinated nations. The vaccines will end up killing far more than Covid-19 ever did. And this evil will lie at the feet of Big Pharma, the medical community who shirked their responsibility to protect us, and the government officials who knowingly promoted the lie through mass vaccination and mandates.

Heroin use has exploded in the US and Canada and greater than 55% of all users came to it from Oxycontin painkillers. They were people looking to their doctors for help, yet were given a prescription for something that eventually led to their death. People are slowly killing themselves in back alley’s because of what one pharmaceutical company did to people in order to enrich themselves. Pfizer and Moderna are no different. They did it for profit with willing accomplices; not out of some benevolent care for mankind. They made their money and care not one whit to the pile of corpses left in their wake. 

This series is really well done and a must watch in a time when we are again trusting pharmaceutical companies to save us, when in reality they are selling us the gun with which to kill ourselves. I’m not sure what will finally wake people up to the reality that these companies, and the governments we pay to protect us, don’t really care about our health and well-being at all.

Don’t Look Up – A Review

Don’t Look Up is a new movie on Netflix whose purpose is to ramp up the climate change alarmism; the next catastrophic pivot point now that Covid-19 is waning. Climate Change is the religion of the secular left and Hollywood mouthpieces are its prophets, announcing the “end is near” and “repentance through taxation and lifestyle change” is necessary for “salvation from the coming doom.” It’s all quite cliche.

Of course this movie is up for the Best Picture Oscar in what is now the woke, and meaningless Academy Awards; where brilliance is no longer awarded, but rather, your strict adherence to the new woke religious orthodoxy is. As far as a film goes, it was banal and trite, which sadly describes almost everything Hollywood releases these days. The dialogue and performances were uninteresting. There was nothing brilliant about this movie and the satirical gimmick of a comet on track to hit the earth didn’t really work at all. The true believers in climate change are, of course, the good people, while those pesky right-wing, Trump-voting, MAGA-hat-wearing nincompoops are the bad ones. Are there any original thinkers left in Hollywood? Can we please have more beautiful and compelling stories that let us escape, rather than those whose sole purpose is to indoctrinate?

The title of the movie is somewhat ironic. Leftists and progressives, the largest demographic of atheistic non belief in God, have been the ones “looking down” for decades now. They refuse to look up and acknowledge God as Creator and Sustainer of the universe. They have put themselves on the throne and only they now can save the world from the crisis that is upon us; all we have to do is pay higher taxes and recycle our plastics and the “comet” can be destroyed. In reality, we are to be good stewards of the created order and take care of the planet. We should look for ways to live cleaner; but not at the cost of throttling the poor and middle class for the sake of the elites who are the major contributors to, by their own admission, this impending “disaster.”

I did like the juxtaposition of the shots of nature, the hippos and hummingbirds, against the backdrop of the littered and filthy cities. It shows the beauty of God’s created order next to the sinful waste and crumbling man-made facades. It is interesting to note that every big city in Canada and the US, for decades now, has been run by liberals. They have overseen the flourishing of filth and decay. New York, LA, Chicago, Boston, SF, Toronto, Vancouver; all of them have been wrecked over decades by liberal policies and greed. This is just an indisputable fact. They have looked to themselves as the saviour of the world and have failed. They have refused to look up and acknowledge the One to whom they owe everything. Conservation on the part of every individual is the only answer left to reverse the damage mankind has caused. Higher taxes and govt debt will not solve anything. Trillions have been spent, and nothing has changed.

Climate change alarmists like to envision themselves as the superheroes in a catastrophic story unfolding before us. They have invented a crisis and they get to save the day through their own virtue. For these heroes there is one thing we know is true: for the last 100 years, apocalyptic climate predictions have been made decade after decade and none of them, none of them, have come true. The track record of the climate alarmists and their models is appallingly awful, yet they keep screaming “look up at the comet, there it is”. But it hasn’t hit earth when any of them have said it would. They have given us no reason to believe their alarmism will be correct now.

“Trust the science” is a religious phrase, not an empirical or data-driven one. We have been told over and over that “the science is settled;” which is perhaps the most unscientific thing anyone can say. This movie does nothing to further an honest conversation around the purported science of climate change. It just asks us to genuflect before those good people who know more than anyone else, and obey what they’ve commanded. No thank you, I’ll take my chances.

Letter To My Member Of Parliament

Dear Ms. Gould,

I am writing to you, my MP here in B*******, about the troubling rhetoric coming from PM Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party. Recently, PM Trudeau called the unvaccinated “misogynists and racists” in a Q&A in Quebec, in a continued attempt to purposely divide Canadians. He then added, “What are we going to do with these people?” Any student of history knows how dangerous this can be when spoken aloud by a nation’s leader.

I need to ask you, do you disavow this hateful rhetoric coming from Canada’s leader, one with his own visible racist past? Do you disavow this polarizing hate speech in a time of Canada’s worst divisions? I am troubled by what this is doing to society, especially now at a time when Covid infections occur at a higher rate per capita in the vaccinated. (See attached image for the latest data from the Ontario Gov’t website). You’ll notice that this latest “science” contradicts the falsehood of this being a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” that PM Trudeau repeated again just yesterday. Do you acknowledge that this too, is divisive language, and what we now know to be objectively false?

Two of my three kids are in university and we know from the data that their risk from Covid is as statistically close to zero as one can get. I am sure as Minister of Families you know this. Yet it’s undeniable that the ineffective gov’t response to the pandemic has caused undue hardships on this demographic, and the bright futures that they had hoped for seem to have dimmed under the shadow of horrific policy decisions. It does seem to be a global phenomenon that most Western gov’ts all made the same calculated errors in judgment, but that’s a different issue.

What are you trying to do to unite Canadians in a time of unparalleled turmoil, much of which is being caused by the PM? Vaccine mandates and vaccine passports have been an abject failure in stopping the spread of Covid; here, and in every nation in which they were tried. Every metric tells us this. Will the Liberal party do away with these divisive and ineffective mandates and let Canadians get back to their lives, free from ineffective gov’t Covid policies? Can I please ask what you are trying to do for all Canadians when we have a PM who divides us further with every word he utters?

I look forward to hearing from you. Feel free to phone me for a pleasant discussion. I really am trying to figure out how the Liberal party is trying to stop the immense harm the PM’s words and Covid policies have caused every Canadian. I do know it has not been easy, but that being said, with failure after failure one would think it reasonable to change course.

Kind regards.

Source: here

Hidden In My Heart

One of the best memories I have now, is of some of the Bible verses I memorized as a child. At the time it sometimes seemed a chore, but once committed to memory it was something good to have tucked away in the recesses of your mind and I am forever grateful for this blessing. They were a comfort then, and even moreso now.

Over the uncertainty of the past years, and what seems to be the coming dark unknown of 2022, I thought I would pick some verses to carry with me into this year. Some are ones I still remember from childhood, while others will be added to the collection in my head. My path at times appeared overgrown, and the light around me dim, but Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” -Psalm 23:4

“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” -Isaiah 40:31

“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”                     -Philippians 4:8

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” -Isaiah 5:20

“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armour of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.” -Ephesians 6:12-13

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” -Psalm 46:1

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” -Matthew 6:33

“He hath shown thee, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?” -Micah 6:8

“And when He had removed him, He raised up for them David as king, to whom also He gave testimony and said, ‘I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My own heart, who will do all My will.’” -Acts 13:22

“Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the path of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scoffers. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on His law he meditates day and night.” -Psalm 1:1-2

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.” -Ephesians 2:8-9

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” -Isaiah 41:10

“And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” -Matthew 10:28

Blessed be the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle: My goodness and my fortress; my high tower, and my deliverer; my shield and the one in whom I take refuge, who subdues my people under me.” -Psalm 144:1-2

“Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong.” -1 Corinthians 16:13

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” -Proverbs 3:5-6

“Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.” -Deuteronomy 31:6

“Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.” 1 Timothy 6:12

“The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” -Psalm 27:1

“See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” -Ephesians 5:15-16

It is cliche to say that a walk through the hoodoos of Bryce Canyon in Utah makes one feel as if they had landed on another planet. There are few other-worldly experiences here on earth more incredible than hiking through the orange sandstone structures that time, and the hand of God, has crafted. It is but a taste of heaven here on earth.

The Moderate

I was recently told in conversation that I hold some “extreme views.” It was clear the person I was talking to prided themselves on being “moderate,” and therefore, by default, in their mind, correct. I think to them it made them sound more reasonable and virtuous than someone like me. Now, in that conversation they were unable to rebut the particular points I made so they resorted to the age-old lowbrow tactic of announcing something about my person that they thought somehow invalidated my argument. They didn’t, and clearly couldn’t, make an argument against what I was saying; at least not in that moment. While the ad hominem fallacy has long been used in arguments, in our social media age it has become so common that profitable debate is nearly impossible.

This is not the first time someone has levelled this type of criticism at me. I’m not really fazed by it. To a person none have taken the time to prove that my view(s) (many of which are written clearly on this blog) were somehow false, or wrong. Not liking what someone believes is not the same as proving that view to be false. I have been wrong many times, I can assure you. But in these particular exchanges they merely asserted their view was the correct one, and that they were more reasonable in their view than I was because they took a more moderate, common position.

The problem with those who view the world in terms like this:

extreme left <— moderate —> extreme right

…is that the scale is not only irrelevant, it is meant as a means to silence one’s opponents by painting them as “out of the mainstream” and not worthy to have their views or positions logically engaged with. The “righteous” gather in the middle and the “unrighteous” are found at the extremes, apparently. This is how people think: that if they share an opinion with the majority, or with the “scientists”, or with someone popular, they are automatically on the right side of the argument. This is not true, and never has been.

The only scale that has meaning in matters of debate or opposing views is whether what is being said is true or false. Now, that’s not to say there may not be some difficulty in determining what is true, but that is what we should always strive for. Whether it be a claim about climate change, or Covid, or politics, etc.; the only thing that should matter to both parties is whether or not what they are saying is true. Labelling someone an extremist in their views is usually done by someone unable, or unwilling, to engage in showing why something is true or false.

The label “extremist” is always levelled as a pejorative and is a lazy rhetorical device to denigrate your opponent. It is not an honest way of engaging with those with whom we disagree. Honest debate and seeking the truth in our discussions should be our lone motivator (and something I too have failed at in the past). Labels can be useful, and yet at other times harmful. We have to remember the nature of the world we live in; and in a dishonest world, the truth may always seem extreme.

For context, here are some of my “extremist” views:

  1. I believe the Gospel.
  2. I believe abortion is the murder of a human being, no exceptions.
  3. I believe a virus with a 99.987% survival rate should not require lockdowns or govt tyranny.
  4. I believe the Covid “vaccines” are not “safe and effective.” They reduce the symptoms of Covid, but do not stop its spread. It is now a pandemic of the vaccinated. The data is clear.
  5. I believe climate change is not a threat to human existence in the slightest.
  6. I believe govt tyranny will completely enslave mankind through technology.
  7. I believe evil is at work in the world at a far greater rate than anyone imagines.

More Covid Thoughts

-If the Covid vaccines were truly safe and effective, which they clearly are not with an honest look at the data, people would not be willing to give up their jobs and livelihoods to avoid the shot. Remember, the survival rate for those infected is still above 99.5% for all combined age groups and co-morbidity profiles. The average age of death from Covid is higher than life expectancy globally, and here in Canada the average age of Covid death is 86 (life expectancy is 82) and each person that died had an average of 2.6 co-morbidities present. This pandemic has had almost no impact on life expectancy. The Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918, on the other hand, caused a 28% drop in life expectancy in the US in just over a year. If these vaccines were really “safe and effective,” the government would not need a campaign to threaten, coerce, and blackmail people to take it. They are not concerned with public health as they would not be looking to fire 15%-20% of unvaccinated healthcare workers in the middle of a crisis when they are needed most. They only want your complete submission to their rule over you. This is all anyone really needs to know.

-As Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA delivery system in 1988, tweeted, “this is the first time in history that the ineffectiveness of a medicine in being blamed on those who haven’t taken it.”

We are told that the reason the vaccinated are getting Covid is because of those who refused the vaccines. There is not a single greater admission of colossal vaccine failure than this. The Mayo Clinic has recently determined that the vaccines are only 42% effective after several months, and this number continues to drop. In a normal world, where people are honest, this is the definition of failure.

-The entire mandate crisis is predicated on the government pretending that displaying a vaccine passport is equivalent to displaying a negative Covid test result. A vaccine passport is not proof of being Covid-free as we now know that the vaccinated are just as likely to both, catch and spread, Covid. So any type of passport mandate is useless for protecting others; it is only punishment for those who will not bend the knee. A vaccine passport is only proof of your submission, and the entry point to introduce a digital social credit system like China’s, to Western nations.

-We know that Covid is a “political disease” now. The only solution being offered is mass vaccination for everyone; no exceptions. Those that govern us have no intention of “following the science” for it goes directly against their heinous plans. We now have 91 studies confirming what we’ve known all along: that natural immunity acquired through an exposure to the Covid virus is far superior to the waning and fading protection of these mRNA vaccines. Never believe the liars who tell you to “follow the science” when their statements are verifiably unscientific.

-Follow the moving goal posts:


-Young people have been threatened with loss of education and suspended social lives if they do not get vaccinated. Remember, Covid poses less statistical risk to these young people than drinking alcohol, doing recreational drugs, or driving cars. The government is not attempting to eliminate any of those things. It’s not about health and never has been. They are transferring Covid risk from the elderly and obese onto our youth through the use of unapproved and experimental vaccines. (The current iteration of the Pfizer vaccine has NOT been approved by the FDA. They approved Comirnaty which is not in use at present). How does this make any sense in a society that cares about its future? This is an unspeakable evil by any measure.

-Here in Canada, the state is trying to wrest control of medical decisions away from parents in order to ensure that every kid gets their shot in spite of what their parent or caregiver wants for them. We are on the cusp of watching our nation sink deeper into an authoritarian nightmare as people sit idly by watching it happen. You will have less control over your children in everything as the state continues to usurp parental authority.

-When you hear the phrase “follow the science” you can almost be certain that you are being lied to. Most rules were simply just made up and not scientific at all. They were put in place to engender fear and division; and they worked. People are still living in fear. If you want to get to the truth, “follow the money” is a far more reliable adage.

-We are being told that this winter the “twindemic” of Covid and the flu are going to hit us hard. Oh, you thought this was going to end soon because you got your vaccine? Not so fast! There’s also a new variant just discovered that evades vaccine-induced antibodies with high efficiency (variant A.30). The setup for more government tyranny and overreach is already underway. 

-When this pandemic ends (it already has ended but the govt and media need to keep the fear narrative in the headlines) it will be trumpeted as a “vaccination success.” This will be just another lie. We know from history that the average pandemic lasts approximately 18 months before it wains naturally. Vaccinations during a pandemic actually prolong it. This is easily discernible when we look at the data from low vaccination countries. Their return to normal happened matter of factly and without the same number of deaths.

-We all know family members that have been so inculcated with “covid fear” that their lives will never return to normal, even after this virus mutates into just another flu or cold virus. They have been psychologically damaged to view their fellow humans as disease ridden and people to be avoided. 

-It’s almost humorous how the term “unvaccinated” (which really means just a person in their natural state) has been twisted to mean “disease carrier” or “unclean”; much like the term “leper” was used centuries ago in Biblical times. People are easily manipulated and now believe, irrationally so, that the unvaccinated are to be shunned and avoided, and in some opinions, denied any health care whatsoever. The Pharisees disdained the lepers. Jesus did not. This is not normal. This is divisive. This is their plan.

-It wasn’t too long ago that Big Pharma was vilified by the media and those who saw the untold harm they caused in their pursuit of profits. We know that Pfizer spends $20 billion a year schmoozing doctors so they will write more prescriptions. This is big business. These are corrupt companies. This is a good look at how Pfizer operates. Trust them now? And let’s not forget who has paid the biggest criminal fine in US history. It was fraud, but we can definitely trust them now to be honest right?

-The propaganda surrounding these vaccines is hilarious to watch. This headline from CNN has to be one of the funniest yet. Is there anything these vaccines can’t help cure? They keep writing nonsense like this because they know people are fearful and gullible and will believe it. We are living in shocking times.

-We are going to see a proliferation of death and disease in the years to come because of the government mishandling of the pandemic. We know that Covid poses no risk to children but because they prioritized these vaccines, kids have fallen behind their routine vaccination schedule. We are already seeing huge spikes in heart attacks, cancers, and strokes. Mortality rates are already spiking and will remain high for years to come. Here’s the latest on the approval for children:


-Below is Tucker Carlson’s monologue from Oct 18th, 2021. We have been told that vaccines will solve our Covid problem. This is the big lie told to us by those who look to control our thoughts and actions and are using Covid as their pretence by which to get us to submit. I ask you to watch this and tell me where he is wrong. Vaccination is not the answer and compliance will only help to strengthen the chokehold government continues to exert over our lives.

-Never forget: there are some pretty accomplished and well known doctors and scientists who are Covid vaccine sceptics. If this was really about the science they would not be silenced by big tech and the media. There would be open debate. Governments that do not tolerate open discussion or debate are not to be trusted. 

-“About 35.6 per cent of COVID-19 infections in Ontario over the past two weeks have been in individuals that were fully vaccinated against the disease, however experts say this trajectory is normal.” Normal for an ineffective vaccine it would seem. So tell me why we are keeping the unvaccinated from participating on society when it’s clear the vaccinated are spreading the disease at a very high rate as well? It’s not about prevention, clearly.

-Newsflash: This just in! Moderna CEO says the Covid booster could become a yearly shot! LOL! For a virus. That will continue to mutate. Into just another cold virus. And the CDC just announced yesterday that the immunocompromised may need to get a fourth shot. When will you say, ‘No more!’? When you need a 7th booster? Or 8th? Are you paying attention yet?

-A great Covid resource is available here. Sometimes the truth is hard for the fearful to digest, but the numbers don’t lie.

“Why do the protected need to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that did not protect the protected in the first place?”

Evil Everywhere

As our election looms, and the Canadian govt is on the verge of implementing vaccine passports, I do not know when I will travel again, as I will not comply with the evil demands of our leaders. And I mean that with the full force of the word: leaders who would force vaccines on their citizens, against their will and personal choice, in exchange for their God-given freedoms, are evil. I am not against vaccines for people who want them. I am against mandates and government force.

The mistake that people make is in thinking their government cares about them. Our cities are littered with addicts and the homeless, and they do nothing. This isn’t about health. They do not care. They have lied to us since the beginning of this pandemic and everything they have demanded of us has failed. A person’s freedom should not be taken from them because another is fearful. Never in history have we demanded such.

One has to suffer historical amnesia to not remember where this type of oppression leads. It always comes from the left. Our leaders let us fight over worthless concepts like made up pronouns, privilege, and insignificant racist tropes, while they continue to encroach upon our freedoms. We have been distracted by petty offences, as the things that once made our nation great, are slowly removed.

Only evil people make the case for mandating vaccines; and I do not apologize for saying this. Our govt has destroyed the lives, savings, and businesses of millions of people with their ineffective lockdowns and we have yet to feel the full effects of what they have financially done to the country. The real pain has yet to be felt.

There is so much beauty left to see in the world, yet so much evil to overcome.

The Great Silencing

Today (August 27th), I had a conversation with my doctor who has been my doctor for 30 years. He called to give me the lab results of the blood test I had to determine if I had had a previous Covid-19 infection. The test was negative; I showed no antibodies of prior infection. I was hoping I did. He asked if I was going to get vaccinated and that “it was his duty” to recommend the vaccination. I told him, “no, I had no plans to.”

He asked if I had any more questions. I was going to leave it there. But then the following conversation ensued.

ME: Can I ask you a question? I’ve been following the Covid data in the UK and Israel as they are ahead of us here in Canada and I don’t understand why if 80% of the population is fully vaccinated why Covid cases and deaths are now exploding again and that 70% of all deaths are in the vaccinated? What is going on?

DOCTOR: How many deaths are now happening in the UK?

ME: The rolling daily average is now 100.

DOCTOR: It was below 10 per day just two months ago. There is definitely something strange going on. I am watching those countries closely too. I got both doses because I had to. I had to to save my job. I’m 65 and thought with my age I would do it. We really didn’t have a choice if we wanted to continue to practise. But I will tell you, if they mandate a 3rd dose, I will retire.

ME: Why’s that?

DOCTOR: Because they will keep moving the goal posts on us like they’ve done this whole time. They are pushing vaccines as a blanket solution for everyone and any doctor will tell you that that never works because everyone is different. I have seen the effects of Covid and it’s not good. I’ve seen real suffering; but mostly in the elderly and overweight. I’ve also seen the adverse affects of the mRNA vaccines and something isn’t right either. There are far too many things going wrong after the shots are given. And these come from companies that can’t be sued. The whole system is messed up. Don’t get me wrong, the vaccines can certainly be helpful to a certain number of people; just not everyone.

ME: Is there any alternative for those of us that don’t want the mRNA vaccines?

DOCTOR: I wanted to get the Novavax vaccine. It’s a traditional vaccine. But for some reason Health Canada and the FDA are really slow approving it when all the trials show it has the same efficacy rate and its adverse affects profile is a lot safer. That’s what I wish I could have taken. Because no one knows what this mRNA is doing to us. No one. No one can tell you the long term affects. Spike proteins are toxic to the body. Public Health has dropped the ball here.

ME: Are there conversations going on around this fact? Are other doctors talking about it?

DOCTOR: There are a number of us who talk about it but we can’t publicly. We are mandated not to talk about it. The College of Physicians will strip our licenses. It’s really troubling when you can’t have an open discussion about a topic like this.

ME: Well that’s not the nature of science. The whole point is to question.

DOCTOR: Exactly. We are being told to act in a way that is the exact opposite of what we were taught in Med School. Every patient is different and has different needs. Something isn’t right. And these proposed mandates are really troubling. There are a lot of people who have legitimate reasons not to get vaccinated for both medical and personal reasons. I have patients that I would recommend not get it. I’ve given tens of thousands of vaccines and flu shots in my career but I refuse to give even one of these. And I haven’t. That’s why my voicemail tells my patients to go to the pharmacy to get their shot if they want it. I don’t want to have to live with the results of what might happen. And I say that as someone who has gotten both shots.

A lot of the rest of the conversation was discussing the various stats we knew, along with talking about the recent trend to see children hospitalized and the concern that causes. But this was the meat of the conversation.

Something is really wrong. Our health officials have been wrong about everything so far and most follow along as if they actually care about us. In any other business these people would have been fired long ago for sheer incompetence. They are clearly still there because they are doing exactly what the government wants them to do. Government has never cared about us. They will take our freedoms away in a heartbeat with no concern over the lives they ruin with their horrible policy decisions. To trust the government with your health is suicide. Let’s list a few of the known lies so far:

  • the virus came from a wet market in China: LIE.
  • the virus is naturally occurring: LIE
  • 15 days to flatten the curve: LIE
  • masks are useless, then wear your mask: LIE
  • the asymptomatic carrier can spread the virus: LIE
  • lockdowns will work: LIE
  • PCR tests are accurate: LIE
  • we won’t mandate vaccines: LIE
  • get your two vaccines to get back to normal: LIE
  • these vaccines are safe and effective: LIE
  • vaccines provide better immunity than a previous infection: LIE
  • the unvaccinated are responsible for the continued spread: LIE

At every step along the way they have lied to us. Every one of these points has been proven to be untrue. Government, and the men behind this, are the most obvious manifestation of evil in the world today. They promise to bring you safety, but ask for your liberty and freedom in return. They promise you that they are concerned for your health, while perpetrating crimes against humanity. This will not end well. For those who are not historically illiterate, it is easy to see the slow march of evil as it once again ramps up against our civil and peaceful way of life. Things are never going back to normal because too many have succumbed to the fear they’ve been infected with. If only there was a vaccine for that.

This was the most beautiful sunset I have ever seen. I couldn’t click the shutter fast enough that night as the sky changed continually. I’ve been back to that place many times since hoping to relive that moment. But moments like that aren’t repeatable for if they were, they wouldn’t leave the same impression on your senses. My father captured this image of me up on the rock trying to get a better angle of the boulders in the foreground.

It happened almost a decade ago now, but every time I see the photos from that night it’s as if I’m immediately there again. I feel the dampness of the sea spray. I can smell the ocean and hear the waves crash. I can feel the wonder of the colours as they changed; as if an artist was painting a masterpiece right in front of me. I can hear the gulls as they begin to settle down for the night. I can still feel the heaviness of the dying light that night, and the creeping darkness of that time sometimes rushes back.

Fear not. I have to tell myself that at times. With every sunset, we know that with a little patience, the sun will rise again to wash the darkness away. The light of morning signals a new day, and new beginning, full of hope and goodness.

And I was told
That the streets were paved with gold
And there’d be no time for getting old when we were young
But it’s alright
If you dance with me tonight
We’ll fight the dying of the light and we’ll catch the sun

-Noel Gallagher

Covid Vaccine

So a few days ago the Biden Administration recommended a third covid vaccine 8 months after the second shot, apparently because of waning immunity from the earlier shots. In other words, these vaccines, which aren’t vaccines at all because they do not sterilize the virus like traditional vaccines do, are failing at a massive rate. They are not doing what people were told they would do. “Just get the shot so you can get your regular life back,” they were falsely told. But those in charge cannot now admit the failure since billions of dollars are at stake and the fearful are so wedded to the idea of their vaccine security blanket.

Some studies have shown the efficacy of the vaccines has fallen sharply. That is massive vaccine failure. You cannot spin it any other way. 

Young people in their teens and twenties are being blackmailed into getting the shots if they want to enjoy life like they once did. Covid now poses less statistical risk to these young people than drinking alcohol, driving cars, or socializing in dangerous neighbourhoods. And I don’t see governments attempting to eliminate any of those things because ultimately they are revenue sources, health be damned. This has never been about the health of the population. Not once have you heard the government recommend a healthy immune system: eat better, stop smoking, stop drinking, take Vitamin D, etc. Their only recommendation has been to get inoculated with a drug that we now see, clearly is not working. Pfizer knew this from the beginning. From a study they commissioned:

The highly-anticipated Pfizer’s safety and efficacy study of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine is finally out. After six months of monitoring over 45,000 patients, the study found that there were 15 deaths in the vaccine group and 14 deaths in the unvaccinated placebo group.

In other words, more vaccinated people died from the virus than the unvaccinated. According to the study, there were no deaths among 12‒15-year-old participants. The study not only demonstrates the lack of efficacy in the most important group but also highlights the extremely low fatality rate of Covid-19 in most of the 45,000 participants.

What does this mean? In essence, the Pfizer vaccine doesn’t even reduce the risk of death, despite the claims to the contrary.

New York City has instituted vaccine passports for every day activities and many places here in Canada are about to do the same. This has never been about public health and for those with eyes to see through this, it is clearer now than ever before.

A friend sent me an article about the largest financial institution in Canada introducing a vaccine mandate for all employees. This was my response:


These elites step over people sleeping on subway grates as they go to their gilded offices. They’ve watched people die every day from a lack of healthcare, homelessness, crime, drugs, etc. Every single day. For decades. And they never batted an eye. And now they want you to think they care deeply about people dying from a flu with a fatality rate less than 0.5%? Come on. That’s the real joke of it all. They don’t care at all. 
And now you have to get your third shot, and why? Because of massive vaccine failure. I told you it was happening. These vaccines, which are not vaccines, but therapeutics, are harming people and not protecting them. You can still get covid, spread covid, and die from covid. How many shots until you say enough? 6? 7? Unlimited? Because they will keep pushing them. This is evil. We can now deal with this like the flu. Keep the vulnerable safe and restore our freedoms and liberties. This is like telling everyone to get chemo because they might get cancer.
Quarantine camps are coming. The modern day concentration camps will come. They are building one now in Australia for those like me who will not comply with their tyranny. The Nazi’s began by telling everyone that the Jews carried typhus and they needed to be segregated for public health concerns. Those pushing vaccine mandates are Nazi’s. They are authoritarian and are looking to kill even more. 
Keep this email for future reference and let’s see who’s right. This really should be alarming to any reasonable person.

And what does Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA vaccines, have to say about these Covid-19 vaccines:

“There’s pretty clear evidence that the spike protein expressed from vaccines is causing toxicity in a small subset of patients. The question is how big is that subset and how bad and broad are those toxicities? The honest truth is we don’t know and furthermore there is a lot of signs that that information is being withheld from us… I have colleagues in the government who were aware and knew months before the toxicity was disclosed that the toxicity was an issue… They are finding that the CDC is grossly underreporting these key adverse events… My senior colleagues at the FDA have known that this was the case for months… we have multiple signs that the CDC is editing this data in support of this noble lie.”

Edmund Burke famously said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Evil requires your submission and compliance, not your support or your full mental acquiescence. Therefore, a refusal to submit and comply, whatever the cost, is the only moral imperative. We cannot allow this to continue. But only time will tell who is right. We have to give no other reason for our refusal to take their needle than, “I am a free person and I can choose to do what I want and make my own medical decisions.” We do not owe anyone an explanation.

Choose Wisely

Always make wise choices. We as humans, are an accumulation of the decisions we make and the thoughts we think, for good and for ill. Some of our bad choices we never recover from.

Be diligent in guarding your life, and choose wisely.


Causing Division

Imagine for a moment that you secretly read the posts here. And imagine that you don’t like most of what you read, or believe the author is wrong, in spite of the research he uses to corroborate much of what he writes about. You don’t take the time to comment or point out his supposed “errors”, but keep coming back to read the next “outrageous” thing written.

Then imagine, that you rip something written out of context and use it to drive a wedge between a father and daughter because you are in some small way, offended by it. Was it way off base? Or did it hit too close to home? Imagine never addressing the point with the author or asking for clarity on the point in question. Imagine being so offended by an opinion (backed up with hard data), that you felt compelled to undermine his relationships, and not once sought to understand the point being made. Disagreeing with someone’s “tone” is not an argument.

This is gossip aimed to harm. It is childish. It is wrong. For 10 years you’ve never once reached out to hear another side of a sad, sordid story. I am always available. 

Unfortunately, none of this is hard imagine at all.