Roe v. Wade Has Been Overturned

-On June 24th, 2022, Roe v. Wade, the 1973 US Supreme Court decision that magically invented a constitutional right to abortion, was overturned. It was bad law from the beginning (even Ruth Bader Ginsburg has admitted this) and most who understand how a constitutional republic operates, know this. Yet that didn’t stop abortion advocates from crying about having their “rights” taken from them, which did not occur.

-Abortion is the single greatest evil in society today, by far. A culture that tells mothers they can purposely kill their children and rid themselves of the “burden” they have created, will eventually fall; it cannot survive such willful, ongoing barbarism. Human life starts at conception; this is an undeniable scientific fact. The belief that a human is just a “clump of cells” until mysteriously turning into a human at some random point in pregnancy is the one based on pseudo-religious superstition. Ask any pro-abortion advocate to define a “person” and watch them twist and contort normal words into a pile of meaningless nonsense.

-It is difficult listening to the vapid arguments of the pro-abortion crowd. They will say anything, no matter how silly or dishonest, to state the case for “choice” being all that matters. They are not truthful in the least bit. Everything they say is meant to frighten women, obscure the truth, or denigrate life. Very few can be open and honest about what they are advocating for. I heard one woman in a recent protest video say, “Yes it’s a baby, and yes I’m OK with killing it. I don’t care.” At least she had the fortitude to state the obvious truth that they all really believe. Her words were evil and inhumane, but also a rare moment of truth.

-Great evil can only be overcome when strong men and women stand up and fight against the darkness that has engulfed the hearts and minds of those who would advocate and champion the murder of the unborn. A good society cannot stand if it tolerates such unfettered evil to persist. Even in the face of death threats, the stalwarts of the US Supreme Court should be lauded for their bold stand against injustice towards society’s weakest and most vulnerable.

-A principled Clarence Thomas puts it this way:


-What few understand is that abortion is big business and it is the money behind this industry that fuels the protests, demonstrations, and riots. Hundreds of millions of dollars are made every year from the promotion of abortion for the harvest of organs for resale, and to help with population control; mostly in the communities of the “undesirable.” Those who fight on the side of life profit nothing from abortion, nor from abortion being made illegal. They receive nothing for their tireless work other than the knowledge that they saved lives and did what was morally right. As is the case with most things, if you follow the money, you can usually uncover the motivations of those pulling the strings.

-The weekend following the Roe reversal, twenty-one Crisis Pregnancy Centres were vandalized and attacked, so don’t for one second think these people care about women and their healthcare decisions. They attacked the very people trying to help women through a difficult time when they chose life. If you don’t advocate for abortion on demand for all nine months, they have no interest in you. 

-It’s hard to fathom that we live in a world where someone would rather kill their baby than not have sex. I do support the concept of choice for one’s own person and there are many choices along the chain of events in this debate. I support the choice of abstinence, of contraception, of motherhood, and of adoption. I just have to draw the line where some would rather choose the convenience of murder. If someone says they are “pro-choice,” yet also stand for gun control or vaccine mandates like many leftists on that side do, they are not pro-choice at all, but rather, pro-abortion and anti-choice. We need to point out to them this inconsistency and make them own the fact that they advocate the killing of babies according to the whim of the mother.

-The line between good and evil when it comes to abortion can’t be any clearer. History will look at the overturning of Roe much like it looks now at the abolition of slavery or the liberation of Jews from the Nazi concentration camps. History will look back on the pro-abortion side as the bad guys; they will look back on them with scorn and derision for what they perpetrated on the weakest and most vulnerable in society. Black slaves were considered 3/5ths a person, while the unborn baby is considered no person at all. Dehumanize the target, and it becomes far easier to mistreat or exterminate.

-At its heart, abortion is a war against women. It tells women not to fulfill their highest calling. It tells women that with a simple procedure they can allow men to walk free from responsibility. It tells women that a life of casual sex is more fulfilling than motherhood. It tells women that their young party years are something of value. It tells women that life is meaningless if they decide it’s meaningless. It tells women their sole political power in this world rests in their ability to kill their children. Women become the victims under the strong hand of the abortion lobby, yet are told they are strong, liberated, and free. Just another lie they are brainwashed to believe.

-When we consider the magnitude of the lives lost over the decades to the abortionists syringe and scalpel, this might just be the greatest victory for human rights in the history of the world. So June 24th was a good day, but it is only the beginning. The war is not over. Until abortion is ended and looked upon with disgust, there is still much to do. We need to pray for a revival of decency and changed hearts, to view life as something beautiful and worthy of protection. Perhaps it might be easier for some to understand what happened this way: Roe v. Wade was just a clump of words that got aborted on June 24th, 2022.

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