Abortion: National Divorce Or Civil War

The US has one of two choices facing them: national divorce or civil war. We are already in the midst of an ideological cold war between left and right and have been for decades, and the divide is only growing wider. If we don’t start the process of separation soon, the only inevitable outcome before us is a real civil war. I know this seems radical to even suggest, but it has become abundantly clear that the left and right can no longer co-exist together. There is no longer any common ground between them. There is no mild language I can use to write about this, for evil must be boldly opposed.

This past week we learned of the leak from the US Supreme Court (in and of itself a criminal act of insurrection against the courts) that they are on the verge of overturning the Roe v. Wade decision of 1973 that found the “right to an abortion” within the constitutional Right to Privacy. It was always seen as bad case law but no one had the political will to do anything about it. Overturning Roe v. Wade will not ban abortion in the US, like many of the leftist, blue-haired banshees are screeching about, but rather it will send the issue back to the states to decide for themselves. This is how democracy is suppose to function, allowing the people to decide the laws that will govern them. But leftists hate another’s freedom and do not want a functional democracy where their power is diminished. Summer leftist riot season is now upon us and things are about to turn ugly.

We talk of a “mental health crisis” in this country yet no one is willing to name it: it is modern liberalism or leftism; the ideology of the mentally unwell whose beliefs are anti-human, dyscivilizational, and destructive of all that is good, beautiful, and true. It is a sickness of the heart and minds of these people fuelled by self-loathing, divisiveness, hatred, and cruelty, which they cloak in fake virtue. These are the people that want to laugh, cheer, and celebrate when a baby is ripped from the womb, yet cry at the thought of someone not using their make believe pronouns. These are not good people. They are a dangerous combination of weak and evil, like most tyrants throughout history.

In this latest round of the abortion debate, we have seen the most grotesque the left has to offer. Just today they bombed a crisis pregnancy centre in Wisconsin, and many online praised it. Everything they stand for is anti-human. They champion the murder of babies in utero while trying to save every animal or insect; and yet the irony is lost on them. They want to expand the bounds of assisted-suicide to include the homeless and mentally ill. They want to stop the use of fossil fuels which has lifted more people out of poverty than anything else in history. They want to “protect the earth” through their fake science of “climate change” which will bankrupt nations and kill millions. They want to give drug addicts needles to kill themselves slowly rather than give them the real help they need. They want to let criminals out of jail so they can offend again and again. They want strict population controls that take away the choice of others to procreate. And as the Covid pandemic has clearly shown us, they want to take away your informed consent as to what medications you can and cannot take. They have become a cult that wants control over everything you do. They want the “right” to abort babies up to and including the moment of birth when they are fully formed and viable. This is the depth of depravity we are dealing with.

The Romans use to let babies die from exposure (leaving them in a field to die from the elements) and other ancient cultures use to sacrifice their babies to the god Moloch. The modern left today has returned to a more sanitized version of baby sacrifice to the same god, on the altar of convenience and ease. Abortion is now a sacrament in this new secular religion; a rite that is celebrated by the godless. They despise hardship or the thought of their lives having any unnecessary discomfort. They want to bear no consequences for their own irresponsible behaviours. They want the easy way out. We are no better than the Ancients if we permit this modern version of barbarism to happen to our most vulnerable.

The time has come for a national divorce; the left and right can no longer live together when their views on life, liberty, and virtue are diametrically opposed to one another. We must separate for the sake of peace for we cannot continue down this road of constant division, for it will inevitably result in war. If history teaches us anything it’s that evil will always lead to death and destruction. Without question, abortion is the purest form of evil in society today. We need to geographically separate. We need to allow the leftist death cult to live in the world they desire where life is devoid of meaning and pleasure is the only worthy pursuit. And when their nihilism leads them into such despair that they will do anything to escape it, only then can we let them over the wall to where the light shines. Until then, we can “have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness,” and we “must expose them.” There can be no compromise on abortion. Ever.

On this Mother’s Day we lament what the left has made of motherhood; of womanhood. We feel the pain of many mother’s whose only child became “medical waste.” We sorrow over the millions exterminated for convenience. And we long for a time when a future generation will look back on abortion as the heinous and immoral crime that it is, much like we view slavery today. We can only hope.

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