Evil Everywhere

As our election looms, and the Canadian govt is on the verge of implementing vaccine passports, I do not know when I will travel again, as I will not comply with the evil demands of our leaders. And I mean that with the full force of the word: leaders who would force vaccines on their citizens, against their will and personal choice, in exchange for their God-given freedoms, are evil. I am not against vaccines for people who want them. I am against mandates and government force.

The mistake that people make is in thinking their government cares about them. Our cities are littered with addicts and the homeless, and they do nothing. This isn’t about health. They do not care. They have lied to us since the beginning of this pandemic and everything they have demanded of us has failed. A person’s freedom should not be taken from them because another is fearful. Never in history have we demanded such.

One has to suffer historical amnesia to not remember where this type of oppression leads. It always comes from the left. Our leaders let us fight over worthless concepts like made up pronouns, privilege, and insignificant racist tropes, while they continue to encroach upon our freedoms. We have been distracted by petty offences, as the things that once made our nation great, are slowly removed.

Only evil people make the case for mandating vaccines; and I do not apologize for saying this. Our govt has destroyed the lives, savings, and businesses of millions of people with their ineffective lockdowns and we have yet to feel the full effects of what they have financially done to the country. The real pain has yet to be felt.

There is so much beauty left to see in the world, yet so much evil to overcome.

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