Vaccine Failure

It needs to be said: it is now scientifically accurate to say that all these Covid19 vaccines have been a colossal failure. Here is a look at this morning’s data in Ontario:

Before Covid, if someone had gotten vaccinated for the measles and then contracted the disease, almost everyone would have agreed that their vaccine had failed. People were once honest and rational. But we are living in times now when you are not to believe what your eyes plainly see. Our governments and medical leaders have failed us, lied to us, and killed many of us. 

It is clear from the data above that the fully vaccinated and boosted have two times the likelihood of catching Covid (per 100k people) than the unvaccinated. Would this not mean that it’s a “pandemic of the vaccinated” who are keeping the virus alive and spreading? Ever wondered why the phrase “pandemic of the unvaccinated” has disappeared from every media outlet and government official’s vernacular? Because it was, and is, false. They lied in order to get people to comply. Yet here in Canada, we are the only country in the world who will not permit the unvaccinated to board a plane or train.  We are led by evil and incompetent people who are doing their best to destroy our way of life over what is now a cold virus. There is now no other explanation than this is on purpose and according to plan.

Only the scientifically illiterate would agree that these vaccines should continue. They are harming our immune systems in such a way as those who have taken them now more easily catch the virus; their immune systems are compromised and can’t fight it off as effectively. The more shots one takes, the greater their chance of illness and death. We are seeing massive rises in all-cause mortality in 2021 since the vaccine mandates have started. This will go down as the greatest crime against humanity in history. They know, and they do not care to stop it.

Watch Edward Dowd explain the massive rise in all cause mortality here. The “evil genius” behind these mRNA vaccines is that they destroy your natural immune system and allow other diseases to flourish and kill you. We have never seen evil on this scale.


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