Don’t Look Up – A Review

Don’t Look Up is a new movie on Netflix whose purpose is to ramp up the climate change alarmism; the next catastrophic pivot point now that Covid-19 is waning. Climate Change is the religion of the secular left and Hollywood mouthpieces are its prophets, announcing the “end is near” and “repentance through taxation and lifestyle change” is necessary for “salvation from the coming doom.” It’s all quite cliche.

Of course this movie is up for the Best Picture Oscar in what is now the woke, and meaningless Academy Awards; where brilliance is no longer awarded, but rather, your strict adherence to the new woke religious orthodoxy is. As far as a film goes, it was banal and trite, which sadly describes almost everything Hollywood releases these days. The dialogue and performances were uninteresting. There was nothing brilliant about this movie and the satirical gimmick of a comet on track to hit the earth didn’t really work at all. The true believers in climate change are, of course, the good people, while those pesky right-wing, Trump-voting, MAGA-hat-wearing nincompoops are the bad ones. Are there any original thinkers left in Hollywood? Can we please have more beautiful and compelling stories that let us escape, rather than those whose sole purpose is to indoctrinate?

The title of the movie is somewhat ironic. Leftists and progressives, the largest demographic of atheistic non belief in God, have been the ones “looking down” for decades now. They refuse to look up and acknowledge God as Creator and Sustainer of the universe. They have put themselves on the throne and only they now can save the world from the crisis that is upon us; all we have to do is pay higher taxes and recycle our plastics and the “comet” can be destroyed. In reality, we are to be good stewards of the created order and take care of the planet. We should look for ways to live cleaner; but not at the cost of throttling the poor and middle class for the sake of the elites who are the major contributors to, by their own admission, this impending “disaster.”

I did like the juxtaposition of the shots of nature, the hippos and hummingbirds, against the backdrop of the littered and filthy cities. It shows the beauty of God’s created order next to the sinful waste and crumbling man-made facades. It is interesting to note that every big city in Canada and the US, for decades now, has been run by liberals. They have overseen the flourishing of filth and decay. New York, LA, Chicago, Boston, SF, Toronto, Vancouver; all of them have been wrecked over decades by liberal policies and greed. This is just an indisputable fact. They have looked to themselves as the saviour of the world and have failed. They have refused to look up and acknowledge the One to whom they owe everything. Conservation on the part of every individual is the only answer left to reverse the damage mankind has caused. Higher taxes and govt debt will not solve anything. Trillions have been spent, and nothing has changed.

Climate change alarmists like to envision themselves as the superheroes in a catastrophic story unfolding before us. They have invented a crisis and they get to save the day through their own virtue. For these heroes there is one thing we know is true: for the last 100 years, apocalyptic climate predictions have been made decade after decade and none of them, none of them, have come true. The track record of the climate alarmists and their models is appallingly awful, yet they keep screaming “look up at the comet, there it is”. But it hasn’t hit earth when any of them have said it would. They have given us no reason to believe their alarmism will be correct now.

“Trust the science” is a religious phrase, not an empirical or data-driven one. We have been told over and over that “the science is settled;” which is perhaps the most unscientific thing anyone can say. This movie does nothing to further an honest conversation around the purported science of climate change. It just asks us to genuflect before those good people who know more than anyone else, and obey what they’ve commanded. No thank you, I’ll take my chances.

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