Tag Archives: abortion

Roe v. Wade Has Been Overturned

-On June 24th, 2022, Roe v. Wade, the 1973 US Supreme Court decision that magically invented a constitutional right to abortion, was overturned. It was bad law from the beginning (even Ruth Bader Ginsburg has admitted this) and most who understand how a constitutional republic operates, know this. Yet that didn’t stop abortion advocates from crying about having their “rights” taken from them, which did not occur.

-Abortion is the single greatest evil in society today, by far. A culture that tells mothers they can purposely kill their children and rid themselves of the “burden” they have created, will eventually fall; it cannot survive such willful, ongoing barbarism. Human life starts at conception; this is an undeniable scientific fact. The belief that a human is just a “clump of cells” until mysteriously turning into a human at some random point in pregnancy is the one based on pseudo-religious superstition. Ask any pro-abortion advocate to define a “person” and watch them twist and contort normal words into a pile of meaningless nonsense.

-It is difficult listening to the vapid arguments of the pro-abortion crowd. They will say anything, no matter how silly or dishonest, to state the case for “choice” being all that matters. They are not truthful in the least bit. Everything they say is meant to frighten women, obscure the truth, or denigrate life. Very few can be open and honest about what they are advocating for. I heard one woman in a recent protest video say, “Yes it’s a baby, and yes I’m OK with killing it. I don’t care.” At least she had the fortitude to state the obvious truth that they all really believe. Her words were evil and inhumane, but also a rare moment of truth.

-Great evil can only be overcome when strong men and women stand up and fight against the darkness that has engulfed the hearts and minds of those who would advocate and champion the murder of the unborn. A good society cannot stand if it tolerates such unfettered evil to persist. Even in the face of death threats, the stalwarts of the US Supreme Court should be lauded for their bold stand against injustice towards society’s weakest and most vulnerable.

-A principled Clarence Thomas puts it this way:


-What few understand is that abortion is big business and it is the money behind this industry that fuels the protests, demonstrations, and riots. Hundreds of millions of dollars are made every year from the promotion of abortion for the harvest of organs for resale, and to help with population control; mostly in the communities of the “undesirable.” Those who fight on the side of life profit nothing from abortion, nor from abortion being made illegal. They receive nothing for their tireless work other than the knowledge that they saved lives and did what was morally right. As is the case with most things, if you follow the money, you can usually uncover the motivations of those pulling the strings.

-The weekend following the Roe reversal, twenty-one Crisis Pregnancy Centres were vandalized and attacked, so don’t for one second think these people care about women and their healthcare decisions. They attacked the very people trying to help women through a difficult time when they chose life. If you don’t advocate for abortion on demand for all nine months, they have no interest in you. 

-It’s hard to fathom that we live in a world where someone would rather kill their baby than not have sex. I do support the concept of choice for one’s own person and there are many choices along the chain of events in this debate. I support the choice of abstinence, of contraception, of motherhood, and of adoption. I just have to draw the line where some would rather choose the convenience of murder. If someone says they are “pro-choice,” yet also stand for gun control or vaccine mandates like many leftists on that side do, they are not pro-choice at all, but rather, pro-abortion and anti-choice. We need to point out to them this inconsistency and make them own the fact that they advocate the killing of babies according to the whim of the mother.

-The line between good and evil when it comes to abortion can’t be any clearer. History will look at the overturning of Roe much like it looks now at the abolition of slavery or the liberation of Jews from the Nazi concentration camps. History will look back on the pro-abortion side as the bad guys; they will look back on them with scorn and derision for what they perpetrated on the weakest and most vulnerable in society. Black slaves were considered 3/5ths a person, while the unborn baby is considered no person at all. Dehumanize the target, and it becomes far easier to mistreat or exterminate.

-At its heart, abortion is a war against women. It tells women not to fulfill their highest calling. It tells women that with a simple procedure they can allow men to walk free from responsibility. It tells women that a life of casual sex is more fulfilling than motherhood. It tells women that their young party years are something of value. It tells women that life is meaningless if they decide it’s meaningless. It tells women their sole political power in this world rests in their ability to kill their children. Women become the victims under the strong hand of the abortion lobby, yet are told they are strong, liberated, and free. Just another lie they are brainwashed to believe.

-When we consider the magnitude of the lives lost over the decades to the abortionists syringe and scalpel, this might just be the greatest victory for human rights in the history of the world. So June 24th was a good day, but it is only the beginning. The war is not over. Until abortion is ended and looked upon with disgust, there is still much to do. We need to pray for a revival of decency and changed hearts, to view life as something beautiful and worthy of protection. Perhaps it might be easier for some to understand what happened this way: Roe v. Wade was just a clump of words that got aborted on June 24th, 2022.

Abortion: National Divorce Or Civil War

The US has one of two choices facing them: national divorce or civil war. We are already in the midst of an ideological cold war between left and right and have been for decades, and the divide is only growing wider. If we don’t start the process of separation soon, the only inevitable outcome before us is a real civil war. I know this seems radical to even suggest, but it has become abundantly clear that the left and right can no longer co-exist together. There is no longer any common ground between them. There is no mild language I can use to write about this, for evil must be boldly opposed.

This past week we learned of the leak from the US Supreme Court (in and of itself a criminal act of insurrection against the courts) that they are on the verge of overturning the Roe v. Wade decision of 1973 that found the “right to an abortion” within the constitutional Right to Privacy. It was always seen as bad case law but no one had the political will to do anything about it. Overturning Roe v. Wade will not ban abortion in the US, like many of the leftist, blue-haired banshees are screeching about, but rather it will send the issue back to the states to decide for themselves. This is how democracy is suppose to function, allowing the people to decide the laws that will govern them. But leftists hate another’s freedom and do not want a functional democracy where their power is diminished. Summer leftist riot season is now upon us and things are about to turn ugly.

We talk of a “mental health crisis” in this country yet no one is willing to name it: it is modern liberalism or leftism; the ideology of the mentally unwell whose beliefs are anti-human, dyscivilizational, and destructive of all that is good, beautiful, and true. It is a sickness of the heart and minds of these people fuelled by self-loathing, divisiveness, hatred, and cruelty, which they cloak in fake virtue. These are the people that want to laugh, cheer, and celebrate when a baby is ripped from the womb, yet cry at the thought of someone not using their make believe pronouns. These are not good people. They are a dangerous combination of weak and evil, like most tyrants throughout history.

In this latest round of the abortion debate, we have seen the most grotesque the left has to offer. Just today they bombed a crisis pregnancy centre in Wisconsin, and many online praised it. Everything they stand for is anti-human. They champion the murder of babies in utero while trying to save every animal or insect; and yet the irony is lost on them. They want to expand the bounds of assisted-suicide to include the homeless and mentally ill. They want to stop the use of fossil fuels which has lifted more people out of poverty than anything else in history. They want to “protect the earth” through their fake science of “climate change” which will bankrupt nations and kill millions. They want to give drug addicts needles to kill themselves slowly rather than give them the real help they need. They want to let criminals out of jail so they can offend again and again. They want strict population controls that take away the choice of others to procreate. And as the Covid pandemic has clearly shown us, they want to take away your informed consent as to what medications you can and cannot take. They have become a cult that wants control over everything you do. They want the “right” to abort babies up to and including the moment of birth when they are fully formed and viable. This is the depth of depravity we are dealing with.

The Romans use to let babies die from exposure (leaving them in a field to die from the elements) and other ancient cultures use to sacrifice their babies to the god Moloch. The modern left today has returned to a more sanitized version of baby sacrifice to the same god, on the altar of convenience and ease. Abortion is now a sacrament in this new secular religion; a rite that is celebrated by the godless. They despise hardship or the thought of their lives having any unnecessary discomfort. They want to bear no consequences for their own irresponsible behaviours. They want the easy way out. We are no better than the Ancients if we permit this modern version of barbarism to happen to our most vulnerable.

The time has come for a national divorce; the left and right can no longer live together when their views on life, liberty, and virtue are diametrically opposed to one another. We must separate for the sake of peace for we cannot continue down this road of constant division, for it will inevitably result in war. If history teaches us anything it’s that evil will always lead to death and destruction. Without question, abortion is the purest form of evil in society today. We need to geographically separate. We need to allow the leftist death cult to live in the world they desire where life is devoid of meaning and pleasure is the only worthy pursuit. And when their nihilism leads them into such despair that they will do anything to escape it, only then can we let them over the wall to where the light shines. Until then, we can “have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness,” and we “must expose them.” There can be no compromise on abortion. Ever.

On this Mother’s Day we lament what the left has made of motherhood; of womanhood. We feel the pain of many mother’s whose only child became “medical waste.” We sorrow over the millions exterminated for convenience. And we long for a time when a future generation will look back on abortion as the heinous and immoral crime that it is, much like we view slavery today. We can only hope.

Random Thoughts #8

1) It would appear that another study shows the link between having tattoos and mental illness in those who ink themselves. As I said here, for many (not all), it is an outside sign of inner turmoil.

2) Women are now heavier drinkers than men. Feminism has served to masculinize women. Women are now suffering greater rates of depression than ever before (around 20%) and they are entertaining themselves with a depressant (alcohol) at an ever greater rate. Their “fun” is hurting them. Modern society is breaking women.

3) The barbarians who work in abortion clinics carry out almost a satanic level of evil, including this doctor who use to cut the vocal chords of the “fetus” so she wouldn’t have to hear the baby scream. We are nearing civilizational collapse when the pro-abortion crowd is callous and unmoved by the gruesome horror they support and champion.

4) The progressive cult has enacted a new law in order to protect pedophiles. Evil never happens all at once. It creeps in slowly and decays a society over time. They’re now brazenly open about it. Never, and I mean never, believe a liberal or progressive when they talk about protecting children. The exact opposite is always true. Why do they want to normalize pedophilia? Watch. Progressives never want to protect children.

5) Just when you thought progressives couldn’t get any more depraved, “celebrity” Ali Wentworth thinks it’s a great idea to watch porn with your kids; even though study after study shows that watching porn leads to less enjoyment of real sex. No, it’s not about perverting or indoctrinating our children at all; no, they “care” about kids too much for that to be true!

6) This cannot be overstated or simply stated enough: leftists, progressives, and social justice warriors or advocates, are mentally ill, and suffer from mental problems at a far greater rate than conservatives. Oh gosh, I wonder why? It’s almost like the things they stand for and advocate have a tremendous negative effect on their psyches and souls.

7) The Climate Change hoax is exactly that. It is a way for governments to control people and extract their resources after engineering a doomsday scenario into the minds of the population. Leftist Michael Moore took a lot of heat for exposing the hypocrisy within this movement. This documentary is well worth watching to learn about what is actually happening and being perpetuated by the climate cult.

(Leftists got the whole documentary removed because of an 8 second copyright infringement but here is a lengthy overview).


8) The US election is just 5 days away. America is broken and cannot be fixed. In the end, it matters not who wins. It has been financially ruined and will not recover. It is no longer a discussion between left and right, but viewing the other side as evil, and that they must be crushed by gaining power over them at all costs. In 5 days, America will descend into chaos taking the world with it. A house divided cannot stand; America is finished.

The Alabama Heartbeat Bill

A few weeks ago, Alabama passed a pro-life bill banning all abortions once a heart beat was detectable in the baby; some time in the first trimester. I’ve written on abortion before and believe it to be one of the most heinous acts we permit in society today. I believe fifty years from now we will look back at abortion as we now look at the slavery of 150 years ago: as utterly unthinkable for normal, moral people.

This won’t be one of the nicest things I’ve written because I truly believe one of the most unintelligent demographics alive today is the unthinking, twenty-something, social media addicted female, that thinks they are somehow empowered by blindly repeating the common narrative about their bodily autonomy fed to them by ugly feminists. The murder of babies inside their mothers is evil and those that agitate for free and open abortion are evil and soulless. And I don’t mean the young, conflicted, pregnant girl with no place to turn; I mean animals like this.

When the Alabama legislation was passed, the pro-abortion crowd on the internet blew up in rage denouncing the legislature as backwards and anti-woman. The pro-abortion crowd isn’t very bright. A lot of young women on various social media sites took to their soap boxes to tell the world and their followers how this was an attack on women, how this was discrimination, how this was the plot of men, blah blah blah. Very few, if any, presented a cogent argument for the extermination of the unborn. (NY state just banned the declawing of cats yet they will now allow the dismemberment and removal of a baby moments before birth on the mere whim of the mother; and the death cult that is the pro-choice movement seems fine with that). We are watching the total inversion of truth and goodness; calling that which is evil, good; and that which is good, evil.

The social media outrage machine was interesting to watch as each and every “empowered woman” felt the need to virtue signal their support for abortion, and in some grotesque way, as some feckless show of solidarity for women. Many weren’t capable of writing anything worth reading and kept to posting memes. There were three in particular I saw quite often and would like to highlight how objectively stupid and misinformed they are.

This first meme simply states, ‘Against abortion? Have a vasectomy.’ The implication of this message is that the only people against abortion are men, which shows the sheer ignorance of those posting it. The pro-life movement is estimated to be made up of approximately 80% women. The Alabama bill was written by a woman and ultimately signed by the Governor Kay Ivy, also a woman. Shrill abortion proponents like to yell at men for all these anti-abortion laws, and admittedly, most legislatures are predominantly men. But the movement as a whole is made up of women who value life because they are the ones who have experienced the miracle of bringing new life into the world. The majority of women are pro-life or want to see lots of restrictions on abortion. This stupid, vocal minority, seems to forget this inconvenient fact.

Another meme that made the rounds was this one that said, ‘My body, my choice.’ Again, those that posted it thought that it was in some way profound. All it really showed was an utter lack of understanding what is at issue. It fails to grasp that there is no longer just one body at issue, but two. In the womb there is a second, wholly independent person, with its own uniquely coded DNA. It is not a parasite, a tumour, a lump of cells, or any other derogatory name the pro-abortion crowd likes to use in order to avoid calling it was it really is, a baby. They have to first dehumanize the baby with these other names in order to make its death more palatable. One of the ironies these women are too stupid to contemplate is that there are now a growing number of sex-selective abortions that almost always target those babies that are female. Where are the women defending the most helpless females of all? Nowhere. They are silent, and they are cowards.

This last meme was by far the most common meme I saw; it was posted everywhere. And it was by a long ways, the dumbest and most ignorant of all. It says, ‘Men shouldn’t be making laws about women’s bodies.’ I really had to wonder if any of the halfwits posting this stopped to think about what they were saying. Do they not realize that there are thousands and thousands of laws on the books that govern what we can and cannot do with our bodies, both male and female? It is illegal to inject oneself with heroin. It is illegal to cause bodily harm to another. It is illegal to commit suicide. It is illegal to get a tattoo under the age of 18. It is illegal to put alcohol into your body before 19 or 21. And the list of laws regulating what can and can’t be done to our bodies goes on and on. All laws are written to regulate what one can and cannot do. The implication of this meme is that it is only men who are against abortion and are trying to ban it in order to control women. Both men and women make laws in order to promote the most good and very many of those laws do pertain to control over our bodies.

These women are stupid. There is no other conclusion to reach. They hide behind euphemisms like reproductive rights, healthcare, choice, and others. They never address the reality of what they are advocating: the murder of another person for their own convenience. Vapid celebrities like Alyssa Milano promote “sex strikes” while many others virtue signal their support for unfettered abortion of any kind for any reason. The free love movement of the 60’s necessitated the legalization of abortion not long after in order to deal with the unwanted consequences that many suffered. If the feminists were honest they would admit how badly they have failed women and the untold harm they have done to women by promoting abortion as the quick, post-coital birth control solution. Millions have been killed and many live lives burdened by the guilt of their choice. Abortion is big business and money drives the entire enterprise. In order to keep the money rolling in you need an army of useful idiots posting memes and chanting vile slogans to try and help normalize such an evil in our midst. And these twenty something millennials are just the idiots they need to keep the death cult in business.

Random Thoughts #5

1) Studies show a link between abortion and breast cancer. Women who’ve had an induced abortion have a 151% greater chance of developing breast cancer. Leftists promote unfettered access to abortion at any stage and and then promote endless campaigns to fund breast cancer research. There appears to be an easy way to reduce cancer deaths.

2) America is irreversibly in debt and unfettered immigration since 1965 has led to much of it. Does anyone think this end’s well? The only relevant question is this: How many people from the Third World do you want in your neighbourhood when the money runs out? What will happen then? What has history taught us about forced “diversity” in the past? Answer: there will be war. It never ends well.

3) At what point do we have to start shaming all these disgusting “lifestyle” choices as perverse and abnormal? Once we allowed the normalization of homosexual relationships, or any relationships outside of our biological, procreative norm, we opened the flood gates to all the human aberrations. Shame was once a strong behavioural deterrent. We mustn’t allow these things to flourish unchecked and unmocked.

4) Colour me surprised on this news: Pot smokers have sicklier babies. If men smoked pot between 11 and 90 times in their lifetime, which by today’s standards is not a lot, their children had a 15% decrease in birth-weight. For women, it was a 12% decrease. It is part of a destructive personality to place greater importance over short term pleasure than long term satisfaction.

5) During a presentation at Google recently, the word “family” was used by the presenter and it caused a meltdown amongst a certain group of weak, social justice employees. The word was used in such a way as to link the word ‘family’ with ‘children’, which they believed was ‘homophobic’. They hate the nuclear family and the goodness it signifies. Google is evil. Signs of societal decline are all around us for those paying attention.

6) The Olympics have been officially converged and will fade from the public interest over the next few decades as they recently announced they will allow transgender athletes to compete as the opposite sex. A biological man can now put on lipstick and compete against biological women. Where are the feminists complaining that the efforts of real women will be largely relegated to non-medal placements as biological men scoop up all the rewards? Sit back and laugh at the nonsense to come in the great Olympian sideshow!

7) In the “racism is alive and well” file, the UK government is now encouraging the punishment of universities for giving black students lower grades, for they believe the role of a university is to promote diversity and inclusion rather than learning and excellence. Schools that do this will become largely irrelevant as they “graduate” useless students with no learned skills for the real world.

Abortion: Evil In Our Midst

In 1973, the right to have an abortion was suddenly found in the Constitution as “Jane Roe”, or Norma McCorvey, fought for the right to have her baby removed because it was the product of rape. It was a lie. Years later, McCorvey admitted that she was never raped. But the damage had been done and the path was created for the extermination of millions of babies in the decades to follow for nothing more than the mere whim of the mother.

What started as a legal challenge based on the most extreme of circumstances: rape and the emotional trauma that comes with that, has now morphed into abortion as post-coital birth control. We were told it would be rare, and yet now it almost seems a rite of passage for the “empowered” woman. Rather than using birth control, some women now have multiple abortions as if it were nothing.

The movie Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer recently introduced us to one American abortion doctor’s clinic that became a gruesome shop of horrors. Dr. Kermit Gosnell would deliver babies alive and snip their spinal cords with scissors or puncture their skulls while still breathing and alive. Their lifeless corpses would then be thrown in the garbage or put in one of his many freezers. Fully birthed babies were murdered, and this goes on everywhere and kept hush by those who make millions in this lucrative industry.

In the last several weeks, the leftists have taken their love of abortion to new depths. First, the New York State legislature stood and cheered as they legalized partial birth abortion which occurs late in the third trimester when the baby is fully formed, can feel pain, and is viable outside the womb. And if that wasn’t bad enough, later that same week, Governor Ralph Northam of Virginia went on radio to explain a new bill in Virginia that would allow mothers and doctors to let a baby die after it had been born, depending upon what the mother decides at that moment. Watch:

It’s hard to grasp the magnitude of such barbarism where a vulnerable, autonomous human being, is left to die (well after the “my body, my choice” argument could even be made). The Democrats and leftists are now a murderous death cult and should be described and shamed as such as they continue to try and codify infanticide into law. Here is Kathy Tran the Virginia lawmaker introducing her abortion bill in the legislature:

Ironically that same day, she introduced a separate bill that would protect the Fall Cankerworm, an insect, by “prohibiting spraying during certain months.” Think about that for a moment and let the abject evil of leftists sink in: one bill would allow for the murder of babies moments after birth, to be discarded like medical waste, while the other bill would seek to protect the “lives” of worms. This is indefensible on any level.

Just yesterday, US Senate Democrats blocked the passing of the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act which would have provided care for children born alive after a failed abortion. Think about that for a minute. When a child is born alive after a failed abortion attempt, now breathing and autonomous outside the womb, Democrats and leftists support allowing the baby to go uncared for until it dies. This is beyond sick and twisted and is rooted in evil so dark and inhumane that it needs to be decried at every turn. This is no longer about a “woman’s body” and what she can do with it; this is about infanticide.

So the next time a leftist wants to moralize about Trump’s fitness for office, or gun ownership, or someone’s opinion on gay marriage, remember that they are devoid of any moral footing and should not be taken seriously if they support the termination of human lives.

I know of no other evil accepted and promoted so callously and matter-of-factly. Abortion is evil and those who promote it, and advocate for it, are evil. We can’t couch our words in colourful platitudes, we must call it what it is. To leftists, the only thing more precious than a newborn baby, is the right to kill it.

Random Thoughts #2

1) Why is it that the most ardent animal rights activists are also the most pro choice when it comes to abortion? There is something fundamentally wrong in a society when people value the well-being of animals over human lives.

2) I think one of my favourite things is to hear someone say, “I’m such a health nut”, or “I live a really healthy lifestyle”, or “my body is really important to me” only then to find out that they consume alcohol on a regular basis. They’ll spend all week meal planning and going to the gym only to fill their body with a toxin, and yes, alcohol is a toxin. People will never give up their substances or addictions that cause them harm. They aren’t really health nuts after all.

3) I recently read that women view 85% of the men they see on dating sites as “beneath them” whereas men view 50% of the women the same way. Clearly, women have too high an opinion of themselves when viewing potential mates. This will only lead to a future with an epidemic of crazy, single cat ladies.

4) We call everything “art” these days. From manufactured pop music and hip hop, to tattoos and graffiti. If everything is art, then nothing is. That is why there needs to be an element of time added to the definition of art. True art will stand the test of time as it is a sifter of the wheat from the chaff. People still listen to Led Zeppelin almost 50 years later while no one will remember Katy Perry or Migos in another decade. People still line up to see the works of Monet, Rembrandt and Picasso, while no one will ever remember any tattooist who could ink a butterfly or cobra. Not everything is art and we need to stop calling disposable entertainment or doodles on the skin as such.

5) There is no more vocal group against guns and for gun control than the liberals in Hollywood. But what percentage of their movies have guns in them and portray violence and death? How many of their bodyguards carry guns with them to protect these precious Celebri’tards? Do not ever listen to actors or actresses on any issue. At all. Ever. They play make believe for a living and don’t live in the real world. And on this issue, as with many others, they are moronic hypocrites.

Thoughts On Abortion

During World War II, the Nazis referred to the Jews as “rats.” Amidst the Rwandan genocide of the mid 1990’s, the Hutus called the Tutsis “cockroaches.” Written into the US Constitution during the time of slavery, the Three-Fifths Compromise defined each black slave as three-fifths a human being, or put more succinctly, less than fully human.

The same thing has occurred in the modern abortion debate: a human life, a baby, is now unaffectionately referred to as a fetus, removing from it the human connotation and making it appear to be less than what it really is. When one defines their opponent in such a way as to make them appear to be an animal or sub-human, their eventual extermination becomes more palatable to the average person. (For more on this phenomenon read Less Than Human: Why we demean, enslave, and exterminate others by David Livingstone Smith). We see this same tactic used in much of what passes for political discourse these days. Demonize and dehumanize the object of your scorn and you subtly delegitimize their value.

Both sides struggle to frame the abortion debate in ways that make their own positions appear more acceptable. Is a person pro-choice or pro-abortion? Is another pro-life or anti-choice? No matter how one characterizes themselves or their opponents, we can never lose sight of the fact that at the very heart of the issue we are talking about life, not just a clump of developing cells akin to a growth or tumour. To define a baby in such a way is to make it’s termination and extraction seem far more remedial a procedure and far less distasteful to the average person. We are a culture where our personal comfort is the “value” we cherish most, while doing what may be difficult (raising a child of an unplanned pregnancy) proves to be too much of an inconvenience for many.

Words have powerful meanings. Those that have sought to exterminate their enemies in times past have known that and have defined them in ways that questioned their humanness. We must be just as strong in exposing this tactic and calling it what it is: evil. But that assumes one even has the categories of right and wrong, good and evil, in their vocabulary to begin with.

There is much more I will say on this subject over time, but for now I leave you with this:

How can we speak of the termination of a pregnancy when what we really mean is the destruction of a human life? How can we talk of therapeutic abortion when pregnancy is not a disease needing therapy and what abortion effects is not a cure but a killing? How can we talk of abortion as a kind of retroactive contraception when what it does is not prevent conception but destroy the conceptus? We need to have the courage to use accurate language. Abortion is feticide: the destruction of an unborn child. It is the shedding of innocent blood, and any society that can tolerate this, let alone legislate for it, has ceased to be civilized. -John Stott