Tag Archives: liberals

Abortion: Evil In Our Midst

In 1973, the right to have an abortion was suddenly found in the Constitution as “Jane Roe”, or Norma McCorvey, fought for the right to have her baby removed because it was the product of rape. It was a lie. Years later, McCorvey admitted that she was never raped. But the damage had been done and the path was created for the extermination of millions of babies in the decades to follow for nothing more than the mere whim of the mother.

What started as a legal challenge based on the most extreme of circumstances: rape and the emotional trauma that comes with that, has now morphed into abortion as post-coital birth control. We were told it would be rare, and yet now it almost seems a rite of passage for the “empowered” woman. Rather than using birth control, some women now have multiple abortions as if it were nothing.

The movie Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer recently introduced us to one American abortion doctor’s clinic that became a gruesome shop of horrors. Dr. Kermit Gosnell would deliver babies alive and snip their spinal cords with scissors or puncture their skulls while still breathing and alive. Their lifeless corpses would then be thrown in the garbage or put in one of his many freezers. Fully birthed babies were murdered, and this goes on everywhere and kept hush by those who make millions in this lucrative industry.

In the last several weeks, the leftists have taken their love of abortion to new depths. First, the New York State legislature stood and cheered as they legalized partial birth abortion which occurs late in the third trimester when the baby is fully formed, can feel pain, and is viable outside the womb. And if that wasn’t bad enough, later that same week, Governor Ralph Northam of Virginia went on radio to explain a new bill in Virginia that would allow mothers and doctors to let a baby die after it had been born, depending upon what the mother decides at that moment. Watch:

It’s hard to grasp the magnitude of such barbarism where a vulnerable, autonomous human being, is left to die (well after the “my body, my choice” argument could even be made). The Democrats and leftists are now a murderous death cult and should be described and shamed as such as they continue to try and codify infanticide into law. Here is Kathy Tran the Virginia lawmaker introducing her abortion bill in the legislature:

Ironically that same day, she introduced a separate bill that would protect the Fall Cankerworm, an insect, by “prohibiting spraying during certain months.” Think about that for a moment and let the abject evil of leftists sink in: one bill would allow for the murder of babies moments after birth, to be discarded like medical waste, while the other bill would seek to protect the “lives” of worms. This is indefensible on any level.

Just yesterday, US Senate Democrats blocked the passing of the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act which would have provided care for children born alive after a failed abortion. Think about that for a minute. When a child is born alive after a failed abortion attempt, now breathing and autonomous outside the womb, Democrats and leftists support allowing the baby to go uncared for until it dies. This is beyond sick and twisted and is rooted in evil so dark and inhumane that it needs to be decried at every turn. This is no longer about a “woman’s body” and what she can do with it; this is about infanticide.

So the next time a leftist wants to moralize about Trump’s fitness for office, or gun ownership, or someone’s opinion on gay marriage, remember that they are devoid of any moral footing and should not be taken seriously if they support the termination of human lives.

I know of no other evil accepted and promoted so callously and matter-of-factly. Abortion is evil and those who promote it, and advocate for it, are evil. We can’t couch our words in colourful platitudes, we must call it what it is. To leftists, the only thing more precious than a newborn baby, is the right to kill it.