Tag Archives: art

Random Thoughts #2

1) Why is it that the most ardent animal rights activists are also the most pro choice when it comes to abortion? There is something fundamentally wrong in a society when people value the well-being of animals over human lives.

2) I think one of my favourite things is to hear someone say, “I’m such a health nut”, or “I live a really healthy lifestyle”, or “my body is really important to me” only then to find out that they consume alcohol on a regular basis. They’ll spend all week meal planning and going to the gym only to fill their body with a toxin, and yes, alcohol is a toxin. People will never give up their substances or addictions that cause them harm. They aren’t really health nuts after all.

3) I recently read that women view 85% of the men they see on dating sites as “beneath them” whereas men view 50% of the women the same way. Clearly, women have too high an opinion of themselves when viewing potential mates. This will only lead to a future with an epidemic of crazy, single cat ladies.

4) We call everything “art” these days. From manufactured pop music and hip hop, to tattoos and graffiti. If everything is art, then nothing is. That is why there needs to be an element of time added to the definition of art. True art will stand the test of time as it is a sifter of the wheat from the chaff. People still listen to Led Zeppelin almost 50 years later while no one will remember Katy Perry or Migos in another decade. People still line up to see the works of Monet, Rembrandt and Picasso, while no one will ever remember any tattooist who could ink a butterfly or cobra. Not everything is art and we need to stop calling disposable entertainment or doodles on the skin as such.

5) There is no more vocal group against guns and for gun control than the liberals in Hollywood. But what percentage of their movies have guns in them and portray violence and death? How many of their bodyguards carry guns with them to protect these precious Celebri’tards? Do not ever listen to actors or actresses on any issue. At all. Ever. They play make believe for a living and don’t live in the real world. And on this issue, as with many others, they are moronic hypocrites.