Hirjah And The Undoing Of The West

It is happening all over the West and no one cares. From an historical perspective, it is an invasion, an act of war; that is how historians will describe it when they look back centuries from now. We are witnesses to the Islamic doctrine of Hirjah unfolding before us, and there couldn’t be greater apathy towards it from those that lead us. This year, 2019, marked the first time that the name Muhammad made the top ten list of boys baby names in America, and I predict it will be in the top three within five years.

Hirjah is the modern Muslim doctrine of emigrating to new lands, out-breeding the native population, and over time, turning that nation Islamic. It is based on Muhammad’s migration from Mecca to Medina in the year 622 AD, where he changed his unimpactful doctrines of a peaceful Islam into a religion of bloodshed and the sword. It was those ruthless years in Medina that gave Islam its growth and political power, as it did not grow at all during those years in Mecca when it was peaceful.

Cultures die when good men apathetically refuse to defend them. For those who have studied and understand the history of Islam, they know that it has only spread and grown through violence and authoritarian control. Unlike Christianity, for example, there has been no peaceful missionary movement that sought conversions through compassionate care of physical needs or the building of needed infrastructure to improve the quality of life of the population as a whole. Islam means submission and it has spread out of fear of death if one refuses to submit. Islam is not a religion and certainly not a religion of peace; it is an authoritarian political movement that seeks control of the entire population of earth.

Islam is a revolutionary faith that comes to destroy any government made by man. The goal of Islam is to rule the entire world and submit all of mankind to the faith of Islam. Any nation or power that gets in the way of that goal, Islam will fight and destroy. In order to fulfill that goal, Islam can use every power available every way it can be used to bring worldwide revolution. This is jihad.”   -Syed Abul Ala Mawdudi (1905-1979), world-renowned Islamic scholar.

Jihad is not peaceful. The practice of Jihad is not optional. Hirjah is the subtle means by which this is occurring right before us. A former Muslim sheds insight into how the lobbyists plan to dominate America. He speaks from a Muslim perspective:

“American laws will protect us. Democrats and Leftists will support us. N.G.O.s will legitimize us. The A.C.L.U. will empower us. Western Universities will educate us. Mosques will shelter us. O.P.E.C. will finance us. The United Nations will cover for us. Our children will immigrate from Pakistan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Indonesia to the US and to the other Western countries. We will use your welfare system. Our children will send money home while they are preparing for Jihad. We will take advantage of American kindness, gullibility, compassion, and freedom of speech. When the time comes, we will stab them in the back…”

The West needs to awaken to the threat in our midst. If we are to preserve our way of life for our children and their posterity, we cannot allow our nations to be invaded; we cannot allow our values to be subverted and our *virtue of tolerance to be taken advantage of. The war is raging right now, and sadly, only one side knows its fighting.

*Tolerance is NOT a virtue. Nor can a society remain in tact if it tolerates evil in its midst. The pursuit of the good, the beautiful, and the true cannot allow for the tolerance of those things that will subvert this pursuit.

My Top 5 – Music


Top 5 Bands

  1. Rush
  2. Iron Maiden
  3. Buckethead
  4. Led Zeppelin
  5. City and Colour



Top 5 Albums

  1. Moving Pictures – Rush
  2. Piece of Mind – Iron Maiden
  3. Holy Diver – Dio
  4. The Division Bell – Pink Floyd
  5. Hymns to the Silence – Van Morrison

Top 5 Songs

  1. Subdivisions – Rush
  2. Carry On Wayward Son – Kansas
  3. Stairway To Heaven – Led Zeppelin
  4. Sultans Of Swing – Dire Straits
  5. Fight The Good Fight – Triumph

Top 5 Guitar Solos

  1. Comfortably Numb – Pink Floyd
  2. Limelight – Rush
  3. Crazy Train – Ozzy Osbourne
  4. Freebird – Lynyrd Skynyrd
  5. Powerslave – Iron Maiden

Top 5 Live Shows

  1. Rush
  2. Iron Maiden
  3. Kiss
  4. Kid Rock
  5. U2

Fall Colour Reflection

“I never felt so young before;
There was so much life in me.
Still, I longed to search for more.
But those days are gone now,
Changed like a leaf on a tree,
Blown away forever.”

-Dream Theater, A Change of Seasons

Random Thoughts #6

1) A new study highlights an illness linked to marijuana use. Stories like this will become all the more commonplace as people become more reliant on a substance that is damaging to their physical health and mental well-being. The only real freedoms our government will allow are those that will help destroy the population.

2) We are a society growing ever more dependent upon substances to cope with the difficulties of life. This study highlights how almost 60% of smokers and drinkers would not give up their vices even if it meant adding an extra 10 years to their lives. Imagine that. Giving up the most precious thing we possess: time, for cigarettes and/or alcohol. I can’t think of anything that highlights the power of addiction better than that.

3) As if we needed a study to tell us this as the carnage of the sexual revolution is visible everywhere, but the more sex partners a person has, the unhappier they are. Promiscuity, counterintuitively, leads to a lower level of happiness. People will put their short term gratification over their long term well-being almost every single time.

4) For those that followed the Brett Kavanaugh hearings earlier this year, and the unsupported accusations of a 36 year old sexual assault allegation against him, it appears that now even Christine Blasey Ford’s own father supported Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court and didn’t believe his own daughter. Ford was never credible. I have heard more believable lies from kids with cookie crumbs smeared across their face.

5) Just when you think the social engineers and trans-activists can’t appear any more ridiculous than they already are, animal handlers at a London zoo have vowed to raise the “adopted chick” of two “lesbian penguins” as “gender neutral.” Read that again. These people are ideologues and mentally ill. Our biology is hard-coded into our DNA, and despite the best efforts of the social justice movement to manufacture their monstrous and disastrous outcomes, our chromosomes dictate what we are.

6) To continue on a theme, the very nature of the social justice movement is evil at its core. They care not for people, but for power and control, and this story exemplifies how diabolical and wretched the trans movement is. There is a new show out called Drag Syndrome. Choreographer Daniel Vais has assembled six individuals with Down Syndrome, dressed them in drag, and parades them around as a freak show to enrich himself and normalize deviancy. In a normal society this would be viewed as abusive and exploitive, but in our clown world it’s “empowering” and “liberating.”

7) Why are marriage rates down? It’s a multi-faceted answer but one of the main reasons is the lack of “economically attractive” men. This is what happens in a society that pushes women out into the workforce. Feminism has not only made women unhappier, it’s also helped to create a shortage of marriageable men because studies show that women do not want to marry men that are economically beneath them.

8) And if anyone needed any more evidence as to things making women even more unhappy, this article cites a study from 2011 that said the profile of the person that was most unhappy in society was, “a 42 year old woman who was unmarried, had no children, and was a professional.” Is it any wonder that the rejection of traditional roles and mores has led women down such a bitter path of discontent?

9) The Sexual Revolution was started by men, for men, to the detriment of women. Men could now have greater access to sex with no expectation of marriage. Abortion on demand could absolve them from future financial burdens. What did women get?  A greater chance of contracting STD’s and a much lesser chance of finding a stable, committed relationship. Welcome to the world of 2019. But yeah, “traditional values” are for the “losers”. This video is one of the best explanations I’ve seen on what has happened to modern relationships.

The Wave

It is one of the most beautiful and indescribable places I’ve ever been; that I’ve ever seen in real life. Photos never did it justice. The Wave, part of Coyote Buttes North, in Arizona, is a place that you cannot fully explain to people.

What follows is a photo essay of sorts; different images that help convey my experience that day in July.

At midday the storm clouds rolled past giving the landscape an ominous, other-worldly feel.

In the afternoon, sunshine and blue sky pushed the dark clouds away.

The symmetry and design appear as a painting from the Master’s brush.

Every bend and every curve defies explanation.

There is no trail to get there. Landscape markers are the only thing to guide you. It is discretely hidden in the oranges and reds of the Arizona desert.

Crossing through sand, and walking up and down various sandstone formations, I realized why this place had such a strong pull, and permits prized and coveted by those with knowledge of The Wave.

The illusion of lines and curves made every vantage point and angle interesting.

This hike should be atop every hikers bucket list.

Face the storms…

…they will always pass.

Civilizational Collapse

Western Civilization is collapsing all around us and most people barely notice the rubble piling up everywhere. Nihilism, the pervasive ideology of the day, has so absorbed people that they do not even notice the burning edifices of the West all around them. Liberalism, or Leftism, or Progressivism, always leads to the eventual destruction of society as I’ve written about before here. We are in the final stages of civilizational collapse and the West is committing societal suicide as all once-great societies have done in centuries past.

1) Throughout history, all nations have declined morally from within first; weakening them to the point of collapse. The sexual liberation movement of the late 1960’s started our current decline which has been sped up by the full scale acceptance of homosexuality, transgenderism, and now the early defence of pederasty as a legitimate orientation in some circles. Camille Paglia has pointed out that the death throes of a society are normally seen in the open acceptance of homosexuality and transgenderism (androgyny) and the West is no different. When you openly embrace degenerate behaviour and normalize it, a society cannot be saved.

2) Every nation in the world is in debt; a debt so great that they will never be able to pay it off, which leads to the continual devaluation of its currency and the slow erosion of wealth of the average person. Debt, both governmental and personal, inflates asset prices so that life becomes more unaffordable for people as time passes. It separates the have’s from the have-not’s and magnifies the divide between rich and poor. As wealth becomes concentrated amongst the very few and the masses are thrown into poverty and a type of indentured servitude, social order breaks down and becomes increasingly more difficult to maintain. We are already seeing the signs of violent protests in parts of the world as governments enact policies that continue to expand this financial divide.

3) There are currently 102 million Americans that do not work and rely on government assistance for their needs. Approximately 55% of citizens are on some form of social assistance. A nation cannot stand when a minority of workers have to support the majority. The US economy is now a financial Ponzi Scheme that has gutted the middle class. Without a vibrant and productive middle class a nation will not prosper.

4) Over the past 2 years, the US has seen almost 70,000 deaths due to opioid addiction. The proliferation of drug use is a sign of how dark the soul of a society is. When people can’t face the horrible realities around them they turn to substances to numb the pain of their lives. One in eight Americans are now alcoholics. 15-20% are on anti-depressants with that number increasing every year. Nihilism leads to hopelessness, which in turn leads to the need for substances to blot out the pain of dreary and unfulfilled lives. People need transcendent purpose. Without it, we will continue to watch their lives destroyed by drugs, as despair and hopelessness overwhelms them.

5) Homelessness in big cities is making certain neighbourhoods unliveable. Watch this documentary on the homeless crisis in Seattle and observe the problems and policies that are causing the major American cities to rot from within. This is a crisis that continues to grow at an alarming rate, fuelled primarily by drug addiction, and politicians do not care. They do nothing to stop it.

6) We have become a people attracted to the banal and inane and are consumed by entertainment. When is the last time someone told you about a great book they had just read? With more entertainment choices vying for our attention we have countless ways to waste our time. If we further become a people that fills our minds with the latest show on Netflix, or relegate our reading to 140 characters on Twitter, then we will not be a people that advances in intelligence and wisdom. If we think nightclubs, and parties, and other forms of mindless “fun” are worthy pursuits weekend after weekend, then we will become worthless, uninteresting, and boring as a people.

Collapse does not happen all at once, much like the frog that boils slowly in the pot. In the end, collapse happens because people choose to elevate the evil, ugly, and disgusting things in our midst and curse the Good, the Beautiful, and the True. The progressive Utopia that the secularists promised us is what we now see all around us: a dysfunctional society. That is it. This is the best they can do. When the foundation of your house is built on decadence, perversity, and lies, it will crumble. We do not have much time left. The West, as we have known it, is finished.

The Alabama Heartbeat Bill

A few weeks ago, Alabama passed a pro-life bill banning all abortions once a heart beat was detectable in the baby; some time in the first trimester. I’ve written on abortion before and believe it to be one of the most heinous acts we permit in society today. I believe fifty years from now we will look back at abortion as we now look at the slavery of 150 years ago: as utterly unthinkable for normal, moral people.

This won’t be one of the nicest things I’ve written because I truly believe one of the most unintelligent demographics alive today is the unthinking, twenty-something, social media addicted female, that thinks they are somehow empowered by blindly repeating the common narrative about their bodily autonomy fed to them by ugly feminists. The murder of babies inside their mothers is evil and those that agitate for free and open abortion are evil and soulless. And I don’t mean the young, conflicted, pregnant girl with no place to turn; I mean animals like this.

When the Alabama legislation was passed, the pro-abortion crowd on the internet blew up in rage denouncing the legislature as backwards and anti-woman. The pro-abortion crowd isn’t very bright. A lot of young women on various social media sites took to their soap boxes to tell the world and their followers how this was an attack on women, how this was discrimination, how this was the plot of men, blah blah blah. Very few, if any, presented a cogent argument for the extermination of the unborn. (NY state just banned the declawing of cats yet they will now allow the dismemberment and removal of a baby moments before birth on the mere whim of the mother; and the death cult that is the pro-choice movement seems fine with that). We are watching the total inversion of truth and goodness; calling that which is evil, good; and that which is good, evil.

The social media outrage machine was interesting to watch as each and every “empowered woman” felt the need to virtue signal their support for abortion, and in some grotesque way, as some feckless show of solidarity for women. Many weren’t capable of writing anything worth reading and kept to posting memes. There were three in particular I saw quite often and would like to highlight how objectively stupid and misinformed they are.

This first meme simply states, ‘Against abortion? Have a vasectomy.’ The implication of this message is that the only people against abortion are men, which shows the sheer ignorance of those posting it. The pro-life movement is estimated to be made up of approximately 80% women. The Alabama bill was written by a woman and ultimately signed by the Governor Kay Ivy, also a woman. Shrill abortion proponents like to yell at men for all these anti-abortion laws, and admittedly, most legislatures are predominantly men. But the movement as a whole is made up of women who value life because they are the ones who have experienced the miracle of bringing new life into the world. The majority of women are pro-life or want to see lots of restrictions on abortion. This stupid, vocal minority, seems to forget this inconvenient fact.

Another meme that made the rounds was this one that said, ‘My body, my choice.’ Again, those that posted it thought that it was in some way profound. All it really showed was an utter lack of understanding what is at issue. It fails to grasp that there is no longer just one body at issue, but two. In the womb there is a second, wholly independent person, with its own uniquely coded DNA. It is not a parasite, a tumour, a lump of cells, or any other derogatory name the pro-abortion crowd likes to use in order to avoid calling it was it really is, a baby. They have to first dehumanize the baby with these other names in order to make its death more palatable. One of the ironies these women are too stupid to contemplate is that there are now a growing number of sex-selective abortions that almost always target those babies that are female. Where are the women defending the most helpless females of all? Nowhere. They are silent, and they are cowards.

This last meme was by far the most common meme I saw; it was posted everywhere. And it was by a long ways, the dumbest and most ignorant of all. It says, ‘Men shouldn’t be making laws about women’s bodies.’ I really had to wonder if any of the halfwits posting this stopped to think about what they were saying. Do they not realize that there are thousands and thousands of laws on the books that govern what we can and cannot do with our bodies, both male and female? It is illegal to inject oneself with heroin. It is illegal to cause bodily harm to another. It is illegal to commit suicide. It is illegal to get a tattoo under the age of 18. It is illegal to put alcohol into your body before 19 or 21. And the list of laws regulating what can and can’t be done to our bodies goes on and on. All laws are written to regulate what one can and cannot do. The implication of this meme is that it is only men who are against abortion and are trying to ban it in order to control women. Both men and women make laws in order to promote the most good and very many of those laws do pertain to control over our bodies.

These women are stupid. There is no other conclusion to reach. They hide behind euphemisms like reproductive rights, healthcare, choice, and others. They never address the reality of what they are advocating: the murder of another person for their own convenience. Vapid celebrities like Alyssa Milano promote “sex strikes” while many others virtue signal their support for unfettered abortion of any kind for any reason. The free love movement of the 60’s necessitated the legalization of abortion not long after in order to deal with the unwanted consequences that many suffered. If the feminists were honest they would admit how badly they have failed women and the untold harm they have done to women by promoting abortion as the quick, post-coital birth control solution. Millions have been killed and many live lives burdened by the guilt of their choice. Abortion is big business and money drives the entire enterprise. In order to keep the money rolling in you need an army of useful idiots posting memes and chanting vile slogans to try and help normalize such an evil in our midst. And these twenty something millennials are just the idiots they need to keep the death cult in business.

The Game of Thrones Finale

The Game of Thrones finale seems to have left the majority of people who followed the series feeling empty. Internet petitions have been started to ask HBO to redo the final season as the disappointment appears to be quite widespread. I too, found the last episode to be an unsatisfying way to end this series. Let me first say that the production quality was incredible and had the feel of a big budget film. Some of the imagery alone captured certain moments perfectly and the speeches by Tyrion Lannister and Jon Snow showed moments of brilliant writing. But sadly, Hollywood couldn’t help but flex their progressive bona fides in the wrap up of the series.

Humans love great stories. Stories speak to us in ways few other things can. From ancient tales to Biblical stories; in modern classics like The Lord of the Rings and the first three Star Wars movies, great stories resonate with the human condition. All of life is the battle between good and evil, both from within and without; and there is something innately satisfying about seeing justice done and good prevail. Men want to see good triumph over evil in a world where we are too often reminded that too much evil exists.

I couldn’t help but see how the typical progressive mindset of Hollywood writers set about to destroy what most yearned for: Jon Snow upon the Iron Throne. Snow embodied a great leader and king. He showed unwavering integrity and loyalty; he cared not for himself but for his family, friends, and the people under him. He did not desire the throne for the power that came with it, which made him the perfect person to sit upon it and rule justly.

Instead, the writers saw fit to split the Seven Kingdoms and allow The North to stay independent with Sansa as their Queen, because, well, women can be great leaders too, I guess. Rumour has it that various spin-offs are in the works but the entire series was about uniting the Seven Kingdoms under one ruler and that didn’t happen. It seemed far too obvious that the writers wanted to virtue signal their support for female leadership despite Sansa being the “birthright ruler” earlier scenes in the episode railed against; specifically Tyrion’s speech to the council. The other six Kingdoms were given to Bran Stark, the young crippled boy with magical powers. Bran really showed no leadership characteristics throughout the series and seemed to be an empty, safe, and uninspiring pick for King.

Jon Snow deserved the throne. He was the only good leader throughout the series. Strong leaders with integrity are looked down upon in this day and age while weaker, effete leaders seem to be lauded (think Trudeau and Macron).

People were left feeling disappointed because deep down they want to see good triumph over evil and good men prevail. These are the oldest and most cherished of human stories. Only the best stories survive down through the ages and they typically end with evil being vanquished because that is the deep yearning of humanity; that good prevails and the evil around us done away with for good. People may not understand why the ending of the Game of Thrones left them unsatisfied because we live in a world that tries to invert good and evil and we’ve begun to accept this inversion as normal. Most still want to see good prevail and justice done. Only Jon Snow upon the Iron Throne would have made things seem right and order in the Seven Kingdoms restored. We got something far less than that.

Delicate Arch

Delicate Arch in Arches National Park, Utah, is one of the most incredible naturally occurring phenomenon in the world. One cannot help but stare at it endlessly and wonder what it took for this rock formation to occur. Countless years of wind and rain have pounded against the orange sandstone to form this amazing natural structure; a reminder that adversity in hard times creates those things that can stand strong.

Random Thoughts #5

1) Studies show a link between abortion and breast cancer. Women who’ve had an induced abortion have a 151% greater chance of developing breast cancer. Leftists promote unfettered access to abortion at any stage and and then promote endless campaigns to fund breast cancer research. There appears to be an easy way to reduce cancer deaths.

2) America is irreversibly in debt and unfettered immigration since 1965 has led to much of it. Does anyone think this end’s well? The only relevant question is this: How many people from the Third World do you want in your neighbourhood when the money runs out? What will happen then? What has history taught us about forced “diversity” in the past? Answer: there will be war. It never ends well.

3) At what point do we have to start shaming all these disgusting “lifestyle” choices as perverse and abnormal? Once we allowed the normalization of homosexual relationships, or any relationships outside of our biological, procreative norm, we opened the flood gates to all the human aberrations. Shame was once a strong behavioural deterrent. We mustn’t allow these things to flourish unchecked and unmocked.

4) Colour me surprised on this news: Pot smokers have sicklier babies. If men smoked pot between 11 and 90 times in their lifetime, which by today’s standards is not a lot, their children had a 15% decrease in birth-weight. For women, it was a 12% decrease. It is part of a destructive personality to place greater importance over short term pleasure than long term satisfaction.

5) During a presentation at Google recently, the word “family” was used by the presenter and it caused a meltdown amongst a certain group of weak, social justice employees. The word was used in such a way as to link the word ‘family’ with ‘children’, which they believed was ‘homophobic’. They hate the nuclear family and the goodness it signifies. Google is evil. Signs of societal decline are all around us for those paying attention.

6) The Olympics have been officially converged and will fade from the public interest over the next few decades as they recently announced they will allow transgender athletes to compete as the opposite sex. A biological man can now put on lipstick and compete against biological women. Where are the feminists complaining that the efforts of real women will be largely relegated to non-medal placements as biological men scoop up all the rewards? Sit back and laugh at the nonsense to come in the great Olympian sideshow!

7) In the “racism is alive and well” file, the UK government is now encouraging the punishment of universities for giving black students lower grades, for they believe the role of a university is to promote diversity and inclusion rather than learning and excellence. Schools that do this will become largely irrelevant as they “graduate” useless students with no learned skills for the real world.

Abortion: Evil In Our Midst

In 1973, the right to have an abortion was suddenly found in the Constitution as “Jane Roe”, or Norma McCorvey, fought for the right to have her baby removed because it was the product of rape. It was a lie. Years later, McCorvey admitted that she was never raped. But the damage had been done and the path was created for the extermination of millions of babies in the decades to follow for nothing more than the mere whim of the mother.

What started as a legal challenge based on the most extreme of circumstances: rape and the emotional trauma that comes with that, has now morphed into abortion as post-coital birth control. We were told it would be rare, and yet now it almost seems a rite of passage for the “empowered” woman. Rather than using birth control, some women now have multiple abortions as if it were nothing.

The movie Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer recently introduced us to one American abortion doctor’s clinic that became a gruesome shop of horrors. Dr. Kermit Gosnell would deliver babies alive and snip their spinal cords with scissors or puncture their skulls while still breathing and alive. Their lifeless corpses would then be thrown in the garbage or put in one of his many freezers. Fully birthed babies were murdered, and this goes on everywhere and kept hush by those who make millions in this lucrative industry.

In the last several weeks, the leftists have taken their love of abortion to new depths. First, the New York State legislature stood and cheered as they legalized partial birth abortion which occurs late in the third trimester when the baby is fully formed, can feel pain, and is viable outside the womb. And if that wasn’t bad enough, later that same week, Governor Ralph Northam of Virginia went on radio to explain a new bill in Virginia that would allow mothers and doctors to let a baby die after it had been born, depending upon what the mother decides at that moment. Watch:

It’s hard to grasp the magnitude of such barbarism where a vulnerable, autonomous human being, is left to die (well after the “my body, my choice” argument could even be made). The Democrats and leftists are now a murderous death cult and should be described and shamed as such as they continue to try and codify infanticide into law. Here is Kathy Tran the Virginia lawmaker introducing her abortion bill in the legislature:

Ironically that same day, she introduced a separate bill that would protect the Fall Cankerworm, an insect, by “prohibiting spraying during certain months.” Think about that for a moment and let the abject evil of leftists sink in: one bill would allow for the murder of babies moments after birth, to be discarded like medical waste, while the other bill would seek to protect the “lives” of worms. This is indefensible on any level.

Just yesterday, US Senate Democrats blocked the passing of the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act which would have provided care for children born alive after a failed abortion. Think about that for a minute. When a child is born alive after a failed abortion attempt, now breathing and autonomous outside the womb, Democrats and leftists support allowing the baby to go uncared for until it dies. This is beyond sick and twisted and is rooted in evil so dark and inhumane that it needs to be decried at every turn. This is no longer about a “woman’s body” and what she can do with it; this is about infanticide.

So the next time a leftist wants to moralize about Trump’s fitness for office, or gun ownership, or someone’s opinion on gay marriage, remember that they are devoid of any moral footing and should not be taken seriously if they support the termination of human lives.

I know of no other evil accepted and promoted so callously and matter-of-factly. Abortion is evil and those who promote it, and advocate for it, are evil. We can’t couch our words in colourful platitudes, we must call it what it is. To leftists, the only thing more precious than a newborn baby, is the right to kill it.

Random Thoughts #4

1) A Canadian Islamic cleric in British Columbia released a video in which he instructed his Muslim followers that wishing a “Merry Christmas” to non-Muslims was worse than murder in Allah’s eyes. Islam and the West are incompatible. Christianity and Christian traditions were one of the three pillars of Western civilization and we are weakening the under-girding structure that made us great by allowing a destructive and evil Islam to take root in the West. We must stop all immigration from Islamic countries if we wish to maintain a peaceful way of life.

2) Social media causes greater rates of depression in young girls than it does in boys. Around 25% of women take anti-depressants. Social media, alcohol, casual sex, and educational pressures have all contributed to this mental health decline in females over the past 50 years thanks to a feminist narrative that continues to harm women far more than it helps them. If we really cared for our young girls we would teach them and train them to return to their traditional feminine roots.

3) If we listened to the feminists and their allies lecture us about discrimination you would assume many women were still facing horrific problems like they were in 1819, not 2019. But a new study shows that globally, men face worse discrimination than women and have greater problems to overcome.

4) In a study that should have been subtitled, “I could have told you that,” physically weak men are more apt to be liberals while strong men generally have a propensity towards rightward thinking and conservative values. Falling testosterone levels and social justice nonsense are responsible for a generation of weak and effeminate men that have allowed Western nations to go soft. These XY-chromosoned humans are “men” in name only as they live in shame of their masculine birthright. They have been feminized by a society that hates them and wants nothing more than for them to remain weak. The pendulum needs to swing back, and fast. And when it does, when real men rise up and say enough, it will be ugly.

5) White privilege. Male privilege. Now thin privilege. Privilege Theory is a derivative of Marxism and should be rejected outright. It tries to make equal those things that are not, and never can be. That thin and attractive girl over there is not your problem; the third donut you had for breakfast though, just might be. Shaming others for taking care of themselves is the weak persons way of absolving themselves of their own destructive behaviours and placing blame where none is due. Privilege Theory allows one to vindicate themselves of personal responsibility and place blame on others for their immutable and unchangeable characteristics, or their discipline and hard work.


Political Predictions

The last two years on the U.S. political scene have been something even the greatest authors could not have written. Most of the world, unthinking as they are, have been taken in by a leftist converged media and suffer from an inflicted and acute Trump Derangement Syndrome, to the point where things like truth and justice no longer matter. They are incapable of separating fact from fiction as they rely on the opinion makers for their information. They seem incapable of searching below the surface on their own in order to determine what is true and what is false. The media is complicit in this dumbing-down of the electorate as the job of reporting factual news is now indistinguishable from the selling of snake-oil-laced opinions.

I firmly believe that almost all news is manufactured to spin a certain narrative or story in order to sway the audience to one side or the other. Trump is completely accurate in calling out much of the FAKE News that exists today. Most of it is fake. And those who look deeper will most assuredly have a better grasp on what has happened and what is about to come.

Surveying the political landscape as I do, here are my top ten political predictions for the coming year, in no particular order.

  1. James Comey will be indicted for his part in the Hillary Clinton server scandal, his complicity in the Trump/Russia scandal, and his general corruption while Director of the FBI.
  2. Robert Mueller, the special counsel currently investigating Trump, will be indicted for his part in the illegal Uranium One deal put together by Hillary Clinton and others.
  3. John Huber will expose The Clinton Foundation as a fraudulent organization in a pay for play scheme that will ultimately lead to the indictments of Bill and Hillary.
  4. The Trump/Russian Collusion story will prove to be a fraud and many on the inside will be indicted once the FISA documents are declassified, most notably Rod Rosenstein. Obama was surely a part of this scheme to spy on Trump but I’m not sure if there will be enough evidence to indict him as well. Hopefully.
  5. Major media outlets like CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post, etc. will be exposed as complicit in the cover-up of political crimes by the elite in Washington.
  6. Alleged “good” politicians on the right and left will be indicted for their parts in Washington corruption. It runs very deep. Watch for men like Paul Ryan, John Boehner, Chuck Schumer, and others to fall under the weight of their own corruption.
  7. John McCain will be posthumously exposed as a fraud and a corrupt puppet of Saudi Arabia as it will be shown his foundation took millions of dollars from the Arab nation.
  8. President’s Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush Jr., and Obama, will be exposed as part of a corrupt US deep state that falsely toppled foreign governments, started wars under false pretexts, and were involved in the selling off of American prosperity for their own personal gain.
  9. A large global network of paedophiles and human/child traffickers will be exposed with ties to powerful organizations and the occult.
  10. John Brennan, James Clapper, and other top CIA and FBI officials will also be charged for corruption; maybe even under treason laws.

BONUS PREDICTION: It will be revealed that military tribunals are now operative and they are convicting deep state players of treason and exacting justice. John McCain and George H.W. Bush were convicted and put to death, and George W. Bush will be next; all for their involvement with the Saudi’s and the 9/11 attacks.

While on the face of it, some of these may seem ludicrous or too hard to fathom, I believe a time is coming when the evil of men will be brought to the light. Evil never goes unpunished and some powerful men have done some horrible things. While Trump is not perfect, he, along with some honourable patriots, have been the needed anaesthetic to a system that is rotten to its core. And when much of this goes down, it will almost certainly ensure an even greater Trump landslide in 2020. Call that prediction 11. The reckoning is upon us.

(I will revisit this post in 6-12 months and score myself for accuracy).

Lake George, Mammoth Lakes, California

Sometimes you have moments that are perfect. It was quiet. It was still. And the reflection was so perfect it didn’t seem real. These are the moments one should pursue. Not the fleeting, mundane, or vacuous moments that most pursue that give but temporary gratification.

The Mental Instability of the Left

If you watch CNN or MSNBC, or read the New York Times, it is only becoming more apparent by the day that leftism is a mental disorder affecting more and more. It starts with the improper use of words; they call their enemies fascists, Nazis, and racists. Clearly, they have no clue as to what fascism is and means; they’ve never bothered to read books like Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago or Orwell’s 1984. Calling someone a ‘nazi’ is a poor attempt at a slur. (It is short for the National Socialist’s Party. The Nazi’s were socialists who wanted to eliminate those they didn’t like. Sound familiar?). And racism? There is no real meaning left in that word when all it means now is ‘someone I disagree’ with.

The raving left and the anti-Trumpers can’t win in the arena of ideas so they resort to name-calling and violence. Republican politicians are now being assaulted in the open. Antifa in many cities is causing untold damages to businesses and attacking those with whom they disagree.

Leftists are fragile and weak, and easily triggered. They wage war on social media banning those with opinions that differ from their own, as their views collapse under the smallest scrutiny. They are feeble and afraid and cannot intellectually stand up against those with better and brighter ideas. Twitter deletes the accounts of countless conservatives but won’t touch the account of the Muslim Louis Farrakhan after his many anti-semitic tweets. Twitter has now banned all references to the NPC meme because it has seriously triggered leftists and hurt their feelings. (Don’t know what the NPC meme is? Watch the following).

(Make sure you make it to the 7:05 mark; that is a member of Boston Antifa. That is where the left has headed and that is what will keep Trump and the Republicans in power in November. Prepare for the Red Wave).

Leftists have no ideas. They are weird. They are deviant. They are lonely. And most seem to exhibit some signs of mental illness. They are leading America into its next civil war which will be an ideological war, much like the first one. It will happen. The left will only have itself to blame for the coming resurgence of a more resilient right and stronger nationalism.

The Evil Keeps Coming

I’ve mentioned this to people in the past. They’ve laughed. They’ve rolled their eyes. They’ve said I’m crazy. But it’s happening. It’s coming. The normalization of hebephilia and pedophilia is upon us.

The decline started slowly. The normalization of homosexuality as a natural inclination began our descent. We were told that what people do in their bedrooms was no one else’s business. But that wasn’t enough for them so they brought their bedrooms out into the open and flaunted them in parades and taught them in the classrooms to our young. From there we saw gay marriage codified into law rather quickly, changing the very definition of the word ‘marriage’ that stood for millennia. And before the ink was even dry, the transgender activists stepped up to the mic and demanded to urinate in whatever bathroom they saw fit.

Through all these cultural watershed moments I maintained that the end game was the normalization and acceptance of pedophilia as a legitimate sexual orientation, and now with each passing month it appears as if I am right.

The image at the beginning of this post is a picture of a flyer recently seen on a telephone pole in California. The caption reads: Pedophiles are people too because love is love. Normal people should be disgusted at the thought of this, but there is an increasing number of social justice activists that are now pushing this upon society. And from their twisted view of the world and life, it only makes logical sense to do so. For you see, once you remove the boundaries of our normal biological sexuality–a man and a woman procreating to promulgate the species and build civilization–anything goes. If anything outside of normal male/female sex can be normalized, like same sex relations for example, then logically, it all can be.

Recently, a TED Talk was released where Mirjam Heine wanted us to consider how difficult it is to live for those with a “natural” sexual predilection towards children. The short talk can be viewed here. (The TED organization pulled the video and tries to block any subsequent uploads of it. Hopefully this link will remain in tact). She wanted us to feel sympathy for those “born” with this orientation. A couple years prior to this Slate magazine published an article by a pedophile asking the world to stop and try to understand them. (The original article was removed due to a public backlash, but similar articles keep appearing).

There are groups now working towards the social acceptance of incest and bestiality. As long as a brother and sister don’t have children who does it hurt if they both consent? As long as we treat animals humanely why can’t they be used for sexual gratification? These are the crooked next steps down the path to abandoning any moral constraint around human sexuality. The ultimate goal of this perverse view is the permissibility of sex between children and adults. A necessary stepping stone in this process is the Trans movement and their pushing to allow children as young as 4 to take puberty blockers so they can later transition. The argument goes thus: if a 4 year old boy thinks they are a girl, then he is making a claim about his sexuality. And if a 4 year old boy is that aware of his sexuality at such a young age, then the argument can be made (and is being made) that that small boy, with such an awareness, will be able to consent to sexual activity at a much younger age, for consent follows from awareness. There are already places in North America where groups are calling for the lowering of the age of consent; half of Europe has the age of consent at 14. Evil works in the shadows.

This will happen. You can roll your eyes at the thought, but it will. You can’t be shocked when it does for the signs are all around us. Deviance and perversity slowly creep in, and once they gain a foothold, become normal over time.

Random Thoughts #3

1) A study came out that showed women experience more rudeness from other women, rather than men, in the workplace. This is something I’ve said for far too long. Women complaining about how men treat them, or the oppression of some fictitious patriarchy, is small in comparison to how poorly women treat each other. Women are fiercely competitive with one another and they’d rather see themselves succeed than women as a whole get ahead.

2) We are a nation of addicts. From drugs and alcohol, to sex and porn, we are a people of very little self-control. We can now add smartphone addiction to the list as researchers now believe that this addiction has similar effects to those suffering under substance abuse. The more time one spends on their phone, the more isolated and lonely they feel. There will be a surge in mental disorders in the coming decades from the effects of this new addiction.

3) I’ve always maintained that cities are soul-crushing places and a breeding ground for unhappiness because of the busyness and the crowds of people. A new Canadian study has just concluded the same thing. The greater the population density of a community the unhappier people are. Nature and the outdoors are a respite from the chaos of cities. People continually surrounded by concrete will necessarily lead more dreary lives.

4) This past week, Rene Genest, or Zombie Boy, committed suicide at the age of 32. Social media was full of platitudes and condolences and calls for mental illness to be taken more seriously. Suicide is always horrible and a grotesque act of selfishness; we should feel intense sorrow for those left behind. But let’s be clear about one thing: Zombie Boy wore his mental illness for all to see in the tattoos that covered his face and body. So those shocked and saddened, shouldn’t be, for we know that tattoos are an outward indicator of inner problems. Rather than lauding his disfigured appearance, friends should have come alongside him and recognized these symbols of pain scarring his skin.

5) Hip Hop is to music as pornography is to film. It is a cheap imitation of the form. Hip Hop is a genre of the far less talented that put comparatively little effort into honing their craft with a reliance on overt sexuality and vulgarity to sell. It places greater emphasis on money and fame through a disposable product as the end goal, rather than a time-tested work of art. Hip Hop is highly derivative with no place to grow or change. Hip Hop and porn will converge over time until they are indistinguishable from each other.

Joffre Lake, British Columbia

Until you see the colour of the water for yourself it’s hard to believe such lakes exist. The water from the glacial run-off is this other-worldly turquoise that leaves you in awe in the context of its surroundings.

Combatting Evil

Aboard a recent flight I watched the current Oscar Winner for Best Picture, Darkest Hour, about Winston Churchill’s role in World War II and the defence of the British Empire. While there are many things from the film that can be written about, I was struck by the difference in resolve between those that did not want to fight and negotiate peace and Churchill’s unwavering conviction that there could be no appeasement with evil as it approached them.

Politicians, for the most part, are weak men, and seek power out of lust and greed. Neville Chamberlain and Viscount Halifax wanted to sit down and make a deal with Hitler and the Germans that would have assured the subservience of the British people for generations, and their own well-being. With 300,000 British troops trapped on the beach at Dunkirk and the Germans bearing down on their position, Churchill ordered civilian boats to do what they could to rescue as many men as possible. Almost all were saved.

We live in a world full of evil and I think that if any of us truly knew the depths to which the heart of man can stoop most would be shocked. From the open sex trafficking in Asia and other parts of the world to the Muslim grooming and rape gangs in Rotherham, to the suppression of thoughts and beliefs and religious freedoms, to the carnage of disposed baby parts at every abortion clinic across so-called civilized nations, evil is abundant and prolific. Good men know that evil must not be negotiated with, for that is the domain of the weak.

Strong men and strong leaders will punch back twice as hard as they are hit, and that is the type of men we need in this day to fight against the rot and decay of a modern society.

A Reckoning

There are certain words that have always been favourites of mine that make me take immediate notice when I hear them. Words such as fear, vengeance, justice, and reckoning, are but a few. I gravitate towards old, antiquated words and I’ve always loved the word reckoning, for in it, there is such an ominous sense of justice and finality.

The dictionary defines the word ‘reckoning’ as a settlement of accounts or, an appraisal or judgment.

I’ve always had a very strong sense of justice being that I’m high in conscientiousness on the ‘Big Five’ trait scale (real justice, not the mealy-mouthed ‘social justice’ that so many advocate for in this day) and the word ‘reckoning’ has always meant to me that justice will be done in time; in a time of reckoning. I would venture a guess that almost all men everywhere have this same sense of justice and yearn for it to be done. Imagine standing in line at the grocery store and someone just pushes their cart in front of you in the checkout line. Now, some people will openly object and some may remain quiet; but everyone will feel like they have been wronged and immediately want some justice to be done in the situation. It is natural for us to feel this way when we’ve been wronged; it’s part of our human nature. We would immediately like to see a ‘reckoning’ come to that person who pushed their way past us; we desire to see them reckoned with and justice done.

I think it’s natural for men to want to see justice done and men who’ve wronged others brought to account for their actions. I think there is great appeal to the Christian doctrine of all men standing in judgment before God upon their death, the great and final reckoning of all, to receive the sentence for the evil committed at their hands. Even the Buddhist concept of Karma, has at it’s root, justice being done to those who act unjustly towards others. As much as many of us would like to see justice always come swiftly on earth, it is comforting for many to know that justice will be done, eventually. It is appalling to our natural sense of fairness that evil can, and does go unpunished; we want it, we long for it.

I find the word ‘reckoning’ a comforting word, a word that gives me a sense that even out of evil, some good may come; that justice will come out of injustice and things will ultimately be made right. We may never see it happen, but a reckoning will come. Even, for myself.