Random Thoughts #6

1) A new study highlights an illness linked to marijuana use. Stories like this will become all the more commonplace as people become more reliant on a substance that is damaging to their physical health and mental well-being. The only real freedoms our government will allow are those that will help destroy the population.

2) We are a society growing ever more dependent upon substances to cope with the difficulties of life. This study highlights how almost 60% of smokers and drinkers would not give up their vices even if it meant adding an extra 10 years to their lives. Imagine that. Giving up the most precious thing we possess: time, for cigarettes and/or alcohol. I can’t think of anything that highlights the power of addiction better than that.

3) As if we needed a study to tell us this as the carnage of the sexual revolution is visible everywhere, but the more sex partners a person has, the unhappier they are. Promiscuity, counterintuitively, leads to a lower level of happiness. People will put their short term gratification over their long term well-being almost every single time.

4) For those that followed the Brett Kavanaugh hearings earlier this year, and the unsupported accusations of a 36 year old sexual assault allegation against him, it appears that now even Christine Blasey Ford’s own father supported Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court and didn’t believe his own daughter. Ford was never credible. I have heard more believable lies from kids with cookie crumbs smeared across their face.

5) Just when you think the social engineers and trans-activists can’t appear any more ridiculous than they already are, animal handlers at a London zoo have vowed to raise the “adopted chick” of two “lesbian penguins” as “gender neutral.” Read that again. These people are ideologues and mentally ill. Our biology is hard-coded into our DNA, and despite the best efforts of the social justice movement to manufacture their monstrous and disastrous outcomes, our chromosomes dictate what we are.

6) To continue on a theme, the very nature of the social justice movement is evil at its core. They care not for people, but for power and control, and this story exemplifies how diabolical and wretched the trans movement is. There is a new show out called Drag Syndrome. Choreographer Daniel Vais has assembled six individuals with Down Syndrome, dressed them in drag, and parades them around as a freak show to enrich himself and normalize deviancy. In a normal society this would be viewed as abusive and exploitive, but in our clown world it’s “empowering” and “liberating.”

7) Why are marriage rates down? It’s a multi-faceted answer but one of the main reasons is the lack of “economically attractive” men. This is what happens in a society that pushes women out into the workforce. Feminism has not only made women unhappier, it’s also helped to create a shortage of marriageable men because studies show that women do not want to marry men that are economically beneath them.

8) And if anyone needed any more evidence as to things making women even more unhappy, this article cites a study from 2011 that said the profile of the person that was most unhappy in society was, “a 42 year old woman who was unmarried, had no children, and was a professional.” Is it any wonder that the rejection of traditional roles and mores has led women down such a bitter path of discontent?

9) The Sexual Revolution was started by men, for men, to the detriment of women. Men could now have greater access to sex with no expectation of marriage. Abortion on demand could absolve them from future financial burdens. What did women get?  A greater chance of contracting STD’s and a much lesser chance of finding a stable, committed relationship. Welcome to the world of 2019. But yeah, “traditional values” are for the “losers”. This video is one of the best explanations I’ve seen on what has happened to modern relationships.

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