The Mental Instability of the Left

If you watch CNN or MSNBC, or read the New York Times, it is only becoming more apparent by the day that leftism is a mental disorder affecting more and more. It starts with the improper use of words; they call their enemies fascists, Nazis, and racists. Clearly, they have no clue as to what fascism is and means; they’ve never bothered to read books like Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago or Orwell’s 1984. Calling someone a ‘nazi’ is a poor attempt at a slur. (It is short for the National Socialist’s Party. The Nazi’s were socialists who wanted to eliminate those they didn’t like. Sound familiar?). And racism? There is no real meaning left in that word when all it means now is ‘someone I disagree’ with.

The raving left and the anti-Trumpers can’t win in the arena of ideas so they resort to name-calling and violence. Republican politicians are now being assaulted in the open. Antifa in many cities is causing untold damages to businesses and attacking those with whom they disagree.

Leftists are fragile and weak, and easily triggered. They wage war on social media banning those with opinions that differ from their own, as their views collapse under the smallest scrutiny. They are feeble and afraid and cannot intellectually stand up against those with better and brighter ideas. Twitter deletes the accounts of countless conservatives but won’t touch the account of the Muslim Louis Farrakhan after his many anti-semitic tweets. Twitter has now banned all references to the NPC meme because it has seriously triggered leftists and hurt their feelings. (Don’t know what the NPC meme is? Watch the following).

(Make sure you make it to the 7:05 mark; that is a member of Boston Antifa. That is where the left has headed and that is what will keep Trump and the Republicans in power in November. Prepare for the Red Wave).

Leftists have no ideas. They are weird. They are deviant. They are lonely. And most seem to exhibit some signs of mental illness. They are leading America into its next civil war which will be an ideological war, much like the first one. It will happen. The left will only have itself to blame for the coming resurgence of a more resilient right and stronger nationalism.

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