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The Covid Calamity And What China Has Done To The World

We are now two months into the near global lockdown because of the new Chinese virus, now called Covid-19, and I don’t think the average person realizes what a watershed moment this is for the world. Just the other day, the mayor of Los Angeles, Eric Garcetti, announced his city would continue in lockdown until July 31st, despite having only 1700 deaths and near empty hospitals as of this writing. Here in Canada, the moron in charge (and I say that as politely as I can), Justin Trudeau, has brought Canada to a stand still and has told us that life will never be the same until we find a cure for this disease. “We will not be coming back to our former normal situation; we can’t do that until we have developed a vaccine and that could take 12 to 18 months,” Trudeau has said. “We don’t exactly know how long — we hope it’s earlier rather than later.” Despite not having found cures for diseases like cancer, diabetes, other corona viruses like SARS and MERS, and a host of others, somehow this flu-like ailment is being seen as the pale horse of the apocalypse. It is an overreaction we will never recover from.

I cannot express the anger I feel over what is happening and what those in charge are doing to the people they govern. The policies they are enacting around this “pandemic” are clearly no longer for our protection, but an authoritarian power grab to take away some of our basic freedoms and rights that make us more reliable on the ‘benevolence’ of those who rule over us. These idiots in charge will never suffer the ill affects of the policies they have enacted. They have used fear as a bludgeon to control the masses and increase our dependence upon the state. The world will never be the same again, and this is no exaggeration. It will only get worse from here if we stay on the same destructive path we are on.

President Trump has rightly pointed out from the beginning of his presidency that China is the global enemy when it comes to trade and dishonest practices. They are liars. A communist country can never be trusted because the reputation of the state is always placed above the health and well-being of its citizens. The Trump trade war took its toll on the Chinese economy so they retaliated to crush the global economies of unsuspecting countries by allowing this virus to spread before it told the world. How is it that the virus barely spread to Beijing and Shanghai, China’s two most populous cities, but engulfed the globe in a month? How did it so easily travel around the world yet be contained so quickly within China’s own borders? They did this purposely and with sinister intent to exert global dominance over their rivals which has been the stated goal of China for decades. This was done on purpose, and with malice, by the Chinese government, and the world needs to retaliate. They need to suffer punitive damages for the lives they’ve taken, the poverty they have created, and the trillions in wealth they have destroyed.

This is the evil of communism plainly seen: the reputation of the State is placed over the well-being of its citizens. China allowed the virus to escape from their own virology lab in Wuhan and with the help of the corrupt World Health Organization (WHO), they kept it a secret and allowed it to spread. I did not believe for one second that this started by some random guy eating a bat in a wet market in Wuhan; the Chinese lied about this virus from the beginning. (You can be certain of one thing in this world: whatever the official story is you are being told by any government or their willing accomplices, the media, rest assured the truth is always something other than what you are being told. The governments and media of this world are evil beyond our imaginations and they lie to us daily). There must be punitive measures taken against China in order to repay the trillions of dollars lost due to their dishonesty. China did this on purpose. It came out of their lab and they let it spread. They did this to cripple world economies; to cripple the US economy in particular, so they could become the dominant global power. This was a covert act of war; and this will lead to a future conflict between China and the US.

The reaction of Western nations to this virus is mystifying. Day after day we are told to “follow the science” for what we should be doing. But we are doing anything but. We were told that we needed to stay home to “flatten the curve” and now that that has occurred the goal posts have been moved and we are told we need to stay home until we find a cure. This is absurd on every level and fear is the tool they are wielding to make this happen. These “scientists” have been incompetent and wrong from the beginning. They told us millions would die if we didn’t social distance, yet countries like Sweden that didn’t social distance experienced the same rate of infection and death as those that did. They told us not to wear face masks because they weren’t effective, and now they want us to wear face masks everywhere. They told us you could easily catch it in the air, yet we now know now that over two thirds of all cases have occurred by being locked down with someone infected. They have told us staying in is good for our health when every doctor knows staying in is detrimental to our immune systems needed to fight off infections like this. They told us we needed thousands and thousands of ventilators in order to save lives and now we know that over 80% of the people who went on ventilators died because their bodies gave up fighting and relied on the machine. NY State, under Anthony Cuomo, sent recovering victims back into nursing homes because they thought it was safe. This led to the most deaths anywhere in the US. It was a fatal error in judgment. On almost every recommendation they have been wrong, deadly wrong.

We are a society that has put our faith and trust in “scientists” when this discipline is as incompetent and untrustworthy as any other. Teresa Tam, the top health official in Canada, and also a Chinese national and board member of the WHO, was told on January 15th that the virus could spread from human to human, but she kept this information from the Canadian people to protect China and “stop the spread of anti-Chinese bigotry.” On January 20th, she publicly stated that there was no reason for us to panic over the coronavirus. She needs to be fired and jailed; or at a minimum, deported. The combination of evil and incompetent are not something a society can withstand and still prosper; we need to root it out wherever it exists.

There are sinister men behind the continuance of this lockdown. They are not doing it for the good of the people. The death rate from this Chinese flu is around 0.1%; and the global number of deaths is far less than the 500,000-600,000 people that die from the flu every year. Yet, we are told to stay indoors while our economies crash and businesses and jobs are lost for good. There has already been a spike in suicides and overdose deaths, and this is just the beginning as grief, despair, and hopelessness overtake many. Those ordering the lockdown will never suffer from its adverse affects. We have leaders who, through their actions, are telling us they hate us and that are freedoms are no longer ours. ‘Obey your masters‘ or else. If anyone thinks this is an exaggeration let’s talk again in a year.

“The evil that men do, lives on and on.” (Bruce Dickinson)

This pandemic had barely started and men like Bill Gates (who is not a doctor; not a scientist; is unelected; yet thinks he is here to save the world from disease), Anthony Fauci, and Tedros Adhanom of the WHO were calling for global vaccinations before life could return to normal. “Things will not get back to truly normal until we have a vaccine that has gotten out to, basically, the entire world,” Gates said in an interview. Now, for anyone who has been paying attention, Gates’ personal investments and “charitable foundation” stands to make billions from global vaccines, despite the damage they have caused around the globe (see his work in Africa and India to start). He has invested heavily in the big pharmaceutical companies and has pushed their drugs for two decades now. These are not the actions of someone who cares about the health of people. (He also funds abortions in Africa as part of his stated goal of controlling population growth there, but that is a different discussion). Gates has also stated that everyone will need to carry a vaccination card (or get a quantum tattoo which can hold this information) in order to attend things like concerts or sporting events in the future. This is the ushering in of the authoritarian state using fear and manipulation.

The ultimate endgame of this lockdown is to take away our freedoms and exert greater control over our lives; even more people will now be reliant on government handouts for basic things like food and shelter. Keeping the lockdown going will lead to endless hardships for people. There will be an increase in other diseases, in suicides, and drug overdoses; the death count from these other lockdown factors will dwarf the number of people the virus killed. It is perhaps the worst thing that we can do right now and it shows that our government is not really concerned with the welfare of its people if it keeps extending these policies.

What needs to happen from here is simple. All lockdowns must instantly cease and the people who can work must get back to work right away. The elderly can choose to keep themselves out of harms way a little longer if they wish. Businesses must reopen immediately. Justin Trudeau and Teresa Tam must be held accountable for their treasonous betrayal of Canada; they have not acted in the best interests of their citizens and have demanded things that have hurt our country beyond repair. President Trump must fire Anthony Fauci and the head of the CDC for the egregiously horrible advice they have given us and their continuance in pushing the lies and dishonesty of the WHO.

We are told we will never get back to normal and the longer we stay locked down the more true this becomes. I see the coming collapse of the West and other global economies in the next 15-20 years. Hard times are upon us and harder times are coming.  Here are a few things things that I think we’ll see to take us further down that path.

-The cold war against China has already begun but we will see an escalation and perhaps a hot war in the future. If China makes moves against Taiwan, which they have talked about in recent weeks, the world will be at war with China.

-Many more will die because of the lockdown and the new levels of poverty that have occurred than from the virus. Poor economic conditions lead to more death. We will not recover from a crashed economy.

-Disease will flourish. Deaths from cancer, diabetes, and other ailments that went undetected during this lockdown will kill many more people than the Chinese virus did. Our leaders know this but ignore it. They don’t care about our health and that is why this lockdown is not about taking care of us.

-Suicides and overdoses will increase with the rise in hopelessness and despair that comes with massive job losses and a shrinking economy.

-Trump will be re-elected by a greater margin than in 2016 as more Americans begin to realize that he is the only candidate that truly cares about America. The recent emergency funding bill put forward by the Democrats showed greater care for prisoners and illegal immigrants; a staunch and necessary Democratic voting block.

-We will see a global requirement for forced vaccines in order to ensure “safety” and “health” when in reality it will cause even more disease and control over people.

-Social Distancing was, and is, nonsense. Societies that didn’t enforce SD guidelines suffered no greater infection rates than those that did. It will continue to be used in order to alienate people further, keep churches from meeting, and generally stop people from interacting.

-We will see a move away from hard currency to a digital currency in order that all purchase activities can be monitored by the government. Add to this the proliferation of 5G technology and the new global Surveillance State will be fully operational. This is all about control.

-Gun confiscations of ordinary citizens will begin and the last vestiges of freedom will become an old-fashioned idea. Welcome to our Brave New World.

I am generally an optimistic person. But when one understands the nature of man and his propensity towards evil in this world, along with how easily we rolled over and allowed our freedoms to evapourate so easily, the authoritarian society now visible on the horizon is almost an inevitable reality. That is what COVID-19 and China has done to the world.

What Do You Seek?

Happiness. Everyone talks about it; everyone wants it. It is not a state of being, but a transient moment that we may experience from time to time. It is unattainable as a permanent mental state, and so very few people know how to find it. The message that bombards us constantly is that if only ‘we had this‘ or ‘we looked like that‘ or ‘we had a better job‘ we would be happy. Some of the richest men who lived died miserable and unhappy. Many of those who seem to have it all, with envied fame or unlimited fortune, make a train wreck of their lives, with failed relationships or the abuse of drugs and alcohol. See any Hollywood tabloid for proof.

Do you want to be happy? Stop looking for it. Be content with where you are, with what you have, and strive for improvement in all areas of your life. Read more. Spend less. Practise self-control. Use your time wisely. Remind yourself daily of this: happiness is not in things. It comes from living a simple life full of great, natural experiences and good people. Put away envy; do not yearn for the things that others have; do not wish for another life. But rather, live as one who makes wise decisions; who foregoes immediate gratification and aims for long term contentment. Pursue virtue. Run from vice. Do this, and happiness will occur naturally. You will wonder what to do with the excess.

How To Live A Good Life: A Letter To Myself

It is near axiomatic that life is difficult. There is death, illness, suffering, and hardships; then every once in awhile moments of joy and happiness over take us and we remember that life is good, in spite of the trials we may face. All of us will undergo various ups and downs through life; it is intrinsic to the human experience. When we look around at the world we see record numbers suffering from anxiety, depression, loneliness, substance abuse, and chronic laziness. How did we get like this? Why is it so pervasive? The answers are not simple, they are multi-faceted, but ultimately, we as humans make poor choices that affects the quality of our lives. We choose short term gratification over our own long term prosperity. We choose that which is easy over that which is difficult far more often than we should.

We all have regrets in life, and those who with great bravado say they don’t are liars. But that does not mean we can’t change; that we can’t push ourselves in a different direction to improve our lives. Despite the mistakes of our past, we have today to change our habits and move forward to greater contentment and fulfillment in life. The greatest lie many of us believe is that we are stuck in our current situations and there’s no way out. We can always make changes; we can always improve those things that we’ve failed at before.

For years, I’ve thought long and hard about what it takes to live a fulfilled life. From all my reading and experience I’ve put together a list of things I believe will change an individual’s life for the better if they were able to implement them. Some are easy fixes; others will require some real effort and determination to change. If I, as a 54 year old man today, could write a letter to my 18 year old self on how to live, on how to chart out my life ahead, on the things I should prioritize in this one life I’ve been given, this is the advice I would pass along:

1) Tell The Truth – Dishonesty seems to be the default position of almost everyone today. Be honest. Be truthful. Be a man of honour. Even when it’s difficult and to your own self-detriment. The lessons of life can be hard when we diverge from those things that are good, beautiful, and true.

2) Work Hard – Personal gratification comes from hard work and a job well done. It is imperative that you change your mindset around work, and what it is, in order to avoid becoming an incessant complainer about it. Only through work can we understand the concept of value which informs most of the important decisions we have to make. Push through times of laziness for it can become a chronic condition and keep you from your goals.

3) Make Long-Term Goals – Choose your long term goals first, and then determine the short term goals required to get you there. Spend time reflecting on and contemplating who you are, what you want, and the direction you want your life to take. If you are not purposeful in making a plan it makes it far harder for it to materialize.

4) Save your money – Do not spend your money on frivolous things. If you live beyond your means your life will be stressful. We all like nice things, but save until you can afford it. Debt is a hard taskmaster that will keep you enslaved. Money will not “buy you happiness” as they say; but it will give you freedom that many don’t have.

5) Beware of Substances – Alcohol will control you; drugs will ruin you. They will dull you and not allow you to function how you should. They will keep you from being present and experiencing the fullness of life. The illusion of the short term pleasures of being drunk or high are NEVER worth the long term damage that drugs and alcohol will ALWAYS cause. Substances are for the weak and uninteresting who need a crutch to have what they believe is a good time. Be better than average people; demand better of yourself. Be strong and resolute in not allowing this weakness to overcome you.

6) Happiness Is Not A Goal – Do not pursue happiness as an end goal unto itself for it is subjective and unobtainable. Pursue contentment in every facet of life. Happiness is a subjective state of mind that you can never attain and the pursuit will leave you feeling depressed and down when those brief moments pass. Rather, cultivate contentment no matter your station in life at the time. If you aim to be happy all the time you will most certainly miss the mark.

7) Do Not Look For The Praise Of Others – It matters not what others think of you, except those closest friends and family that love and genuinely care for you. If you do things to garner praise, whether in person or online, you will get caught in the cycle of disappointment and depression. Listen to the words and wisdom of those who love and value you. Our value and worth is not determined by what we look like, by our online presence, or by the accolades of strangers.

8) Read More – Reading is the number one thing that will make you more intelligent and interesting as a person. Read books. Read articles. Read in depth to learn, not for entertainment. Avoid social media. Avoid Twitter. Avoid Netflix. Stay away from video games. Or use them sparingly. They are shallow pursuits that will atrophy your brain over time; they will profit you nothing. The old adage “Garbage in, garbage out” is as true today as it ever was. On your deathbed you will never wish you spent more time scrolling on Instagram or watching more shows on Netflix.

9) Manage Your Time – Time is the most precious commodity we have. You have one chance to build your life into something you can be proud of that brings you a level of contentment very few will ever know. Always be on time for everything. Being late is a sign of selfishness where you signal to the other person that your time is more valuable than theirs. It is a reflection on the person you are.

10) Beware The Pleasure Trap – Pursuing pleasure as a goal will ALWAYS leave you feeling empty when it’s gone. It is like eating candy for dinner; it will taste good at the time but will leave you starving and unhealthy over time. Stay away from porn. It rewires your brain and lowers your testosterone. It will eventually destroy your relationships. Pleasure as a sole/soul pursuit will empty your life of contentment and meaning.

11) Invest Your Time In Important Relationships – Determine the people that are most important to you and spend your time investing in their lives, for it will pay more rewarding dividends than any stock. Our relationships matter more than the things we have or what we do. We are social beings who crave the company of others for fulfillment. Those that neglect this lead extremely lonely lives.

12) Give Of Yourself – The most contented people are those who spend their time and resources giving to others. There’s greater joy in giving than in receiving. It will help guard against narcissism and selfishness. Those that are the most mentally healthy are those that give of themselves and keep their focus on the well-being of others.

13) Acquire Real Treasures – True joy and satisfaction is found in people and experiences, never in accumulating “things.” Things will tarnish, rust, break, and deteriorate over time; the joy they bring will be fleeting. Our consumer culture teaches us that we need this or that item to be happy, to be “in” or “cool” in the moment. Look for times, experiences, and people that move your soul to make you appreciate the time we have here.

14) Learn From Your Mistakes – We all make mistakes. Big ones. Small ones. If you do not learn from poor decisions then you have not grown. We all have regrets; even those that say they don’t, are liars. There are things we cannot change and other things we can make right. Be honest with yourself about the things you’ve done, and be better.

15) Do Not Fear Being A Man – And lastly, embrace your masculinity and never compromise your values. The world will call you toxic; they will castigate you as privileged or entitled. Do not care what they say. There is no time or place to entertain the criticisms of the weak and envious. Men are builders, protectors, strong in will, and kind in disposition. Be that man.

This is not a perfect list, nor does the perfect list exist. Life will be a series of tough learning experiences and moments of great joy. Strike a balance in all things, for moderation will keep you on that straight and narrow path of a life well-lived that few will walk.

Hirjah And The Undoing Of The West

It is happening all over the West and no one cares. From an historical perspective, it is an invasion, an act of war; that is how historians will describe it when they look back centuries from now. We are witnesses to the Islamic doctrine of Hirjah unfolding before us, and there couldn’t be greater apathy towards it from those that lead us. This year, 2019, marked the first time that the name Muhammad made the top ten list of boys baby names in America, and I predict it will be in the top three within five years.

Hirjah is the modern Muslim doctrine of emigrating to new lands, out-breeding the native population, and over time, turning that nation Islamic. It is based on Muhammad’s migration from Mecca to Medina in the year 622 AD, where he changed his unimpactful doctrines of a peaceful Islam into a religion of bloodshed and the sword. It was those ruthless years in Medina that gave Islam its growth and political power, as it did not grow at all during those years in Mecca when it was peaceful.

Cultures die when good men apathetically refuse to defend them. For those who have studied and understand the history of Islam, they know that it has only spread and grown through violence and authoritarian control. Unlike Christianity, for example, there has been no peaceful missionary movement that sought conversions through compassionate care of physical needs or the building of needed infrastructure to improve the quality of life of the population as a whole. Islam means submission and it has spread out of fear of death if one refuses to submit. Islam is not a religion and certainly not a religion of peace; it is an authoritarian political movement that seeks control of the entire population of earth.

Islam is a revolutionary faith that comes to destroy any government made by man. The goal of Islam is to rule the entire world and submit all of mankind to the faith of Islam. Any nation or power that gets in the way of that goal, Islam will fight and destroy. In order to fulfill that goal, Islam can use every power available every way it can be used to bring worldwide revolution. This is jihad.”   -Syed Abul Ala Mawdudi (1905-1979), world-renowned Islamic scholar.

Jihad is not peaceful. The practice of Jihad is not optional. Hirjah is the subtle means by which this is occurring right before us. A former Muslim sheds insight into how the lobbyists plan to dominate America. He speaks from a Muslim perspective:

“American laws will protect us. Democrats and Leftists will support us. N.G.O.s will legitimize us. The A.C.L.U. will empower us. Western Universities will educate us. Mosques will shelter us. O.P.E.C. will finance us. The United Nations will cover for us. Our children will immigrate from Pakistan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Indonesia to the US and to the other Western countries. We will use your welfare system. Our children will send money home while they are preparing for Jihad. We will take advantage of American kindness, gullibility, compassion, and freedom of speech. When the time comes, we will stab them in the back…”

The West needs to awaken to the threat in our midst. If we are to preserve our way of life for our children and their posterity, we cannot allow our nations to be invaded; we cannot allow our values to be subverted and our *virtue of tolerance to be taken advantage of. The war is raging right now, and sadly, only one side knows its fighting.

*Tolerance is NOT a virtue. Nor can a society remain in tact if it tolerates evil in its midst. The pursuit of the good, the beautiful, and the true cannot allow for the tolerance of those things that will subvert this pursuit.

Civilizational Collapse

Western Civilization is collapsing all around us and most people barely notice the rubble piling up everywhere. Nihilism, the pervasive ideology of the day, has so absorbed people that they do not even notice the burning edifices of the West all around them. Liberalism, or Leftism, or Progressivism, always leads to the eventual destruction of society as I’ve written about before here. We are in the final stages of civilizational collapse and the West is committing societal suicide as all once-great societies have done in centuries past.

1) Throughout history, all nations have declined morally from within first; weakening them to the point of collapse. The sexual liberation movement of the late 1960’s started our current decline which has been sped up by the full scale acceptance of homosexuality, transgenderism, and now the early defence of pederasty as a legitimate orientation in some circles. Camille Paglia has pointed out that the death throes of a society are normally seen in the open acceptance of homosexuality and transgenderism (androgyny) and the West is no different. When you openly embrace degenerate behaviour and normalize it, a society cannot be saved.

2) Every nation in the world is in debt; a debt so great that they will never be able to pay it off, which leads to the continual devaluation of its currency and the slow erosion of wealth of the average person. Debt, both governmental and personal, inflates asset prices so that life becomes more unaffordable for people as time passes. It separates the have’s from the have-not’s and magnifies the divide between rich and poor. As wealth becomes concentrated amongst the very few and the masses are thrown into poverty and a type of indentured servitude, social order breaks down and becomes increasingly more difficult to maintain. We are already seeing the signs of violent protests in parts of the world as governments enact policies that continue to expand this financial divide.

3) There are currently 102 million Americans that do not work and rely on government assistance for their needs. Approximately 55% of citizens are on some form of social assistance. A nation cannot stand when a minority of workers have to support the majority. The US economy is now a financial Ponzi Scheme that has gutted the middle class. Without a vibrant and productive middle class a nation will not prosper.

4) Over the past 2 years, the US has seen almost 70,000 deaths due to opioid addiction. The proliferation of drug use is a sign of how dark the soul of a society is. When people can’t face the horrible realities around them they turn to substances to numb the pain of their lives. One in eight Americans are now alcoholics. 15-20% are on anti-depressants with that number increasing every year. Nihilism leads to hopelessness, which in turn leads to the need for substances to blot out the pain of dreary and unfulfilled lives. People need transcendent purpose. Without it, we will continue to watch their lives destroyed by drugs, as despair and hopelessness overwhelms them.

5) Homelessness in big cities is making certain neighbourhoods unliveable. Watch this documentary on the homeless crisis in Seattle and observe the problems and policies that are causing the major American cities to rot from within. This is a crisis that continues to grow at an alarming rate, fuelled primarily by drug addiction, and politicians do not care. They do nothing to stop it.

6) We have become a people attracted to the banal and inane and are consumed by entertainment. When is the last time someone told you about a great book they had just read? With more entertainment choices vying for our attention we have countless ways to waste our time. If we further become a people that fills our minds with the latest show on Netflix, or relegate our reading to 140 characters on Twitter, then we will not be a people that advances in intelligence and wisdom. If we think nightclubs, and parties, and other forms of mindless “fun” are worthy pursuits weekend after weekend, then we will become worthless, uninteresting, and boring as a people.

Collapse does not happen all at once, much like the frog that boils slowly in the pot. In the end, collapse happens because people choose to elevate the evil, ugly, and disgusting things in our midst and curse the Good, the Beautiful, and the True. The progressive Utopia that the secularists promised us is what we now see all around us: a dysfunctional society. That is it. This is the best they can do. When the foundation of your house is built on decadence, perversity, and lies, it will crumble. We do not have much time left. The West, as we have known it, is finished.

The Alabama Heartbeat Bill

A few weeks ago, Alabama passed a pro-life bill banning all abortions once a heart beat was detectable in the baby; some time in the first trimester. I’ve written on abortion before and believe it to be one of the most heinous acts we permit in society today. I believe fifty years from now we will look back at abortion as we now look at the slavery of 150 years ago: as utterly unthinkable for normal, moral people.

This won’t be one of the nicest things I’ve written because I truly believe one of the most unintelligent demographics alive today is the unthinking, twenty-something, social media addicted female, that thinks they are somehow empowered by blindly repeating the common narrative about their bodily autonomy fed to them by ugly feminists. The murder of babies inside their mothers is evil and those that agitate for free and open abortion are evil and soulless. And I don’t mean the young, conflicted, pregnant girl with no place to turn; I mean animals like this.

When the Alabama legislation was passed, the pro-abortion crowd on the internet blew up in rage denouncing the legislature as backwards and anti-woman. The pro-abortion crowd isn’t very bright. A lot of young women on various social media sites took to their soap boxes to tell the world and their followers how this was an attack on women, how this was discrimination, how this was the plot of men, blah blah blah. Very few, if any, presented a cogent argument for the extermination of the unborn. (NY state just banned the declawing of cats yet they will now allow the dismemberment and removal of a baby moments before birth on the mere whim of the mother; and the death cult that is the pro-choice movement seems fine with that). We are watching the total inversion of truth and goodness; calling that which is evil, good; and that which is good, evil.

The social media outrage machine was interesting to watch as each and every “empowered woman” felt the need to virtue signal their support for abortion, and in some grotesque way, as some feckless show of solidarity for women. Many weren’t capable of writing anything worth reading and kept to posting memes. There were three in particular I saw quite often and would like to highlight how objectively stupid and misinformed they are.

This first meme simply states, ‘Against abortion? Have a vasectomy.’ The implication of this message is that the only people against abortion are men, which shows the sheer ignorance of those posting it. The pro-life movement is estimated to be made up of approximately 80% women. The Alabama bill was written by a woman and ultimately signed by the Governor Kay Ivy, also a woman. Shrill abortion proponents like to yell at men for all these anti-abortion laws, and admittedly, most legislatures are predominantly men. But the movement as a whole is made up of women who value life because they are the ones who have experienced the miracle of bringing new life into the world. The majority of women are pro-life or want to see lots of restrictions on abortion. This stupid, vocal minority, seems to forget this inconvenient fact.

Another meme that made the rounds was this one that said, ‘My body, my choice.’ Again, those that posted it thought that it was in some way profound. All it really showed was an utter lack of understanding what is at issue. It fails to grasp that there is no longer just one body at issue, but two. In the womb there is a second, wholly independent person, with its own uniquely coded DNA. It is not a parasite, a tumour, a lump of cells, or any other derogatory name the pro-abortion crowd likes to use in order to avoid calling it was it really is, a baby. They have to first dehumanize the baby with these other names in order to make its death more palatable. One of the ironies these women are too stupid to contemplate is that there are now a growing number of sex-selective abortions that almost always target those babies that are female. Where are the women defending the most helpless females of all? Nowhere. They are silent, and they are cowards.

This last meme was by far the most common meme I saw; it was posted everywhere. And it was by a long ways, the dumbest and most ignorant of all. It says, ‘Men shouldn’t be making laws about women’s bodies.’ I really had to wonder if any of the halfwits posting this stopped to think about what they were saying. Do they not realize that there are thousands and thousands of laws on the books that govern what we can and cannot do with our bodies, both male and female? It is illegal to inject oneself with heroin. It is illegal to cause bodily harm to another. It is illegal to commit suicide. It is illegal to get a tattoo under the age of 18. It is illegal to put alcohol into your body before 19 or 21. And the list of laws regulating what can and can’t be done to our bodies goes on and on. All laws are written to regulate what one can and cannot do. The implication of this meme is that it is only men who are against abortion and are trying to ban it in order to control women. Both men and women make laws in order to promote the most good and very many of those laws do pertain to control over our bodies.

These women are stupid. There is no other conclusion to reach. They hide behind euphemisms like reproductive rights, healthcare, choice, and others. They never address the reality of what they are advocating: the murder of another person for their own convenience. Vapid celebrities like Alyssa Milano promote “sex strikes” while many others virtue signal their support for unfettered abortion of any kind for any reason. The free love movement of the 60’s necessitated the legalization of abortion not long after in order to deal with the unwanted consequences that many suffered. If the feminists were honest they would admit how badly they have failed women and the untold harm they have done to women by promoting abortion as the quick, post-coital birth control solution. Millions have been killed and many live lives burdened by the guilt of their choice. Abortion is big business and money drives the entire enterprise. In order to keep the money rolling in you need an army of useful idiots posting memes and chanting vile slogans to try and help normalize such an evil in our midst. And these twenty something millennials are just the idiots they need to keep the death cult in business.

The Game of Thrones Finale

The Game of Thrones finale seems to have left the majority of people who followed the series feeling empty. Internet petitions have been started to ask HBO to redo the final season as the disappointment appears to be quite widespread. I too, found the last episode to be an unsatisfying way to end this series. Let me first say that the production quality was incredible and had the feel of a big budget film. Some of the imagery alone captured certain moments perfectly and the speeches by Tyrion Lannister and Jon Snow showed moments of brilliant writing. But sadly, Hollywood couldn’t help but flex their progressive bona fides in the wrap up of the series.

Humans love great stories. Stories speak to us in ways few other things can. From ancient tales to Biblical stories; in modern classics like The Lord of the Rings and the first three Star Wars movies, great stories resonate with the human condition. All of life is the battle between good and evil, both from within and without; and there is something innately satisfying about seeing justice done and good prevail. Men want to see good triumph over evil in a world where we are too often reminded that too much evil exists.

I couldn’t help but see how the typical progressive mindset of Hollywood writers set about to destroy what most yearned for: Jon Snow upon the Iron Throne. Snow embodied a great leader and king. He showed unwavering integrity and loyalty; he cared not for himself but for his family, friends, and the people under him. He did not desire the throne for the power that came with it, which made him the perfect person to sit upon it and rule justly.

Instead, the writers saw fit to split the Seven Kingdoms and allow The North to stay independent with Sansa as their Queen, because, well, women can be great leaders too, I guess. Rumour has it that various spin-offs are in the works but the entire series was about uniting the Seven Kingdoms under one ruler and that didn’t happen. It seemed far too obvious that the writers wanted to virtue signal their support for female leadership despite Sansa being the “birthright ruler” earlier scenes in the episode railed against; specifically Tyrion’s speech to the council. The other six Kingdoms were given to Bran Stark, the young crippled boy with magical powers. Bran really showed no leadership characteristics throughout the series and seemed to be an empty, safe, and uninspiring pick for King.

Jon Snow deserved the throne. He was the only good leader throughout the series. Strong leaders with integrity are looked down upon in this day and age while weaker, effete leaders seem to be lauded (think Trudeau and Macron).

People were left feeling disappointed because deep down they want to see good triumph over evil and good men prevail. These are the oldest and most cherished of human stories. Only the best stories survive down through the ages and they typically end with evil being vanquished because that is the deep yearning of humanity; that good prevails and the evil around us done away with for good. People may not understand why the ending of the Game of Thrones left them unsatisfied because we live in a world that tries to invert good and evil and we’ve begun to accept this inversion as normal. Most still want to see good prevail and justice done. Only Jon Snow upon the Iron Throne would have made things seem right and order in the Seven Kingdoms restored. We got something far less than that.

Abortion: Evil In Our Midst

In 1973, the right to have an abortion was suddenly found in the Constitution as “Jane Roe”, or Norma McCorvey, fought for the right to have her baby removed because it was the product of rape. It was a lie. Years later, McCorvey admitted that she was never raped. But the damage had been done and the path was created for the extermination of millions of babies in the decades to follow for nothing more than the mere whim of the mother.

What started as a legal challenge based on the most extreme of circumstances: rape and the emotional trauma that comes with that, has now morphed into abortion as post-coital birth control. We were told it would be rare, and yet now it almost seems a rite of passage for the “empowered” woman. Rather than using birth control, some women now have multiple abortions as if it were nothing.

The movie Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer recently introduced us to one American abortion doctor’s clinic that became a gruesome shop of horrors. Dr. Kermit Gosnell would deliver babies alive and snip their spinal cords with scissors or puncture their skulls while still breathing and alive. Their lifeless corpses would then be thrown in the garbage or put in one of his many freezers. Fully birthed babies were murdered, and this goes on everywhere and kept hush by those who make millions in this lucrative industry.

In the last several weeks, the leftists have taken their love of abortion to new depths. First, the New York State legislature stood and cheered as they legalized partial birth abortion which occurs late in the third trimester when the baby is fully formed, can feel pain, and is viable outside the womb. And if that wasn’t bad enough, later that same week, Governor Ralph Northam of Virginia went on radio to explain a new bill in Virginia that would allow mothers and doctors to let a baby die after it had been born, depending upon what the mother decides at that moment. Watch:

It’s hard to grasp the magnitude of such barbarism where a vulnerable, autonomous human being, is left to die (well after the “my body, my choice” argument could even be made). The Democrats and leftists are now a murderous death cult and should be described and shamed as such as they continue to try and codify infanticide into law. Here is Kathy Tran the Virginia lawmaker introducing her abortion bill in the legislature:

Ironically that same day, she introduced a separate bill that would protect the Fall Cankerworm, an insect, by “prohibiting spraying during certain months.” Think about that for a moment and let the abject evil of leftists sink in: one bill would allow for the murder of babies moments after birth, to be discarded like medical waste, while the other bill would seek to protect the “lives” of worms. This is indefensible on any level.

Just yesterday, US Senate Democrats blocked the passing of the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act which would have provided care for children born alive after a failed abortion. Think about that for a minute. When a child is born alive after a failed abortion attempt, now breathing and autonomous outside the womb, Democrats and leftists support allowing the baby to go uncared for until it dies. This is beyond sick and twisted and is rooted in evil so dark and inhumane that it needs to be decried at every turn. This is no longer about a “woman’s body” and what she can do with it; this is about infanticide.

So the next time a leftist wants to moralize about Trump’s fitness for office, or gun ownership, or someone’s opinion on gay marriage, remember that they are devoid of any moral footing and should not be taken seriously if they support the termination of human lives.

I know of no other evil accepted and promoted so callously and matter-of-factly. Abortion is evil and those who promote it, and advocate for it, are evil. We can’t couch our words in colourful platitudes, we must call it what it is. To leftists, the only thing more precious than a newborn baby, is the right to kill it.

The Mental Instability of the Left

If you watch CNN or MSNBC, or read the New York Times, it is only becoming more apparent by the day that leftism is a mental disorder affecting more and more. It starts with the improper use of words; they call their enemies fascists, Nazis, and racists. Clearly, they have no clue as to what fascism is and means; they’ve never bothered to read books like Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago or Orwell’s 1984. Calling someone a ‘nazi’ is a poor attempt at a slur. (It is short for the National Socialist’s Party. The Nazi’s were socialists who wanted to eliminate those they didn’t like. Sound familiar?). And racism? There is no real meaning left in that word when all it means now is ‘someone I disagree’ with.

The raving left and the anti-Trumpers can’t win in the arena of ideas so they resort to name-calling and violence. Republican politicians are now being assaulted in the open. Antifa in many cities is causing untold damages to businesses and attacking those with whom they disagree.

Leftists are fragile and weak, and easily triggered. They wage war on social media banning those with opinions that differ from their own, as their views collapse under the smallest scrutiny. They are feeble and afraid and cannot intellectually stand up against those with better and brighter ideas. Twitter deletes the accounts of countless conservatives but won’t touch the account of the Muslim Louis Farrakhan after his many anti-semitic tweets. Twitter has now banned all references to the NPC meme because it has seriously triggered leftists and hurt their feelings. (Don’t know what the NPC meme is? Watch the following).

(Make sure you make it to the 7:05 mark; that is a member of Boston Antifa. That is where the left has headed and that is what will keep Trump and the Republicans in power in November. Prepare for the Red Wave).

Leftists have no ideas. They are weird. They are deviant. They are lonely. And most seem to exhibit some signs of mental illness. They are leading America into its next civil war which will be an ideological war, much like the first one. It will happen. The left will only have itself to blame for the coming resurgence of a more resilient right and stronger nationalism.

The Evil Keeps Coming

I’ve mentioned this to people in the past. They’ve laughed. They’ve rolled their eyes. They’ve said I’m crazy. But it’s happening. It’s coming. The normalization of hebephilia and pedophilia is upon us.

The decline started slowly. The normalization of homosexuality as a natural inclination began our descent. We were told that what people do in their bedrooms was no one else’s business. But that wasn’t enough for them so they brought their bedrooms out into the open and flaunted them in parades and taught them in the classrooms to our young. From there we saw gay marriage codified into law rather quickly, changing the very definition of the word ‘marriage’ that stood for millennia. And before the ink was even dry, the transgender activists stepped up to the mic and demanded to urinate in whatever bathroom they saw fit.

Through all these cultural watershed moments I maintained that the end game was the normalization and acceptance of pedophilia as a legitimate sexual orientation, and now with each passing month it appears as if I am right.

The image at the beginning of this post is a picture of a flyer recently seen on a telephone pole in California. The caption reads: Pedophiles are people too because love is love. Normal people should be disgusted at the thought of this, but there is an increasing number of social justice activists that are now pushing this upon society. And from their twisted view of the world and life, it only makes logical sense to do so. For you see, once you remove the boundaries of our normal biological sexuality–a man and a woman procreating to promulgate the species and build civilization–anything goes. If anything outside of normal male/female sex can be normalized, like same sex relations for example, then logically, it all can be.

Recently, a TED Talk was released where Mirjam Heine wanted us to consider how difficult it is to live for those with a “natural” sexual predilection towards children. The short talk can be viewed here. (The TED organization pulled the video and tries to block any subsequent uploads of it. Hopefully this link will remain in tact). She wanted us to feel sympathy for those “born” with this orientation. A couple years prior to this Slate magazine published an article by a pedophile asking the world to stop and try to understand them. (The original article was removed due to a public backlash, but similar articles keep appearing).

There are groups now working towards the social acceptance of incest and bestiality. As long as a brother and sister don’t have children who does it hurt if they both consent? As long as we treat animals humanely why can’t they be used for sexual gratification? These are the crooked next steps down the path to abandoning any moral constraint around human sexuality. The ultimate goal of this perverse view is the permissibility of sex between children and adults. A necessary stepping stone in this process is the Trans movement and their pushing to allow children as young as 4 to take puberty blockers so they can later transition. The argument goes thus: if a 4 year old boy thinks they are a girl, then he is making a claim about his sexuality. And if a 4 year old boy is that aware of his sexuality at such a young age, then the argument can be made (and is being made) that that small boy, with such an awareness, will be able to consent to sexual activity at a much younger age, for consent follows from awareness. There are already places in North America where groups are calling for the lowering of the age of consent; half of Europe has the age of consent at 14. Evil works in the shadows.

This will happen. You can roll your eyes at the thought, but it will. You can’t be shocked when it does for the signs are all around us. Deviance and perversity slowly creep in, and once they gain a foothold, become normal over time.

Combatting Evil

Aboard a recent flight I watched the current Oscar Winner for Best Picture, Darkest Hour, about Winston Churchill’s role in World War II and the defence of the British Empire. While there are many things from the film that can be written about, I was struck by the difference in resolve between those that did not want to fight and negotiate peace and Churchill’s unwavering conviction that there could be no appeasement with evil as it approached them.

Politicians, for the most part, are weak men, and seek power out of lust and greed. Neville Chamberlain and Viscount Halifax wanted to sit down and make a deal with Hitler and the Germans that would have assured the subservience of the British people for generations, and their own well-being. With 300,000 British troops trapped on the beach at Dunkirk and the Germans bearing down on their position, Churchill ordered civilian boats to do what they could to rescue as many men as possible. Almost all were saved.

We live in a world full of evil and I think that if any of us truly knew the depths to which the heart of man can stoop most would be shocked. From the open sex trafficking in Asia and other parts of the world to the Muslim grooming and rape gangs in Rotherham, to the suppression of thoughts and beliefs and religious freedoms, to the carnage of disposed baby parts at every abortion clinic across so-called civilized nations, evil is abundant and prolific. Good men know that evil must not be negotiated with, for that is the domain of the weak.

Strong men and strong leaders will punch back twice as hard as they are hit, and that is the type of men we need in this day to fight against the rot and decay of a modern society.

A Reckoning

There are certain words that have always been favourites of mine that make me take immediate notice when I hear them. Words such as fear, vengeance, justice, and reckoning, are but a few. I gravitate towards old, antiquated words and I’ve always loved the word reckoning, for in it, there is such an ominous sense of justice and finality.

The dictionary defines the word ‘reckoning’ as a settlement of accounts or, an appraisal or judgment.

I’ve always had a very strong sense of justice being that I’m high in conscientiousness on the ‘Big Five’ trait scale (real justice, not the mealy-mouthed ‘social justice’ that so many advocate for in this day) and the word ‘reckoning’ has always meant to me that justice will be done in time; in a time of reckoning. I would venture a guess that almost all men everywhere have this same sense of justice and yearn for it to be done. Imagine standing in line at the grocery store and someone just pushes their cart in front of you in the checkout line. Now, some people will openly object and some may remain quiet; but everyone will feel like they have been wronged and immediately want some justice to be done in the situation. It is natural for us to feel this way when we’ve been wronged; it’s part of our human nature. We would immediately like to see a ‘reckoning’ come to that person who pushed their way past us; we desire to see them reckoned with and justice done.

I think it’s natural for men to want to see justice done and men who’ve wronged others brought to account for their actions. I think there is great appeal to the Christian doctrine of all men standing in judgment before God upon their death, the great and final reckoning of all, to receive the sentence for the evil committed at their hands. Even the Buddhist concept of Karma, has at it’s root, justice being done to those who act unjustly towards others. As much as many of us would like to see justice always come swiftly on earth, it is comforting for many to know that justice will be done, eventually. It is appalling to our natural sense of fairness that evil can, and does go unpunished; we want it, we long for it.

I find the word ‘reckoning’ a comforting word, a word that gives me a sense that even out of evil, some good may come; that justice will come out of injustice and things will ultimately be made right. We may never see it happen, but a reckoning will come. Even, for myself.

Tattoos: A Disfiguring Epidemic

It is undeniable that there is a tattoo problem in the world. While it affects almost every age group, millennials in particular have taken to the pseudo art form and scarred themselves, in many instances, irreparably (it’s as artistic as cartoons or notebook doodles; we’ve lost the meaning of the word ‘art’). Is there any surprise that tattoo removal is now a booming business? I, like most, have noticed the trend towards tattooing by a generation that is known as impulsive, lacking in foresight, and narcissistic while demonstrating it openly with a poor aesthetic sensibility for all to see. Where once tattoos were historically the marks of pagans and tribal warriors, and then appropriated by military servicemen and violent gangs, they have now become the fashion statements of the short-sighted and impulsive, and in some cases the mentally ill. Multiple studies are starting to emerge that give us some insight into the tattooed in our midst. Just look at the #facetattoo hashtag on Instagram and see the mental illness of many people on full display.

At their very core, tattoos seek to modify not only one’s body, but the self-esteem of the recipient as well. It is a way for many people to envision a more perfect self, and in so doing, admitting their un-tattooed self is imperfect. Rather than working on the inner self and dealing with the esteem and body-image issues, many people have taken to scarring themselves as a bandaid solution for the greater internal problems not dealt with. An article in Psychology Today put it like this:

Today, tattoos have proliferated. While rationales can be as varied as the designs, all tattoos modify self-esteem as well as bodies. Like cosmetics, tattoos are prosthetic, since like an artificial limb they make up for something felt to be missing or inadequate. We’re always devising ways to enhance parts of our bodies, from diets and wigs to a Michael Jackson makeover. Once we’re self-aware, there’s really no such thing as a wholly “natural” body. We compete with others and ourselves to envision a more perfect us.

It should not surprise us that many people, especially millennials, feel lost in the world and are almost begging to be noticed. They feel unnoticed by the masses around them and tattoos, it is thought, will get one the needed attention and make them stand out as an individual. It is thought to be a method by which to improve one’s status in the world, albeit a shallow one.

Tattoos promise to make you attractive, as if you have a personal force akin to gravity. Notice me. The more attraction you command, the more attention you get, and the more life you have—as we see in the public’s devotion to celebrities and leaders. As the name says, hero-worship, too, has a religious character, and if you’re the hero, you’re superhuman. The more people you have thinking about you, the more of you there seems to be. In the wisdom of slang, you can be, if not godlike, at least a “bigshot.”

Sadly, what was once seen as rebellious to societal norms has become the norm as we’ve witnessed the inversion of virtue on a grand scale. It is no longer individualistic and daring to do exactly what everyone else is doing, yet this seems lost on the many who think they are exactly that.

While the statistics about men tattooing themselves are interesting, and do somewhat mirror the statistics pertaining to women, the stats that emerge about tattooed females tell a much bleaker tale of our cultural drift towards the nihilistic and banal. The most highly tattooed demographic is women in their 20’s (several studies conclude close to 40%) which indicates a massive rejection of classically feminine traits. Women of today have traded in their feminine power of natural beauty for trite and meaningless “girl power individualism” by adding the outward ink markings. The true power of the feminine has been abandoned for the traditionally masculine procedure; and this has been to the detriment of tattooed women and how they are viewed. (And any society that allows their men to be feminized and their women to be masculinized will not survive more than two generations. We are in the last stages of final decline). Studies have shown that men assess tattooed women negatively.

The few studies that have focused on men’s perceptions of tattooed women have found that these women are seen in a generally negative light. One study, for example, asked men to rate a 24-year old woman seen in a photograph on a range of personal characteristics. Some men were shown the photo with a black dragon tattoo on the woman’s upper left arm; others were shown the photo without the tattoo. When men saw the woman with the tattoo, they judged her as less athletic, less motivated, less honest, less generous, less religious, less intelligent and less artistic than when she displayed no tattoo. But Guéguen noticed one curious set of findings in this thin research area: While men see tattooed women as less attractive, they also see them as more promiscuous.

There exists a healthy body of research that indicates men exalt beauty in both long-term and in short-term mating, and in every one of them a women with tattoos is predominantly seen as a short-term partner; ie. not a quality long-term partner or responsible parent. This is why tattoos are considered “sexy” by men. Tattoos don’t make women any more attractive (in fact, in scarring herself she becomes less so), they simply provide an easy method of quickly identifying that she is more readily accessible sexually than her un-tattooed counterpart. Studies also show that various aspects of female appearance are used to evaluate their “mating value” and tattoos are always seen as a decrease in that value as women with tattoos generally engage in riskier behaviours.

After adjusting for all other variables, women who currently used tobacco and those who had used cannabis in the last 12 months were more likely to have been tattooed than women who did not use tobacco or cannabis. Increasing number of lifetime sex partners was also associated with a greater likelihood of being tattooed: 3% of women who reported one sex partner or none reported being tattooed compared to 30% of women with 11 or more lifetime sex partners.

And this comports similarly with the behaviours found in men that were associated with tattoos:

A number of behaviors were associated with having a tattoo for men. Men who smoked had twice the odds of having been tattooed. Men with more lifetime sexual partners were more likely to have a tattoo, eg, 1 in 25 men who reported one sex partner or none reported a tattoo compared to 1 in 4 men who reported 11 or more lifetime sexual partners. Men who reported ever being told by a doctor they have depression had 1.3 times the odds of having a tattoo after adjusting for all other variables.

In other words, tattoos are a marker for riskier and more unhealthy behaviours (in both men and women) and correlate highly with those who are impulsive and value short-term gratification over the lost virtue of self-control; who have a greater chance at having an unskilled job and lower level of education; who smoke; who do drugs (4 times the likelihood); who have 3 to 5 times higher the number of sexual partners than average; who have more than double the likelihood of having had an STD; who are more likely to identify as non-heterosexual; and who suffer from depression or other mental disorders. Tattoos are a window into the psyche and makeup of people, and if looked through clearly, reveals something underneath that is an unpleasant reality for many.

I don’t disagree that one persons “body art” is another persons tramp stamp; that on the surface tattoos can be viewed differently as perspectives can change over time. BUT, the research is pretty clear that across the board, tattoos are generally markers of deeper problems. I do feel some sympathy for early childhood sex abuse victims who are prone to tattooing themselves as a way of coping with their inner pain. But again, as mentioned previously, this just confirms that it is an outward sign of something mentally or emotionally wrong within.

It was found that women with tattoos were more likely to be younger, to drink more alcohol, to have more psychiatric symptoms and to show borderline personality features than were the non tattooed women.  They were also more likely to report child sexual abuse and the conclusion is that tattoos in women are statistically linked to child sexual abuse, and to later psychopathology in some women (Archives Of Women’s Mental Health).

These criticisms do not come from a misunderstanding of different generations; it is not a generational difference that allows tattoos to be viewed differently. Millennial’s, overwhelmingly, are a broken generation and they use tattoos as a band-aid for their brokenness as the data so clearly illustrates. In fact, Generation Z, which follows the Millennials, by and large, have a much greater disdain for tattoos than their predecessors which means this trend is already lessening.

I fully support the freedom for people to ink themselves as they please, but not without judgement. We all make judgements every minute of every day and the research is clear that tattoos outwardly tell a story and reveal the inner psyche of the person who has purposely scarred themselves. The pendulum will eventually swing back, as fashion trends so often do, and many will be left with permanent reminders of their impulsiveness and poor choices in the blurred ink covering their body parts.

We should reject modern tattoo culture and the short-sighted view of life it embodies. Tattoos aren’t edgy anymore; they are a clichè. We should yearn for those things that are good and pure and look first to fix our problems from within, rather than mask them from without. The naysayers will say, “I love tattoos and will continue to get more!” That is their choice. But the studies and evidence are overwhelmingly clear that the tattooed reveal far more about themselves and their instability than merely their taste in “art” so-called.

(Sebastian Maniscalco, capturing as nearly as perfect as one can, the modern day mentality around tattoos):

The Nature of True Charity

The hip hop “artist” Drake released a new video this week for a song entitled God’s Plan. You can watch it here. (Now, I have nothing against Drake personally, although I do think that hip hop music and culture is objectively detrimental for society and something we know is generally enjoyed by the low IQ. I will write more on this soon). In the video, Drake goes around handing out money to “surprised” people in need, telling us how he is somehow fulfilling God’s plan. It is certainly a nice thing to do and I’m happy for those people who received these gifts. I saw comments around the internet that stated, “Now Drake is an example of a real man,” “Drake is the man. Let’s follow his example,” and others in a similar vein.

Now, outwardly this looked like a wonderful act of charity, but it wasn’t. True charity does not draw attention to itself, but rather, is something done for the welfare of others without looking to accrue praise or accolades for oneself; it is something done from pure motives without the need to signal our virtue to others. We should want to help out of genuine concern for others, not what we can also gain in the meantime.

I worked for a large financial institution for almost three decades. Around Christmas time each year there would be incredible pressure put on all employees, by management, to give to the United Way and it’s various causes. To the casual onlooker this seemed like a worthy endeavour for a business to undertake in order to “give back” to its community. But at it’s heart, it was a selfish campaign and anything but real charity. The men in charge cared not one whit for their community or the plight of the downtrodden; this was obvious to all of us in the way they carried themselves. But pressuring others to give so they could take the credit for raising large sums in the name of the bank was their way of virtue-signalling their goodness to all. If you gave at a certain level you had your name printed in a nice glossy magazine for all to see and be amazed by. It was also a well-known secret that there was a kickback scheme where the charity would fund the private schools of the children of certain executives in return for pressuring higher levels of giving. This is not charity; this is sinister.

I would encourage all to give; for all to be charitable to those less fortunate. But do it in a manner where the true motive is not to receive praise from your peers. Do it quietly. Do it humbly. Do it in a way that escapes the recognition of others. Do it with a pure heart and from pure motives. Don’t do it publicly in order to receive the adoration and commendations of others. Don’t do it from a sense of duty, but rather, from a heart truly motivated by a humble concern for the misfortune of others. Only from actions where there is nothing to gain personally, does true charity spring.

I’m glad Drake helped out those people if they truly were in need. But $1 million was very little to spend on the goodwill it created for his image and brand. At the end of the day, it was cheap advertising.


The Empty Rhetoric of Social Justice Feminism


Without question, this 29 minute “interview” by Cathy Newman of Dr. Jordan Peterson from the University of Toronto is one of the most instructive demonstrations of the emptiness of modern day neo-Marxist, feminist, post-modern, authoritarian liberalism I have seen. It was a complete destruction of both Cathy Newman and the horrid ideology she embraces; on every single point. Newman was ideologically and intellectually over her head from the outset.

It is highly instructive in two ways:

1) Truth will always win out. Logic, reason, and the facts will always trump an emotive and effete world view. Do not be ashamed of an “unpopular” opinion merely because a topic is the prevalent cultural narrative of the time. The leftist authoritarians are rarely concerned with the truth. Do not cede any ground if your argument is sound and factual.

2) When in debate, always keep calm, keep your language precise, and constantly correct your opponent when they knowingly try and twist your words. Refuse to be bullied and never back down, and if need be, punch back twice as hard as your opponent. Never apologize for holding an unpopular opinion unless it is shown to be factually wrong. Never. There were almost a dozen occasions where Newman misrepresented Peterson’s position immediately after he plainly stated it. She did so in an attempt to discredit him and maintain the narrative. The degree of incompetence in listening and understanding was laughable.

Watch and learn.

The Cult of Celebrity Worship

At the Golden Globes the other night, Oprah Winfrey delivered the following speech:


It didn’t take long for the “Oprah2020” hashtags to appear all over the internet even though Oprah said nothing remotely presidential. She did address the sexual harassment and abuse issue in Hollywood and the treatment of women in that bastion of sleaze and decadence, and rightly so, to the sounds of applause not only in the room, but all across the country. (Let’s not forget, Hollywood is made up almost entirely of Democrats with far left leanings; they are the quintessential liberals). The only problem is, that most of those people applauding her at the award show are perpetrators of this common Hollywood occurrence, or complicit in these crimes by their silence. The men stood and applauded, in the hopes that none of their accusers will ever come forward. The women stood and applauded, knowing they had kept silent for years allowing these behaviours to continue and effect others.

For the keen observer, we know what this was. The Hollywood elite needed the script flipped and the finger pointed in the other direction, and who better to do that than the widely trusted Oprah Winfrey. She was brought in to publicly name the problem and tell the world that it was going to stop; and Hollywood would lead the charge (even though everyone knows it will never stop and the moral cesspool that is Hollywood will continue to exploit women as long as it stands; it has from the beginning). In doing so, she absolved her Hollywood audience of their sins of commission and sins of omission; she made them appear as if they would be the ones to root out this evil, which ironically, was their own creation.

I think the sight of the well-loved Meryl Streep at these events is the perfect example of Hollywood hypocrisy; that same Meryl Streep who to this day praises the directorial abilities of convicted child rapist Roman Polanski and the now shamed and embarrassed Hollywood executive, Harvey Weinstein. Meryl Streep, and almost everyone else in Hollywood knew of the sins of Harvey Weinstein and did nothing, absolutely nothing; and by doing so became complicit in the systemic sexual abuse of women and young men in Hollywood. They opted to preserve their careers over outing the sexual predators in their midst. And we are to now believe that these same people are going to change the moral landscape of their own industry? Only the foolish and naive would believe such an absurdity. (And let’s not forget that Oprah was also a longtime friend of Harvey Weinstein and even one actress has alleged that Oprah knowingly set her up with Weinstein). All these people knew, and all these people kept their mouths shut to preserve their careers.

For the most part, I have no issues with Oprah Winfrey. I think she means well; even though she is the typical rich liberal who thinks the government is the vehicle by which all societal ills should be cured. Like Obama, she would be a terrible President because their similar governing philosophies have always led to failure. We as a society need to stop looking to celebrities to cure what ails us. These people are empty and shallow and tend towards a high level of narcissism. They are not intelligent. They are not truly concerned about the well-being of others. And they are not our moral superiors by any stretch. These are people who play make believe for a living; have high rates of substance abuse; and lead shallow and depraved lives. (Does not the amateur pornstar Kim Kardashian embody the shallowness of our culture and the dim-witted followers who measure her every move?) They do not know what hard work is. Like athletes, celebrities should not be looked up to and their opinions should not hold greater weight than anyone else’s. These people, like Winfrey the other night, grand stand in front of others in order to virtue-signal to those around them that they have the answers that will make everything better. Be not drawn in and brainwashed by the cult of celebrity; do not fall for the shiny veneer of what Hollywood has to offer, because the story that lies beneath it is always ugly and exploitive.

Prediction: Oprah will not be President in 2020. Trump will be re-elected in a landslide.

The Perils of Pot

With the Canadian government on the verge of legalizing and regulating the use of marijuana, a revenue generator for incompetent politicians and a pending policy disaster for its citizens, it is time to start looking at the hard research data on the effects of marijuana use. Many people think it to be a harmless, recreational drug with little to no side effects and teenagers seem to be under the impression that there is no downside to its use at all. Those who are for the legalization and use of marijuana have done a masterful job at downplaying, and outright hiding, the risks of the drug.

With legalization, which is for all intents and purposes the governments imprimatur on its use, use will greatly increase both among current users while also bringing new users into the fold, as has been the case with legalization in Colorado and Washington.

Weed use amongst teenagers and college students is nearing epidemic levels and helps to reiterate how unintelligent most teens are when it comes to making healthy decisions with a clear view to their futures. The “pot lobby” has done a tremendous job with their propaganda on how “harmless” recreational marijuana use is, despite the mountain of evidence to the contrary. What follows is just a small sampling of the hundreds of studies that have been done that highlight the horrible consequences for those who choose to harm themselves by smoking pot. To wit:

1) Frequent use of marijuana increases the risk of psychosis in teens by 159 percent.

Our results show that while marijuana use is associated with a number of cognitive and mental health symptoms, only an increase in symptoms of depression – such as negative thoughts and low mood – could explain the relationship between marijuana use and increasing psychotic-like experiences in youth, says Bourque.

2) Those who use marijuana in high school underperform their peers.

The researchers found that using marijuana just once a month was linked to a student being four times more likely to play hooky; between two and four times more likely to not complete homework; and only half as likely to get good grades.

For students who consumed weed on a daily basis, their desire to go to college, as opposed to simply completing— or even dropping out of— high school, was about 50 percent lower than it had been prior to them making their consumption as habitual, the study found.

3) Marijuana use increases the risk of stroke and heart failure.

…Cannabis consumption was found to increase the risk of stroke by 26 percent, and the risk of developing heart failure by 10 percent. This was after having controlled for other health factors, such as smoking and alcohol consumption.

4) The younger a person starts smoking pot, the greater their future health problems can be.

A review of longitudinal studies showed that smoking weed when under 15 contributes to memory loss, cognitive impairment, diminished IQ, and lower success in school, along with a higher risk for respiratory diseases and certain cancers.

“We found that if the age of first use is below 15, it’s always bad for you,” says study co-author James McIntosh, a professor of economics in the Faculty of Arts and Science, in a university news release.

5) Smoking pot can raise your risk of developing Alzheimer’s Disease later in life.

The study found abnormally low blood flow in the hippocampus — the portion of the brain paramount to memory and learning functions — among marijuana users, suggesting use of the drug might raise the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

6) Marijuana users are twice as likely to have gum disease than non-smokers.

They found that participants who used recreational cannabis frequently were significantly more likely to have greater pocket depth and suffering from moderate to severe gum disease than those who used cannabis less frequently or not at all.

“Even controlling for other factors linked to gum disease, such as cigarette smoking, frequent recreational cannabis smokers are twice as likely as non-frequent users to have signs of periodontal disease,” Shariff says in a university press release.

7) People who are crossfaded — both drunk and high at the same time — while driving are more than five times more likely to be in a car crash.

While it’s not surprising that alcohol on its own increases one’s risk of crashing by 437 percent, it might surprise some to learn that weed consumption increases one’s collision risk by 62 percent.

Drivers who were at fault in collisions were nearly three times as likely as the other party to be intoxicated by alcohol, twice as likely to be under the influence of marijuana, and four times as likely to be inebriated by both.

8) Marijuana use in college or university linked to lower grades.

Those who drank a medium-to-high amount of alcohol, but didn’t consume much marijuana found themselves with a lower GPA mostly during their first semester— their grades in the long-term weren’t significantly affected.

“Doing a lot of both drugs had a significant impact, in terms of lower grades in our study, and in other studies, with number of leaves of absences and those who dropped out of school,” says Godfrey Pearlson, the study’s senior author, in a news release.

9) Early marijuana use associated with abnormal brain function and lower IQ.

In a new study, scientists in London, Ontario have discovered that early marijuana use may result in abnormal brain function and lower IQ.

Marijuana is the most commonly used illegal substance in the world. Previous studies have suggested that frequent marijuana users, especially those who begin at a young age, are at a higher risk for cognitive dysfunction and psychiatric illness, including depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.

10) Marijuana use may cause abnormal sperm shape and size and lead to infertility in men.

A study suggests that smoking marijuana may cause sperm abnormality and put men’s fertility at risk…

The results of the study revealed that marijuana was the only habit studied that was strongly associated with abnormal sperm morphology—that is, sperm that were oddly shaped or sized.

11) Pot use can lead to a dramatic decrease in intelligence over time.

In a 2012 report, researchers from Duke University analyzed data from Dunedin and found that the earlier and more frequently a person smoked pot, the greater the loss of intelligence by age 38. Compared to their IQs measured at age 13, people who had started using cannabis as teens and maintained a daily pot habit into adulthood had, on average, a six-point drop in IQ. The decline was not trivial: By age 38, their average IQ was below that of 70 per cent of their peers, according to the report, published in the journal PNAS.

12) Teens who smoked pot regularly severely affected their future educational opportunities and were far more likely to move on to harder drugs.

Teens who smoke pot daily are 60 per cent less likely to finish high school or get a university degree than their weed-free peers, according to a high-profile study published in September in the Lancet.

The researchers, mainly from Australia, looked at outcomes from three long-term studies conducted in Australia and New Zealand. They compared participants’ life status at age 30 to their patterns of marijuana use before age 17 (never, less than monthly, monthly or more, weekly or more, or daily).

Compared to people who had never used cannabis, those who were daily users before age 17 had an 18-times greater chance of becoming cannabis dependent. They were eight times more likely to use other illicit drugs in adulthood, and seven times more likely to attempt suicide.

13) Heavy marijuana use can lead to uncontrolled nausea and vomiting.

The answer was cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome, or CHS. It’s caused by heavy, long-term use of various forms of marijuana.

14) Regular cannabis use leads to a decrease in creativity, not an increase as some report.

Regular cannabis use is linked to worse creative thinking, new research concludes. They also find it harder to spot their own mistakes. The conclusions come from a series of studies carried out by psychologist Mikael Kowal.

15) Smoking pot can lead to addiction, depression, anxiety, headaches, memory loss, paranoia, and sleep disorders.

16) Smoking pot makes people poorer and less responsible.

A recent study by Steven Davenport of RAND and Jonathan Caulkins of Carnegie Mellon notes that “despite the popular stereotype of marijuana users as well-off and well-educated … they lag behind national averages” on both income and schooling.

But the poor, who already have a hard time holding down jobs and taking care of their families, are more frequently using a drug that makes it harder for them to focus, to remember things and to behave responsibly.

17) Secondhand marijuana smoke may damage your blood vessels even more than cigarette smoke.

“There is widespread belief that, unlike tobacco smoke, marijuana smoke is benign,” Springer said. “We in public health have been telling the public to avoid secondhand tobacco smoke for years. But we don’t tell them to avoid secondhand marijuana smoke, because until now we haven’t had evidence that it can be harmful.”

18) Marijuana use by teens linked to permanent brain abnormalities later in life, and increased schizophrenia risk.

Teenagers who regularly use cannabis during their adolescent years may cause permanent brain abnormalities by using the drug, and increase their risk of developing serious mental disorders such as schizophrenia, a study published this month in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology, a division of the journal Nature, hints at.

19) Teenagers who regularly smoke cannabis are putting themselves at risk of permanently damaging their intelligence and lowering their IQ, according to a landmark study.

Researchers found persistent users of the drug, who started smoking it at school, had lower IQ scores as adults.

They were also significantly more likely to have attention and memory problems in later life, than their peers who abstained.

Furthermore, those who started as teenagers and used it heavily, but quit as adults, did not regain their full mental powers, found academics at King’s College London and Duke University in the US.

20) Harvard Scientists studied the brains of pot smokers and the results do not look good.

According to a new study published in the Journal of Neuroscience, researchers from Harvard and Northwestern studied the brains of 18- to 25-year-olds, half of whom smoked pot recreationally and half of whom didn’t. What they found was rather shocking: Even those who only smoked few times a week had significant brain abnormalities in the areas that control emotion and motivation.

“There is this general perspective out there that using marijuana recreationally is not a problem — that it is a safe drug,” said Anne Blood, a co-author of the study. “We are seeing that this is not the case.”

Shockingly, every single person in the marijuana group, including those who only smoked once a week, had noticeable abnormalities, with the nucleus accumbens and the amygdala showing changes in density, volume and shape. Those who smoked more had more significant variations.

21) Cannabis use makes people more violent, moreso than alcohol.

Cannabis users are more likely to commit violent crime, pioneering research has shown. It warned those who smoke the drug regularly run an increased risk of using violence against others. The project is the first to demonstrate that cannabis is not only linked with violent crime but is the cause. Violent incidents monitored by the study based on the lives of more than 1,100 American psychiatric patients included assaults, attacks with weapons and rapes.

22) Even casual use of pot has now been shown to have a mental cost of reduced motivation to work.

We found that people on cannabis were significantly less likely to choose the high-effort option.

It is not a pretty picture. These are the facts. If pot is made legal and its use becomes even more commonplace than it already is, we will become a nation of retards as we smoke our brains into oblivious dysfunction.

Lawyers: A Societal Scourge

I recently read this article without the least bit of surprise. A US Federal Judge openly admitted to not caring about the standard of his profession:

“I pay very little attention to legal rules, statutes, constitutional provisions,” Posner told the New York Times in an interview published Monday. “A case is just a dispute. The first thing you do is ask yourself — forget about the law — what is a sensible resolution of this dispute?”

I often remember hearing “lawyer jokes” when I was younger and always wondered why people seemed to detest them so vigorously. At the time the criticisms, while funny, seemed unjustly harsh. But then the time came where I needed to be involved with both lawyers and what now passes for a legal system*, and I can say with absolute confidence and not the least exaggeration that lawyers are a dishonest, contemptible bunch and a scourge to society.

Here is an example of a judge immersed in the law, who cares not one whit for the process. It’s humourous to hear lawyers wax eloquently about the law, an objective standard of justice they’ve sworn to uphold, when they spend their lives trying to dodge the very spirit of the law making sure justice is seldom done and their clients gotten off.

Before my need of a lawyer I had only met 4 or 5 lawyers in my life. To a man, they were full of themselves with more than a fair share of arrogance. I believe the profession attracts a certain disposition of character rather than law school churning out one pompous ass after another. They usually possess an above average IQ; just high enough to make them foolishly dangerous to society but not smart enough for them to properly assess their own true value in a worthless system.

Lawyers settle disputes among parties, that is all. They are economic parasites that add no value and aid in the confiscation and redistribution of the wealth of others; not according to just terms but to some precedent that may or may not be germane to the exact situation before them. The divorce courts may be the most egregious example of this. They are seldom concerned with fairness or justice, and with trying to change a corrupt system, but rather, just billing more hours than their clients could possibly need.

Lawyers should be looked down on and shamed much like pornographers and drug dealers for their similar decaying influence on society. They provide a useless service and the system that employs them should be torn down and rebuilt in order that fairness can be restored. Literally anything can happen in a court of law. Many of us would stand a better chance at fairness in a casino.


*It is a legal system, not a justice system. The sense of justice in the modern world has been all but lost and the blame for such an abominable system lies at the feet of lawyers and lawmakers.

What Feminism Has Wrought: A Cautionary Tale

She turned 29 last week, and Marcy enjoyed an almost week long birthday celebration with friends. Long gone are the days of just one get together, as it’s important to keep the party going as long as possible. Dinners, drinks, and countless selfies posted to Instagram preserved the memory of the partying urban girl whose life appears, on the outside, to be the envy of many.

Next year she’ll turn 30 so she knows it’s almost time to get serious about life. Turning 29 has led to a couple weeks of honest reflection. “It’s time to get my personal life in order and settle down,” she has thought to herself in those lucid, lonely moments. But the thought of going out to nice restaurants and drinks 3 or 4 nights a week is hard to give up for the toils and traumas of a serious relationship, marriage, and kids.

She consumes too much alcohol, as most women now do, but doesn’t seem to think it’s an issue, despite the fact that alcohol consumption is a leading cause of depression and 25% of women are now on some sort of anti-depressant medication. Marcy partied her way through university and all of her twenties. It was a good life of fun but now she supplements her day with Prozac so she can cope with modern life. She has dabbled with cocaine and ecstasy, as they were common on the club scene, and she didn’t want to appear as someone not down for a good time with little thought towards the lasting effects it would have on her. Her life was a roller coaster of highs and lows. After her drug phase waned, alcohol became her numbing agent of choice. Sacrificing the immediate fun and pleasure of her carefree 20’s is hard now that her fast life has caught up to her and her once youthful beauty has begun to fade. She’d be lying if she didn’t admit she was anxious about her future.

Marcy wants to have children, “hopefully before 35” she says, but has put that off because she hasn’t found the right man to settle down with. A woman’s peak fertility is between 18-26 years of age but most women have used that prime mating period as party years and have bought into the lie that you can always have the family one day in the future, with the big house and the hedge fund manager husband who adores you; and the baggage accumulated along the way will have no lasting impact. If only someone had told her. Marcy has her own “fur baby” anyways. She showers her love upon a little dog that means the world to her. It serves as a surrogate child until she has time for the real deal. And besides, a dog doesn’t really impede upon her social life like a child would and its presence helps dispel the cloud of loneliness that seems ever-present in her apartment. And motherhood is hard. She’s not ready for that kind of work just yet.

She wouldn’t describe herself as a feminist per se, but Marcy has imbibed and lived by every insidious feminist doctrine that has been covertly sold to young girls over the past 50 years. While feminists appear to be the angry, overweight, unattractive women with grating personalities, there is not a female left on the planet who hasn’t been adversely affected by feminism’s destructive tenets; and Marcy was not immune. For all its enviable outward appearances, her life is a tragic one.

She’s been dating her boyfriend for a couple years now but he told her from the beginning he doesn’t want children. It was a “dead end” relationship from the start but she pursued it anyways. He owns a nightclub in one of the hot neighbourhoods downtown so it’s an exciting life for her. He takes her on great vacations and buys her nice things; so it works for now even though it’s not what she ultimately wants. She doesn’t want to be lonely and likes the excitement it provides until she gets her life together. She’s always getting her life in order, but that can wait til tomorrow.

She’s had sex with 32 men so far, almost 5 times the national average. A bunch of those were one night stands, and a lot of those in a drunken stupor; but Marcy doesn’t really count those when discussing the topic with friends. She had an abortion when she was 24 and didn’t want to have the baby because her live-in boyfriend at the time had a tendency to be abusive. She was into bad boys back then and hopes to now find the stable “good guy” with which to settle down. Liberated and all, she still likes to think of her “number” as lower than it really is; every girl wants to be seen as a good girl after all. She’s only had one STD but thankfully it was the treatable kind. About 25% of her friend group hasn’t been so lucky.

Marcy also discretely sees an older man at the accounting firm where she works as a receptionist. It’s easy because he’s married. The city is an expensive place to live and he provides her with help for her rent and other expenses in exchange for secretive meetings once or twice a week. Her boyfriend has no idea about her side activities but with modern relationships it’s only important to be truthful as long as it doesn’t impact your lifestyle. It’s really quite harmless, she thinks, and it allows her to afford those shoes and bags she needs to fit in with that chic, downtown culture.

She’s attractive but feels the constant pressure to maintain a certain style amid the endless stream of younger and prettier girls that fill the clubs and restaurants nightly. She was once one of those younger bartenders that her club-owner boyfriend had an eye for, and she was the fortunate one to land a relationship with him. She doesn’t want to lose her boyfriend to a newer, younger, prettier girl, at least not until she’s ready to find her future husband. She’s hoping her “sugar daddy” will pay for the new boobs she needs that will help her stand out in an ever more competitive dating market. The four tattoos she’s added over the years made her seem “edgy” at the time, but they are all too common now among millennial women and of little competitive value in signalling her availability and appetite for riskier behaviours.

This has been Marcy’s life so far. One lived for the thrill of the moment with no real forethought on how to prepare for her future. And no one told her that the future doesn’t look that great for her even though in her head she sees it all working out as it did for the Disney princesses and Sex in the City characters she emulated. But that was fiction. Her future will not be so kind.

Looking around her, Marcy sees most of her friends starting to marry, most settling below their expectations because all the good men were already taken. At 30, Marcy’s chances of getting married are 81%; at 33 they are 72%; and at 36 an even worse 61%. For her own sake and sanity she had better not wait until 40 because the chances at 38% are downright dreadful; not to mention that at 40 her chances of conceiving a child naturally are slightly less than 5%.

Thirty came, and with it a small panic that she was still in the same place she was a year ago. She started dating with a more serious intent as her now on again off again relationship was proving less stable. She knew he was seeing other girls on the side but there was little she could do to stop it without risking the loss of all the nights out and the vacations she so enjoyed. She met some men, a couple she really liked, but would never hear from them again after she slept with them on the second or third date. The pill, and feminist doctrine, had liberated her body from the oppressive, puritanical strictures of times past. Liberation was supposed to make her feel good, not used up and disposable.

Thirty-two came and she found she had to be in the gym more to keep her body in better shape to even remotely resemble the younger competition that now seemed to haunt her every time she went out. How could she compete with girls five to 10 years younger for the same men? The wall, which comes at you fast and is unavoidable, was quickly approaching and she didn’t want to be the girl left standing when the music stopped.

Thirty-four came and during an “on-again” phase with her old boyfriend he asked her what she thought about getting married. He was now 44 and after a life of partying was finally ready to settle down. They got married in Italy on her 35th birthday. It was more a feeling of relief than excitement. She had made it. Little did she know that because of her past, the numbers were against her marriage lasting.

She gave up her dream of having kids. It was easier to travel without them, she thought, and her two little pups brought her all the happiness she needed. Over time, her husband started to spend more nights at the club and although she had a hunch what was going on, she tried not to think about it. He had just bought her a nice Rolex for her 40th birthday and she had all the stuff she needed for a happier, more comfortable life. Love was overrated anyways.

A few years later, she wasn’t overly shocked when the marriage ended. They hadn’t had sex in almost a year. He got tired of her criticisms and nagging and couldn’t stand being around her. The club provided him the escape he had needed. She moved into a small apartment and rejoined all the dating apps she thought she’d never need again. It was hard being single in her 40’s. Scrolling through the available men was like showing up to the buffet after a bus load of tourists had ravaged it: there was nothing edible left. But single, and in her 40’s, she was no catch now either. While still somewhat attractive, no one looked at her like they did 20 years earlier. She had lived a hard life and time, being the cruel task master, had not been kind.

She lived alone with only her dogs for company. The memories of old flames she thought were never good enough, made her lament and wonder what had become of them. Looking them up on Facebook and seeing their families left her feeling that much more empty. Had they married well? Were they happy? She was inexplicably sad and couldn’t figure out where she had gone wrong when all she did was live like everyone else was back then in the pursuit of a good time.

There are thousands and thousands of Marcy’s everywhere. They pursued the feminist ideals of pleasure over family, with no thought to what would make one truly happy in the long run, thinking that one day they could still have it all. No one taught them. Many would never have subscribed to the tenets of “militant feminism” but they lived according to its ideals because they had been surreptitiously spoon fed them from an early age.

They lived freely with no constraints and any talk of moral restraint would be mocked as the ancient shackles of a patriarchal society. They were liberated and would no longer conduct themselves according to the old rules. They lived as if they had it all, and one day would. They traded future stability and happiness for the fleeting, temporary pleasures of the day. “Everyone lives like this in their 20’s!” they say, not realizing everyone suffers the consequences of poor choices that could have easily been avoided. Women have been lied to and those that figure it out sooner and put their lives on the trajectory towards marriage and motherhood are always happier and healthier for it.

Marcy’s memories of good times past were no longer a comfort, but rather, a reminder of poor choices, squandered opportunities, and a life lived for temporary pleasure over the long-lasting joy of a life lived with purpose and direction.

Irrational Ideology

The liberal/progressive/leftist world view is riddled with logical inconsistencies. To wit:

1) Progressives continue to parrot the false narrative of a gender pay gap that exists between men and women where women earn 78 cents for every 1 dollar a man earns. Several studies have shown this to be conclusively false. We are also told by these same people that gender is merely a social construct and exists on a spectrum which is fluid from person to person and at times within the same person; against all scientific data to the contrary.

Now, if there is a real wage gap between men and women, wouldn’t that entail that gender must be fixed and not fluid in order to make such an assertion? And if gender is fluid, then isn’t any discussion regarding a wage gap between men and women meaningless because of the multiplicity of alleged genders? You cannot in one breath speak of a gender pay gap with binary gender points and in the next tell us there is no such thing as binary gender points! To assert both propositions is both contradictory and false. Progressives need to pick one.

2) It has been near 50 years that progressives have championed gay rights and freedom for those with minority sexualities to live openly as they please. They have become the most protected class of citizens on the planet because of it. Yet liberals continue to clamour for open borders and the free movement of people; in particular, those from Muslim nations, that would seek to undo these rights.

Now, many of these Muslim immigrants come from one of the 13 Islamic countries that still put homosexuals to death. 52% of current British Muslims believe that homosexuality should be illegal and that number would certainly be higher in the Islamic nations from which the migrants come. Their belief system would not grant equal rights to gay people and in many cases would criminalize their behaviour and endanger their lives. How can progressives champion gay rights in one instance, and in another support the mass immigration of a people group into the West who would like to distinguish those rights and go so far as to punish same-sex behaviours? Would this not set the gay rights movement back decades? Why champion the influx of Muslim immigrants that are directly opposed to Western ideals of freedom and would necessarily seek to have those freedoms taken away? These groups, by definition, cannot live in harmony and it is foolish and dangerous to think otherwise.

There is a reason why progressives unwittingly hold to wildly contradictory positions. Their battle is against traditional Western values and they will say or do anything to advance their cause; logic be damned. They care not for the objective reality of the world we observe that is both quantifiable and measurable. It is the narrative, the ideology, that must be advanced above all evidence to the contrary.

The battle today is first and foremost along ideological lines; between left and right. Ideology trumps all else. If you are a gay conservative you will be outed and rejected; your homosexuality will no longer be useful because of its secondary status to the “evil of conservatism” that mars it. Similarly, if you are a black conservative you will be marginalized and told you are a traitor to your race as if skin colour is somehow magically linked to a like set of ideas. The task we have is to point out these irrationalities at every turn; to expose the rot of a progressive liberalism that seeks to undermine the stability of Western societies and the pillars on which they stand.