The Covid Calamity And What China Has Done To The World

We are now two months into the near global lockdown because of the new Chinese virus, now called Covid-19, and I don’t think the average person realizes what a watershed moment this is for the world. Just the other day, the mayor of Los Angeles, Eric Garcetti, announced his city would continue in lockdown until July 31st, despite having only 1700 deaths and near empty hospitals as of this writing. Here in Canada, the moron in charge (and I say that as politely as I can), Justin Trudeau, has brought Canada to a stand still and has told us that life will never be the same until we find a cure for this disease. “We will not be coming back to our former normal situation; we can’t do that until we have developed a vaccine and that could take 12 to 18 months,” Trudeau has said. “We don’t exactly know how long — we hope it’s earlier rather than later.” Despite not having found cures for diseases like cancer, diabetes, other corona viruses like SARS and MERS, and a host of others, somehow this flu-like ailment is being seen as the pale horse of the apocalypse. It is an overreaction we will never recover from.

I cannot express the anger I feel over what is happening and what those in charge are doing to the people they govern. The policies they are enacting around this “pandemic” are clearly no longer for our protection, but an authoritarian power grab to take away some of our basic freedoms and rights that make us more reliable on the ‘benevolence’ of those who rule over us. These idiots in charge will never suffer the ill affects of the policies they have enacted. They have used fear as a bludgeon to control the masses and increase our dependence upon the state. The world will never be the same again, and this is no exaggeration. It will only get worse from here if we stay on the same destructive path we are on.

President Trump has rightly pointed out from the beginning of his presidency that China is the global enemy when it comes to trade and dishonest practices. They are liars. A communist country can never be trusted because the reputation of the state is always placed above the health and well-being of its citizens. The Trump trade war took its toll on the Chinese economy so they retaliated to crush the global economies of unsuspecting countries by allowing this virus to spread before it told the world. How is it that the virus barely spread to Beijing and Shanghai, China’s two most populous cities, but engulfed the globe in a month? How did it so easily travel around the world yet be contained so quickly within China’s own borders? They did this purposely and with sinister intent to exert global dominance over their rivals which has been the stated goal of China for decades. This was done on purpose, and with malice, by the Chinese government, and the world needs to retaliate. They need to suffer punitive damages for the lives they’ve taken, the poverty they have created, and the trillions in wealth they have destroyed.

This is the evil of communism plainly seen: the reputation of the State is placed over the well-being of its citizens. China allowed the virus to escape from their own virology lab in Wuhan and with the help of the corrupt World Health Organization (WHO), they kept it a secret and allowed it to spread. I did not believe for one second that this started by some random guy eating a bat in a wet market in Wuhan; the Chinese lied about this virus from the beginning. (You can be certain of one thing in this world: whatever the official story is you are being told by any government or their willing accomplices, the media, rest assured the truth is always something other than what you are being told. The governments and media of this world are evil beyond our imaginations and they lie to us daily). There must be punitive measures taken against China in order to repay the trillions of dollars lost due to their dishonesty. China did this on purpose. It came out of their lab and they let it spread. They did this to cripple world economies; to cripple the US economy in particular, so they could become the dominant global power. This was a covert act of war; and this will lead to a future conflict between China and the US.

The reaction of Western nations to this virus is mystifying. Day after day we are told to “follow the science” for what we should be doing. But we are doing anything but. We were told that we needed to stay home to “flatten the curve” and now that that has occurred the goal posts have been moved and we are told we need to stay home until we find a cure. This is absurd on every level and fear is the tool they are wielding to make this happen. These “scientists” have been incompetent and wrong from the beginning. They told us millions would die if we didn’t social distance, yet countries like Sweden that didn’t social distance experienced the same rate of infection and death as those that did. They told us not to wear face masks because they weren’t effective, and now they want us to wear face masks everywhere. They told us you could easily catch it in the air, yet we now know now that over two thirds of all cases have occurred by being locked down with someone infected. They have told us staying in is good for our health when every doctor knows staying in is detrimental to our immune systems needed to fight off infections like this. They told us we needed thousands and thousands of ventilators in order to save lives and now we know that over 80% of the people who went on ventilators died because their bodies gave up fighting and relied on the machine. NY State, under Anthony Cuomo, sent recovering victims back into nursing homes because they thought it was safe. This led to the most deaths anywhere in the US. It was a fatal error in judgment. On almost every recommendation they have been wrong, deadly wrong.

We are a society that has put our faith and trust in “scientists” when this discipline is as incompetent and untrustworthy as any other. Teresa Tam, the top health official in Canada, and also a Chinese national and board member of the WHO, was told on January 15th that the virus could spread from human to human, but she kept this information from the Canadian people to protect China and “stop the spread of anti-Chinese bigotry.” On January 20th, she publicly stated that there was no reason for us to panic over the coronavirus. She needs to be fired and jailed; or at a minimum, deported. The combination of evil and incompetent are not something a society can withstand and still prosper; we need to root it out wherever it exists.

There are sinister men behind the continuance of this lockdown. They are not doing it for the good of the people. The death rate from this Chinese flu is around 0.1%; and the global number of deaths is far less than the 500,000-600,000 people that die from the flu every year. Yet, we are told to stay indoors while our economies crash and businesses and jobs are lost for good. There has already been a spike in suicides and overdose deaths, and this is just the beginning as grief, despair, and hopelessness overtake many. Those ordering the lockdown will never suffer from its adverse affects. We have leaders who, through their actions, are telling us they hate us and that are freedoms are no longer ours. ‘Obey your masters‘ or else. If anyone thinks this is an exaggeration let’s talk again in a year.

“The evil that men do, lives on and on.” (Bruce Dickinson)

This pandemic had barely started and men like Bill Gates (who is not a doctor; not a scientist; is unelected; yet thinks he is here to save the world from disease), Anthony Fauci, and Tedros Adhanom of the WHO were calling for global vaccinations before life could return to normal. “Things will not get back to truly normal until we have a vaccine that has gotten out to, basically, the entire world,” Gates said in an interview. Now, for anyone who has been paying attention, Gates’ personal investments and “charitable foundation” stands to make billions from global vaccines, despite the damage they have caused around the globe (see his work in Africa and India to start). He has invested heavily in the big pharmaceutical companies and has pushed their drugs for two decades now. These are not the actions of someone who cares about the health of people. (He also funds abortions in Africa as part of his stated goal of controlling population growth there, but that is a different discussion). Gates has also stated that everyone will need to carry a vaccination card (or get a quantum tattoo which can hold this information) in order to attend things like concerts or sporting events in the future. This is the ushering in of the authoritarian state using fear and manipulation.

The ultimate endgame of this lockdown is to take away our freedoms and exert greater control over our lives; even more people will now be reliant on government handouts for basic things like food and shelter. Keeping the lockdown going will lead to endless hardships for people. There will be an increase in other diseases, in suicides, and drug overdoses; the death count from these other lockdown factors will dwarf the number of people the virus killed. It is perhaps the worst thing that we can do right now and it shows that our government is not really concerned with the welfare of its people if it keeps extending these policies.

What needs to happen from here is simple. All lockdowns must instantly cease and the people who can work must get back to work right away. The elderly can choose to keep themselves out of harms way a little longer if they wish. Businesses must reopen immediately. Justin Trudeau and Teresa Tam must be held accountable for their treasonous betrayal of Canada; they have not acted in the best interests of their citizens and have demanded things that have hurt our country beyond repair. President Trump must fire Anthony Fauci and the head of the CDC for the egregiously horrible advice they have given us and their continuance in pushing the lies and dishonesty of the WHO.

We are told we will never get back to normal and the longer we stay locked down the more true this becomes. I see the coming collapse of the West and other global economies in the next 15-20 years. Hard times are upon us and harder times are coming.  Here are a few things things that I think we’ll see to take us further down that path.

-The cold war against China has already begun but we will see an escalation and perhaps a hot war in the future. If China makes moves against Taiwan, which they have talked about in recent weeks, the world will be at war with China.

-Many more will die because of the lockdown and the new levels of poverty that have occurred than from the virus. Poor economic conditions lead to more death. We will not recover from a crashed economy.

-Disease will flourish. Deaths from cancer, diabetes, and other ailments that went undetected during this lockdown will kill many more people than the Chinese virus did. Our leaders know this but ignore it. They don’t care about our health and that is why this lockdown is not about taking care of us.

-Suicides and overdoses will increase with the rise in hopelessness and despair that comes with massive job losses and a shrinking economy.

-Trump will be re-elected by a greater margin than in 2016 as more Americans begin to realize that he is the only candidate that truly cares about America. The recent emergency funding bill put forward by the Democrats showed greater care for prisoners and illegal immigrants; a staunch and necessary Democratic voting block.

-We will see a global requirement for forced vaccines in order to ensure “safety” and “health” when in reality it will cause even more disease and control over people.

-Social Distancing was, and is, nonsense. Societies that didn’t enforce SD guidelines suffered no greater infection rates than those that did. It will continue to be used in order to alienate people further, keep churches from meeting, and generally stop people from interacting.

-We will see a move away from hard currency to a digital currency in order that all purchase activities can be monitored by the government. Add to this the proliferation of 5G technology and the new global Surveillance State will be fully operational. This is all about control.

-Gun confiscations of ordinary citizens will begin and the last vestiges of freedom will become an old-fashioned idea. Welcome to our Brave New World.

I am generally an optimistic person. But when one understands the nature of man and his propensity towards evil in this world, along with how easily we rolled over and allowed our freedoms to evapourate so easily, the authoritarian society now visible on the horizon is almost an inevitable reality. That is what COVID-19 and China has done to the world.

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