A few weeks ago, Alabama passed a pro-life bill banning all abortions once a heart beat was detectable in the baby; some time in the first trimester. I’ve written on abortion before and believe it to be one of the most heinous acts we permit in society today. I believe fifty years from now we will look back at abortion as we now look at the slavery of 150 years ago: as utterly unthinkable for normal, moral people.
This won’t be one of the nicest things I’ve written because I truly believe one of the most unintelligent demographics alive today is the unthinking, twenty-something, social media addicted female, that thinks they are somehow empowered by blindly repeating the common narrative about their bodily autonomy fed to them by ugly feminists. The murder of babies inside their mothers is evil and those that agitate for free and open abortion are evil and soulless. And I don’t mean the young, conflicted, pregnant girl with no place to turn; I mean animals like this.
When the Alabama legislation was passed, the pro-abortion crowd on the internet blew up in rage denouncing the legislature as backwards and anti-woman. The pro-abortion crowd isn’t very bright. A lot of young women on various social media sites took to their soap boxes to tell the world and their followers how this was an attack on women, how this was discrimination, how this was the plot of men, blah blah blah. Very few, if any, presented a cogent argument for the extermination of the unborn. (NY state just banned the declawing of cats yet they will now allow the dismemberment and removal of a baby moments before birth on the mere whim of the mother; and the death cult that is the pro-choice movement seems fine with that). We are watching the total inversion of truth and goodness; calling that which is evil, good; and that which is good, evil.
The social media outrage machine was interesting to watch as each and every “empowered woman” felt the need to virtue signal their support for abortion, and in some grotesque way, as some feckless show of solidarity for women. Many weren’t capable of writing anything worth reading and kept to posting memes. There were three in particular I saw quite often and would like to highlight how objectively stupid and misinformed they are.
This first meme simply states, ‘Against abortion? Have a vasectomy.’ The implication of this message is that the only people against abortion are men, which shows the sheer ignorance of those posting it. The pro-life movement is estimated to be made up of approximately 80% women. The Alabama bill was written by a woman and ultimately signed by the Governor Kay Ivy, also a woman. Shrill abortion proponents like to yell at men for all these anti-abortion laws, and admittedly, most legislatures are predominantly men. But the movement as a whole is made up of women who value life because they are the ones who have experienced the miracle of bringing new life into the world. The majority of women are pro-life or want to see lots of restrictions on abortion. This stupid, vocal minority, seems to forget this inconvenient fact.
Another meme that made the rounds was this one that said, ‘My body, my choice.’ Again, those that posted it thought that it was in some way profound. All it really showed was an utter lack of understanding what is at issue. It fails to grasp that there is no longer just one body at issue, but two. In the womb there is a second, wholly independent person, with its own uniquely coded DNA. It is not a parasite, a tumour, a lump of cells, or any other derogatory name the pro-abortion crowd likes to use in order to avoid calling it was it really is, a baby. They have to first dehumanize the baby with these other names in order to make its death more palatable. One of the ironies these women are too stupid to contemplate is that there are now a growing number of sex-selective abortions that almost always target those babies that are female. Where are the women defending the most helpless females of all? Nowhere. They are silent, and they are cowards.
This last meme was by far the most common meme I saw; it was posted everywhere. And it was by a long ways, the dumbest and most ignorant of all. It says, ‘Men shouldn’t be making laws about women’s bodies.’ I really had to wonder if any of the halfwits posting this stopped to think about what they were saying. Do they not realize that there are thousands and thousands of laws on the books that govern what we can and cannot do with our bodies, both male and female? It is illegal to inject oneself with heroin. It is illegal to cause bodily harm to another. It is illegal to commit suicide. It is illegal to get a tattoo under the age of 18. It is illegal to put alcohol into your body before 19 or 21. And the list of laws regulating what can and can’t be done to our bodies goes on and on. All laws are written to regulate what one can and cannot do. The implication of this meme is that it is only men who are against abortion and are trying to ban it in order to control women. Both men and women make laws in order to promote the most good and very many of those laws do pertain to control over our bodies.
These women are stupid. There is no other conclusion to reach. They hide behind euphemisms like reproductive rights, healthcare, choice, and others. They never address the reality of what they are advocating: the murder of another person for their own convenience. Vapid celebrities like Alyssa Milano promote “sex strikes” while many others virtue signal their support for unfettered abortion of any kind for any reason. The free love movement of the 60’s necessitated the legalization of abortion not long after in order to deal with the unwanted consequences that many suffered. If the feminists were honest they would admit how badly they have failed women and the untold harm they have done to women by promoting abortion as the quick, post-coital birth control solution. Millions have been killed and many live lives burdened by the guilt of their choice. Abortion is big business and money drives the entire enterprise. In order to keep the money rolling in you need an army of useful idiots posting memes and chanting vile slogans to try and help normalize such an evil in our midst. And these twenty something millennials are just the idiots they need to keep the death cult in business.