Notes From The Field – Book 1:2

-A partner that brings a quiet contentedness to life is a rare and beautiful thing.

-I can’t wait to get older. Hopefully some of the memories and scars of life will fade.

-Parties are just events where people can drink and drug themselves in a socially acceptable manner.

-Living with guilt is its own punishment.

-Lying in their bed near the end, no one will ever have wished they had gotten drunk more, or did more drugs; they will only lament the lost moments and wasted time. They’ll wish they’d pursued things of value and meaning, and put away their childishness.

-Some sins are impossible for us to ever atone for. That’s why true atonement must be fully outside ourselves.

-Life is a combination of joys and heartbreaks.

-It’s hard not to read the book of Proverbs as anything other than a warning against every thought I’ve ever had.

-Demons walk the earth. They are pleasing to look at and listen to. That’s part of their deception. They are those who entertain us; those who pervert every good and beautiful thing, and lead our hearts and minds to embrace every form of ugliness. Demons are never who we think they are.

-The Pride movement is the embodiment of pure evil on earth. It is a political movement used for control of thought.

-Everyone who drinks regularly and uses alcohol for an altered state; no matter how slight; has a drug problem. And it’s easy to hide it as “socially acceptable” because so many need it to numb themselves.

-Dogs just may be angels. I would’ve laughed at this sentiment years ago. But they truly are a gift from God while we walk this earth.

-People throw “parties” for the sole purpose of getting drunk. What a meaningless and depressing existence that is. They are to be pitied.

-Liberalism is the exaltation and celebration of ugliness and perversity.

-Forgiveness is hard, but essential.

-Trans ideology is mental illness. Affirming someone in their unwellness is by definition unloving.

-There is no such thing as hate speech. It is a concept antithetical to free-speech. The term is merely used as a dishonest way of gagging the speech of those one does not like or agree with.

-Christianity tells people they are what’s wrong with the world and improving themselves will improve the world. Secular atheism tells people they are as they should be in whatever state they are, so it is their duty to change the injustices caused by those around them. This is why the latter always leads to a world of despair and unhappiness, for it can never correct those things.

-The amount of alcohol one consumes is directly correlated to the amount of despair in one’s life. There is no other reason to use this drug, if not to numb one’s senses to these depressive feelings.

-One of the reasons I believe in God is because of what happens in the world when people don’t. If history has taught us anything it’s that those societies that annexed Christianity and made belief in God illegal and punishable, ended up creating the greatest human genocides and atrocities. In the 20th century alone, the body count under atheistic regimes exceeded more than 100 million.

-Nihilism is the dominant philosophy of the world. It is impossible for that to end well.

-We are all very quick to question the character of God, and very slow to question our own.

-When a person tells you who they are, watch them. When they show you who they are, believe them.

-People hurt one another out of selfishness.

-To the drinker, alcohol becomes more important than people; the drug, a better comfort than real relationships.

-Hurting someone you love can be one of the cruellest things you do to yourself.

-Our most lucid and terrifying thoughts are in the quiet, dark of the night.

-Imagine needing booze to feel joy. What an empty, despairing life that would be.

-Why don’t people want better for themselves? It’s all too common to watch others slowly destroy themselves.

-Until you live it, there is no way to understand the quiet brutality of divorce. It is something that scars you; that you feel every day.

-The acceptance of trans identities is the rejection of God and the created order.

-If “climate science” is science, then so is astrology.

-The sexual revolution was started by men, for men, and has been a boon for men. The alleged freedom women gained from it is a myth. Women were lied to.

-Envy is at the root of much of modern politics. It is people wanting what they do not have, and have not earned.

-Think of how broken and evil a society is that convinced its women that it’s noble and empowering to exterminate its unwanted babies.

-Masculinity isn’t toxic, but the lack of it certainly is.

-Habits are changeable when chronic laziness is overcome. However, few have the strength of will to do it.

-The gross overuse of the word “nigga” in hip-hop is not about reclaiming a hurtful and negative word, but rather, it is about power and control over the language of others. Just look at the way Kendrick Lamar shamed a white girl for singing the lyrics to a song he wrote.

-Those that seek pleasure as an end in and of itself, cannot escape the despair that necessarily comes from it.

-Rock concerts are worship services for the secular soul.

-The modern person who rejects faith and family is a functional nihilist; despair is the destination to which their journey will lead.

-One of the best lies a man made women believe was that showing off your body was about female empowerment.

-This is a generation that is so uninteresting, so uninterested, so boring, that they are unable to cope with even the smallest hardships without turning to drugs and alcohol.

-More narcissists have gym memberships than those who are concerned about their health and fitness.

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