More Covid Thoughts

-If the Covid vaccines were truly safe and effective, which they clearly are not with an honest look at the data, people would not be willing to give up their jobs and livelihoods to avoid the shot. Remember, the survival rate for those infected is still above 99.5% for all combined age groups and co-morbidity profiles. The average age of death from Covid is higher than life expectancy globally, and here in Canada the average age of Covid death is 86 (life expectancy is 82) and each person that died had an average of 2.6 co-morbidities present. This pandemic has had almost no impact on life expectancy. The Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918, on the other hand, caused a 28% drop in life expectancy in the US in just over a year. If these vaccines were really “safe and effective,” the government would not need a campaign to threaten, coerce, and blackmail people to take it. They are not concerned with public health as they would not be looking to fire 15%-20% of unvaccinated healthcare workers in the middle of a crisis when they are needed most. They only want your complete submission to their rule over you. This is all anyone really needs to know.

-As Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA delivery system in 1988, tweeted, “this is the first time in history that the ineffectiveness of a medicine in being blamed on those who haven’t taken it.”

We are told that the reason the vaccinated are getting Covid is because of those who refused the vaccines. There is not a single greater admission of colossal vaccine failure than this. The Mayo Clinic has recently determined that the vaccines are only 42% effective after several months, and this number continues to drop. In a normal world, where people are honest, this is the definition of failure.

-The entire mandate crisis is predicated on the government pretending that displaying a vaccine passport is equivalent to displaying a negative Covid test result. A vaccine passport is not proof of being Covid-free as we now know that the vaccinated are just as likely to both, catch and spread, Covid. So any type of passport mandate is useless for protecting others; it is only punishment for those who will not bend the knee. A vaccine passport is only proof of your submission, and the entry point to introduce a digital social credit system like China’s, to Western nations.

-We know that Covid is a “political disease” now. The only solution being offered is mass vaccination for everyone; no exceptions. Those that govern us have no intention of “following the science” for it goes directly against their heinous plans. We now have 91 studies confirming what we’ve known all along: that natural immunity acquired through an exposure to the Covid virus is far superior to the waning and fading protection of these mRNA vaccines. Never believe the liars who tell you to “follow the science” when their statements are verifiably unscientific.

-Follow the moving goal posts:


-Young people have been threatened with loss of education and suspended social lives if they do not get vaccinated. Remember, Covid poses less statistical risk to these young people than drinking alcohol, doing recreational drugs, or driving cars. The government is not attempting to eliminate any of those things. It’s not about health and never has been. They are transferring Covid risk from the elderly and obese onto our youth through the use of unapproved and experimental vaccines. (The current iteration of the Pfizer vaccine has NOT been approved by the FDA. They approved Comirnaty which is not in use at present). How does this make any sense in a society that cares about its future? This is an unspeakable evil by any measure.

-Here in Canada, the state is trying to wrest control of medical decisions away from parents in order to ensure that every kid gets their shot in spite of what their parent or caregiver wants for them. We are on the cusp of watching our nation sink deeper into an authoritarian nightmare as people sit idly by watching it happen. You will have less control over your children in everything as the state continues to usurp parental authority.

-When you hear the phrase “follow the science” you can almost be certain that you are being lied to. Most rules were simply just made up and not scientific at all. They were put in place to engender fear and division; and they worked. People are still living in fear. If you want to get to the truth, “follow the money” is a far more reliable adage.

-We are being told that this winter the “twindemic” of Covid and the flu are going to hit us hard. Oh, you thought this was going to end soon because you got your vaccine? Not so fast! There’s also a new variant just discovered that evades vaccine-induced antibodies with high efficiency (variant A.30). The setup for more government tyranny and overreach is already underway. 

-When this pandemic ends (it already has ended but the govt and media need to keep the fear narrative in the headlines) it will be trumpeted as a “vaccination success.” This will be just another lie. We know from history that the average pandemic lasts approximately 18 months before it wains naturally. Vaccinations during a pandemic actually prolong it. This is easily discernible when we look at the data from low vaccination countries. Their return to normal happened matter of factly and without the same number of deaths.

-We all know family members that have been so inculcated with “covid fear” that their lives will never return to normal, even after this virus mutates into just another flu or cold virus. They have been psychologically damaged to view their fellow humans as disease ridden and people to be avoided. 

-It’s almost humorous how the term “unvaccinated” (which really means just a person in their natural state) has been twisted to mean “disease carrier” or “unclean”; much like the term “leper” was used centuries ago in Biblical times. People are easily manipulated and now believe, irrationally so, that the unvaccinated are to be shunned and avoided, and in some opinions, denied any health care whatsoever. The Pharisees disdained the lepers. Jesus did not. This is not normal. This is divisive. This is their plan.

-It wasn’t too long ago that Big Pharma was vilified by the media and those who saw the untold harm they caused in their pursuit of profits. We know that Pfizer spends $20 billion a year schmoozing doctors so they will write more prescriptions. This is big business. These are corrupt companies. This is a good look at how Pfizer operates. Trust them now? And let’s not forget who has paid the biggest criminal fine in US history. It was fraud, but we can definitely trust them now to be honest right?

-The propaganda surrounding these vaccines is hilarious to watch. This headline from CNN has to be one of the funniest yet. Is there anything these vaccines can’t help cure? They keep writing nonsense like this because they know people are fearful and gullible and will believe it. We are living in shocking times.

-We are going to see a proliferation of death and disease in the years to come because of the government mishandling of the pandemic. We know that Covid poses no risk to children but because they prioritized these vaccines, kids have fallen behind their routine vaccination schedule. We are already seeing huge spikes in heart attacks, cancers, and strokes. Mortality rates are already spiking and will remain high for years to come. Here’s the latest on the approval for children:


-Below is Tucker Carlson’s monologue from Oct 18th, 2021. We have been told that vaccines will solve our Covid problem. This is the big lie told to us by those who look to control our thoughts and actions and are using Covid as their pretence by which to get us to submit. I ask you to watch this and tell me where he is wrong. Vaccination is not the answer and compliance will only help to strengthen the chokehold government continues to exert over our lives.

-Never forget: there are some pretty accomplished and well known doctors and scientists who are Covid vaccine sceptics. If this was really about the science they would not be silenced by big tech and the media. There would be open debate. Governments that do not tolerate open discussion or debate are not to be trusted. 

-“About 35.6 per cent of COVID-19 infections in Ontario over the past two weeks have been in individuals that were fully vaccinated against the disease, however experts say this trajectory is normal.” Normal for an ineffective vaccine it would seem. So tell me why we are keeping the unvaccinated from participating on society when it’s clear the vaccinated are spreading the disease at a very high rate as well? It’s not about prevention, clearly.

-Newsflash: This just in! Moderna CEO says the Covid booster could become a yearly shot! LOL! For a virus. That will continue to mutate. Into just another cold virus. And the CDC just announced yesterday that the immunocompromised may need to get a fourth shot. When will you say, ‘No more!’? When you need a 7th booster? Or 8th? Are you paying attention yet?

-A great Covid resource is available here. Sometimes the truth is hard for the fearful to digest, but the numbers don’t lie.

“Why do the protected need to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that did not protect the protected in the first place?”

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