Random Thoughts #8

1) It would appear that another study shows the link between having tattoos and mental illness in those who ink themselves. As I said here, for many (not all), it is an outside sign of inner turmoil.

2) Women are now heavier drinkers than men. Feminism has served to masculinize women. Women are now suffering greater rates of depression than ever before (around 20%) and they are entertaining themselves with a depressant (alcohol) at an ever greater rate. Their “fun” is hurting them. Modern society is breaking women.

3) The barbarians who work in abortion clinics carry out almost a satanic level of evil, including this doctor who use to cut the vocal chords of the “fetus” so she wouldn’t have to hear the baby scream. We are nearing civilizational collapse when the pro-abortion crowd is callous and unmoved by the gruesome horror they support and champion.

4) The progressive cult has enacted a new law in order to protect pedophiles. Evil never happens all at once. It creeps in slowly and decays a society over time. They’re now brazenly open about it. Never, and I mean never, believe a liberal or progressive when they talk about protecting children. The exact opposite is always true. Why do they want to normalize pedophilia? Watch. Progressives never want to protect children.

5) Just when you thought progressives couldn’t get any more depraved, “celebrity” Ali Wentworth thinks it’s a great idea to watch porn with your kids; even though study after study shows that watching porn leads to less enjoyment of real sex. No, it’s not about perverting or indoctrinating our children at all; no, they “care” about kids too much for that to be true!

6) This cannot be overstated or simply stated enough: leftists, progressives, and social justice warriors or advocates, are mentally ill, and suffer from mental problems at a far greater rate than conservatives. Oh gosh, I wonder why? It’s almost like the things they stand for and advocate have a tremendous negative effect on their psyches and souls.

7) The Climate Change hoax is exactly that. It is a way for governments to control people and extract their resources after engineering a doomsday scenario into the minds of the population. Leftist Michael Moore took a lot of heat for exposing the hypocrisy within this movement. This documentary is well worth watching to learn about what is actually happening and being perpetuated by the climate cult.

(Leftists got the whole documentary removed because of an 8 second copyright infringement but here is a lengthy overview).


8) The US election is just 5 days away. America is broken and cannot be fixed. In the end, it matters not who wins. It has been financially ruined and will not recover. It is no longer a discussion between left and right, but viewing the other side as evil, and that they must be crushed by gaining power over them at all costs. In 5 days, America will descend into chaos taking the world with it. A house divided cannot stand; America is finished.

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