Random Thoughts #5

1) Studies show a link between abortion and breast cancer. Women who’ve had an induced abortion have a 151% greater chance of developing breast cancer. Leftists promote unfettered access to abortion at any stage and and then promote endless campaigns to fund breast cancer research. There appears to be an easy way to reduce cancer deaths.

2) America is irreversibly in debt and unfettered immigration since 1965 has led to much of it. Does anyone think this end’s well? The only relevant question is this: How many people from the Third World do you want in your neighbourhood when the money runs out? What will happen then? What has history taught us about forced “diversity” in the past? Answer: there will be war. It never ends well.

3) At what point do we have to start shaming all these disgusting “lifestyle” choices as perverse and abnormal? Once we allowed the normalization of homosexual relationships, or any relationships outside of our biological, procreative norm, we opened the flood gates to all the human aberrations. Shame was once a strong behavioural deterrent. We mustn’t allow these things to flourish unchecked and unmocked.

4) Colour me surprised on this news: Pot smokers have sicklier babies. If men smoked pot between 11 and 90 times in their lifetime, which by today’s standards is not a lot, their children had a 15% decrease in birth-weight. For women, it was a 12% decrease. It is part of a destructive personality to place greater importance over short term pleasure than long term satisfaction.

5) During a presentation at Google recently, the word “family” was used by the presenter and it caused a meltdown amongst a certain group of weak, social justice employees. The word was used in such a way as to link the word ‘family’ with ‘children’, which they believed was ‘homophobic’. They hate the nuclear family and the goodness it signifies. Google is evil. Signs of societal decline are all around us for those paying attention.

6) The Olympics have been officially converged and will fade from the public interest over the next few decades as they recently announced they will allow transgender athletes to compete as the opposite sex. A biological man can now put on lipstick and compete against biological women. Where are the feminists complaining that the efforts of real women will be largely relegated to non-medal placements as biological men scoop up all the rewards? Sit back and laugh at the nonsense to come in the great Olympian sideshow!

7) In the “racism is alive and well” file, the UK government is now encouraging the punishment of universities for giving black students lower grades, for they believe the role of a university is to promote diversity and inclusion rather than learning and excellence. Schools that do this will become largely irrelevant as they “graduate” useless students with no learned skills for the real world.

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