(Above is a little video I did recounting the places I saw over this past year).
Advice For The Coming Year:
Go live an intentional, motivated life, and put your energies into things that matter and have meaning. We live in a society that medicates itself and praises and pursues the banal, the stupid, and the mundane. That life is for those who are bored and boring. I’ve seen countless references online to 2024 being a “rough” year, a “tough” year, or a “horrible” year. I can only think most of these people merely experienced the consequences of their poor life choices.
Get away from people and concrete every chance you get. Cities are soul-crushing; nature will rejuvenate it. The natural world makes us grateful; it fills us with gratitude and gives us a sense of grandeur beyond ourselves. Fill your time with the good things and the beautiful places of this world that will furnish you with enduring memories, leaving behind childish activities.
Many will waste their lives on worthless pursuits, and nights they will never remember. No bottle will make your life better; it will ALWAYS make it worse. No drug will relax you; it will only increase your anxiety over time. It’s only your addiction, or directionless friends, telling you otherwise. People use substances as a means to produce temporary happiness when they have no ability to produce it in themselves naturally. It is the path to a life of discontent. Do not be like the aimless and unmotivated losers who fill up the bars on weekends. Seek after those things which will bring purpose and meaning to your life.
Those who love life and the gift that it is, desire for better and pursue things that will give them long-lasting memories. As the world crumbles, and people medicate themselves out of weakness and despair, go “live a life of full of wonder” and seek the good, the beautiful, and the true things in this world. What you pursue and value most will determine how your life will go. Choose wisely.