Elegy For A Country In Decay

Every morning I wake up in a country I no longer recognize.
I walk the streets of my city and notice only decline and decay.

I knew every family on the street I grew up on.
Now neighbours are strangers and do not talk to one another.

People don’t speak the same languages.
No one makes eye contact or smiles at one another.

I step onto an elevator and I only see foreign faces.
People want to call me a bigot for noticing.

We no longer look the same or live the same.
With diversity comes distrust, and it is everywhere.

I never thought about personal safety as it was just a given.
Now stabbings and shootings are in the news every day.

I’m told Christmas and Easter make people feel uncomfortable.
But l have to applaud Diwali and Ramadan celebrations.

I’m told all cultures are equal and worthy of respect.
Except the one l grew up in which is now racist and oppressive.

People complain about the lack of community.
But community requires commonalities, and we no longer have any.

I remember when doctors cared, and health care was functional.
Now my leaders ask how and when I’d like to die.

The government takes the majority of my earnings.
They tell me they know what’s best for me.

I only wanted freedom to live how I chose.
But the people around me clamoured for mandated “safety” instead.

The death took decades to happen, slowly then quickly.
A nation cannot survive when it decays from within.

I no longer want to walk the streets any more.
I no longer recognize the place l live.

Some civilizations are conquered,
While others commit suicide.

Canada has suffered a long painful death.
Most don’t even realize She’s gone.

One day I’ll tell my grandchildren what Canada was like.
They won’t believe me. Very few left will remember.

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