Notes From The Field – Book 3:3

-I sense there is a deep thirst in society for a return to the societal virtues of the past as most observe the crumbling ruins around them caused by the adoption of an evil, leftist worldview.

-Halloween is the glorification and celebration of evil and darkness. Its popularity is a reflection of the world. If people experienced the evil they celebrated, Halloween would disappear from mainstream culture.

-Death is the pinnacle of all fears. If you’re not afraid to die, nothing else in this world should scare you.

-The person who is brave and courageous, wins.

-White Christians were the ones who led the movement to abolish slavery. It wasn’t other blacks, who were selling their African neighbours to the slave ships, nor was it the predominantly secular slave owners.

-Christianity is solely responsible for our conception of “rights.” All were created in the image of God, so all are equal in value. The concept of equal rights has the Christian faith as its foundation.

-Christianity was the soil in which the seeds of Western civilization was planted, and was able to flourish.

-The people who know the worst things about you, and still love you, are the greatest blessings you can have in life.

-Drugs and alcohol are isolating. People use them to aid in connecting with others, yet end up depressed and lonely.

-Saying and speaking the truth out loud is more powerful than any gun. The truth is a threat to the liars who run the world.

-We are at war for Truth.

-If we allow people to treat us poorly, we will never be disappointed that they continue to do so.

-Every worldview is based on faith. Even the rationalist must place faith in his ability to reason correctly and inerrantly. The world around us is proof that this is impossible.

-Almost every critic of the Bible makes it obvious they’ve never bothered to read it. They show themselves to be superficial thinkers.

-Spend some time watching a bird and tell me there is no God.

-My heart aches for the downtrodden; yet my heart burns in anger against the evil men responsible for so much hurt in the world.

-Society is okay with comfortable lies; lies that do not cost what truth demands.

-I wish I had moments where I could turn my brain off and rest my mind. Its inability to stop is the only way I feel abnormal.

-Those who walk in nature commune with the handiwork of God. Those in cities merely witness the evil and meaninglessness of humanity.

-In many ways, I have been humbled, yet still have a long way to go down the road of humility.

-Sometimes it takes many years to make peace with those you’ve wronged and those who have wronged you. It always starts with a right understanding of your own heart.

-Oh how I love and long for the Ancient of Days.

-There is no truer line from a hymn than John Newton‘s “…that saved a wretch like me.”

-We live in a time where people think their opinions are more important than their deeds.

-There is no lasting happiness or contentment outside of God. All feelings are fleeting moments between the mundane and meaningless.

-If science can’t determine how the pyramids were built, and as of yet it hasn’t, then we should reject any prognostications that so-called scientists make about evolution, climate, vaccines, or anything for that matter.

-The pursuit of one dopamine hit after another can only lead to unhappiness. Very few these days pursue anything meaningful.

-How did “sticks and stones can break my bones, but names will never hurt me” morph into “hate speech” and “words are violence”? The former embodies personal strength of mind and character while the latter signifies deep weakness. We are solely responsible for how words affect us. To live unbothered by the words of others is a show of strength.

-If you reject the notion of God, you’ll easily celebrate the extermination of babies and call it a “health service.” Reject God and you’ll accept all manner of evil.

-One of the amazing things about our current culture is how many people are obsessed with their bodies and appearance, yet spend so little time concerned about the condition of their minds.

-Those who trust their government can only do so if they are historically illiterate.

-Diversity crushes nations. People will vote in accordance with their identity, not their ideology. We have created a dysfunctional world where identity trumps all.

-The inversion is deep, and it is dark. Absolutely everything we see and hear now is a lie. The truth is hated, and the evil influence of government and media continues to grow.

-Deleting God from Western discourse has made us sick and weak. Only a return to the great Physician can save us.

-We are here for but a short time to speak the truth and share the gospel. We are here to redeem the time for the days are evil.

-“The heart of man is desperately wicked…” There is enough observational data to know this is true.

-Ideology and beliefs either amplify or subdue the evil that resides in the human heart.

-Christmas without the celebration and adoration of Christ is just empty commercialism. It is a holiday devoid of any true meaning without the remembering of this epic event of human history.

-“Has God really said…” The serpent’s first lie and deception continued throughout history and flourishes today. The rejection of God‘s word and words is the cause of almost all the world’s evil and ills.

-Divorce law is written by lawyers for lawyers. It is a fleecing scheme that cares not one whit for the pain and anguish the couple is suffering.

-People who dislike true things being spoken or obvious facts being stated are responsible for the current state of the world.

-Why are there so few flourishing Islamic countries in the world today? Because at its heart, it is a philosophy of destruction.

-In 1984, Orwell believed the truth would be hidden from us. In A Brave New World, Huxley thought the truth would be drowned out in a sea of irrelevancies. Both men were correct, and we are living through both.

-Leftists think they are God with ultimate power and authority. That is why they love abortion, for it takes life on a whim as if they were a god.

-I want to be remembered as someone who loved God, loved his family and friends, and was kind to all. I have failed it this more times than I can count and in some pretty spectacular ways. But from here on out, that’s it; that is what I am striving towards.

-I have caused pain, and I have felt pain. Living with the former is worse than the feeling of the latter.

-The Pope recently sanctioned the blessing of same-sex couples. Rome’s complete apostasy is now clear for all to see. Catholicism is a political movement, not a religious one; the Pope a politician, and by no means a representative of Christ. Rome is a corruptor of the gospel, not a preserver of it.

-When a man does not fear God, anything is permissible. Absolutely anything.

-Abortion is the seed from which a culture of death blooms.

-Over one million dead Ukrainians in the war with Russia and their blood lies solely on the hands of the US warhawks, who care not one whit how many innocent civilians die for their profits.

-Modern day “fact-checking” is deployed to subvert and protect the narrative. Fact-checking only became necessary when the truth needed to be hidden.

-We are bombarded with ugliness. From gross architecture to disgusting art. From men with lipstick, pretending to be women, to the fat acceptance movement masquerading as beautiful. The great inversion is all around us upending the good, and the beautiful, and the true; those things that swell the human heart in appreciation of this life.

-The wiser the man, the less alcohol he drinks; for it is the elixir of the impotent and the weak, the drink that enslaves body and mind.

-Some of the world’s most evil men and vile women just “followed their hearts”. There is no more idiotic modern saying than that. It belies a complete misunderstanding of human nature and the utter corruption of the human heart. Yet so many fall for empty jingoism and meaningless aphorisms that inevitably cause harm. It’s one of hell’s most effective slogans.

-We suffer from a selectivity of outrage. People are upset over Israel’s treatment of Palestinians. But no one cares about China’s treatment of the Uyghur muslims or Saudi Arabia’s extermination of muslims in Yemen. Some genocides matter, others don’t.

-It’s easy to rationalize and accept the mediocre.

-Manners are a forgotten courtesy in a selfish age. Common civilities seem lost to time. The disappearance of the “courtesy wave” is a sign of a selfish, declining civilization.

-Covid taught us that intelligence is not fallible. Doctors are generally some of the smartest amongst us. But look how many were completely wrong about Covid and continue to be. I can only assume they are literate and can read. Even the intelligent can fall for observably false propaganda.

-Very few have realized how thoroughly evil the leaders of Canada are. The country has fallen and hardly anyone can see it.

-From ancient civilizations to our very own, we have allowed the sacrifice and murder of children. The ancients did so because they thought they would get power and happiness in return. Today, we do it for freedom and convenience. Every society has believed that in some way, if they killed their children, their lives would be better. This is another example of the great inversion caused by unchecked evil.

-Do the people who ask, “why would God allow this negative thing to happen?” also praise and thank Him when good things happen to them? Most likely not. Man wants to blame God for the evil in the world most often caused by man. God has become an easy scapegoat for the person who does not want to believe.

-Like most things, the world has destroyed the beauty of Christmas.

-2024 motto: Be Thou My Vision.

-The sounds of a bird chirping in the morning is annoying to the hung over person, and beautiful to the sober. Alcohol turns everything beautiful and natural, ugly and unwanted.

-Atheists should not hold power; they are the first to turn to genocide because they believe they are God. That is the testimony of history.

-Politicians are the enemies of the people.

-We live in an age where words are used to manipulate, not communicate.

-You cannot have both diversity and a meritocracy. If you choose diversity as your goal, you are implicitly admitting you do not want the best, by definition.

-Cromwell’s aphorism “Pray much and keep your gunpowder dry,” might read today, ‘Keep the Bible in one hand and a gun in the other.’ Interesting times are upon us.

-A critical person and a sensitive person do not work well together. The critical person always makes a sensitive person feel as if their feelings are a delusion rather than evaluating their own harsh spirit.

-In Genesis, God created the individual nations. In Revelation, Satan himself moves the world towards a one-world government. God created the nations, globalism is satanic. The current immigrant crisis is the toppling of western nations and the demons in charge love watching the destruction in order that they can achieve their global model of governing.

-We are not fighting against anti-democratic forces in the world, but against those that want to invert good and evil.

-The absolute dumbest members of society are those who believe that “climate change” is an “existential threat” to humanity. This is a sure sign they are scientifically illiterate, and the easiest to manipulate.

-Some of the most irrational people I’ve met will call themselves rationalists. The mind is a justifier of almost anything, no matter how absurd.

-Most think that seeing is believing. That is a great inversion of what is true. Believing is seeing. You cannot see the truth unless you first believe it.

-I want my pastor to punch me in the face with the gospel. This hard head needs that, at a minimum.

-The more meritocratic a system is, the less racist it can be, by definition. The greatest enemy of racism is a system of merit.

-Do people still think that the blessings of God are upon America? Because, at least from afar, it looks a lot more like a place that has been profoundly cursed.

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