-Abortion: women exterminating their own children for whim and convenience.
-Abortion: the murder of the most vulnerable in society out of complete selfishness.
-Abortion: the most selfish act a woman could ever possibly commit.
-Abortion: making racism, sexism, and inequality, look glorious by comparison in the hierarchy of abominable acts.
-Abortion: women being convinced it’s about bodily autonomy and letting men off the hook since 1973.
-The insanity of Privilege Theory cannot be overstated. It is the subtle racism and sexism of the Marxists, based on a persons immutable traits.
-One of the worst things you can do is meet your hero. As a boy I met a hockey player I had idolized, and was so disappointed. I learned early that looking up to athletes and celebrities was the past time of the fool.
-If we praise and celebrate a mother killing her own child in a clinic, can we really be shocked at the amount of violence now overtaking the whole of society?
-Veganism is the marketing and normalization of malnutrition.
-Veganism elevates the ontological status of animals to a place they do not belong in the natural hierarchy of creatures. It is a moral belief. It is a religious belief. Scientifically, it is not a healthy diet.
-Our taste buds “evolved” as a warning system. That initial disgust at the taste of alcohol is our body warning us that the toxin is not good for us. “Acquiring a taste” for it is overriding your bodies built in warning system to your own ill health.
-There has been no lyric more poignant in the last decade than Strangers by City and Colour. It describes perfectly the despair and loneliness of the modern day functional nihilist.
-If a show or movie does not contain some form of sexual content, the modern mind will turn it off out of boredom. Their dopamine receptors have been abused, hi-jacked, and programmed.
-If you want a strong, masculine man, to care for you, you will have to submit to him.
-I am pro-choice in a sense. You can choose abstinence, contraception, adoption, or motherhood. Murder is not a choice a civilized society should allow.
-Everyone deep down knows that killing your own unborn child is wrong. That’s why we have so many euphemisms for it: choice, reproductive health, reproductive freedom, healthcare, etc.
-Porn is popular because people are starved for real intimacy and connection in a fake online, social media world.
-“Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society.” -Aristotle. “Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” -Chesterton. Our society is crumbling at the altar of tolerance upon which we’ve sacrificed so much and ignored the wisdom and warnings of the past.
-There are no atheists. Everyone worships something. Most people just haven’t figured out what master they serve.
-The mental health of the women in a society will determine the future health of that society.
-At their heart, nations are a homogenous group of people. Multi-ethnic nations do not prosper or survive for any great length of time. Liberal immigration policies will destroy the West, for we know that the greater the diversity in a population, the greater the conflict.
-Sex, drugs, and alcohol, exemplify the empty folly that enslaves this generation. Nihilism is the modern religion of the masses.
-Progressivism creates nothing. It destroys the happiness created by past traditions, out of envy.
-If you’ve ever wondered how or why “good Germans” participated in the atrocities of the Holocaust, look no further than today’s “woke” leftists. It’s the same anti-human ideology. It’s the same evil. If history is our teacher, we have a good reason to oppose it, and stand against their hatred.
-In a prosperous and selfless society, the adults will sacrifice themselves for their children and the future generations. In a sick and selfish culture, the adults will sacrifice their children for their own prosperity and comfort.
-Western civilization arose from the combination of three things: the European nations, Christianity, and the Greco-Roman rule of law and philosophy. If any of these three pillars crumbles, the whole house will begin to fall. All three are under attack. They need to be protected at all costs.
-The rejection of the Christian sexual ethic leads to abortion, single motherhood, perversions, and the destruction of family units. The sexual revolution has stolen our long-term contentment in exchange for short term pleasure.
-Many years from now, the pro-abortion advocates will be viewed much like we view the slave owners of the past. They were for the selfish subjugation of another. They believed their leisure and convenience was more important than another’s life and freedom.
-Failure is hard. Admitting you failed is harder.
-“Climate science” is for those who want to cloak themselves in the veneer of science.
-Atheism is a sign of a collapsing society. It is destructive by its very nature.
-The unintelligent and incompetent use “wokeness” in order to replace those more intelligent and more competent than themselves because they can’t compete on a level playing field.
-True peace is being content in the mundane things of daily life.
-“If God be my judge.” Imagine if we all lived knowing that that will be the reality.
-Every cemetery and every gravestone should be a reminder to us that our time here is finite, and that we should awake each day with purpose.
-The “rod of correction” can sting for a lifetime.
-There is nothing more soulless than a city.
-The “silent treatment” is a killer of relationships. There is nothing more immature and selfish than ignoring someone and staying quiet. It is a weapon born of malice and contempt.
-The advent of the birth control pill made the legalization of abortion an eventual necessity.
Notes From The Field – Book 1:3
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