Random Thoughts #9

1)  It would appear that Yale Divinity School now employs mixed-race, Black, queer, community organizer, facilitator, witch, and “goddess” to teach the new divinity students. This is how you know how pervasive evil is in society today. It co-opts the good, the beautiful, and the true; and praises the evil and the dark. Jonathan Edwards wept.

2)  We are a culture of death that celebrates this darkness in so many forms: abortion, euthanasia, drug and alcohol abuse, to name but a few. There is a new “Euthanasia Coaster” concept that is going to help people who want to end their lives through the “elegance and euphoria” of a fairground ride, claims creator Julijonas Urbonas. Why is it that those who love abortion also love euthanasia? Because they see no value in life whatsoever and walk in darkness. A society that celebrates and promotes death is not one that will survive for long.

3)  The science fetishists aren’t going to like this one. We know for well over a decade now how corrupted the peer review process has been since “publish or perish” has become the call of the priestly class in lab coats. Less than 50% of alleged “peer reviewed” studies are repeatable. “Trust the science” has never been more laughable.

4)  The climate cult has some explaining to do, again. After being told how hurricanes are a product of man-made climate change and we were going to be inundated with storm after storm, it appears the hurricane action in the Atlantic, and globally, has hit a low not seen since 1965. I’m sure it’s just a temporary hiatus, before the deluge of hurricanes hit. It’s the longest stretch in more than half a century without a single late-summer cyclone. The catastrophe is always on the horizon, and needs to be, for the cult to maintain its power through fear. Or, maybe the fleecing of the populace in paying carbon taxes to our govt overlords has finally started to work? Who knew we could pay more in taxes and stop hurricanes? And if you thought these were all innocent people who just love the planet, these pagan cultists want to jail those who disagree with their religious earth worship.

5)  Well besides great restaurants with amazing food, we can now add animal sacrifices to the short list of wonderful things diversity brings to a country. No wonder there were ancient warnings about letting the pagans inside the gates of the city.

6) This is a great site that demonstrates the mathematical impossibility of Darwinian Evolution. It’s time the science fetishists admit their pet theory is demonstrably false. “Galileo demonstrated in the 16th century that theories incompatible with the mathematical language of the universe will fail the test of time. It’s worth checking the mathematics before our time in this universe is up.”

7) If you still want to drink alcohol after watching this video, you’re either an idiot or an addict.

8) The Presidential debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris is tonight. He will embarrass her as she is the least qualified and objectively stupid candidate that’s ever run. In November, Donald Trump will win in a landslide.

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