Notes From The Field – Book 3:2

-Whatever narrative comes out through mainstream media sources should not be believed; none of it. It may be hard to discern what the real truth is, but rest assured, the truth is anything other than what they are reporting.

-Veganism is mental illness.

-All men really want is someone that is nice to them and respects who they are.

-Any company that embraces DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) is making a public proclamation that they are not a serious company. They are telling the world that they are more interested in a person’s immutable characteristics than they are success. It necessarily entails employing less qualified people and ensuring under performance.

-There is something wrong if you find no joy in being alone.

-We can’t use plastic straws because one turtle died. Yet we can kill our babies, helpless inside their mothers, and celebrate it as freedom. Leftist ideology is bathed entirely in evil.

-We are witness to the controlled demolition of the West.

-The LGBTP community has a paedophile problem, and the lack of will to purge their ranks from this evil should speak volumes as to the real purpose behind the pride movement: the sexual grooming of children.

-“I don’t judge people” is one of the dumbest things a person can say. Everyone judges everything. They just have different standards by which they judge. Ironically, the ones who claim to be non-judgmental are usually the ones who judge the most.

-“Long-Covid” is pure fiction. It is the safe name they’ve given to vaccine injury to hide their malfeasance.

-Social media has become an addictive drug that keeps people from pursuing a good and enjoyable life, much like every other drug.

-To the people who live in a bubble and do not try to learn, everything is a “conspiracy theory.”

-Getting tattooed in your 20’s is telling the world that you are impulsive; easily swayed by trends; unable to stand against public pressure; a short term thinker; show little concern for your future; and have a higher propensity to use and abuse substances. Tattoos definitely tell a story, just not the one you think.

-Alcohol is a cause of physical sickness, mental sickness, emotional imbalance, and spiritual emptiness. It weakens people on every level, yet they will live with their alcohol delusion because they are weak and dependant.

-That alcohol is seen as socially normally is a big con. People are easily brainwashed.

-Tolerance is not a virtue. It is a sign of immaturity, thoughtlessness, and weakness. The man who tolerates evil will eventually be overcome by it, for he allowed it to flourish.

-Joy needs to be an intentional habit, for bitterness and resentment occur naturally by default.

-The only truth relevant to me: I am forgiven.

-We live in times of the great inversion: good is evil, evil is good; true is false, false is true; beautiful is ugly, ugly is beautiful.

-David is a character and man who gives hope to those of us who failed: he remained a man after God’s own heart.

-If the history of art has taught us anything, it’s that art that seeks to express the divine is magnitudes more beautiful than that which is centred on the place of man in the world.

-The decriminalization of all sorts of recreational drugs in Western nations is a sure sign of a nations hatred for its people. When they denigrate and strip purpose and meaning from peoples lives, they legalize the means for them to cauterize their despair with a substance and destroy themselves.

-Sometimes the most compassionate thing we can do is shame the lies and nonsense that others believe. We should never let falsehoods flourish because we are cowards.

-There are no new heresies; just old ones repackaged. Climate change is just a type of environmental paganism where the earth is worshiped, not the Creator.

-The 1960’s sought to remove the moral restrictions on sexuality. The 2020’s seeks to now glorify and normalize the sexually perverse and mock the virtuous.

-It’s important to remember, there are evil men in this world; men who want to control and bring harm to others. They enjoy, and want to increase, the suffering of others. The most sinister of these will always make it look like what they really want for humanity is beneficial.

-Even the best things end.

-Chasing after happiness is a fool’s errand. It can never be caught; at least not for long. We should pursue contentment, for we then will possess it no matter our station.

-The trans movement has shown feminism and the feminists to be colossal failures. They have failed to protect women against the onslaught of men in drag from invading their spaces and usurping their rights.

-It’s a special kind of stupid that believes every event is due to climate change. Catastrophic events have happened since the beginning of time. The primitives blamed the gods. We blame humanity. It’s everyone else, not me.

-The tattoo is really the perfect symbol of this generation; an outward emblem to put on display for others with empty and frivolous meanings. The inward virtues of loyalty, truth, honesty, compassion, and justice; all don’t have the same permanence in peoples hearts as does ink on the skin.

-Life is sorrow, interspersed with little moments of joy.

-Somewhere a childless 35-year-old woman is hung over at brunch telling her friends how fulfilling her life is after spending the night drunk at a party dancing. Her lonely 30’s are just the extension of her wasted 20’s. If you pursue a meaningless life you will most definitely find it.

-We live on such a beautiful planet, yet the world can be so ugly.

-The alcohol experiment is over. Back to zero for me. I am not weak. I do not need a drug. I value a strong mind and present life.

-Man’s greatest endeavour can only be the pursuit of God. All of life flows from that.

-Emptiness and lack of meaning are the biggest factors in drug and alcohol use. People need to numb themselves against the outcome of their poor life choices.

-The financialization economy over the last 40 years has done more to increase the wealth gap, create income disparity, and divorce man from meaningful work. It has allowed the syphoning of wealth from the many to the few and will ultimately lead to a financial collapse as the disparity grows.

-We have allowed the mentally ill to ascend to seats of power because the cowards amongst us were too afraid to call these deviants what they are: mentally ill.

-People use alcohol to quench their mental and emotional thirst, only to make themselves thirstier.

-When Hamas beheads babies, it’s called terrorism. When Americans murder babies, it’s called “healthcare” and “abortion rights.”

-Feminists don’t hate men. They hate other women who embody the ideals that men desire.

-I think the main reason why we have so many insane ideas permeating our society right now is because we allow them to gain traction without adequately ridiculing and mocking them as they deserve.

-The old lies don’t work anymore and are being exposed. Freedom is a lie. Democracy is a lie. Free speech is a lie. Equality is a lie. Human rights are a lie. Almost every ideology is a lie. All these lies help create hell on earth.

-The proof that Islam is an evil, false religion is in the fact that it adherents have no respect for human life. It is merely a political movement, not a religion.

-Evil is coming for all of us. Nobody is immune, and nobody will come out unscathed in the fight against the powers and principalities. The weak ones will bend the knee and lie in order to survive. The strong ones who adhere to the truth and trust God will surely live. God grant me strength.

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