The Transcendentals

I often refer to what are known as the transcendentals, or, the three immaterial properties of being. The ancient philosophers wrestled with these concepts as they attempted to understand the world and the purpose of the universe. A transcendental refers to something that exists outside of the material world; something that we know exists, yet is not part of time, space, or matter; and are essential to the human experience when we speak of the nature of being and reality. They are universal values that we long for and seek. We yearn to want, and to know, the Good, the Beautiful, and the True.

The Ancients saw these as attributes of God Himself, and therefore essential elements of the created order and part of who we are and what we desire. They believed that it was through these elements that Divine meaning was communicated to us. Man desires the good, loves the beautiful, and yearns to know the truth. These things can’t be explained by some mindless, directionless, evolutionary process for they exist independent of the physical and are properties of the spiritual nature of man. These values have transcended people groups and cultures throughout time, and man has never grown weary of them, as they are the hallmarks of, and point towards, the existence of perfection. While the nature of these transcendental values may be subjective to many, their existence is innately objective to all.

We desire goodness in our lives, and beauty excites and motivates us. But that which is true is of greatest value, for no matter how good or beautiful something may be, if it is not true, then it is of little worth. It is truth that defines reality, and allows us to know what is good, and appreciate what is beautiful.

Our lives should seek to reflect these values and have our minds filled with the knowledge of them. These three transcendental qualities point to the reality of something outside ourselves, something greater than ourselves, something truly meaningful, something that itself is the Source of all things Good, Beautiful, and True.

As the Apostle once wrote, “…whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report…think on these things.” -Phil 4:8

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