Category Archives: Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts #8

1) It would appear that another study shows the link between having tattoos and mental illness in those who ink themselves. As I said here, for many (not all), it is an outside sign of inner turmoil.

2) Women are now heavier drinkers than men. Feminism has served to masculinize women. Women are now suffering greater rates of depression than ever before (around 20%) and they are entertaining themselves with a depressant (alcohol) at an ever greater rate. Their “fun” is hurting them. Modern society is breaking women.

3) The barbarians who work in abortion clinics carry out almost a satanic level of evil, including this doctor who use to cut the vocal chords of the “fetus” so she wouldn’t have to hear the baby scream. We are nearing civilizational collapse when the pro-abortion crowd is callous and unmoved by the gruesome horror they support and champion.

4) The progressive cult has enacted a new law in order to protect pedophiles. Evil never happens all at once. It creeps in slowly and decays a society over time. They’re now brazenly open about it. Never, and I mean never, believe a liberal or progressive when they talk about protecting children. The exact opposite is always true. Why do they want to normalize pedophilia? Watch. Progressives never want to protect children.

5) Just when you thought progressives couldn’t get any more depraved, “celebrity” Ali Wentworth thinks it’s a great idea to watch porn with your kids; even though study after study shows that watching porn leads to less enjoyment of real sex. No, it’s not about perverting or indoctrinating our children at all; no, they “care” about kids too much for that to be true!

6) This cannot be overstated or simply stated enough: leftists, progressives, and social justice warriors or advocates, are mentally ill, and suffer from mental problems at a far greater rate than conservatives. Oh gosh, I wonder why? It’s almost like the things they stand for and advocate have a tremendous negative effect on their psyches and souls.

7) The Climate Change hoax is exactly that. It is a way for governments to control people and extract their resources after engineering a doomsday scenario into the minds of the population. Leftist Michael Moore took a lot of heat for exposing the hypocrisy within this movement. This documentary is well worth watching to learn about what is actually happening and being perpetuated by the climate cult.

(Leftists got the whole documentary removed because of an 8 second copyright infringement but here is a lengthy overview).


8) The US election is just 5 days away. America is broken and cannot be fixed. In the end, it matters not who wins. It has been financially ruined and will not recover. It is no longer a discussion between left and right, but viewing the other side as evil, and that they must be crushed by gaining power over them at all costs. In 5 days, America will descend into chaos taking the world with it. A house divided cannot stand; America is finished.

Random Thoughts #7

1) It should come as absolutely no surprise to those who’ve looked at the research but watching porn kills sexual desire for your partner. It actually delivers the opposite of what it promises over the long term: less gratification and ability to function. If the neurotransmitters in our brain are overused our bodies won’t be able to respond to them in the same way in real life.

2) The birth control pill may adversely affect this region of a woman’s brain. New research shows that it may shrink the hypothalamus which is responsible for activities such as appetite, sex drive, mood regulation, body temperature, sleep patterns, and heart rate to name a few. You cannot fool around with your body’s natural state and not think there won’t be a price to pay.

3) The militant gay lobby in the US is evil. A law has now been passed in California where you no longer have to disclose your HIV status to a sexual partner, allowing it to be freely passed along. If anyone thinks this is ok they are equally evil. One’s health status privacy is not more important than the transmission of a potentially deadly disease.

4) It’s going to be an interesting future as we watch all the potheads in failing physical and mental health. New research shows that using marijuana may change the structure of the heart. There is little evidence that cannabis helps mental health. In fact there is little to no evidence that the benefits that potheads tell us their smoking has, are real at all. Don’t ever believe anyone who smokes for any other reason than to get high. They are all clueless. Any health benefit claim they make is either non-existent or a gross overstatement about what it does.

5) For all those who think they can wait to have their kids and enjoy their youth partying just a little longer, it would appear that the gods of biomechanics will have the last laugh. We know that by age 30, a woman has lost 90% of her eggs making pregnancy after 30 that much more difficult. New research now shows that paternal age negatively affects the attractiveness of offspring as men age. So all those men waiting longer to start their families, get ready for some uglier kids!

Random Thoughts #6

1) A new study highlights an illness linked to marijuana use. Stories like this will become all the more commonplace as people become more reliant on a substance that is damaging to their physical health and mental well-being. The only real freedoms our government will allow are those that will help destroy the population.

2) We are a society growing ever more dependent upon substances to cope with the difficulties of life. This study highlights how almost 60% of smokers and drinkers would not give up their vices even if it meant adding an extra 10 years to their lives. Imagine that. Giving up the most precious thing we possess: time, for cigarettes and/or alcohol. I can’t think of anything that highlights the power of addiction better than that.

3) As if we needed a study to tell us this as the carnage of the sexual revolution is visible everywhere, but the more sex partners a person has, the unhappier they are. Promiscuity, counterintuitively, leads to a lower level of happiness. People will put their short term gratification over their long term well-being almost every single time.

4) For those that followed the Brett Kavanaugh hearings earlier this year, and the unsupported accusations of a 36 year old sexual assault allegation against him, it appears that now even Christine Blasey Ford’s own father supported Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court and didn’t believe his own daughter. Ford was never credible. I have heard more believable lies from kids with cookie crumbs smeared across their face.

5) Just when you think the social engineers and trans-activists can’t appear any more ridiculous than they already are, animal handlers at a London zoo have vowed to raise the “adopted chick” of two “lesbian penguins” as “gender neutral.” Read that again. These people are ideologues and mentally ill. Our biology is hard-coded into our DNA, and despite the best efforts of the social justice movement to manufacture their monstrous and disastrous outcomes, our chromosomes dictate what we are.

6) To continue on a theme, the very nature of the social justice movement is evil at its core. They care not for people, but for power and control, and this story exemplifies how diabolical and wretched the trans movement is. There is a new show out called Drag Syndrome. Choreographer Daniel Vais has assembled six individuals with Down Syndrome, dressed them in drag, and parades them around as a freak show to enrich himself and normalize deviancy. In a normal society this would be viewed as abusive and exploitive, but in our clown world it’s “empowering” and “liberating.”

7) Why are marriage rates down? It’s a multi-faceted answer but one of the main reasons is the lack of “economically attractive” men. This is what happens in a society that pushes women out into the workforce. Feminism has not only made women unhappier, it’s also helped to create a shortage of marriageable men because studies show that women do not want to marry men that are economically beneath them.

8) And if anyone needed any more evidence as to things making women even more unhappy, this article cites a study from 2011 that said the profile of the person that was most unhappy in society was, “a 42 year old woman who was unmarried, had no children, and was a professional.” Is it any wonder that the rejection of traditional roles and mores has led women down such a bitter path of discontent?

9) The Sexual Revolution was started by men, for men, to the detriment of women. Men could now have greater access to sex with no expectation of marriage. Abortion on demand could absolve them from future financial burdens. What did women get?  A greater chance of contracting STD’s and a much lesser chance of finding a stable, committed relationship. Welcome to the world of 2019. But yeah, “traditional values” are for the “losers”. This video is one of the best explanations I’ve seen on what has happened to modern relationships.

Random Thoughts #5

1) Studies show a link between abortion and breast cancer. Women who’ve had an induced abortion have a 151% greater chance of developing breast cancer. Leftists promote unfettered access to abortion at any stage and and then promote endless campaigns to fund breast cancer research. There appears to be an easy way to reduce cancer deaths.

2) America is irreversibly in debt and unfettered immigration since 1965 has led to much of it. Does anyone think this end’s well? The only relevant question is this: How many people from the Third World do you want in your neighbourhood when the money runs out? What will happen then? What has history taught us about forced “diversity” in the past? Answer: there will be war. It never ends well.

3) At what point do we have to start shaming all these disgusting “lifestyle” choices as perverse and abnormal? Once we allowed the normalization of homosexual relationships, or any relationships outside of our biological, procreative norm, we opened the flood gates to all the human aberrations. Shame was once a strong behavioural deterrent. We mustn’t allow these things to flourish unchecked and unmocked.

4) Colour me surprised on this news: Pot smokers have sicklier babies. If men smoked pot between 11 and 90 times in their lifetime, which by today’s standards is not a lot, their children had a 15% decrease in birth-weight. For women, it was a 12% decrease. It is part of a destructive personality to place greater importance over short term pleasure than long term satisfaction.

5) During a presentation at Google recently, the word “family” was used by the presenter and it caused a meltdown amongst a certain group of weak, social justice employees. The word was used in such a way as to link the word ‘family’ with ‘children’, which they believed was ‘homophobic’. They hate the nuclear family and the goodness it signifies. Google is evil. Signs of societal decline are all around us for those paying attention.

6) The Olympics have been officially converged and will fade from the public interest over the next few decades as they recently announced they will allow transgender athletes to compete as the opposite sex. A biological man can now put on lipstick and compete against biological women. Where are the feminists complaining that the efforts of real women will be largely relegated to non-medal placements as biological men scoop up all the rewards? Sit back and laugh at the nonsense to come in the great Olympian sideshow!

7) In the “racism is alive and well” file, the UK government is now encouraging the punishment of universities for giving black students lower grades, for they believe the role of a university is to promote diversity and inclusion rather than learning and excellence. Schools that do this will become largely irrelevant as they “graduate” useless students with no learned skills for the real world.

Random Thoughts #4

1) A Canadian Islamic cleric in British Columbia released a video in which he instructed his Muslim followers that wishing a “Merry Christmas” to non-Muslims was worse than murder in Allah’s eyes. Islam and the West are incompatible. Christianity and Christian traditions were one of the three pillars of Western civilization and we are weakening the under-girding structure that made us great by allowing a destructive and evil Islam to take root in the West. We must stop all immigration from Islamic countries if we wish to maintain a peaceful way of life.

2) Social media causes greater rates of depression in young girls than it does in boys. Around 25% of women take anti-depressants. Social media, alcohol, casual sex, and educational pressures have all contributed to this mental health decline in females over the past 50 years thanks to a feminist narrative that continues to harm women far more than it helps them. If we really cared for our young girls we would teach them and train them to return to their traditional feminine roots.

3) If we listened to the feminists and their allies lecture us about discrimination you would assume many women were still facing horrific problems like they were in 1819, not 2019. But a new study shows that globally, men face worse discrimination than women and have greater problems to overcome.

4) In a study that should have been subtitled, “I could have told you that,” physically weak men are more apt to be liberals while strong men generally have a propensity towards rightward thinking and conservative values. Falling testosterone levels and social justice nonsense are responsible for a generation of weak and effeminate men that have allowed Western nations to go soft. These XY-chromosoned humans are “men” in name only as they live in shame of their masculine birthright. They have been feminized by a society that hates them and wants nothing more than for them to remain weak. The pendulum needs to swing back, and fast. And when it does, when real men rise up and say enough, it will be ugly.

5) White privilege. Male privilege. Now thin privilege. Privilege Theory is a derivative of Marxism and should be rejected outright. It tries to make equal those things that are not, and never can be. That thin and attractive girl over there is not your problem; the third donut you had for breakfast though, just might be. Shaming others for taking care of themselves is the weak persons way of absolving themselves of their own destructive behaviours and placing blame where none is due. Privilege Theory allows one to vindicate themselves of personal responsibility and place blame on others for their immutable and unchangeable characteristics, or their discipline and hard work.


Random Thoughts #3

1) A study came out that showed women experience more rudeness from other women, rather than men, in the workplace. This is something I’ve said for far too long. Women complaining about how men treat them, or the oppression of some fictitious patriarchy, is small in comparison to how poorly women treat each other. Women are fiercely competitive with one another and they’d rather see themselves succeed than women as a whole get ahead.

2) We are a nation of addicts. From drugs and alcohol, to sex and porn, we are a people of very little self-control. We can now add smartphone addiction to the list as researchers now believe that this addiction has similar effects to those suffering under substance abuse. The more time one spends on their phone, the more isolated and lonely they feel. There will be a surge in mental disorders in the coming decades from the effects of this new addiction.

3) I’ve always maintained that cities are soul-crushing places and a breeding ground for unhappiness because of the busyness and the crowds of people. A new Canadian study has just concluded the same thing. The greater the population density of a community the unhappier people are. Nature and the outdoors are a respite from the chaos of cities. People continually surrounded by concrete will necessarily lead more dreary lives.

4) This past week, Rene Genest, or Zombie Boy, committed suicide at the age of 32. Social media was full of platitudes and condolences and calls for mental illness to be taken more seriously. Suicide is always horrible and a grotesque act of selfishness; we should feel intense sorrow for those left behind. But let’s be clear about one thing: Zombie Boy wore his mental illness for all to see in the tattoos that covered his face and body. So those shocked and saddened, shouldn’t be, for we know that tattoos are an outward indicator of inner problems. Rather than lauding his disfigured appearance, friends should have come alongside him and recognized these symbols of pain scarring his skin.

5) Hip Hop is to music as pornography is to film. It is a cheap imitation of the form. Hip Hop is a genre of the far less talented that put comparatively little effort into honing their craft with a reliance on overt sexuality and vulgarity to sell. It places greater emphasis on money and fame through a disposable product as the end goal, rather than a time-tested work of art. Hip Hop is highly derivative with no place to grow or change. Hip Hop and porn will converge over time until they are indistinguishable from each other.

Random Thoughts #2

1) Why is it that the most ardent animal rights activists are also the most pro choice when it comes to abortion? There is something fundamentally wrong in a society when people value the well-being of animals over human lives.

2) I think one of my favourite things is to hear someone say, “I’m such a health nut”, or “I live a really healthy lifestyle”, or “my body is really important to me” only then to find out that they consume alcohol on a regular basis. They’ll spend all week meal planning and going to the gym only to fill their body with a toxin, and yes, alcohol is a toxin. People will never give up their substances or addictions that cause them harm. They aren’t really health nuts after all.

3) I recently read that women view 85% of the men they see on dating sites as “beneath them” whereas men view 50% of the women the same way. Clearly, women have too high an opinion of themselves when viewing potential mates. This will only lead to a future with an epidemic of crazy, single cat ladies.

4) We call everything “art” these days. From manufactured pop music and hip hop, to tattoos and graffiti. If everything is art, then nothing is. That is why there needs to be an element of time added to the definition of art. True art will stand the test of time as it is a sifter of the wheat from the chaff. People still listen to Led Zeppelin almost 50 years later while no one will remember Katy Perry or Migos in another decade. People still line up to see the works of Monet, Rembrandt and Picasso, while no one will ever remember any tattooist who could ink a butterfly or cobra. Not everything is art and we need to stop calling disposable entertainment or doodles on the skin as such.

5) There is no more vocal group against guns and for gun control than the liberals in Hollywood. But what percentage of their movies have guns in them and portray violence and death? How many of their bodyguards carry guns with them to protect these precious Celebri’tards? Do not ever listen to actors or actresses on any issue. At all. Ever. They play make believe for a living and don’t live in the real world. And on this issue, as with many others, they are moronic hypocrites.

Randon Thoughts #1

1) The fitness and body building craze, for both men and women, is the opposite of what it tries to portray; it may actually be one of the unhealthiest industries that exists. It is just a different form of body dysmorphic disorder. We ask anorexics to seek help for extreme eating habits and an unhealthy obsession with their appearance yet we don’t ask the same of those who treat their bodies the same.

2) There is a shocking level of effeminacy in men these days. From the clothes they wear, to the music they listen to, and to what they spend their time doing; men are no longer men. Our culture has been greatly feminized and there are too many men pursuing worthless things.

3) If a woman claims to be a feminist yet spends money on, and listens to, hip hop music, she is a hypocrite. Hip hop music and culture, outside of Islam, is the most misogynistic of enterprises on the planet. You cannot be a feminist and listen to that which degrades women so virulently.

4) I believe that the level of societal celebrity worship is inversely proportional to the amount of personal unhappiness in the lives of those who follow the empty, selfish lives of the famous. Following the lives of celebrities is one of today’s most useless and shallow pursuits.

5) The explosion of women in their 20’s obsessed with dogs is the natural offshoot of delayed marriage and child-bearing. A woman’s peak fertility occurs between 18 and 26 years old when biology tells us it is the optimal time to have children. And they aren’t. The maternal instinct cannot be repressed so that natural love and nurturing is showered upon animals instead. Disney has turned people into idiots when they think that love and devotion towards a pet is on par with that of raising children; they’ve humanized animals and people view them as such. Look at the staggering number of women who would fight for animal rights while also fighting for the right to abort human babies. It’s irrational to its core. An emotional attachment to an animal, while a wonderful thing on some level, is but a surrogate for what nature intended. Women with little furry child substitutes is not a sign of a healthy society. It is laziness; it is anti-civilizational, and it is a sign of moral decline.